I'm so excited bros, Astral Chain will be great

I'm so excited bros, Astral Chain will be great

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I will enjoy it but won't discuss it on Yea Forums until 2-3 months from now.
It's a PG Nintendo exclusive, wich means it will attract:

-i dun understand PG just mash buttan dhurrr
-i haet nintendo why is it exluseev hurrr
-it's japanese play clunk simulator slavjank edition instead fucking weebs deeerp
-switch is sheet play PC heeeerp

And much more, generally contrarians too.
So fuck it, going dark for a couple of months and then discussing the game later on.

It will only be a success if there are waifus.

You literally play as the waifu.

That's guaranteed since you can make and customize your own waifu

I have not bought a Nintendo switch yet because I was waiting for Luigi's Mansion 3 but astral chain looks pretty fun as well as the Link's Awakening remake

My main system is pretty much the PlayStation 4 but I have no choice but to get a Nintendo switch right now I don't even care about hacking as I have too many games to play on my other hack systems anyway

Anybody else in the same situation I like action oriented games as well as other stuff

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If you're even remotely a weeb you'll have to switch to nintendo no matter what.
The Switch is the new Vita.
But you'll have to learn to like indies too or you'll be crippled out of half the library.



Looks good but fuck 30 fps.
It's not acceptable in 2019 anymore. It wasn't acceptable even in 2009 if you ask me, but that's a different story.

oh no, how will we ever cope with the loss of your valuable commentary
off yourself dumbass redd*t nigger no one gives a fuck what you do

I hope that it would be a pleasant surprise like when Okami turned out to be a quadrillion hours long but I'm not holding out.

>Take setting in the future that could be explored or have an interesting take on it
>Lol no it's demons from the other side though
No thanks.

Nigga it's PG.
It's just an excuse to beat shit into submission and do sick ass combos, stop overthinking it, plot and world building isn't exactly their forte, just a neat extra.

>hurr durr muh 30fps
i guess the metal slug games are terrible too then

>world building isn't exactly their forte, just a neat extra.

Yet they were just code monkeys for Star Fox Zero and that game's world/story was a abortion.

Other games doing it doesn't make it okay.

Bloodborne is 30fps with drops

That's just because it's okay if sony does it.

Something about it is just meek, maybe the switch being a waste of space is making it boring, It's probably the best game releasing this year too, even if it somehow is it won't receive any recognition.

So because a game from 2015 was 30fps, it's okay?

So is GOW, which Yea Forums praised and came out last year.

It was unlocked on PS4 Pro, educate yourself before you shitpost, tendie.
Besides, even if it was locked it still doesn't make it okay.

PS4 pro at 1080p was 45 fps on average, not even close to ever hitting 60.
And still drops below 30 plenty of times on base and high resolution mode.

So yes, I know what I'm talking about, retarded snoyfag.

And plenty of people here praised that game to high heavens.
So either it is okay, or only okay if sony does it.

>So yes, I know what I'm talking about, retarded snoyfag.
You clearly don't because now suddenly you yourself admitted that it wasn't actually 30 fps. End of discussion, you self destructed, tendie.

Looks great, we get 8 additional minutes of footage in here.

Don't buy a switch for like another month senpai, you're gonna want the version with better battery life

It was on base console, and Yea Forums still defended it there.
So yes, it's still a 30fps game at best unless you literally want between 35-45 constantly jumping.
Why are you defending that?

>snoyfags actually think at best 45 fps on a more expensiove upgraded system at 1080p somehow counts as better than 30fps.
LOL, snoyfags really are cucked.
That unstable a framerate is worse than locked.


>Nintendies in charge of not moving the goalpost and not deflecting literally anything at all to Sony.
You guys are walking stereotypes. Absolutely hilarious.

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So it's literally okay if sony does it?
Good job proving me right, thanks!

God job proving you are a nintendie stereotype.

So why is it okay if sony does it?
You didn't answer the question.

Why are sonyfags on a SEETHING rampage right now?
Is it because of their massive game drought combined with another great exclusive coming out for switch?
That would be really pathetic.

Because it's the only thing you nintendies can do, deflect it to sony, as if it makes it okay for nintendo. Good job for following your doctrine?

Then why do people never complain so much about 30 fps when sony does it?
Almost like you aren't being honest, just a consolewar shitposter desperately clinging to anything.

Nobody ever said it was okay when Sony does it, you are the only one obssessed with Sony, nobody even said a thing about Sony before you.

>no one gives a fuck what you do
>saying this on a Madagascan Babydick Photography Auditorium

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snoyfags on suicidewatch

People did for both Bloodborne and GoW

Because they are still butthurt over "the betrayal". Seriously, that is literally the only reason.

>playing as the police
>they are the good guys
I love this. What are other games where the legal authority are the good guys?

For fucks sake people 30 fps is not that big a deal
Totalbiscut rotted your fucking brains


Don't be surprised if there's some big twist where the gubberment end up being the bad guys by allowing the weird creatures into our dimension or something.

Definitely, I avoided most footage but the old scientist is definitely going to be evil and work for the government.

>I'm exited for this new game!
devolves into arguments over consoles

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Ye olde Evangelion twiste

>We're not saving the world from destruction, we wan't to let it happen and reap the benefits of a world reset
>Yeah nah I just want to fuck my dead wife

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A wise man

Games aren’t about having fun, they’re about measuring your dick over arbitrary performance numbers

It will be good but very overrated, like all platinum games.

They don't have any exclusives until November with Death Stranding. Since their last exclusive was Judgment (which is great btw) came out in June, its almost a 6 month drought of no games, which in turn makes them aggitated, losing braincells and more and more unstable, thats why the snoyposters have become like rabid dogs and should be put in a containment board as soon as humanly possible, we have no need of seething and angry console warrior instigators here.

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>playing portable Ayy

>Kojima claims to create the first “strand game”
>This comes out first
I love how you can use your chain like the wonder liner and tie up foes Empire Strikes Back style. It’s like Platinum was working on a licensed Jojo game that fell through so they re-appropriated the engine to a new IP. The chain is a great way of conveying your stand’s effective range. Looks more tactical and than anything so I don’t mind the low framerate.

user, are you retarded?

>High action combat
>Lot of room for exploration
>Neat aesthetic and world from what we've seen
>Rumored customization options beyond hair / race

Looking forward to it

I don't get this concept at all. If you're really a platform/console warrior, and it's all you have, don't you also get all your multiplats on that system? Even if there's a slow release of exclusives, don't PS4-onlies get pretty much every 3rd Party game?

Maybe my perception is off because I own PS4 & Switch and use Steam as well.

In the fucking OP vid you can see alternate colors for the stands and clothes.

Idort here too, the thing is the console warriors like the snoybois only play and buy exclusives as a means to further their console war faggotry, not to enjoy themselves, but only to further an imaginary war in their delusional headspace and do anything and everything to one up the competition (Nintendo is the most frequent)

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Oh wait, OP didn't put the vid. So here it is.

>action game

So GoW is yikes?
Or Bloodborne?

And God Hand, someone finally put that shit game in its place.

Absolutely unacceptable. That's practically a slideshow.

Attached: Astral Chain - Customization.webm (896x504, 2.94M)

GoW and BB arent CURAZUHY action games. The sad fact that the bar DMC set in 2001 cannot be consistently topped almost two decades later shows how shit action games have become.

Nintendo UK released an english subtitled overview trailer.

Attached: AC perfect dodge sync.jpg (1920x1080, 443K)

Why are people still excited for Platinum games, when Nier and Bayo 2 had DMC tier combat systems?

it's been topped multiple times and fps has nothing to do with it.

Cute girls*
Jesus christ what's with people using "waifu" wrong?

This...sucks.. couldn't they get the character english VA to dub the "direct" like vid?!


>"RPG" stat shit
>no jump button
Bruh look at this dude


Attached: two chain jumps.webm (896x504, 2.91M)

>still has frame drops

>My main system is pretty much the PlayStation 4
Fucking yuck! Stay there poorfag

just like bloodborne huh

Why are snoyfags COPING so much today?
It seems like they turned a hundred times more pathetic the moment FE got a warm reception.

Game seems super expansive ambitious for its lack of marketing push. I thought this would be more of a Tier 2 Max Anarchy thing, but they seem to be pulling out all the stops.

Bayo 2 had this place in tears for years.

>the faces of SNOY

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What do you mean with "not marketing"? They are posting loads of vids about it.

It looks pretty bad, graphically

Looks great, and all the info we got only makes it look better.

I’m excited but a bit sad that it’s only 30 FPS. I would have gone for less demanding post processing for 60 personally since platinum likes to go for 60 on their games. Hopefully they add in performance modes like a good amount of games have today but I won’t hold my breath

>no one gives a fuck what you do
Clearly you do ;)

I dunno, the dual character gimmick seems like it'll be more annoying and distract from the combat focus than making the game cool or exciting

blame nintendo for making the switch underpowered

from soft games are slow though

>from soft games are slow though
Or blame sony for making the gaystation as bad as they could get aways with.

If it is built well (ie they didn't peg the physics to the FPS or some stupid stuff JP devs used to do), running it via Yuzu on a good PC will eventually likely allow not just higher resolution play but enhanced framerates.

In maybe 5 years, nobody wants to be a pathetic portcuck.

Do you guys think it will be 6-7 hours long like every other platinum game? If so, then fuck paying 60 dollars for that.

The director boasted that the game is long.

Another weebshit jankfest that only gets attention because Switch has no games