GTA bucks are real money purchase

>GTA bucks are real money purchase
>new update is just completely unlicensed and unregulated gambling
>in a game mostly popular among children
>during a time when loot boxes are getting noticed by governing bodies and shut down

when will rockstar get burned down with everyone inside
they are fucking scum

Attached: TheDiamondCasino%26Resort-GTAO-PosterOfficial.jpg (350x197, 34K)

It's TakeTwo, not Rockstar.

With all the money those jews made? Never.

spotted the rock$hit fanboy

It was a lose lose situation. People had been complaining about the lack of the Casino update really since Online launched, same as with Red Dead. But the Shark Cards were already implemented into the game so there'd be no way to actually add it without pissing off some nanny state about MUH GAMBLING!

>in a game mostly popular among children
>First world parenting is fuckin shite

It kind of is regulated though. You're only allowed to gamble $10,000 an hour which translates to like less than a real dollar.

>Popular Amongst Children
>Game is age rated for 18+

Blame parents for not being fuckin' parents, but let adults make their own moronic life choices.

>new update is just completely unlicensed and unregulated gambling in a game mostly popular among children
>3 card poker

GTA V is already the biggest piece of entertainment ever released by humans, they're not going down any time soon

They are cashing in before regulation stops them. At worst they'll be hit with some petty fine that isn't 0.0001% of what they have profited.

OP confirmed brainlet because you literally cannot spend Shark Card money in the casino, you absolutely can not gamble real money

i am allowed to gamble all of my money away in the casino in my country but doing the same in gta online isnt allowed. what the fuck is rockstar doing?

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It's an R rated game. Why are children playing it?

Does it count as gambling though if you can't convert it back into money? It's how all this gachashit gets around it.

You're just now realizing that children play GTA Online? Every lobby I joined when I played this garbage had at least 5 kids screaming into their mics.

The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist (GTA5 Edition)
>the cops aren't overpowered
>the AI aren't bullet sponges
>I never bought a shark card
>you're not forced to buy shark cards
>it's not pay to win
>shills for microtransactions
>the prices are fine
>the controls are good
>it's Take Two not Rockstar
>San Andreas was overrated
>GTA5 has the best radio
>it's a single player game
>defends blowing up CEO crates online (griefing)
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
And their personal favorite
>if you don't like it, don't play it
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

Actually, the M rating is nothing more than a front. The game is catered to children. Even the story mode is proof with the over the top satire, memes, and constant attempts at humor. The main characters sound like they were written by a 12 year old. Then you have the online and shark cards. Parents don't know what their kids are playing or buying. No sane adult buys shark cards.

>just want to play a hood gangsta living in a shitty apartment while spending all his money on a lowrider
>can't even walk ten meters before the Russian edgelords larping as John Wick come and blow me up
Fuck Rockstar.

>>just want to play a hood gangsta living in a shitty apartment while spending all his money on a lowrider
have fun grinding to get the 1.5 million needed for a lowrider

>thinking gambling is bad means nanny state
Fucking kill yourself.

>People had been complaining about the lack of the Casino update really since Online launched
bullshit, the casino was supposed to be there in the single player mode right from the start. just like being able to walk into fast food joints. im still waiting for that. and now they bring us some shitty casino update that most people cant even play for no reason at all

>having to grind 1.5 million to get a lowrider
>a fucking lowrider
That's gonna be a big yikes from me boss. This shit is why Rock$hit has become a meme. If Activision or EA do it everyone goes batshit insane, if Rock$hit does it nobody bats an eye. Really makes you think

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i remember at the time having legit 12 million in cash. and seeing the money all being pissed away on 2 cars only made me use cheats. this game is fucking trash. i would much prefer a multiplayer in the style of IV in the new gta

I just took a suitable free car and pimped it using all the money I had from the few heists I managed to play with friends before we all stopped playing because fuck one hour of loading screens and disconnects trying to play a single heist.

what is modded money lobby?

>he didn't money glitch
>he didn't mod his money
Lmao at all you poorfags

the point is that you have to do that in the first place. and rockstar fanboys pretend this isnt true

>"B-b-but think of the children!!!!!1"

Can we all agree anyone who still uses this argument should be slapped across their face with a table? First of all, why anyone besides parents should give a shit about what videogames their children are playing? Its their responsibility to watch over their kids so they stay away from this kind of content, not multi-million dollar corporations. You people are just excusing irresponsible parents by acting like only developers should watch out over loot boxes.

Second, how many of you people are legitimate concerned about the well being of children and how many are just using them as a scape goat to your vendetta against loot boxes? Because I find really hard to believe you all just decided to wake up one day and be very concerned about something like child gambling. Some of you just need to admit you couldn't give less of a shit to children and just want to see EA, Take-Two and Activision burn.

Games are only getting worse and there's nothing anyone can do it stop it.

You literally can't use shark card money in the casino, how does nobody understand that?