He likes fighting games

>He likes fighting games

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Other urls found in this thread:


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How do I get a sub gf without being chad?

>he likes playing sims
>he's good at building houses

Attached: 1562689577032.jpg (1024x1024, 119K)

Kill a chad and take his place. Make sure other people see though so they can see your dominance.

>He plays overwatch
>He's nice to his healer

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Attached: BONK.png (604x630, 334K)

I've never even held a girls hand


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what do you play bro

where did you get this picture of my swedish gf?

you will be cheated on kek

ah, silly incel. if a girl cheats, its your fault.

>brown eyes
tranny made this pic

>"ah, silly incel"
>talks like this
>calls others incel

Only if I give her permission to!

>He calls everyone a tranny

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>implying femjak isn't a terf

what retarded faggot came up with femjak in the first place anyway, nobody asked for this

>He calls femjak a trans

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>caring so much about types of wojaks

might aswell tattoo virgin on your forehead

have sex

>Now all the femnons can wojak post with greater ease.
Ah, it all makes sense now.

The jaw I get, but fucking eyes? Really?

i smirk, so thanks for that :)

>he doesn't know what terf means

i didnt you retard

have sex incel

ur implying that i care about distinguishments of other wojaks. settle down faggot

I want to marry female wojack!

>play guitar
>own a car
>go for girls under 20 that still think both of those things are cool

that's the case for anyone. All females cheat, even on Chad on occasion.

>Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist - T.E.R.F.

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Dumb incel FemJak is hot and is dream girl. Have sex. You will never have a girl like her. Lol. Pathetic.

>He defends femjak's honor

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Who ever you are that posts this in these threads just let it be known that you are based

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I wish all wojaks were femjak.
The shitposts would be different despite esentially being literally the same.

>He likes flight sims

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be dominant
it's that easy

As always, the source of all cancer on the internet: Females, trannies and their hordes of white knights.

>i actually find femjak attractive
where did it all go so wrong

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if you're above 18 years of age and look at femjack as anything but a roastie then you don't need to have sex you need to grow the fuck up

your sense of attractiveness has been co-opted by maladapted adolescent sexuality and the image of a teen girl with pink hair and a choker is somehow registering in your mind as 'attractive' rather than 'TEEN GIRL - AVOID'

Nice try incel, FemJak is about to take over this stupid board and theres's nothing you can do about it.

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>he has a daddy fetish and wants to treat his gf like his daughter
Wow now.

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reminder that this meme was started by retarded americans in the early 20th century

>pink hair
i'm guessing you never went to uni? because that's literally all i ever saw