Now: Donkey Kong 64
After: Crash Team Racing
Now: True Crime: New York City
After: Outcast
Now: Donkey Kong 64
After: Crash Team Racing
Now: True Crime: New York City
After: Outcast
Other urls found in this thread:
Coco looks like she needs chicken nuggets.
Stream 2 is pretty comfy.
Where the FUCK is ami's muscle
I just wanna fuck my bbrosef, nothing gay about it.
Commentary is better when you’re alone with a goo couch commentator
It wasn’t very good, but I remember having a lot of fun with True Crime.
>nothing interesting until TASbot runs
Why so boring event?
Quick Rundown on the nuggets guys??
And what's up with the Re4 run? Why was it so controversial?
are any of the True Crime games any good?
Europe like game on computer
Crashing killing yet another run.
Stream 2 is great.
I heard LA was good.
Sleeping Dogs was originally a True Crime game and it was great.
>Super Mario Bros. 3
>Super Mario Sunshine
Oh good more races.
how many other games aside from this and pokemon died?
Spyro 15 minutes before beating the game
Is he constantly shooting to aggro or what? I missed the first two minutes.
Did dk64 crash? Lol I was watching stream 2
I hope Geoguessr will be as fun as it was last time around
To be honest the rest of stream 1 looks shit until SM64
Vice City "race" had some crashes ontop of being an all around train wreck.
Yeah, his run died with a crash right after unlocking the final boss room so he reloaded a 100% file.
It makes you run faster when you're in that combat mode, allows you to clip oob easier etc
fucking hell this event has been tragic
Holy shit it's beetlejuice!! I knew it was him b4 he even said it. They did a great job on the model hahaha
I hope they're at least decent, they sure have a bunch of races packed in for the end.
>go shoot a viking ship at the opera
what the fuck is this game
True Crime run is more interesting than the VC run so far
that's quite an astute observation. I have to agree
You okay m8?
I only played the first True Crime.
Are there any runs worth watching left other than tasbot runs?
Fucking goths
It's the hood, foo'
there wouldnt happen to be a nipple version of this would there
>black man harasses goths
>watching Tasbots runs
Larxa sounds a bit monotonous making these donation announcements
>shoot many people in public
>+3 career
Whoa just like real american cops
I just hope they're better than the VC run.
Steam 2 man.
Damn being an American cop looks fun.
>making fun of the WR choke
>game crashes if you punch the couch
>you can arrest your shadow clone
He just arrested himself.
>plants evidence on himself and arrests himself
Goddamn stream 2 is hilarious.
>True Crime Streets of L.A.
>no Snoop Dogg
>True Crime New York
>Snoop Dogg
I think anything would be better than that garbage.
I accidentally took my Necronomicon to New York once too.
Damn restriction laws.
This game is incredible.
why is she wearing a nazi shirt?
Physically impossible to beat on Xbox.
at least they've all got the words and aren't singing under their breath like middle schoolers
Suddenly it turns into Blame
Girl in Stream 2 just asked what’s going on in stream 1
>are they summoning something?
I ask you th same Yea Forums
>streaming 1 singing the DK rap in the background of stream 2
>”I think they’re summoning something over there”
That just singlehandedly redeemed all the shittiness recently. God bless the DK run
It can always get worse.
I mean, if they can finish the run that's already better than VC.
ok i have been banned on stream 2 too. i think some fucking jannie mod is getting triggered at my name because i was a good boy on stream 2 and didnt type anything that warrants a ban.
what's your nick on twitch?
>not the shitty remake Crash Team Racing
Kill yourself, you underage faggot.
>caverns with bottomless pits in the subway
>militant Goths
Is this New York the same one from the VtM universe?
>freezer kills
top kek
You deserved it.
If you don't cringe it up in Twitch chat then you are doing it wrong.
Even if you didn't do anything technically wrong, serves you right for being a faggot.
It's a prequel
Yea, I'm cringing.
What was that 3rd-person action shooter that looked like this, but you could grab human shields that you'd always kill when you released them? I think the sequel had a dog companion too. Probably starred a cop.
Dead to Rights?
This game seems to have had some real cool ideas that sadly didn’t get any polish at all. It’s kinda sad
That's it.
is RE4 STILL the only fun run?
ya'll jelly of my perfect use of cringe pol memes
about time we had some ctr
the amazon prime adverts are so obnoxious how do I turn this shit off
Yakuza, FF X-2, FF7, that Castlevania run.
There's something really comfy imo about those arcadey PS2 era third-person shooters before RE4 revolutionised the genre.
Was the SWAT run shit?
Who's this bbrosef chick, she looks like she's enjoying it.
A bit, 10 people were running it in co-op so good luck watching it and knowing what's going on.
A nice hefty American gal
Have there even been any similar games lately? All I see are FPS retro shit.
It wasn't awful, especially in comparison to Vice City. But it really wasn't worth watching, either.
Aside from DROP YOUR WEAPON GET DOWN spam, it was some mumbly Europeans sorta commentating and lamenting the load times.
You think that's bad? My fucking idiot country has these dumb adverts about driving like your nan is in the car
This isn't even the most obnoxious one.
And fucking adblock isn't working.
>donate to stream 2
>counter goes up but they don't read it and it doesn't show up on the list
I noticed the ads got ramped up like 5x for me in the past couple hours. I wasn't getting any ads all day then all of a sudden I'm getting 5 30 second ads after every run.
huh had no idea that shortcut was there
this is really good art
lol you people get Twitch ads?
Not that I know of. All TPS are now that hold aim + shoot style.
No lock-on / free aim-based ones like this or pure free aim ones like Max Payne anymore.
>retards don't use adblock
That's the spice
>comment rejected
Yikes dawg
That means the Jew donation screeners thought it was too funny.
>running the boomer version
It was very hard to tell what was going on, ten people mostly talking amongst each other, with four screens to guess what you're supposed to look at.
Also they had technical issues aplenty.
>Tried everything but still get them
>Just decided fuck it and went back to streamlink
Pity about the streamlink delay but ads on Twitch are too many too often and I wish nothing but a life of misery on whoever is responsible.
still finished under estimate though so god bless, could have been a lot worse
I think they play ads between runs while they set up.
you poor soul, twitch evades adblock somehow
Newer Streamlink seems to get adds served in the stream, so don't update it unless you have to.
I'd prefer that over NO ONE'S COUNTING THE ONES WE SAVE and Julia Robert's acting confused constantly
My gran just loved when driving fast & idiot. Took her teeth out and held them in her hand so they wouldn't fall out
Just get proper adblock or take twitch off your whitelist
I'm blocking ads either by uBlock, my hosts file, or maybe some other noscript shit.
This advert combines two of the things I hate the most: football and oasis. I instantly mute it when it comes on.
>ends in a fucking katana fight
This fucking game.
>dad, he's a massive nugget
Rate True Crime run
8/10 highly entertaining only slightly over estimate
>train crashes cause train cars to explode one by one slowly enough so you can just outrun the crash by going into the next carriage
Oh that's good to know.
It was a fun mess of a game that shipped out before it was finished with good commentary. 8/10
No, she's in need of some tater tatas.
The run was very informative overall.
8/10 He did way better with that than VC earlier, actually enjoyed himself, fun mess.
Only cause Spider-Man was ahead of the first car slowing it down.
that song isn't even in the advert!
America status = Redeemed
What's happening in this image?
Did the brit ever return after this meltdown?
surprised how good that ended up being
He became a furfag, so no, he never returned. Something else did
yes he's there on a revenge mission already got people banned with false accusations
Outcast or CTR?
crash, but it has like less than 10 mins left
>these skips
no thanks, im straight
By the way, I scanned the Prima guide if anyone wants it.
>prima guide
fuck that takes me back
Thank you.
>'yeah, some of these skips you probably discovered playing casually as a child'
h-ha, yeah...
good shit user
who is your /ESA/ waifu?
big jon
yui yuigahama
Coco Bandicoot.
I love her!
Good taste
Quality CTR run
ok fine
the quality of the bandicoot fan-art in this thread is too damn high
How does Dark Souls 100% work? Is it all achievements or what
>video named "ESA thot 2"
come on dude show some respect for your wife atleast
face like a fucking spoon
Handjob speedrun.
hmm wondering about this myself, if it were only all bosses wouldn't it also be called all bosses? so this must be something more, but all achievements can't be it, as far as I remember you can't get all achievements in a single run
The right amount of tummy.
all items
more like chokertruck
How is ESA in comparison to GDQ?
um yeah sweatie this run get a yikesy from me
Anybody got a counter going for how many times he's failed a level?
why are those characters so sexy
am I a furry
>meme games
Alright, that's it for me, time for bed. This is looking pretty bad.
it's not furry if they're anthro and have massive honkers and muscly thighs
Germanbro where in Germany is Heinki from? His accent sounds different from most Germans I've heard
every time
No one can stop you from jerking off to stuff except yourself.
this game looks so much fuckin better than the soulless remake that was spyro reignited. get rid of the realistic fur and it would be perfect.
>Keyboard has a shitty rollover
This is a product that was sold.
This is what peak performance looks like
Why are they spamming numbers?
>optimum nutrition
based and proteinpilled
op here i got banned and range blocked from images again. this is what happens when i post to Yea Forums :3c
me on the right
Because someone spammed it once and now they mimic him.Is it your first time on twitch?
It's a twitch vote thing for the game for bad stuff to happen in it.
Lol what a clustertruck
what the fuck is even going on in this game, is this a Eurojank game?
No, they're all drawn as super hot women so really it's just women with exotic features you're turned on by.
How did that happen?
>Lasers twice in a row
Pure evil.
How have I not heard of outcast until now?
You're a proper zoomer then, this game was very hyped back in the days.
>when Belgians try to make games
For fucks sake user, they have nuzzles and are covered in fur.
Why would a boomer know old game from 20 year ago
Is Coco a lesbian?
what's the final veredict on gta vc run?, worth or forced?
I always thought being a furry meant you're involved in that community somehow rather than just wanking to the porn
yes, that's the cope
You should try the remake
I don't remember seeing this game from any of my dad's old gaming mags or advertised in instruction manuals.
Very forced. Metako tried his best to get it going by the runners were not up for it at all and then they were so far behind the expected finish time they banned donations from interacting with the runs performance.
You shouldn't shit on younger people who play vidya user, there's nothing wrong with not knowing about a game before their time.
I wasn't shitting on him thought,it's just harmless banter.Which is why I posted a Mr.Saturn.
I guess yeah, but you can't jack off to a dude and say you're not gay. The op image is just very low on the furry scale
I bet you wank to it
My bad, Yea Forums's so cynical nowadays that I can't be sure.
I found the movement to be really clunky which greatly reduced my enjoyment of the game.
>cooling his sweaty balls with a fan
Imagine the smell
How's the Outcast run? I forgot about it and memed into the Clustertruck run instead.
Will BRAAAAAP of all fucking things actually win?
forced, tried to recreate the magic of yakuza/the 20% joke category, ended up only recreating the money. This was obviously the only goal of the alzheimer and sponsor kikes etc. all along, so I guess joke's on them. Alzheimer more like alz'chaim amirite.
please god
>tfw I'm doing the same right now
joke's on us*
but you get the point
Ok, so from the middle where i went to sleep it just didn't get any better, something that could be so big turned into shit because no real fun allowed, truly sad.
Make it happen
They'll start shilling hard for it and some cuck will overtake it.
ignore the others, you are based
>there were people ITT that watched the CRINGE! that was VC instead of FF12
>Al Bundy
Is this event less cringe than gdq? The stupid repetitions of puns and the clapping every 3 seconds is too much for someone that isnt american
well them making it a race was already a red flag they were going to ruin VC which is a game that otherwise usually makes for quality runs
thanks, also my body is ready for 4h of trackmania
Forced, runners just seemed like they didn't want to do the $25% stuff but felt like they had to.
>file deleted
what? why?
I'm not a muscle fag
Nobody cares nor have they ever cared about FF12 so they were more willing to watch a bad GTA run than a good run of a literally who game that nobody's played
Why was the OP pic deleted?
I had to mute the puns and skits,GDQ is definitely worse.
Jannies hate fat bandicoot tats
Rate Outcast
mods are chestlets
OP forgot this is 4channel.
Um excuse me sweety, this is a Christian website. Don't forget that
if the jan man gets a stiffy its porn to him
christians love boobies too
didn't watch/10
is it worth checking out?
No furries allowed, furfag
>this is a Christian website
Baste and breadpilled
being a furry is haram guys
uhu sure
There was nothing NSFW in that picture.
What's the point of this category for Clustertrucks if there's a mod in the chat just to help the runner by overriding the category's entire point?
>German runner getting angry
Uh oh
I got banned for posting sfw coco pictures
>Tencent Tupper Goran Lagger
how old are you holy shit
five people at most will get what you're posting about
Is Josh the best speedrun personality of all time?
BASED and cute Heinki!
TrackMania next, nice.
four hours and thirty minutes of trackmania. Now, the one on the second stream yesterday was cool but why are we doing it again but 4x as long?
Run was pretty good. Enjoyed it somewhat even if it had a lot of choking.
Fuck, Catholics are cool.
>best speedrun personality
I like the "speedrunning is the most degenerate act known to man" guy
>4:30 for a fucking racing game
Its another TM game.
uhh is that worth watching? I kinda want to see how broken this game is.
thank god for stream 2
I remember watching Dopefish laughing at this game.
and this is why to have 2 streams it's top tier
Whoever decided that Stream 2 4am is for jank kino needs an additional raise (two hot pockets instead of one).
How was Vice City?
You literally live in the wrong timezone lmaooooo
Is bbrosef a female (female) or female (male)?
Think the Trackmania cutie from yesterday is in crowd again
EST is the only timezone that matters.
>in Europe it's 2 PM
>Dark Messiah of Might and Magic soon
Is it dude or girl?
>Iranian games
It's Ninadore
It's TRY HARD time!
Get comfy.
>they're doing GeoGuessr again later today
Fuck yeah, if you haven't seen it you're in for some good times
At least he realized it. If you're reading this KZ your True Crime run was great, redeemed yourself there
shut up bitch I'm a furry now
>forgot to start the timer
the guy on the right is sperging out because they forgot the timer but he is too beta to say anything
Redpill me on trackmania. Which is the best game if I never played any?
I can respect him for admitting it, unlike another runner at the event.
stream 2?
yeah it's some god of war knockoff
Already coming off the heels of EnglishBen not being allowed to be in it for the RE4 shit, it was cringe. Actually worse than RE4.
Pretty much what I wanted to say myself.
Please be patiet, he has autsim
looks interesting, will watch this instead of Trackmania
not even close, changeling
What was cringy about it?
Runners just didn't care about the donations, so it was like a shitty VC run without good commentary.
>it was like a shitty VC run without good commentary.
Is it another awful games block on stream 2?
Whereas RE4 was just offensive banter at worst between friends, VC had a lot of cancer donation memes that the runners didn't care about. On top of that, it was bad gameplaywise.
The best time of the day has arrived about 4 horus ago.
>$20/25% run and that one chick is on donations
>She keeps saying "Well, you see" for like half of the donations
>Ryan Davis
Pity we never got to see him fuck around with VR games.
Dark Messiah is next
Kek. Jannies butthurt over nothing as always
I'm currently watching the vod of the super mario maker run and boy is that white dude in the left team unlikeable, always looking at bigjon's screen and telling his teammate what to look out for. what a dirty little cheater, also zero energy so I dropped it after 25 minutes, please tell me it at least got better after a while?
>40 minute estimate
>14 minute run
Garshasp is manly as fuck
hey bro, I saw your marble during the marble run in the very beginning and laughed, cheers man for that
it got better when it stopped and jon got to proudly show off his golf gaem
isn't dark messiah a clusterfuck of game where the strongest spell was just a fireball?
That character sounds like pic related.
I hate rioulu because he lives in the same area as me so I can't even snatch up local time records in any TM game.
yea, pretty solid run
They were meming around and hiding a skip that skips straight to the end of the game, so they're playing the second game as well now.
>tfw Zero's RE4 run was so chaotic it had a knock on effect to the VC run too
Ben getting banned fucked that VC run right up. first it was Ben v KZ, then just KZ, then seemingly in the last day or so it became Mhmd v KZ and then added $25% seemingly last minute. and Mhmd in particular seemed to not give a fuck at all. neither of them honored the (admittedly mostly shit) donations for more than a few minutes if at all compared to Foob's Yakuza run. Omega was stilted as hell and devoid of charisma. more restrictions on donations as VC is a much more precise run compared to Yakuza, meaning that it eventually devolved into people donating to make the crowd sing a song or wear a silly hat. can only bless for KZ and Metako for remotely trying but it was mostly just trash and a completely trainwreck if you compare it to the Yakuza one which was complete fun.
The strongest spell in dark messiah is the kick.
I don't know if it's the strongest but in general the game is not based around getting the strongest spell. It's based around finding the most inventive/stylish ways to kill your enemies.
I hope the speedrun isn't some bitch strat and shows some of the combat.
>timer not running
>audio super quiet
>constant noise from stream 1
stream 2 in shambles
>you can just float to the final boss
>I hope
me too, i had a lot of fun messing around in this game and i've never caught a speedrun before
This is the bonus run. I agree that they need an audio boost though.
>Sing your national anthem that would be so EPIC!
I can't believe Shrek is dead
Just use loudness equalization my dude
I never bothered to install Streamlink. I have equalization settings in MPC-HC.
>a world record by a second
Stream 2 WR
Was that an actualy WR on stream 2 or were they joking?
yea it was wr but nobody runs this so its whatever
I just toggle it in Windows for times like this.
They were joking because the timer was stopped halfway through and never resumed.
Windows has equalization?
The timer was only for the first game.
>30 minutes of Dark Messiah
Holy shit got here just in time
Kickening now baby!
Damn bros
tfw no devil gf
Dark Messiah, fuck yeah!!!
female boner?
Thank you user for suggesting loudness equalization, didn't know it was a built-in option.
>There are people who didn't pick Xana
fuckers all missed the evil zone tourney
is masturbating to the cutscenes factored into the estimate?
He's is going FAST
demons deserve to die
yfw drifting in trackmania
>four hours of Trackmania
What the fuck?
I choose MGTOW
WTF Spoilers!!!!!
relevant video
You now remember how fun Geoguessr was at ESA Summer 18'
I missed it
Blessed run
I bet you'd miss losing your virginity too
You're right
Defeated by a ladder...
You're right.
The skull is the only thing that matters.
>hangs out with guys because its "less drama"
>only takes pictures with guys because "its fun"
>asks guys for money because "laptop is dying"
Why does Yea Forums always fall in love with literal sluts? Why do you defend her, Yea Forums? Shes not even hot, plane jane if you ask me.
Yet another stream 2 kino.Literally what's the reason of stream 1.
Please stop, Hogan user might not be awake yet.
Who's her BF?
I saw your mistake and I'll remember it always.
why did God gave me a nose fetish?
Being loud apparently.
when they announced the stream2 schedule i was wondering how they'd top it for stream1 and turned out they just didn't, consider my expectations subverted
Shut the fuck up acting like he's one of us. He's some phoneposting cuck.
me :)
Actually the player has become evil and she's trying to stop him, right?
>one of us
Big cringe
Boyish Larxa is the best
Yeah, I already know you're against the idea of gatekeeping here because you don't fucking belong here either.
nice run
That was a fun run.
christ that music
Which one?!
Omega cringe, my dude
some metroidvania up next
fucking gross dude
tomboys a shit
FE 3 houses.
>In a bizarre universe where the oppressed are on the brink of oblivion, Dandara has awoken to reshape the world.
if you pull that other eye open would she die?
objectively poor taste
>main character is a female nigger sheboon with an afro
Back to stream 1 I guess.
is that a fucking n-
Same post was in the 3 houses thread.
What the fuck that wasn't me.
not like i was planning on watching stream 1 for a while today anyways but
>4 and a half hour racing game run
Isn't it stereotypical designing all black females with an afro?
TM Turbo looks like a chinese knockoff.
okay what run should i watch for the next hour instead?
m/a/sturbating was a mistake
>omega cringe
thats the most fag cringe I've read today, kys
It was made for bugmen (console players) in mind.
I'm personally going to be checking out the FFXII VOD because I missed it watching the VC run instead which was a huge mistake.
I like TM but it feels like they're just trying to sell their dead game to me and are over explaining everything
Yourself playing video games
hardly a clusterfuck, just poorly thought out skill trees
never ever faggot
Stop posting or talking about larxa in this fucking shithole you stupid fucking lardass. She's too pure for to be exposed to stupid fuckers like you.
How much longer you gonna keep doing this shit for, retard.
>potentially thousands of tomboy doujins lost to time last night
>Just avoid the wall
Bruh, just go fast!
do you ever sleep? seems like you are up at all hours
fucking based
Too bad it has so much more blocks to make interesting maps.
Based as fuck
>tfw have a friend who is grill who hangs out mostly with guys too
>I'm the best looking guy out of all of them
>have slight crush on her
>wanted to go out with her but she said know
>still made out with her at a party
I don't really need that much sleep. I'd rather call out desperate fucking retards on here who keep creeping on larxa.
you know e-hentai is still up for 6 months
nhentai exists too
>gdq threads have shitty umaru poster
>esa threads have hulk hogan poster
>defending a person who you do not know and calling them pure
>not a creep
>she said "know"
so you're tellin me there's a chance!
Dude's more pathetic than everyone else here which is not easy.
She ages like 5 years when she exposes her forehead.
Maybe try to make your baits a little less obvious? I mean surely it's possible to make it seem like someone might actually be that lacking in self awareness? Routinely mass-replying to "keep people from creeping on someone" can be made into looking like you don't actually realize you're the only one being the creep but you aren't even trying. You get more (You)s for being more convincing.
yikes, kys my dude
Nah, it's more fucking pathetic to go on her twitter, find pics from like a year or two ago and then post them on here because you're so fucking lonely to go out and meet real girls. I'm just calling you fucks out for messing ESA threads.
Fuck you.
have you ever actually met a tomboy in real life, none of them are like this. stop
White knightery doesn't belong here.
changing hairstyles that fools my faceblindness 100%, thanks tism
I want to make a mass of my larxa's milkies with my man-milk!
>posting that weird looking belgian whore
reminder this is the new queen of ESA, and queen of Yea Forums for that matter
looks like a dude
Yeah definitely not a creep.
fuck you, erin is a biological woman and soon to be my wife!
larxa is way cuter and has a bigger personality which makes up for her lack of curves.
Dandara looks like it would be a good speed game on paper, but in reality it looks lame.
top 1/3 in the world. what a legend.
>erin is a biological woman
i proved it when i put my peenus in her natural vagina
>i put my peenus in her natural vagina
the fuck is this indie trash on stream 2?
yesterdays TM speeddrive felt far better
>that fucked lazy eye
c'mon now. at least she got smart and started wearing her hair to block it
>almost 10 am burger time
>thread still dead as fuck
I wonder what her pee tastes like haha
Americanos are slavewagging
>wanting to post while the waifufags are ERPing
I seriously hope someone has showed her at least oe of these threads with this post in it. She would fucking love it and appreciate it.
she just wants to see more of you!
>tfw had double lazy eyes until i could get it fixed again at 20 and it trained me to never make eye contact
Was the witcher run any good?
Go suck a dick, dipshit.
i want to cum in her lazy eye
don't think it's happened yet
Why are you so upset?
Because I'm fucking tired of her getting exposed to fuckheads like you. It was better when she was a smaller streamer and unknown.
Oh shit you're right. I'm retarded
don't scare me like that, future user.
not creepy btw
You sound like an obsessed paypig.
Nobody gives a fuck about your feelings. If you want people to leave her alone you need to give them a good reason to. Do you have any good reasons for people to leave her alone?
how many are here right now? 5 tops?
>it was better when she was a smaller streamer and unknown
she comes to these big marathons to advertise and grow her stream, retard. you "pure angel" wants the fucking exposure because she doesn't give a fuck about having a small, tight knight community, she wants a big canceous community that pays her 10x more in donations
i am jere
if you count the shills
>She's too pure for to be exposed to stupid fuckers like you
not him btw
>I'll save you, m'lady
That's obviously not good enough because nobody agrees with that.
nah she comes to these events to suck cock
she literally wears these meme shirts for the sole purpose of getting noticed so people will look her up and follow her socials/twitch stream you idiot. how exactly do you think these streamers/wannabe influencers make money? i'll give you a clue, it's not by staying obscure it's by exposing themselves as much as possible. for the women, that means literally, she'll probably start wearing sluttier clothing in a few months or have donation incentives to do dances on stream
how are 3D waifufags somehow more fucking insufferable than 2D waifufags
She doesn't deserve the scrutiny from dipshits on Yea Forums. I've seen you guys do the same to other girl streamers on here and people at ESA, but Larxa is different. She isn't aware how fucking vile this shithole is and doesn't deserve to be called a whore, slut etc. Go fuck yourselves you retard lardasses.
They think they actually have a shot so their level of delusion actually involved conscious self-deception whereas 2D acknowledge what they want is impossible.
my god, the stream 1 racing game is the most monotonous looking shit ever
lets see:
there is me, ratefag.
the larxa poster
the hogan poster
the always online drama starter
That's not a good enough reason. People here don't agree. You need to come up with a better reason for people to leave her alone.
your mistaken, she likes to be called a whore and abused
*tips ahegao shirt*
Don't forget about me. I'm actually watching the streams looking for webms to make.
This. Most girls with lack of father figure do.
No one is even messing with her. Its just posts on Yea Forums.
I thought you were sleeping, my bad.
do you ever sleep?
unironically the only reason i'd consider going to one of these, no maral is a dealbreaker though
>implying a reason exists that would make Yea Forums virgins stop raping a girl in their minds
I sleep all the time during the marathons. I just try to time it during slow parts. I'm sure I miss a ton of stuff.
Now you're starting to understand how futile it is to try to make them stop.
confirming whether or not she has a dick would at least cut it down a little
I respect your efforts but you're only spurring them on
God I would never show up in public where I'd know people on Yea Forums could see me, I feel bad for people who aren't aware
>starting to
I'm not hogan
> She doesn't deserve the scrutiny from dipshits on Yea Forums