Called Teutonic Knight

>called Teutonic Knight
>is on foot
How can you fuck this up?

Attached: Crusade_avatar.png (360x450, 146K)

Other urls found in this thread:

his horse drowned lmao

foot knights existed brainlet

>is called infantry
>because only infants produce any of them except spears

not really,only the germs were known to dismount

what the fuck does that even mean

I presume he meant that infantry is pretty bad in AoE2, they're countered by archers - the most spammable unit type and they only counter spear infantry, which is also countered by archers. Cavalry is faster and has more pierce armour at least.
Teutonic knights exemplify the weaknesses of the infantry unit class as a whole and highlight the low usefulness of it's strengths.

virgin teutonic knight fears the BOYAR BVLL

Attached: 1563440730207.jpg (912x1024, 292K)

>I presume he meant that infantry is pretty bad in AoE2
blame ghostcrawler the stupid faggot

Knights can fight on foot silly bretonnian

>called Teutonic Knight
>fights during daytime

Attached: 1366135616557.gif (680x846, 145K)


Teutonic knights counter Boyars though

They can, but why should they?
As proven in the game.


>infantry is bad in aoe2
very low IQ post

how do you counter thrash then?

Spearmen are ok at what they do, but the swordsmen line (which is what usually implied by infantry) isn't really used beyond man-at-arms rushes.

What kind of trash? That term describes 3 separate unit lines. Spearmen die to archers, light cav to spearmen and heavy cav, skirmishers to all cavalry.

Yes and heavy infantry kills all thrash on its own



Men-at-arms and Spearmen are my favorite units.

Attached: Manatarms.png (309x330, 256K)

Kino taste, I like Men at arms and pikemen. Castle age is best age.

the teutonic knight order were german.

based and redpilled

Isn't this medieval slang for "swamp"?

This is why joanna darc's campaign is so comfy

>be knighted
>get off your horse
>suddenly lose your knighthood

Attached: 2125F9DF-4725-4518-AFCA-5CE0F6E5353C.png (919x528, 409K)

militia line is for ultra post imp trash fights. A handful of champions can turn post imp trash fights.

Most soul.

It's about murdering the perfidious anglos

>having a horse makes you a knight

>Called techtonic knight
>Doesn't dance

Attached: 66208248_2358302857777833_2344677420604325888_n.png (327x315, 126K)

>Charles, the Glückmanns are coming over, I need that tablecloth right now!
>Moooooom I'm on a crusade! I need it for the holy land!

>doesn't cause earthquakes either

>called tectonic knight
>doesnt use plate armor

Attached: janny.png (342x589, 292K)

>tfw accidentally joined the Ginandtonic Knights instead

Attached: callitanightcat.png (492x503, 439K)

>dyslexic knights accidentally cause the Black Death

Attached: F9C35A8C-6D25-4BCB-9EAC-E94C18F3537E.jpg (256x192, 7K)

What a minute Jo Anna dark
Joan d arc
Holy shit I've been playing this game for 20 years how have I never put that together

You'll probably be happy to hear that in DE, the Militia line gets a Feudal Age tech that reduces their food cost by -15. Only Goths don't get it and the Malay bonus now converts the once-removed gold cost into food instead.

When i was a kid, i thought that the teutonic knight was a black man, which made my young self very confused as i tried to figure out, why were the elite unit from a germans faction black guys? Am i the only one?

If anyone isn't in the beta, here's the civ overviews for the new guys in DE. I can grab some tech tree info if required.

Attached: the fuck is that font though.png (2099x477, 237K)

Oh shit, stay here, ima alert the boys in the RTS general

But they smell so bad :/

I see. Anyway I can't do any compstomps unless I have another player with me in a lobby and the actual civilization pool is only four civs, which seems to be rotating (Lithuanians were there first for me, now it's Khmer while Britons/Franks/Vikings seem to be mainstays). However the William Wallace tutorial is available but for some reason the Celts are using the Britons voice set.

Attached: mangonel shot.png (252x230, 92K)

How much better would Teutonic Knights be if they were faster or were a cavalry instead?

English knights were well known to prefer to fight on foot, probably to protect their longbowmen.

French Knights preferred cavalry because they were really rich and their land was very fertile.

Polish and Spanish knights fought more with cavalry to match their opponents.

Is Bulgarian "krepost" an improved castle?
Also holy shit Bulgarians and Cumans look juicy.

WIll I have to buy AoE II DE if I have AoE II HD or is it free DLC?

>try to sign up for the beta
>Microsoft bullies me and does not let to sign in their bullshit

You'll have to buy it. It does include all the previous expansions and DLCs though.

They'd be Boyars. So pretty good.

spanish used pikemen user

How's the multiplayer lobby system? Can it compete with voobly? Also any changes to pathfinding or other core mechanics that might cause the playerbase to stay with the old version?

Looks to be intended as a cheap castle. Less things to train/research and less HP + attack.

$5 US cheaper for HD owners.

I had to complete the sign-in bullshit with Edge instead of Chrome, try that.

Truth be told I haven't had any buddies to play with yet. Might try out a compstomp with some guy later though just to see how it goes, I often see like three games going on at a time. Hopefully it's competent but I can't really say much about it. Also there's a bouncing watermark over the screen.

Attached: krepost.png (1000x648, 697K)

So, a steppenigger expansion. What campaigns the game will have? Raid and plunder Europe, sell whit*oid slaves to Arabs, become a mercenary for Constantinople, Northern Crusades. What else?

>can build town centers and rams in feudal

They starting using pike and shot (and sword & board) After the middle ages, before that, they were very cavalry based. They fielded both light and heavy cavalry to compete with the Moors..

>I had to complete the sign-in bullshit with Edge instead of Chrome, try that.
LMAO good ye olde microsoft
I will try thanks

TCs are expensive as fuck. I wonder if this is really that good.
Especially without economy boost.

The Cumans (pictured tech tree) and Tatars get a new stable unit kinda like how Rajas civs got elephants. It appears they're not retroactively added to any old civs and probably act similarly to the Incan Kamayuk.

Three new campaigns according to the aforementioned news article. AK and Rajas had some pretty good ones, so hopefully this follows suit.

Cumans seem like they've got a weaker lategame as the trade off, but it'll be interesting to see what bullshit could happen. I'd assume a player going to Castle can simply lay down some TCs while they age up at worst, or come up with some kind of booming strategy. That's going to be their only economic advantage.

Attached: steppe lancer.png (1065x686, 893K)

Unique units.

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>fights on as infantry when felled
holy shit

Attached: XlXDkj9MvBU.jpg (454x471, 50K)

>those bonuses
and I thought they hit rock bottom with forgotten "farms built 50% faster" tier shit

Post your town design

I'm curious to see what its infantry stats are but it hasn't been a playable civ yet.

aren't these broken?

no wood trash and attack boosting relics definitely are, feudal towncenters very likely also

What elo are you lmao. Infantry is very strong in aoe2 dipshit. Champs are the only viable option for a shit ton of civs

You mean as in balance? The potential is there, but it's subject to change and we can't really use them yet.

Attached: let me use more civs you fucks the game is already at a high file size.png (718x539, 459K)

fpbp new topic

Watch someone who actually can play the game and count the times he uses militia line past feudal.
Easy mode: you can include the times when he's Malay and thus has trash militia

You are joking right? Feudal TCs means you can just ignore gold and boom. That's insanely fucking strong. It's pretty easy to go on stone early, people already do it for tower rush. You just go late feudal like you would for fast castle but go on stone instead of gold and boom.

Fuck that's gonna be so op

Let's see what Spirit of the Law says about that.

Did any of the originals civs get any buff or are they still the same?

>The potential is there

>+5 attack knights in castle age

>+3 armor to Militia-line
I assume they will lack the last armor upgrade in the blacksmith

>TCs and Rams in Feudal, 50% stronger Palisade

>+1 cavalry attack after every relic
>+25% elevation damage
These are highly situational. Random map generation will fuck people over.

>Civs that seemed to suck but turned out to be awesome

>Civs that seemed awesome but turned out to suck

Everyone but Goths gets Supplies from Feudal to make the Militia line cheaper. Since Tracking is now free, Slavs now get this new tech for free.

This implies you end up controlling most of the relics, something a lot of players will either forget or be contending over - potentially going to be the case if Lithuanians are around. Into the lategame, their Paladins also lack Plate Barding Armor and their siege is shit outside of Bombard access.

Attached: supplies.png (390x181, 90K)

the english largely fought with dismounted knights too you mongoloid
if you've ever read a history book you'd know that but you're too stupid to do so.

Attached: f6474ccc3e6e61ad0999d7e3b01f4710.jpg (1596x2343, 608K)

>I assume they will lack the last armor upgrade in the blacksmith

Close, Bulgarians lack the Champion upgrade.


>Civs that seemed awesome but turned out to suck
None of them are bad, though. Rather average.

I found Teutons to lack offensive power, they're just too slow, it seems they're tailored towards wonder victories. Turks have terrible trash, being heavily dependent on gold, and are very vulnerable in early game, lacking any advantages. Koreans are just meh at everything, lacking any strengths to work on.

They seem quite overpowered

>Teutons now get Herbal Medicine for free

Huh, that one is actually new.

Attached: TWO TONS.png (1920x1080, 2.26M)

It seems that there is almost no reason at all to play the conquerors/age of kings civs when the news civs do everything they the olds do but better and these news civs seem to be more of the same.
Khmer reporting

>Into the lategame, their Paladins also lack Plate Barding Armor
paladins with 5 attack is still OP af
you won't even have to defeat an enemy in team games, just get its 2-3 relics

>Seemed awesome

>Seemed bad
>Goths, Mayans, and Britons
You have exceptionally bad taste lmao.

>the Teutonic Knights pose
Alpha, yet regal, as fuck.

Franks still have the highest winrate, Chinese still the best on Nomad, Vikings still a must pick on water maps, 3 out of 4 civs from the last expansion are on the lowest winrate top 5, dunno what you're talking about.

>all the new SotL content once DE comes out

Attached: 1372186043829.gif (800x800, 676K)

You mean Slavs? Because the faster farm buildtime is a garbage bonus.

The only exceptionally bad thing here is your reading comprehension

>Franks still have the highest winrate
On paper it makes sense, it's a one trick pony civ, which can be spammed and is exceedingly hard to counter. Defensively-wise, cheaper castles is by far the best bonus any civ could possibly have.

A race where citizens believe that during an attack it's best to hide in their houses instead of a castles deserve to loose.

Is AoE2: DE gonna be Win10 exclusive?

Attached: teutonic_order.png (781x593, 1.02M)

What was with those silly helmet designs? British humor on the battlefield?

Yeah, those 3 are pretty good, but what i am trying to say is why would you pick persians when you have berbers and malians, why would you pick teutons when you have slavs, or sarracens/indians or spanish/burmese or turks. They are not bad civs, i just think they dont offer too much compared to the "new" civs.

I don't necessarily agree with that at all, it also depends on the map type you play on. But plenty of newer civs are definitely powerful.

Faster farming building is the Incan team bonus, Slavs team bonus is +5 population per military building. But the latter does have a economy bonus to farm gathering, which used to scale off very poorly by Imperial but got revamped into something that is quite competent.

Unfortunately seems to be the case going by system requirements.

Holy shit really? That's fucking huge. Food free Swordsman every 4 of them? Fucking huge.
Are there any new basic units?

Spanish still have that amazing cavalry handgunner though.

>4v4 arena
>Drop a single tower in feudal age near an enemy's wall close to their stone
>They immediately resign

Attached: 1546892135127.gif (498x414, 1.57M)


FUCK YES my favorite weapon is finally in a game again since fucking Diablo

Right? There's not a lot, if any, maces/flails in AoE2 surprisingly.

Conquistadors are amazing but arambai are cheaper, do more damage and fire faster on top of the nice burmese economy while the only thing that conqs get over the arambai is armor

It's less of an old expansion/new expansion dichotomy and more of bad civ/good civ one. Good civs from the old expansions stayed good (that includes Spain btw, they aren't bad right now and they never were), bad civs from them stayed bad. And new expansions on top of introducing some good civs also introduced some mediocre to shit ones.

Don't play Saracens a lot. Is this new?

>Are there any new basic units?

You mean like the Siege Tower? The two Steppe civs get a new stable unit as posted earlier, but other than that? Nope.

Attached: we obsidian arrows now.png (531x484, 73K)

And accuracy,

They also barely hit shit unless you're adjacent to the enemy unit.

I think thats the first civ to have actual negative late game potential though

Nope, they had that bonus before
>they still haven't changed that dumbass team bonus

Attached: 1533768279048.jpg (600x477, 349K)

Literally low iq

Bulgarians looking broken as fuck
No eco bonuses to speak of though, that militia bonus would never have happened if the meta didnt fuck over militia line so much.

I get that but like you said, civs that already were good/bad stayed the same and on top of that they introduced new civs, so for example sarracens were already pretty bad but now they are even worse because there are civs that have different traits without the disadvantages (indian camels, genoese xbow/mameluke)

It's not that much of a dumbass teambonus. Mayans and britons can really benefit from it. Situational? Yes, but it's not like the useless Inca team bonus

I remember arguing with some faggot like a decade ago who staunchly defended Saracens market bonus should be their team bonus. I don't think people understand how fucking busted it is.

Attached: 62342.jpg (1024x512, 53K)

oh shit you right, i forgot about that

Try it with Chu Ko Nu.

>be personable human
>drive car
>be driver
>hard-r nigga steals my truck
>now I am walk
>I am still a driver because I have note from the country saying am allowed to
>pixel file irrelated

Attached: 1528484484867.jpg (620x521, 62K)

>free champ upon clicking up to imp
>Tc drops in feudal age
oh no
what are the changes to the other 30 odd civs?

I don't understand why people lap up everything from the shovelware masters at Skybox. How they got away with that AoM cashgrab is beyond me

worse, apparently now it's only +1 instead of +2

they didn't have +3 as a exclusive bonus

hope you are just baiting man

Just went and checked HD 5.8, the change in text implies the archer line now gets that same bonus Cavalry Archers got.

Bulgarians don't get Champions. But otherwise I'm slowly taking a look at bonus + tech tree changes. Subject to change, but yeah.

Attached: sand people arrows.png (387x641, 582K)

I almost shit myself when I got this email, but then I read it and turns out it was an invite to a public beta of the new AoM patch. My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.

Attached: opera_2019-07-24_01-32-18.png (601x850, 269K)

What makes Koreans average to mediocre as a civ in AoE2?

On the bright side, that's AoM EE's first patch in fucking years. God that game was left in a miserable state.

might as well call them a monk/tower creep civ now

>10 damage with 1 range
Bretty gud, what are the stats of the elite version?

Those helmet designs used to show who the fuck are you so they don't kill you on field for sake of ransom

Holy shit its getting kinda dangerous now, too bad this doesnt makes the team bonus good at all.
Reminder archers do 1 damage to buildings, 2 with chemistry, its 150% increase in post-imp, hopefully this doesnt get negated by masonry/architecture like most other vs. building bonuses.

nvm me im retarded

Combing through tech tree differences. Since we have like 35 civs now, I wouldn't mind some pointers on things you might suspect to be added or removed from a certain civ. No, Teutons don't get siege rams. Sorry.

Here you go, user.

Attached: elite steppes.png (578x483, 348K)

Neat, thanks. And only for 30 gold. I think the lancer will be a great unit.

Reminder that we're getting AoM Definitive Edition.

why does the terrain looks like shit ?

Just noticed Native American civs get a new icon for their trade carts, cool.

Attached: fast.png (196x239, 66K)

>knights where on horseback at all times 100% of the time

The author(s) of the Age of Chivalry mod changed it in the latest version and it looks so bland and desaturated, I hate it

thats not the DE my dude, its a mod

What other faction would they add?
AoM factions really aren't as easy to design as AoE2 ones, since they have fuckloads of unique assets, units and stuff, unlike mostly generic mainline factions.
Also it barely has a multiplayer scene, which would also make it kinda low priority for Microsoft. Even AoE3 got a fucking LAN recently, but AoM seems to have some deep design problems that stem from all the crazy shit you can do with the mythic units and myth powers.

>What other faction would they add?
Hopefully Slavs. They have a rich mythology to make things from.

Aztec / Mesoamerican.

When the fuck are they suppose to be on horse if not during a battle?

Wonder what they're going to pull from for a new civ but I really don't have high hopes after how both Forgotten Empires and Skybox treated the Chinese xpack, the campaign was just bad and the game was broken in all kinds of places. They're good with AoE II content, but their work on AoM has been very underwhelming. And if we get an AoE III DE, what the fuck happens then?

Attached: facepalm.png (289x362, 139K)

Eeeeh, I'm a slav and it's not really that different from Norse or any other barbarian pagan tradition that's not rooted in hellenism. At least minor scraps that we know of that survived during aggressive conversions to Christianity. There is some pagan-revivalist literature out there, but it's mostly larping based on no historical basis.
Now that I can get behind, their stuff is sick as hell.

Fuck no, after they fucked them up in AoE 2 I don't want to see any "slavs". They'd just make them ruskie subhumans again.

I just want them to nerf trash units.

>Lithuanians are a separate faction now
>you're still under a blanket civ with Russian voices and unique unit


Looks like another nerf to my knowledge, used to be 80% (and 100% well before) didn't it?

Attached: slow down you SEAmonkey.png (502x490, 64K)

>Khmer buffs
>Byzantine and Koreans tweaked
>Persians given a reason to exist
>Vietnamese and Portugese completed changed

Attached: 1529671095760.jpg (1024x1365, 195K)

There's also Bulgarians now.

>the absolute state of Poland.

when they're beating the shit out of serfs like your ancestors, for money

It's doubly strange because Bulgarians are the only other slavs that are the only non-eastern slavs who are somewhat close to Russia culturally and in regards to their language (Russian alphabet is literally Bulgarian, the term "Tzar" is Bulgarian etc). With Bulgaria gone they might as well just rename Slav civ to "Russia", since it sure as hell doesn't represent Bohemia or Poland.


Attached: 1501367949149796240.gif (300x300, 2.42M)

Malay isnt even good wtf

More like Polish stole the horses.

>With Bulgaria gone they might as well just rename Slav civ to "Russia"
The main problem is that the Slav faction has strong cavalry, something that Russia is not known for. They are known for cheap, "trash", massed armies.

>represent Bohemia or Poland
With their respective signature units already being used elsewhere (War Wagon and Hussar), what to replace them if these factions were hypothetically added to the game?


Attached: 1533565521458.jpg (624x671, 98K)

Looking through the tech tree, Khmer now get Hussars and Faith, but lose Shipwright. Byzantines don't seem to have anything different on paper. However, Koreans have gotten tweaked for sure - trading faster defensive building speeds for a wood discount on non-siege military. Gonna take a look at the rest but don't get your hopes up.

Attached: r rook good.png (537x478, 81K)

>They are known for cheap, "trash", massed armies.
They did that cold war meme in AoE3 on top of making Russians the villains of the campaign in completely ridiculous situations (Ivan the Terrible era Russian army teleporting into the middle of America to siege El-Dorado lmao) and it was awful.
Strelets would work great as unique hand-gunners, although the Boyars probably work better with the time-frame.

Did the Persian TCs and Docks always work 5% harder in Dark Age?

Attached: TC and dock working bonus for dark age.png (504x192, 43K)

hey thats pretty good

Husbandry for the Vietnamese is new.

Attached: a slightly fortunate son.png (1920x1080, 2.28M)

broken af


I want to trade in the Light Cavalry discount from the Magyars for an increase in stable production. The discount isn't incentive enough to go for Scouts when you've got the Huszar.

still missing the last two armour techs right?

Finally some good fucking elephants

holy fucking powercreep lads
makes the fan dlcs civs looks balanced

Nah, Vietnamese are just missing on Blast Furnace like they do currently on HD 5.8. The Malay still lack Chain Barding + Plate though, if that's what you mean.


Normal hussars are created at the stable, they can be mass produced while huszars are created at the castle. It is easier to make stables than to make castles

I know, but Huszars are created faster and are much more pop efficient, which allows you to field more diverse units (Magyars have access to a lot of other good things) to counter the wall of spears you're bound to face as Magyars.. You only rely on Hussars when Huszars are unavailable, I want an incentive to use them both.

I don't see any tech changes for Portuguese unless they changed how Arquebus works again or something. In the meantime just have this for the music options. There's seemingly no option for the original score, but you do have some say on the playlist order.

I'm going to have to fucking see if there's any tech cost changes aren't there?

Attached: it's cool i guess.png (497x215, 138K)

wrong century

>Mio Cid campaign
>can use conquistadores

Attached: 1455729797805.jpg (600x462, 31K)

Yeah, the problem is that huns already create scouts faster and berbers already have a discount so you dont want to make them too similar to other cavalry civs

I can't wait to hear the full remade soundtrack, they did a fantastic job in the first DE.

I'd probably change it to Light Cav upgrades for free. Or even just the final Hussar upgrade for free since it's so underwhelming.

>There's seemingly no option for the original score
Then what is the 'Classic' option?

I preferred the original desu. It felt more tribal.

As do I but I still think they did a fantastic job.

>Forced Levy is now 850f 500g (1000f 600g)

Seems to be the only change I see so far but I'll get back to it. Here's the graphics settings - the HD graphics button is grayed but needs an optional DLC downloaded to make use of it, and it's a pretty fucking big download in itself.

'Classic' doesn't play your civilization's new theme when you start a game, it just goes straight to the Shamburger remix.

Attached: might be best to wait for optimization.png (901x704, 201K)

One new thing I like - health bars are now over resources, HP in general is colored to the unit's player color by default but you can have classic red/green HP back. Although this will also apply to resources unless you turn that off. There's some emphasis on colorblind options too.

Attached: d.png (353x297, 261K)

How the fuck does it keep looking more and more like Rise of Nations, aesthetically speaking

Is the unit pathfinding any better in AoE2 DE?

Warwolf, the Britons Trebuchet tech, got a price hike. (Used to be 500w 250g)

Also I'm now seeing a 'Casual' game speed alongside Slow/Normal/Fast, and an infinite starting resources option. Dunno what's up with the former though, maybe it's dynamic or some middle ground.

Attached: well goddamn.png (434x172, 100K)

If you've ever read a history book about one highly specific aspect of one nation of europe

Boring shit nobody cares about, there's presets for hotkeys based on past releases. DE uses QWERTY bindings by default. You can also have tech hotkeys.

Attached: it's something.png (268x222, 30K)

post new viking tech tree

I thought in one of the screenshots they had winged hussars, but I couldn't tell from the pics in this thread if that was any of the new unique units. Can anyone confirm?

Attached: 9825625-2.jpg (500x477, 178K)

That's just fully upgraded light cavalry (which are called Hussars), they always have wings no matter who you played.
Poland is under Russia-based blanket civ called "Slavs".

>feudal tc and rams
that has the potential to be the most broken shit I have seen in my life

The Hussar had wings in the original, they do here too.
Seems to work fine so far, can't speak for multiplayer at the moment.

It's pretty much the same.

Thinking about it, you could probably store MMA, spearmen, or villagers into them too.

Attached: zooming in close really wants those 25+ GB HD textures.png (279x282, 200K)

I'm fuckkin stupid
I don't know why I never made that connection

>It's pretty much the same.

any chance at getting images of all the tech trees in AoE 2 de

Welp, I spent about four hours looking at small shit in the game than actually playing it, and it's getting late so I think I'll cut it here with snippets. You're welcome, the beta shouldn't be hard to get into if you want to bother at all.

Attached: Age_of_Empires_II_HD_Edition_Artwork_3.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

Good work user

meh, I don't think that malay needed a tweak at all, but it's not too big so I wont complain
they are great on water, ok on pure land
>Thinking about it, you could probably store MMA, spearmen, or villagers into them too.
that, and tc + ram pushes could be unstopable if you commit in feudal. rams are pretty beefy for feudal units, and if you destroy a tc before they go to castle you are already on your way to out eco them if you create from several TCs

thanks man, enjoy it


I know that painful feel.

>Win10 exclusive

Attached: 1356940395569.gif (400x316, 979K)

Let us know how your first match goes and what your impressions are user!