Which series do you prefer Yea Forums?

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Wolfenstein without a doubt. The New Colossus is my favorite fps of all time, despite the hate it gets.

New DOOM is shit. Weak guns that feel too arcadey, go from one bland looking arena to the next killing the same fodder enemies. It's shit.

>there is metadoom
>still no metawolfenstein

Doom, but only because of Classic Doom. NuDoom is garbage and so is NuWolf

Wolfenstein for sure. Nazis are more compelling enemies than demons and I can't get into the core gameply loop of the new Doom. I think those fancy melee finishers detract from its qualities as a shooter. The new Wolfenstein games have their issues but I find them more enjoyable to play. Haven't played that weird new coop game, though.

>series with 3 bad games vs series with only one bad game

Doom 3 and the two nuDooms are bad games.

>Nazis are more compelling enemies

If you like generic enemies with little variation in their attack patterns.

the second nudoom isn't even fucking out yet
It has a shit ui though that's for sure

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NuCuckenstein unironically feels super clunky and slow in comparison to nuDOOM, also Cuckenstein is now a Destiny style looter shooter, so DOOM is obviously better.

Why would you ask Yea Forums for their opinions on anything?

All the nu games look and play like garbage.

boomer seethe

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Boy, I sure love brown and yellow.

How else would a place like that look like, boomer?

Anything but that, Zoom Zoom.

I agree boomie, it should look like Fortnite!

I’m not saying that, dumbass. I’m saying they should make it look less like shit.

how dare they make a place filled with lava look yellow!

The fuck is a Steel Foundry suppose to be then? Turquoise?

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Then why do all the other levels look almost as bland, boring, and uninspired, shillboy?

>no enemy territory
op is a massive faggot

This engine seriously looks very good as it always has been. Even Q3 still holps up today if you compare it to noisy, effect ridden, pastel-plastic looking with squishy textured games of today It is so clear and deprived of noise yet delivers impressive detail/visuals. This is really important in an fps were you don't want graphical noise hinder you in any way.
I wish somebody at activision/bethesda/id would take this and build a good Enemy Territory successor with it. Or even a new quake. Seriously, why haven't they just used this for QC?

QC is made with a hybrid engine.

I know, but why.

What's bland, boring, and uninspired to a retard who thinks a Steel Foundry of a research facility on Mars should be like a gay french night club?

Because early in development, Saber was the one providing the engine, since id tech 6 didn’t exist yet. Development lasts so long, that id tech 6 eventually does come out. They wanted to use that too, so they made a hybrid engine.

ah ok, make sense

>too arcadey
Fuck. You.
What's been fucking wrong with this and the previous generation is exactly that games got too divorced from their arcade roots, many even opting to become more like movies than actual games.
DOOM being "too arcadey" is exactly what made it a great game, one much better than neoWolf which is still too tied to consolized FPSims in its gameplay.