Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA

Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA

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I hear you man.


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It's called ventrilo not venten, retard, also your dick is surprisingly small

I never thought I'd look back on this silly song with fondness but I just listened to it for the first time in ten years and it had me grinning. I never even fucking liked DotA, but I remember my friends pushing me to play it at LAN parties.

I used to have the same headphones, practically got them around the same time that video came out. I miss those headphones, they didn't have the greatest audio quality but they were acceptable. More importantly they were the most comfortable headphones i've ever owned in my life. I can safely say that after now owning like 6 audiophile tier headphones. Fuck quality, i'd rather have comfort but now I'm too autistic to go back

Quality nostalgia right here,its like wow classic before classic wow became a meme.

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han säger venten i låten pucko

>tfw dota 2 players don't even know the voice samples

Why were the 2000s the absolute peak of gaming and gaymen culture?

I feel ya man.

you're a fucking retard

Vi sitter här I venten och spelar lite DotA

The girls had nice feet


looked too smelly/sweaty



superior basshunter to be honest

How have valve still not gotten this guy to sing the dota song at a TI?

I feel you man.

Hon heter Anna. Anna heter hon

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Because basshunter got old and is a creepy alcoholic now.

wc3 came before wow ladd

Vi sitter här I venten och spelar lite DotA

>rest of the world will never know how great it was to be a kid/teen in sweden in the 2000s

I miss the good old day of dota, back when they JUST released mmr. That was a good time.

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Don't you have a fika to go to at Nespresso, Mattias?


Norway > Sweden

No you don't swedecuck. Now take Jamal's cock up your sissy ass

Finland > Norway > Sweden

We are going back to real /home/
(after they hopefully fixed humans)

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code time for talk in english

damn pewdiepie looks different now

Finland > Norway > Sweden >>>>>>>>>>>> a bag of shit >>>>>>>>> Denmark


But those are not the good old days of DotA, you fucking zoomer
DotA1 was the best

Copenhagen is the only yuropoor city I've had sex in so Denmark is alright in this burger's eyes.

us gaymers huh Yea Forums xD

I want to know if they fucked up Tyrande

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He's a hack, all his songs sound the same
Vi sitter har i venten
All i ever wanted

Jag kanner en bat
Now you're gone

why has apps like teamspeak and discord gotten so autistic and even more extremely circlejerky now? all kids do is post autistic shit and try to dox eachother and stuff

failed normies are weird

going home would be to play original warcraft 3 again, because it is meant to connect to the new version
those new models are overdesigned trash. They probably outsourced it to the chinese too

Sweden > Finland > Norway > Denmark

false, people leaving every other game after the died wasn't fun. You had to play in closed leagues like TDA or you cant even find a game and it was STILL noob crushing 99% of the time. Either you are crushing noobs are you were the noobs.

Im a 30 year old man m8.

have sex loser

looks good

considering we already have their face artwork they will all look great

Attached: Waifande.png (127x123, 35K)

Considering half of her portrait is a tiger and she looks like a tranny in wc3 anything will be an improvement.

Switch around Sweden and Denmark and you'd be correct.

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>wrong hair color
they fucked up already

genuine sperg

Vent = short for Ventrilo
Venten= the Vent



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They’re supposed to be the same song. He just wrote english lyrics for them to do better abroad.

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Those are some Itachi-level eye creases

you're retarded
the only reason wc3 isnt "overdesigned" is because they couldn't do it and make it work for most people
warcraft was always supposed to look like this, from early concept arts
original orc samurai artwork looks exactly like he does in reforged

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you have to go back
>Jennifer Connoly will never be your gf

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>you will never go back

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Not him, but I don't think your argument is good. The result matters more than the concept art. Just because something was SUPPOSED to be some way, doesn't mean that it should be changed to be the way that it was "supposed" to be. They could have kept the original feel better, which is why he is complaining. I personally will wait to see how everything is in game before I make a judgment.

yeah nah you're a fucking retard
people complain about soul/soulless shit all the time because there isnt passion
they are literally using what the original creators wanted to make

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>talking bad about chadhunter

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You fucks don't know shit
Sweden compared to the rest of Scandinavia is a joke
Sweden is like that shitty brother who keeps being a loudmouthed retard that never shuts the fuck up


>I never left

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lugna dig danskjävel

Sverige = Norge = Island > Finland >>> Danmark

>all three posts ranked Norway above Sweden
>You fucks don't know shit

Faktisk litt enig men ikke faen kall meg danskjævel, Mohammed

>Ranking any of those scandicucks above based Funland.

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Any Swedes here?
I wanna beat you the fuck up!!!

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Aryan genetics.

Förlåt broder

what is... niggor

>tfw you were that one retard who thought he was singing about a swearing boat

No Smartphones.
Games were segregated. No trying to appeal to everyone shit.

Which Scandinavian country is best to visit first?


Norway. Don't even bother with the rest

Norway is beautiful but will bankrupt you
Denmark is full of culture, but f l a t
Sweden is full of the remains of a past empire and full of wonderful people, but cucked
Finland is full of forests and people are drunk around the clock
Iceland is a volcano

Pick your poison

sounds like perkeleland is fucking based

Netherlands ;)


You can just play Unrealworld if you want to experience Funland.

I saw him in Ireland at the start of July this year. He was 2 hours late, spent two hours on stage fucking around to random songs and only played two of his own, Now You're Gone and All I Ever Wanted. He's gotten a bit of a dad bod from all the alcohol, and he's a huge pervert like the rest of us. Told us he loves his job, "I get paid to get fucking drunk." All in all, nice guy.

considering night elves have been almost non-stop shit since vanilla wow anything reminding us of that is a travesty.

Also comfy Göteborg photo

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Outlanders stay out.
Finland belongs to the Finns.

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Finland is rightful Mongolian clay.

Finland belongs to everyone

De e de enda ni gör på dagarna, ni sitter i den där venten å spelar dota...

I want him to impregnate my boypussy.

because it was "underground" and innocent

That's damn right.

If not for the laws of this land, and the distance between us, I would slaughter you for your words, outlander.

Attached: spurdo_kebabin_poistaja.png (609x418, 7K)

I exchanged there for 6 months, fine country
Your cheap beer has ruined me forver though, fucking 1 euro 10% Gulpener


>Finland as an independent country: 100 years
>Finland as eastern Sweden: 800+ years

Never again, will we Finns be ruled over by foreign peoples. I laugh as Swedes are reduced into a minority in their homeland due to their retarded immigration policies. Serves the eternal Swede right.

oooooo my ding ding dong

Fuck af, alle spillede fucking DOTA på grund af din elendige sang, som de ikke engang forstod teksten til.

Så der kom den der tarvelige eurodance-version med ligegyldig engelsk teksts. Til club-publikummet, forstås. Never mind at det hele allerede var et Daddy DJ rip-off i forste omgang.

Meget based, for å være ærlig

Vi sitter här i väntan och spelar lite data

This language looks fucking disgusting

It's danish so give it a break, it sounds much better vocally ;)

At least it isn't as fucking bland and primitive as English.

t. Germanfag

No it fucking doesn't.

Do Scandis even see Finns as fellow Scandinavians or as some Asiatic mongols as the memes would suggest?


I feel bad for Danes, they can't visit Norway without someone showing them this for the 20th time with a shit eating grin on their face

They are honorary Scandis
They look weird, act slightly threathening and sound funny, but they are bros so we welcome them with open arms

They're not even Scandinavian lmao

Finland isn't on the Scandinavian peninsula, neither is Iceland but they get a pass

Just Googled it, looks like a solid 6.5 inches. You must watch way too much porn if you think that is "surprisingly small".

At least now danes can mock swedes with this.

>act slightly threathening
So the puuko memes are true?

How sad is it to realize that people listening to this will NOT know it's about the WC3 custom map and think it's about the standalone?

Removal of shitskins from the nordic nations when?

Only when they're drunk, which is all the time


Can’t say you’re wrong. Norway now is like what Sweden was like in mid-00’s

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They are going to breed and multiply.

If we just taxed them they couldn't even afford one kid

Fuck off nazi

It's too late in the thread to bait now

Not if we kill them all. Racewar NOW!

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Ni tillhör Sverige och det vet ni, finntroll.

I don't speak faggot, sorry.

I tried learning Swedish for when I spent two months between Norway, Sweden and Denmark but there are too many sounds that don't exist in english that physically impossible for my mouth/tongue to make. Everyone under 45 there speaks flawless English anyway so fuck learning a third language. Even Spanish was a waste if time.


Attached: forsenE.png (28x28, 2K)

i have 200h+ in this game and righlty call it The Finland Simulator. its top tier desu

Vi sitter här i discord och gråter om ledsenpanda

Did My Summer Car ever get updates/finished since it was FOTM a couple years ago? That was extremely Finland.

Can't we all just get along?

No idea, never played that game, it looked pretty funky though

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>Getting drunk in the sauna after working on a shitty old car for four hours. Then getting killed by a truck on the way to get the fucking thing registered.
That game is comfy as fuck.

Ja heter Fadji, Fadji heter jag, å ja ska knolla, knolla dig så hårt. Jag dyker upp i din Anal, å alla kommer se på samma kanal.
Haha, idjotjävel.

>arguing about which country in a region I've never been to is best instead of sleeping
I make good decisions.

I always wondered if there were any legal issues from him using the exact same warcraft voices


Songs can sample anything they want if it's under 30 seconds or whatever the cutoff for sampling is.

Vi sitter här i Discord och spelar lite Fortnite

Ol' Gozilla was hopin' around Tokyo city like a big playground

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>Denmark is full of culture
only if that culture is about fucking animals.

interesting, guess that's fair enough

Endast en jude skulle hata på sina bröderländer före muslimerna. Är du en jude, skandi-Yea Forums?

No. t.Finn

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Verkligen inte

Haha, aaa

Neida, selvsagt ikke. ;^)

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because you were a zoomer back then

Not be enough to be taken serious by the big jews.

>why yes, I do play Dota 2, how could you tell?