Atelier Ryza


Attached: illust.png (625x1126, 584K)

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Those are some long legs

too fat

>hurr durr this game is going to be a sausagefest because they focused on showing off the male characters first
I hope that user is feeling stupid now.

Attached: 3dmodel.png (590x1203, 604K)

Looks just right to me.

Attached: 20190724_030834.jpg (1186x667, 122K)

>tfw really want this game but only if it's like sophie and doesn't have a time limit

It doesn't, you little baby.

>3 members party
Why do they keep doing this shit?
Make like 6+ members already for fuck's sake.

Three party members in battle is the perfect amount. The party itself is six people.

I'll never understand why they put time limits in comfy slice of life games

Attached: rorona.jpg (342x394, 45K)


Attached: skinindentation.png (398x386, 225K)

Because comfy doesn't have to mean "just turn off your brain". Atelier with time limits were just as comfy, you had to plan things out and you'd constantly see your management pay off. The alchemy still goes full autismo even in games without time limits anyway.

So have they showed off any cute boys yet..? What the fuck is the point of all these thick babes if there's no /ss/..?

I wouldn't be playing a cute anime game for literal children unless I wanted to turn my brain off, buddy. Real life already has a time limit, why do my games need one?

What strangely sporadic armour placement.

Because they wanted to make actually good games and not braindead shit for the Neptunia audience.

It won't be in the actual model just like with Ryza.

There is this nerd.

Attached: illust.png (846x873, 495K)

This is the 3D model. Can't really tell from the pose.

Attached: 3dmodel.png (564x1030, 504K)

I doubt it's there. Ryza actually seems to have a little bit of it though, only way less pronounced than in the 2d art.

Wait. I might have spoken too soon. Looks like it's actually there. Or am I just seeing things?
No it's definitely there.

Attached: SS03.jpg (1920x1080, 690K)

Probably just a texture, but it does the job at the distance you'll normally see it.

You're just seeing things.

Attached: not indentation.jpg (217x237, 16K)

A mysterious female soldier accompanying Empel

A wandering female soldier who visits the village of Razenbozen with Empel. She has a mysterious appearance and high combat abilities, she teaches practical combat to Ryza and her friends.
Calm and collected, her personality and speech are direct and straight to the point. It appears that she's investing the ruins on Kuken island because of her own motives.

Voice actor: Terui Haruka
Major roles in anime:
Hai to gensou no grimgar - Shihoru
Mikakunin de shinkoukei - Yonomori Kobeni
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de aru - Yuuki Yuuna

Attached: 1539069261391.jpg (1407x870, 295K)

>Yuuki Yuuna

Outfit reminds me of Kai's winter coat from Valkyria Chronicles 4.

Attached: 3dmodel.png (423x1031, 457K)

>Good game = arbitrary time limit

Attached: SS01.jpg (1920x1080, 642K)

it must be difficult to masturbate with long nails like that, I wish I could help her out

Oh g*d, nice

is she playable?



Attached: SS02.jpg (1920x1080, 639K)

For me, it's Klaudia

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Cute dyke.

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She's hot, but at the same time I don't like her design aesthetically. I think my team will be Ryza/Klaudia/Tao

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This looks like a lass past her expiration date?

Attached: possible cake.png (2560x1440, 3.11M)

No wrinkles = Still good for consumption

She's like a more adventurous-looking Esty.

are these games even good

there was a gameplay stream a while ago, here's a video in english about it

Holy hell, might as well jump into

Honestly I was never a big fan of Ryza herself but this girl...this girl appeals to me.

This game is sold to me.

Attached: __reisalin_stout_atelier_series_and_etc_drawn_by_maemi_maemi12__eb57af388ebeb1c3f60fb0f6cabc0e6f.png (1000x1413, 896K)

Reisalin overwhelmed by a pack of stray dogs.

>It won't be in the actual model just like with Ryza.
check your eyes.

Attached: 1538280004365.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Really makes you think.

>they put in some jiggle
Good. At least the devs aren't completely retarded

looks like a rejected Nights of Azure 2 character. Which is fine with me.



Did they release any switch footage yet?

Woah they d-drew her with b-big t-tiddies... {gargling noise}

Big tits are gross.

this but unironically

Looks like a NOA character

Good news, this game is coming to switch along with PS4 and PC.

Who's the chara designer this time?
This game in general looks fucking great. This is still Gust so I'm sure they'll fuck it up anyway but I actually want to give this a try anyway, shit at least looks beautiful.

Oh my I love her more and more

Toridamono and the story writer is Yashichiro Takahashi

I'm excited to also get the artbook a few months after the game releases too. This game definitely needs a standalone one.

>Shana writer

Please scan it and upload it to sadpanda so we have an archive

Shana wasn't that bad, it's just kind of run of the mill

very funny

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How was Lulua? Worth wasting my time with the entire artland trilogy just for it? Or wait for this instead?
Gust complete entire games before I can finish a single one.

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i dont know this game but
>be human but with claws
>equip additional claws

>Worth wasting my time with the entire artland trilogy just for it?
You can still play it and enjoy it though. I didn't play Rorona, and played Totori and Meruru ages ago when they came out.

Attached: lulua pantyfest.jpg (5027x2018, 2.45M)

All of Arland is worth playing on its own, not just to get to Lulua.

Useless fat

factually incorrect, she needs those to give me paizuri and feed the 5 babies that I'll make with her