Tick mother fucking tock, Gaybe

Tick mother fucking tock, Gaybe.

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Call me when they have a functioning shopping basket.

Steam already does this though


I've only ever used could saves for Terraria desu. Didn't realize it was so popular.

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>launcher wars
i didn't think anything dumber than console wars could happen

I can't fucking wait for all the shill threads if they ever add a shopping cart. You know for a fact those fuckers will act like it's the second coming of christ and shitposters will help them.

>The Epic Store is still hostile to its own customers and doesn't support them review bombing to fire back against corrupt publishers/developers
Tick Tock, Sweeney.

I love these threads.

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You dont actually care about this shit so why should I

Call me when they add free speech and freedom to publicly criticise developers.

>le china meme
It's just a matter until Epic store cards are being sold in stores so if you don't want to give them your CC then wait for that

I'm not giving them access to anything, because I'm not a fucking retard.

>it's 4 simultaneous EGS threads on Yea Forums now
>jannies won't do shit of course

This is me.
What are some good multiplayer games fora pirate like myself?

Already countered by giving out almost free TF2 unusual hats.

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extremely based

More like the other way around. When they had shopping cart haters will be grasping for straws

wake me up when they stop selling my data to chinese government

Maybe in 5 years you'll be able to have half the features Steam have.

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You seem angry. It's ok buddy. Sooner or later you too will have to accept our new Epic overlords

I'm sorry, user, but I'm not a submissive bitch like you are.

You seem angry. I know. How about a free copy of This War Of Mine?

It is a basic feature. But are there people that unironically need it? I have trouble playing trough the games i purchase already. Not like i need to purchase multiple at the same time.

why is this still being shilled here? didn't epic announce they have 900 trillion users now? why go on and on about muh cut muh cut and yet still resorting to holding games hostage when you have a quintillion users?

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Yes its 100% necessary, or your account gets locked for too many purchases at once.

>But are there people that unironically need it?
when you have an "epic sale" people are gonna want to buy more than one game user. why does a trillion dollar company have such a hard time wrapping their head around a feature of e-commerce that's been around since its very inception?

Those quintillion users are Fortnite players not actual store users

>still no shopping cart


I don't remember where they were on the original roadmap, how many months overdue are they?

Even the one where people straight out dumped CP remained for 100 or so posts because the jannies were too afraid to delete it.
Fucking hilarious.

...ok? why are cloud saves something you want? why do you need it?

Why do gamers hate capitalism?

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Yup, I've seen it. Jannies and mods are definitely on payroll now. Because many previous chink shill threads were deleted before, now it's just a spammy mess left untouched.

The fuck is that?

Everyone bitching about WANTING TO PAY to have their access to a game obscured is fucking hilarious. The way TV streaming sites are going has driven me back to pirating there again too. It's just easier.

some one post that EPIC feature timeline


>Call me when they have a functioning shopping basket.

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Whoever took this picture is a piece of shit

>cloud saves
>a good feature
>lose internet connection
>no longer can play game

except it's not a meme. Tencent owns like 40% of the company. You wanna give the Chinese your money, fine, but at least own it

People were getting their accounts banned for making multiple purchases during the sale so I suppose they do need it