I don't like tabtarget combat and stormblood made me want to kill myself. Will I like Shadowbringers?

I don't like tabtarget combat and stormblood made me want to kill myself. Will I like Shadowbringers?

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Do you care about the story at all at this point? If the answer is no then you won't like Shadowbringers.

Why would you bother playing any further if you don't like the combat?

I probably would care if it wasn't told so tediously
because I like the world and the graphics and the music and everything
just not the actual system of how you do attacks

what's bad about tab targeting? I unironically don't know but I had played ffxi at release so I am very used to it in addition to using f8 to target the nearest mob

The game is basically the same, so no.

>he didn't play on PS2 with maximum comfy gamepad controls
Cycle through party list with d-pad up and down, cycle through npcs and monsters with d-pad right and left

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tab/shift tab plus F1-6 worked for party, but you're not wrong that it was a nice scheme

you could do the same with 4 keys, 2 for cycling back and forth for enemies and for teammates

I play XIV with an xbone pad and it's also comfy

How do i target good on PS4 remote?
I'm a level 71 Bard and i look silly just standing there

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If you tap l1 or r1 while l2 or r2 is held down you cycle left and right

>I don't like game that prides itself on being more of the same every patch/expansion
>Will I like more of the same?

No OP, I don't think you will

any tips for becoming a rich jew, only got like 2m gil

First, make sure you enable target filters and switch to enemies. This will save your life for 99% of content.

Secondly, you can use X to hard target enemies, then dpad left and right to adjust.
If you hold L1 and press up and down on dpad, this will cycle through the enemy list.

A third method that I personally like is cancelling and retargeting quickly. The game chooses targets based on your character's facing so if you cancel your target, turn around, and press X, it will always target the enemy behind you no matter where your camera is facing, assuming the enemy is within view.

>innocence ex
>pull boss into the NW circle
>dumbass DPS hits the circle next to us and we wipe
>get told to bring the boss to the north edge in between two circles, I explain why that's a stupid idea
>they insist so I say whatever, however the party is more comfortable
>pull the boss in between the circles and dumbass DPS hits two circles this time, wiping us
alrighty then I guess it's my way or the highway

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lvl80 retainers. lvl80 Cook and Alch. That's all you need. Alternatively buy low in other servers with world visit and then sell higher in your home server, but I don't like doing that.

>do a 100 floor palace of the dead run
>get a nightmare horse whistle
>sell it for 20 mil

How to do I do blm aoe at low levels? Why does brd and blm feel like dog shit to play at low levels

I remember retard tanks pulling the boss in such a manner that no matter where you aimed the boss would still pop the circle he was already right on top of. Good times.

>blm feel like dog shit to play at low levels
It doesn't. I enjoyed THM since level 1. Go play another job FotM bandwagoner.

why do people complain about tab targeting? what's the alternative, make it hack-and-slash?

The ONLY reason anyone plays this is for the weeb story.
There is no reason to play this AT ALL.

>fags want to remove tab targeting and trinity
>games that do this are always shit

Just doing it for the amaro mount aashole and when did you start and if the answer is not arr go fuck yourself

I've gotta insist on MTing every time. Most times tanks don't even want to MT because tomohawk/shield lob/whatever is too hard to press but whenever you leave the job to somebody else they manage to fuck boss positioning up remarkably

Wait what does shift tab do?

this, all the ones people meme to be "the best action combat mmo's" are all fucking garbage.

I'm buying the steam version of XI instead

Between monk or bard, who's more enjoyable to you?
I felt like BRD is fun, but now started noticing how pathetic his damage is, maybe in raids its a bunch of buffs but it really feels like im doing nothing myself...Or maybe machinist is big dic damage without turreting like BLM?

>do smn 80 questline
>it takes me back to ala mhigo with more shitty Fordola
and here I thought it couldn't be worse than the 70 questline but here we are

You do it under intense pain and hardship

BLM is fucking garbage below 70

>buy low in other servers with world visit and then sell higher in your home server
but im on balmung

2. something

>BLM is fucking garbage below 70
you mean 72

Threadly reminder to play the job you like rather then force yourself to play a job that is 'meta', no matter how much parse trannies are screeching.

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Then go fucking erp. That's what you're there for isn't it?

My favourite job is Ninja what now faggot ?

I've been doing Eden blind with randoms. And the third part is just Shinryu with a couple of mechanics from other other bosses (watch out for the ring on the side like in Ghimlyt Dark's ZZ Top Eliminator fight).
Like it's so fucking easy, especially compared to the two earlier fights. So how the fuck did my team keep dying? Our healers alone wiped like three times.

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Nah, double flare and foul make AoE great.


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>not posting the audio version

If you like it play it, what's the point of a game if you don't have fun playing it?

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72 is the only thing that makes the double flare fun
>before 72
>have to transpose and get slower mana ticks while you set up again for double flare
>cast freeze after double flare so you can double flare faster


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Think about how stupid the average person is, even more so if you're on US servers.

For progressing through the MSQ, are you typically expected to have looked up a guide for trials or are all the required ones usually easy enough that it doesn't matter?

>job i like does the most rdps
laughs in fire 4

You answered your own question, dipshit.
You won't like it.

How do you AOE with MCH at level 70? I have one but I never cared about it.

How do I fix this injustice?

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They're usually easy enough, though some are a bit harder and it's pretty dissatisfying when you just die and don't understand the boss, while your group carries you, which is what usually happens when you fail, rather than wiping and getting a chance to learn the boss.
In the end it's up to you, personally I didn't watch guides for any of the normal modes.

>easy enough that it doesn't matter
Yes. Maybe at like Heavensward ask if there's anything to know, people are usually helpful, but the tank might have pulled before you finish typing.

>get 50 heat
>use hyper charge + auto crossbow
>use one ogcd per autocrossbow
>use flamethrower
>once flamethrower ends and enemies are still alive spam spread shot

fap to her doujins on sadpanda

fuck you i'll get my amaro mount no matter what