Has a game ever made you tear up?

Has a game ever made you tear up?

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why does reality have to suck so fucking much

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Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

That's what I was told for these situations, anyway...

Goodbye my friend
I'll never forget you!

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>Crying while watching/reading something
I'm not a woman nor a faggot so no.


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Not 4Channer

You have to go back.

I wasnt even joking.

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I should have learned from emulation sites getting taken down. I knew this stuff wouldn't last forever and yet I continued on like it would.

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Go back to what?

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I hope Yea Forums is blaring this. If not, the mods failed us yet again. Brb gonna check. Who am I kidding, this isn't old 4chins.

degenerate BTFO

i can't believe the panda fucking killed himself.
Why didn't anybody help him with his depression

A decent chunk of this is likely because of the way that Japan handles court cases. It's pretty fucked

like tears in the rain

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Make no mistake, what we are witnessing is an end of an era.
Sadpanda was significant part of internet history.
This is like if pornhub, Yea Forums or reddit died.

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>why does reality have to suck so fucking much
Talking about reality that sucks : real women suck, not your waifus.
Now get out & meet actual girls to please you(r meat)!

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The Netherlands can't sink soon enough

Wait I thought in Japan 99% of the court cases ended up in a guilty veredict.
Unlike the EU where the cops can't arrest "asians" (sand niggers) because that would be racist.

Are you... are you like E3L?

I have never seen ESL-ness this powerful before

haha cumbrains btfo

I only read vanilla stuff

im sad that young men will never be able to experience this and will have to grow up addicted to cuck porn on pornhub

>real women suck

Link me all of the vidya artbooks. I saw someone with a copypasta on /h/ but the sticky won't even load for me now.

>You actually said 4Channer

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That's right, Japanese police have a 90% conviction rate.

>they are looking at japanese drawings instead of my blacked porn?

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There is no other word for it, what are you shitting your pants over?

Don't worry, they won't have cuck porn either after all the pornographers lie in unmarked mass graves

that image literally breaks anti-lolicons brains and they will come up with endless conjectures to try to explain it

>crying over a doujin website

I fuckin hate city folks like you

I live in a town of 1200 people. I was born here, and have never left.

Perhaps if you were able to see the stars, you would be in touch with your feelings, too?

Jokes aside, how long will it be until Yea Forums gets inevitably fucked because of muh racism and sexism?my guess is 5 years or less

Because they make deals for cases they're not 100% certain about.

god I hope so, maybe the normoids will go back to facebook

It's possible one day you will wake up and this site will just be gone. RIP to all of you who have grown up on this site for the past 15 years or so.

Yes because otherwise they don't go to court at all and get dropped or they make deals. Basically if they aren't almost 100% sure that you're guilty, you get let free. If you do get charged then it's assumed that you're guilty and almost never can prove otherwise.

>lived in a town of 1200 people

try living in some bumbfuck nowhere with barely any cellular network connection you sissy bitch

Pedoniggers on suicide watch

Sorry I keep posting this but I want to make sure people get the links and I don't know what the fuck else to do.
Castlevania art:

feel free to peruse the other shit:

castlevania bro I hope when you wake up your link still works. I'll monitor other threads tomorrow I guess and post around.

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Truth is, game was rigged from the start.

Everyone will just go to 2x4chan. honestly that site's layout is much better anyway. The community blows but if there's a mass migration then it's fine.

They're both degenerate

Since when does this site have so many fucking normalfags?

I saved this much in the past 5 hours

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Aspbergers syndrome is a sad thing. You should cry for yourself because you had the misfortune of getting it.


>Not Yea Forums
Man those were the days, reddit kids these days will never experience that place.

This is worse than 9/11

Do Europeans really go to jail over drawings?