What the fuck is wrong with Atlus? Why do they still make exclusives in 2019? Just put your fucking games on PC...

What the fuck is wrong with Atlus? Why do they still make exclusives in 2019? Just put your fucking games on PC. You cocksuckers. You absolute scum. If they release Persona 5 Classic on PC I'm going to shit blood. I already got scammed into buying a PS4 and bought Persona 5 there. If I buy Persona 5 Royal, it's going to be on the fucking PC or not at all. Fuck you.

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Just wait another 5 years bro, it will come eventually? Right?

why make pc ports when you can release major titles on platforms nobody gives a fuck about and get close to bankrupty every year?

Are you implying that they didn't sell a fuck load of P5? That is a quite the funny.

It's because they know you'd just pirate it.
And actually, when it comes to this game they 100% KNOW you'll pirate it.

Because the game has been censored.
A specific element has been changed to appeal to trannies.
So if you do buy the game, you're supporting censorship and tranny outrage.
But if you don't buy it, you'll be still supporting trannies because even tho Atlus changed it, they're still pissed off about it and are boycotting the game.

So the only ACTUAL way for you to win, is to pirate the game.
Atlus knows this, so they'd rather stick to consoles entirely for now.

Sounds like Halo all over again

take your meds

>Why do they still make exclusives in 2019?
Double/Triple/Quadruple Dippers, it is more common then you think, just ask Todd Howard.

His post is a large pill to swallow isn't it.

no, Persona games are the result of their consistent fuckups over the years, shovelware for the lowest common denominator.

The only time i double dip is with certain fighting games, so i can have the physical game itself, and the digital game so i don't have to go and get the disc/cartridge every time to actually play the game.
I dunno why, maybe it's autism.

Owo so because you can't play the game it is now shovelware? Shame, if it does come to PC you will be the first to shitpost. I am laughing at you.

Or you could just wait for a PS4 emulator

More waiting. Ah yes, the pc players favorite game.

I want all games to be on every platform, even the shitty ones. I wouldn't play P5, but if they'd ever port their older games I would buy them again in a heartbeat.

you sound like a port beggar

i rather want them to release Persona 1, 2, 3, FES, 4 Golden first

>Catherine Classic
>playing the edited censored version
I'll stick with the console originals, thanks.

So much denial. If lying to yourself on a Hello Kitty image board makes you happy, go for it friend.


what is censored about catherine classic

What's with the recent uptick in port begging from PC lads?

No matter how you twist it, Atlus really is just dumb. Catherine should have been released on PC years ago, it was already running on a multiplatform engine(gamebyro) and Sega Europe would have done it.

Instead they waited literally until the last moment, after it being 100% playable on TWO emulators, then they release it in a fairly buggy state.

Persona 5 as well was booting on RPCS3 day 1 and a ton of people would have bought the FUCK out of the game on PC especially if it had Denuvo. It could have sold VC/ MGSV/ and Nier figures easily on PC. But instead they attack the emulator and don't release the game at all. So obviously people are just going to pirate and emulate it.

If it does come out it'll probably be a long time from now. If they were smart they would have made the remaster a multiplat game too, but Atlus truly is retarded. Sega too, outside of Sega Europe.

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Just keep pirating and emulating their shit. I think they just losing free money, because I'm sure people would buy the shit out of old games like P3, P4, Muramasa, etc. on PC, but they refuse to pull the trigger and use retarded excuses that you'd expect from console warriors to justify it.

You can play all their recent games on emulators anyway. P5, Dragon's Crown, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, are fully playable on RPCS3 and most of their older games are also playable on emulators.

The biggest loses are the Vita exclusives that you can't play even on PS4.

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Why are PCfags such unashamed port beggars? Are you really starved for games?

it's pretty easy to emulate it, OP just wants to have it on the best platform.

>ywn play a proper PC port of Lollipop Chainsaw because it was canned almost 4 years ago for reasons unknown
>Emulators are still fucky when it comes to Lollipop Chainsaw emulation
Why even bother living?

Is that game even good? It doesn't look it. I'd imagine it emulates alright, I saw some gameplay for it years ago.

I think the rerelease on consoles is censored, I don't think this one is.

So muh emulation isn’t all its cracked up to be to the point where you’re literally wasting your time being a shitter port begging on Yea Forums
PCfags are pathetic

I've never seen a group of people get so cucked over ports until the persona fandom.

You guys are so gullible and retarded that you would believe obvious fake leaks and mentally ill e-celebs like Mystic the moment they mention P5 on the switch and the pc then proceed to get mad at Atlus after being proven wrong.

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A fun hack and slash game from Suda51 and James Gunn.
I've played it on PS3 long ago, but when I saw this steamdb.info/app/261090/subs/ I was hyped for PC port to play the game without console limitations.
Well, I dunno what happened but this branch was sitting empty like that for almost 4 years.

>salty as fuck literally every other game is on PC
It's nothing to get mad over, lads.

I already have a PC. What is there to be salty about?

PCfaggots and nincels unironically ate up all the shit mystic said after the actual persona community on Yea Forums knew he was full of shit for years. Just goes to show these port begging faggots don’t know shit about atlus, and they usually pretend to be SMTfags despite this.

I guess I'll check it out then. As for the port, maybe they're busy. They made Killer is Dead, then ported it, then made Let It Die and ported it as well, followed by the two NHM games. Maybe they'll finish it after NMH3?

I'd like a NMH port on PC just so I could buy it again.

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Well, Travis Strikes Back is on its way.
So let's see what time will bring us in the future.

Why is it that if PS4 doesnt have exclusives it's considered a shit console but if it has them then its being anti-consumer for "taking games hostage"?

Travis Strikes Again*
Geez, I gotta get some sleep.

Oh shit I didn't hear about that, I'm 100% uninterested in buying it myself but I'm going to shill it, I bet the other games won't get ported if it bombs.

What a retarded question.

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Just pirate.

What the fuck is wrong with Nintendo? Why do they still make exclusives in 2019? Just put your fucking games on PC. You cocksuckers. You absolute scum. If they release Smash Bros Ultimate on PC I'm going to shit blood. I already got scammed into buying a Switch and bought Smash Ultimate there. If I buy Smash 6, it's going to be on the fucking PC or not at all. Fuck you.

>on PC or not at all

No one gives a fuck about you, christ mustards are retarded with this shit.

Make a petition about, PCück

Besides, exclusives are good for the industry: they promote competition and more IPs and innovation, and make it easier for devs to make a game perfectly suited for and streamlined to a single problem, rather than having a bunch of janky glitchy ports that run like shit, like what happened with the shitch version of bloodstained

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Nintendo is different since they make their own games for their own hardware. It's fine.

Third party exclusives in 2019 is not fine.

Shut the fuck up

everything will be okay.

>We are listening !
Fuck off wheres my Persona in PC then. You not gonna fooling us, Jewtlus

>it's okay when Nintendo does it


Catherine Classic is the superior version.

Every ATLUS extended version,it's just worse

Based as fuck Atlus. I own a PS2 and have all the copies of the PS2-era persona, SMT, and dds games

I emulate all the DS and 3DS ones though because I hate Nintendo and don't want to give them money

It used to be okay when Sony did it too. It was never okay for Microsoft though.

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because anons finally have PC's. They dont care about any of that moral BS, they just want it on their PC. No one who says shit like "anti consumer" is ever in favor of putting games that can run on console on console. No mustard would have cried that Undertale deserves to be on everything if it hadn't been ported.

Because poorfags will use any excuse to just pirate it so why bother when you can milk the fanbase on a platform where they have to buy it full price

So do you champion the cause that Octopath traveler should see a PS4 release?

>PC got the objectively superior release and didn't get saddled with a tranny self-insert snowflake
snoy can keep that remastered one

>Persona 3
>Persona 3 FES
>Persona 4
>Persona 4 Golden
>Catherine Full Body
>Persona 5
>Persona 5 Royal

Fucking Jewtlus i swear...

Catherine Classic is probably better story-wise
I can't see how shoehorning in a third route will make this game better, especially such a nonsensical and overtly correct one
It's like how Fire Emblem Fates Revelation fucking sucked hard cock in every way

I mean it wasn't very good to begin with, so sure

I couldn't care less user.

Persona 3 FES The Answer gameplay is shit aside from the story
Persona 4 Golden Marie is unnecessary addition to the story.
Catherine Full Body has a fucking literal Trap

Fuck persona
Give me SMT5 on PC

Given how long it's taking, Yuzu will probably be more than adequate for running it once it actually releases.

>fox tries desperately to convince himself that the grapes taste bad
Why do people do this? I've played FB, it's alright. Better than the original, but neither game is that good. Rin's a nice addition, and the extra puzzles might be fun if you like the garbage gameplay.

the gameplay is the best part so i know i shouldn't listen to any of your opinion