Why do people pretend Claire is ugly

Why do people pretend Claire is ugly

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Because she has a butterface and is ugly.

Looks like the kind of girl that would rim you after first date

because they have a different taste in human faces than you

shit taste

Claire is my wife


What does butterface mean?



post them

because they're ugly. They can only see ugly in themselves, that's why they perceive it in others first and foremost. but that's Yea Forums for ya, being a prominent part of Yea Forums and therefore filled with angry little people bitter about life not "giving them a fair shake"


because they wish they were her...like me

God I want to hold hands with a girl so fucking badly why is it so hard

Good bait thread, m8.

Because she has nothing but a phony roastie pussy compared to Sherry's pure, clean c-c-c-c-c-cun cun.

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don't talk that way about sherry's wife

Attached: sherrypredator.jpg (1920x1080, 431K)

We don't pretend she fucking is. Capcom can't do face capture.

She has a bit of a weird upper lip/lower jaw/chin but I think she's kinda cute. She's no Ada though and I don't even have yellow fever.


tfw thought her face is glued with butter so she must feel ugly

Because they made her look like a fucking mutt

Attached: RnMHYcr.jpg (1681x3458, 722K)

Claire is a cutie and she is wonderful.

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Claire seems like that girl who was hot in high school but then she goes to college and hits on all the hottest guys and gets snubbed and she can't figure out that in the grand scheme of things she's not that hot

Because she looks innocent and like a girl.
Men want either hot babes or kids.

>posts worst re-design

She IS a girl. 19. Ada is the woman.

I wonder.

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Why does OP pretend I know who that is?

>pretty people still look pretty under stress

Mouth looks a little off is all. I think most anons here would be happy to have her on their arm.

She legit looks like a cross between a frog and Gollum. The only way she looks good is with mods like this one, and it's because she's caked up in makeup and wearing a cute outfit.

Attached: 1560078093568.jpg (1226x1080, 321K)

For me? It's Rebecca Chambers.

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>blue shorts
Kill yourself.

It seems like every facial scan done by this company subtracts 2 points of attractiveness from the model

Her body is top tier

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dead fish eyes

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I like her personality, just put some mods on her that make her look like a sexy prostitue and you are set

>rebecca will NEVER get a good game

Attached: rebbecca is assaulted by a dog.jpg (338x274, 73K)

is wiktionary just the pretentious form of urbandictionary?