Is Lucina going to be remembered for years to come?

Is Lucina going to be remembered for years to come?

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anyone have that picture of her breastfeeding those kids?

why not?

Thanks for reminder me who she is again.

She was the one who saved the Fire Emblem franchise. Of course I’ll remember her.

Based "no" poster, FPBP, /thread

A character from a 2012 game is still immensely popular 7 years later. I'd say she had a good run.

depends whether or not she's in Smash 6 2bh

my cock reminds me

that's a weird mushroom

only because of super smash bros

what was it?

What's the best looking Fire Emblem game out that lets me play as Lucina?

She was already replaced by Cumilla

His dickpic with Lucina figurine leaning to it. They were the same size.

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>Best girl is (you)
How did they get away with it?

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I'd say yes

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Lucina is busty!

I don't see anyone posting daily "Camilla +10" threads.

>They were the same size.

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Fire Emblem Warriors


as a shitty marth clone that no one likes and who doesn't even have the decency to have nice tits or an ass to compensate for it

>they were the same size

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cute kanna-chan!

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