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please user give me a hug?

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No more hugs Will

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>wake up
>panda is dead



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Fuck pedos
Fuck porn
Fuck anime
Fuck Japan

>Colonel, the Panda seems to be down. Backing up all content is strongly advised.

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goodbye forever, favorites list of newhalf works

>10+ years of data lost

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Wasn't that just se filesystem Image? Database on top of that... That's a lot of H.

Host didn't want it anymore, was in a legal gray area.

>trusting some brony faggot with over a decade of porn
You dumbasses should've had a mirror up years ago.

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This shit is hilarious. You weebniggers are actually in tears.

weeb genocide when?

this is all a dream, I am stuck in a bad dream and about to wake up

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>mfw stayed up into the wee hours of the morning literally finding magnet links and megas downloading random shit just so there's a backup
>not even checking to see what garbage I'm downloading

I have a problem, don't I?

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Remember: This is entirely the fault of pedos.

>tfw didn't even have the time to back up my favorites


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There were countless video game, anime and model artbooks on that site that are essentially impossible to find now.

What does the moon say?

How is it any different from gel/danbooru? I don't get it, there's so much weebporn on the web

>Netherlands apparently pass some more laws regarding CP and shit
>panda gets report-bombed to host
>host informs site owner of this
>he probably doesn't want to deal with this shit anymore
Something like that.

Imagine if Steam just went poof.

It's basically the same thing for us. It wasn't just H, it was art (plenty of which artists have deleted their own work of), doujins, manga, galleries, etc. A lot of it is just gonna fuckin be gone from here on out.

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Doojins, not just Image galleries.

This. LMAOing at cloudcucks and streamzoomers. Back that shit up, morons.

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Roger that, Godfather.

This is Vector actual. In position and Oscar Mike to the AO.

full doujins, paywalled content, artist's entire gallaries, ect. Exhentai was better than any of the boorus.

HQ This gold leader, I wont be making it back


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God I'm starting to respect Moot after this, at least he had some decency and respect for what he had created to sell the site to the gook when he got tired instead of "lmao imma just say Yea Forums will be dead 3 hours before I pull the plug"

>NOOOOOOO how will my limp pedo dick get any action now

keep projecting

you fucking idiot, read what said

can't believe they let sub zero iq degenerates like you on the fucking internet

It was more than that friend, it was more than that

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You should have backed it up then huh you dumb nigger? I back up everything of note. If steam went down, I would have all my installed games and backed up games.
You all fucked up. Did you really think every website and piece of data was going to last forever and be backed up for you? This is a tragedy only to stupid people.

ignore it's just some retarded user wanting attention
it's the equivalent of people who make youtube videos of dead celebrities but without getting any money

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Because you faggots clearly all were using exhentai for the art books lmao

I hope theres a mass weeb suicide wave

>just back up an entire site

Basically we'll end it here or until next time or call it a day.


Yeah, we did. I use boorus for cute and funny porn, nigger.

Back up the content you like. If everyone did the same, you could make a new archive. But no, you are fat, stupid, and lazy.

You remembered to grab those vidya artbooks, right?

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>some virgin hosting a website where pathetic incels can tap to children
>a multi million dollar company backed up by lawyers where people spend money on hobbies
Yeah not quite the same

It's ~50TB, with a credits system for downloads. Try a bit harder.

Only dumb niggers kill themselves.

>newfags don't even know what a doujin is
>misusing weeb
What the fuck happened?

Pizzagate is next, pedoniggers TICK TOCK

You didn't try hard enough looks like. This is why you failed. Now live with your failure and loss like a man.

People from youtube watched "le epic greentext stories" on youtube and thinking Yea Forums is some secret dark web club that only the elite can join happened.

You don't think I did? Stupid fuck. I'm pissed because I lost the ability to search through a sea of shit at a competent speed and find new things to enjoy. Now that avenue is gone. And you can't always back everything up, which is why this is a big loss.

Probably for the most part, yeah. But there was PLENTY of other content hosted on it that's non-H and is just fucking gone or incredibly more obscure now.

God I hate you fucking retards. Literal human scum that deserves to be hanged from the gallows. Your parents should have tied an anchor around your throat and threw you into the Bermuda Sea.

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>there are people that havent meticulously saved every fap worthy page from the interwebs onto their hdd, backup external hdd,2nd backup externa hddl icloud, onedrive, dropbox,googledrive, and seeded on p2p so it's scattered acorss the earth



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No worries here. I've got my shit securely stored.

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>he thinks the elites will put themselves in jail
Only dumb plebs like yourself aren't allowed to be degenerate.

I read some of the dengeki Playstation magazines on it like 5 days ago. At least they have mirrors but you have to download the full thing now to see a page.

The actual pedos are in the street of Netherland, not fapping in a basement.
But it's biggoted to target the "religion-of-my-prophet-fucked-a-8yo-so-I-do-the-same" or the "religion-of-we-must-mutilate-little-boys-and-prevent-their-blood-from-reaching-the-ground-so-we-suck-them-off".

countless h-game CGs have been removed and the only hope of retrieval is if that bastard puts it back up or migrates it
12 hours was absolutely not enough time

Absolutely fuming lmao

Keep projecting. Have sex.

Going out an raping children.
Do you see the problem now? It wasn't for them it existed, it was for the children's sake.

>pedo weeb incels absolutely seething now that images of children arent at their fingertips anymore

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that depends
Will you make me a sandwich?


he still has all the data right? isn't it possible somebody could buy the servers off him and start the website back up from a less gay country?

I'm ok with that, game cg porn is fucking cringe and it's not like the hentai games are gone right? People can just dump the cg again

what images of children? exhentai didn't host any images of real kids

what site are you guys gonna use as replacement?
thinking of hitomi.la

Am I the only one who's scared of Yea Forums being taken down someday
Literally the only free place on the internet unless you want to talk about ffxiv

Reminder that nearly every time someone calls others a pedo it's because they're one themselves. Pedoera and Pedogaf made communities based upon this deflection.

Maybe you should consider killing yourself if you need Japanese child porn to keep you from assaulting real children then.

>actually taking time responding to redditors

dude don't you know drawings are real and have feelings?

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>he thinks weeb incels would actually go outside, much less have the guts to talk or approach a 9 year old girl
All this will lead to is a bunch of grown men being bullied by little girls for being such pathetic subhuman

There were too many ;-;

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>being le ironic memer
at least youtubers make money that way

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If your shit is backed up, nothing of value was lost. Take this thread back to your containment board.


Literally the only thing that upsets me. Fuck that Loli and Shota shit, this is the only thing of value that was lost. Stay mad

>no you
SEETHING weeb pedos

holy shit

"The lady doth protest too much"

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don't worry you'll be outed soon you disgusting pedo scum :)

>I'm not a pedo as long as the children I jerk off to aren't real

I'm upset that I only just found out there were a bunch of interesting non-h things on the site that I never bothered to look at and now will never get the chance to look at

>sad panda is down
>oh that's unfortunate
>but I'm not a lolicon so all the things I favorited should still be on ehen-
>mfw realizing all the /ss/ I jack off too
I got some searching to do, god fucking damn it.

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>but my injured tendon
Is this a fucking joke?

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>Literally the only free place on the internet
I would love if this shithole was destroyed, all the normalniggers can fuck off back to facebook and twitter

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yes that's correct just like I can shoot imaginary people in videogames and not be a murderer

you might not even be able to find the source games if they're old enough though

>Maybe you should consider killing yourself
brilliant plan bucko, tell me how it worked out while your kids getting raped by mentally ill pederasts with no way for release.

Yes, which is why QAnon shows how deeply the right is tangled up with Jeffrey Epstein.

If Yea Forums dies, I imagine the other slower chans would receive refugees from here. Problem is the owners of those sites are flaky as fuck.

How was a porn site I have never heard of this big?


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But where do we go user

>i'm actually a military general irl because i play rts

>be hardworking upstanding citizen on weekdays (managementfag)
>live alone
>weekend night is chilling with my 4chen bros while browsing panda
>unironically happy
>friday morning
>see this
Why can't normfags just leave us alone? We aren't harming anyone.

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False equivalence, murder is an action, pedophilia is an attraction.
That would be like jacking of to Naturalton and saying you're not into feet.

This, Also all those VN CGs
Anyone who said "I won't get the VN or download it I'll just fap to the CGs." WELL WHERE WILL YOU GET THEM NOW?

>posting cp
Hmm, mods can we get uhh, a ban over here, thanks.

What happened

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Off a bridge, ideally

it isn't a crime to be attracted to feet dumbass

Pedo and weeb 9/11.
Some shitty anime Otaku site tanked.

>We aren't harming anyone.
We are hurting them. We aren't thinking like them.
You no think like me you no good

Maybe this will spawn more giantess growth artists!!

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Non sequitur

So, does the trick "she looks like a child but she's 1000 years old" trick work?

Yes this is a valid reason to burn the library of alexandria.

>murder is an action, pedophilia is an attraction.
pedophilia also isn't a crime. the action, molesting a child is.
so if you murder in video games that obviously means you're a degenerate trying to murder in real life, you sick fuck, and you need to be jailed for your own good.

You want the real reason? it's easier to go after this shit than it is to actually take down the people harming others. You make people believe they're just as bad that way it's less work, less cost, and they still get the same glory. Doesn't matter that hundreds of kids are raped a day, they took down anime porn so it's all good!