ITT:Games that are illegal in Europe now

ITT:Games that are illegal in Europe now

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Anythig with modding and user content because lol copyright laws.

No illegal stuff in europe so you can fap to this ass

Something happened? Well, no matter, I still have my younger sister and I see it with less than that every morning

I guess I'm a criminal now

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Fuck pedos
Make Europe Christian Again

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Just end it all

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the N-word

I wish that guy was me

fuck christians, make yurop pagan again

I can't even fap to fictional litte girls and degenerate doujins now? Thank god there's a fuckton of cunnysseur artirsts on pixiv

t. atheist larper


Are you aware that Europe has more countries than just the Netherlands?

Expect in finland.

Relax. When the muslims take over, they're gonna ban Usury, which means killing the Jews, and then without the Jews things can go back to normal.
Plus muslims love their daughter-wives so the loli situation should resolve itself.
But remember - only have 1 waifu and be loyal to her. If you slut around and masturbate to images of more than 1 character, that is adultery and you deserve to be caned for your insolence

the N-word


Goodbye friends. Reality is calling for me. I must wake up quickly and impregnate my loli wife.

Christians loved fucking underage tho

fuck of to snow nigger land Varg


>so how do we protect children?
>break up the known pedo rings?
>nah lets ban drawings and waste money listening to a pedos fantasies about MPs and thier angry wasp rape room.

What a fucking world we live in.

You may only have 1 waifu, but you can also have an imouto, an onee-san, a maid, a pet cat and so on so it's fine.

yo hold the fuck up, what?

good riddance, childfuckers need to die

why is loli illegal if killing people in video games is not
its literally the same thing

post yfw you live in this shitty clown timeline

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stop lying, moron

don't you dare ignore us you fucker, what the fuck do ya mean


Yeah and I wish I was the little blond bitch

the N-word

the N-word

Sanae is better

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catholics are the biggest official pedo group though

Christianity only ruins shit than good.

so actually what happened in europe? I do not have a lot of knowledge about european censorship whatnot, so please tell me whats happening

Do you want to know why?
Nothing shit

Ex got shut down apparently cause of some law or whatnot, and instead of seeking donations/other hosting options/selling the servers the owner tells everyone he will shut it down 3 hours in advance. Fucking retard.

pretty sure it's about a NL law where if a company that hosts CP doesn't remove it almost immediately that they get fined hard.
So hosting companies are trying to get rid of loli stuff since it's in a legal grey area that could get them hit with that shit in the future.

You all know what's funny?

Everyone is overreacting. /h/ and Yea Forums just confirmed this. Admin deleted ex for no reason.

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Guys who cares you still have n-hentai, tsumino, pururin and plenty more i'm sure.

Most of them just pulled shit from ex, retard

Which one of them allows video game artbook galleries?

And e-h is going to fall over and die too still

Being legal doesn't help when hosts are pussy ass bitches that want to get rid of anything that could possible apply under the cp law.

truly the last bastion of shitrope
too bad they will get cucked in the next 10 years too

Prove it.

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the N-word


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the N-word

Pokemon's game corner slots
Plus GF's laziness to even make a replacement game with remakes after HGSS.
Mauvile and Celadon were them just spittin in your face.
The host is a literal nigger and I hope anons still don't feel like they wasted their time archiving this shit.
Because seriously, I respected modern anons that night.

It’s just one single tiny irrelevant country called Holland. The rest of Europe doesn’t have that law so nothing is illegal. Fuck off

Just fapped to the tan schoolswim boat, time to see if i can find alternatives for my entire favorites folder

Proof of example of how retarded the world actually is.
There is no law in a FUCKING HENTAI
People want to scream, to moan, to rip their shit or a fucking christian does this because hur dur loli is 6 years old.
If chaos was on this world then we actually solving the fucking problem that the world has ro suffer.
>We can destroy sjw
>We can destroy jews
>We can do & say whatever we want with pressure
Its not too late to choose the chaos side...
Fuck god, he is the true cause of corruption on this world.
May chaos be upon this world.

This is incredibly retarded. Jesus.

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He's American, user.
They don't know jack shit.

Honestly I miss not having back pains.


the N-word

>2002 legislation
>guy talking about a new law
Dude. I mean... I ain't be saying anything but thats weak proof you got there

It's the same in France, we have an anti-CP law that "should" also fuck up hentai but it's never enforced when there's only drawn shit, we even have multiple hentai publishers covering Yamatogawa or Kisaragi Gunma works among others and most of their characters are underage and we also had a french BD about a 9 years old with a huge dick being published like a year or two ago without anyone being arrested.


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france is special case because there is law implemented after charlie hedbo that overrides the loli law

Why do trannies hate loli so much?

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Really? I'd like a source on that.

Anything that is more attractive to males than the trannies thenselves makes them seethe. Same goes for women, to an extent.

>caring about literally whos
Fuck em

Why are you so obsessed with trannies you stalk tranny accounts with fucking 4 likes.

literally who?

>Netherlands = Europe
Americunt pls

Ok are these better?

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No. Fuck off obessed retard.

Because no amount of hormones or surgery will ever make them into the cute little girl.

That game has always been illegal where it was made though
>idiot still doesn't know what actually happened.
Loli being legal in the NL is not the reason.


?? what happened

there's no new law, that's the point

yeah, the reason is that the host/admin bullshited

have you ever visited the trans reddit? i go there sometimes for shit and giggles.

""If they feel hell-bent on pulling this kinda stuff on something as simple as a tip jar than I feel completely vindicated in putting all the money into one cup, pissing in the other, and pouring it on their manager."

These people are so fucking crazy... they get angry over anything.

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Everyone read the posts on the #notjustadrawing twitter hashtag to see where the normalfags lie on this issue. Get used to it, this is the future, wannabe activist “abuse” victim normalfags want all of this shit gone including Yea Forums.

>are these cherry picked literally who's "better"

>dude just ignore them bro
Pixiv is next.

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Because they're actual paedophiles and they need to project to cover it up.

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Sadpanda god shutted down because they were too lazy to just removed everything associated with the loli tag because of Nether. new rule about it, other hentai sites might soon follow so download all the stuff you liked before its too late.


it's bunch of trannies and faggots being in denial that ponies/undertale/homostuck/anime turned them into trannies and faggots and deflect the blame for abuse on fan communities

bro no youre obsessed just cope just have sex theyre literal whos lol just ignore them bro

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Bad posture?

You sure about that?


Because people who lean far right or left tend to hate this kind of stuff.

>he fell for their smokescreen
>he doesn't know

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the hashtag appeared a day before exhentai got fucked up that aint a coincidence

I will end lives


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What happened to All the Fallen then?

Please don't lie


the same exact thing.
Host wanted it removed because grey area.

"too lazy"
kill yourself tranny

Sorry user
I hate them and i want them dead just like you

they're mentally ill individuals

I'm glad I entered this thread, pedos seething over the loss of their 2d cunny is too fucking funny.

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The issue isn't the Dutch legislation its the EU pressuring countries to censor everything hence why all of a sudden there's a clampdown on imageboards like krautchan last year and now biyoripanda.

Yea Forums:
also Yea Forums:
I told you fags that giving the government away your rights would just lead to them taking more and more.
>inb4 “B-but at least corporations aren’t selling me things I don’t want anyways” and le Gadsden getting stepped on by EA replies


Stop larping.

New testament

This but unironically

It's weird to make that loli is illegal in my country but I can still buy something like Senran Kagura


>but I can still buy something like Senran Kagura
For now.

woah it's like senran kagura isn't actually porn and kotaku and other websites are sensationalist about it

Try and upload something to nhentai. Go ahead I'll wait. Surely if nhentai has its own content you can upload there right?
You can't. They scrape from ex. That is their source. The site is just a mirror

Because the pedophiles in government go after drawings to make sure people don't suspect them of diddling real kids

>comparing hobbyist websites being destroyed due to legal grey areas forcing publishers to panic to malicious schemes aimed at depriving people of their money by taking advantage of psychological reward center cycles
Nice try, see you again.


Isn't it only in the netherlands?

Guess I'll have to move on to 3d lolis now. Thanks conservative law makers.


>porn first removed from Tumblr
>now Sadpanda gone
The prudes are winning

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>using tumblr at all
Go back nigger

>pedo fap to 2D cunny
>remove 2D cunny
>pedo forced to molest 3D cunny

Yeah we fixed everything alright

It was good for porn. Especially loli models and stuff.

Oh good, then I'll have to pay the jizya. I'm so happy. Also
>Not having multiple wives

So it begins. The greatest battle of our time.

Lolicon hit squads have bren deployed.

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Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every minute, I can feel my galleries... and my lolis... even my shortstacks. The CG's I've lost... the doujinshi I've lost... won't stop hurting. It's like they're all still there. You feel it too, don't you?

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im horny

>Lolicon hit squads
Imagine the smell

Why would I go back to somewhere that doesn't host the content I want any more?

But I'm devastated by this too, user.

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>even my shortstacks
What? Are they illegal too?
I swear I'll fucking start World War III

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Isn't the legal age in most european countries like 14-16? You guys should stop bitching and start lifting.

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too old

Based retard gorilla nigger

16 is 5 years too old.

They are in grey are like loli

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War... has changed... it's no longer about nations, ideologies or ethncity. It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by cuckolds and NPCs. War... and it's consumption of life... has become a well oiled machine. War has changed.

It's lower if you're wealthy or a refugee.

Nigger when I saw I only liked 2D lolis I wasn't lying

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>copyright laws.
>meanwhile piracy isn't even dealt with in the netherlands because based privacy laws
Based mutt retard
I recently read this article where a dutch student was in germany for an exchange and got a fine for pirating a movie, he didn't even realize there are countries that actually fine that shit lmao
Degenerate gambling tier transactions, as they should
See gta online casino dlc

Isn't there a netflix original cartoon with child nudity in it?
I forget the name but I saw a clip, netflix isn't banned in Europe.

Would someone have reason to tag a shortstack as loli? Especially if that someone is a normalfag who considers anything "anime" to be pedoshit? Then yes, it's gone.

There's literally no such push outside of copyrighted material you dumb nigger.

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Same, I want to get my tiny body pounded

tumblr was always based, the site continues to be almost completely unmoderated




There isn't, but the moral police that governs the EU still clamps down on such things, don't pretend that there are a lot of "unspoken" rules now. No country legally has to take in refugees either, but the trend the Germany started was attempted to be imposed upon others. It wasn't even a EU legislation. Most hosts would rather cut their losses than host grey-legal-area content.

Dumb parrot poster

Only legal for the new europeans aka muslims.

Even if it were literally only copyrighted material that's still a fucking travesty, so much shit will be lost without a backup so copyright lawyers can stroke their dicks, and collectors can jerk off on their collection of unopened unscanned books. 30 years from now those collections will be thrown in the trash when they die, but the copyright will still exist. Think about that, the copyright of media is outliving its actual archived existence. Art is, and will be, permanently under by penalty of law

still says nothing about drawings.
i think you're reaching a bit.

The EU is literally threatening member countries to take in refugees or else they are going to do something

>tfw no authoritarian government to scare me on a daily basis with threats of religious corporal punishment in public.

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>permanently under by penalty of law
pemanently lost under penalty of law*

What the fuck are you even talking about. There's no meaningful push to ban questionable cartoons, all we have to deal with is the usual corporate family friendliness sterile environments that bans anything remotely risque, like literally every single other country in the world.

Guy was lazy and his knees explode the second he sits down, and he just pulled the plug because he's tired.

>There is no law in a FUCKING HENTAI
Dude come on now. My hentai collection is mostly degenerate stuff, but loli can cross the line sometimes.

For examples, nothing from atahuta is resemble to the real human bean. That's one is fine. Then we have something that is more human like att7, which I would argue that the style is more of adult fantasy than real life.

But then how are you going to argue on shit from salad (sarado), Ashika, and typehatena? Those have to be traced from something.

Refute this.
protip: you can't

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Yes, but there is no legal legislation passed to take them in. They are threatening it on the grounds of obedience without legal edicts behind it. Which means they can't really do anything if countries refuse and their threats are empty.

Where I live in europooria 16 if the other is over 18, 12 if the other is under 18 and has consent
>hurr parents will force her to go to da bolis
Yeah nah based netherlands sees video as evidence much like dashcams and helmet cams. Some countries such as germany throw that shit right out of court and I've had issues filming with a helmet cam in germany.
>guaranteed free (You)s from seething euroneets that missed out on banging

>too bad they will get cucked in the next 10 years too
Nah i don't see it happening
Yeah. It must not look realistic child though and i think that is only a thing so real pedos won't just photoshop the pictures to look like it is drawn.

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>tfw EU artist
>will still draw cunny if i feel like it
Prison doesn't look so bad when looking at rent prices.

>There's no meaningful push to ban questionable cartoons
There is among popular social media. Living under a rock is comfy, but if you ignore reality for too long, it tends to violently invade your abode and tear everything down. Just like it happened today.

You're a pedophile.
Refute this
Protip: go fuck yourself

oh no social media banned lolicon in the netherlands


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>depicting sexual conduct in which someone knowingly under the age of 18 is involved

>Social media
Who cares.
>Like it happened today
Unrelated to social media and legislation, just a lazy faggot and a half-baked smokescreen.

I hope it is a norwegian prison.

reaching very hard

Bruh. is that true ? nhentai was monitored for years. Does that mean I can wank without shitting my pants when I hear knocking?

>ITT:Games that are illegal in Europe now
Throwing a heavy hitter here. If you even know this map and you live in Europe, consider your life over nerd.

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>oh no social media banned lolicon in the netherlands
Which is funny because up until the 80's you could buy literal CP VHS's at gas stations in the netherlands and no one ever caused a fuss about it

europe seemsto be becoming more muslim by the hour. Have fun with that...

>>depicting sexual conduct in which someone knowingly under the age of 18 is involved
That is like the 90% of anime,they cant ban it all right?

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boomers ruining everything for everyone as usual

It depends on what the attorneys say. The prosecutor can make the broad brush claim and go, "depicting [any] sexual conduct", but a defense attorney can cut back at the definition of "someone". Someone usually implies some sort of explicit, living being in general.

Yeah but france is weird by default. Men can't even order a paternity test because peace in the family overrides your """"""" right"""""""" to know whether its actually your child. Can't go ordering one in a different country either because you'll get thrown into jail

Maybe we could use some public canings.

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but Raymoo is an adult secondary-kun

Cope pedo.

the N-word

nah they'll ban all of it
if you watched evangelion on netflix expect the cops to wake you up at 4AM bucko


They're still works of fiction with fictional characters who have no rights where no real human has been harmed, to ban those would be to act purely on feelings with no basis on reality and facts.
Frankly though, you might have a point in the case of overly realistic art that has been traced from something real, but unless there's definitive proof that they have been traced (which would prove a real human has been harmed during the creation of that art) unfortunately those should still be legal.

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I was happy to jack off to literal drawings.
But you had to fucking take them because somehow ink on paper equals real life kids in your retarded mind.
Now I guess I have to actually go out and abduct and rape children in my basement since my drawings are now illegal.

It's not in all of europe right? I can't even find any good info on this shit at all

Shouldn't it be other way around?

The site owner got cold feet, whether or not it's from the host telling him that it's time to give it up or him just being tired of it in general. A decade is a long time for someone to be hosting a legally grey site to begin with.


A drawing is not "someone". Until I can start claiming my waifu as a dependent on my taxes anyway.

At this point just let the muslims take over, maybe they'll do better than we did

whats wrong with the dutch

I was hoping this would actually happen.