Resident Evil 2 Remake (Demake)

Even Ivies are just reskinned green zombies now because Capcom no longer knows how to animate non-humanoid enemies. No enemy variety RE2R Remake whatsover just like in RE7.

>cut multiple enemy types:

Evolved Lickers
Moth Boss
Zombie Brad Vickers
Ivies turned into humanoid green zombies
>cut zapping system
>cut extreme battle mode
>no arrange mode that was in the Sega Saturn version
>cut most of the initial city section before RPD
>Standard difficulty autosaves and lets you save anywhere
>Short as fuck

Also missing:

Biker Leon
Baseball cap Leon
CowGirl Claire

Attached: RE2sucks.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

You also forgot:

>A/B campaigns practically copy&pasted samefags now

The enemies that were cut from RE2 are dogshit. Adult G by itself is better than all of them. The enemies in RE2make in general are more complex, especially the zombies. The plant enemies are only reskins in the sense that they use the same skeleton as the zombies (because they're humanoid), their behavior and weakness are completely different.

>cut zapping system
Legitimately the only valid complaint, and even then the original's was more of just a neat little thing and not a huge deal. Full of inconsistencies. It's clear the A/B route in RE2make was added at the last minute, they arguably shouldn't have had it at all.

Also the original RE2 is easy as shit, definitely the easiest of the classic trilogy and arguably the easiest in the entirety of mainline (RE4 at least has a few "that part"s).

>The Meme Survivors instead of any captivating DLC with story

gee i can't wait for RE3 MemeMake where Jill is replaced too

>The enemies that were cut from RE2 are dogshit.

>The enemies in RE2make in general are more complex,

>their behavior and weakness are completely different.

I preorded it and bought it twice on launch. Digital and physical. Would do it again.

>I got way too much money, AND a shit taste! :^)

saying 'no' three times doesn't make you any less of a retarded faggot.

will do it again if i gwt the chance

what does this have to do with anything

just know

okay cool, I bought it myself. just wondering why you're telling everyone when it's unrelated to the thread

The only thing worth complaining about is the lack of continuity between scenarios compared to the original. The rest is autistic, neckbeard levels of nitpicking.

few enemies and the game being short aren't nitpicks, it should've had another mode or something to add lasting value. stop policing criticism

Eh, I still liked it. My favorite game of the year alongside DMC5 and Sekiro. It does have it's flaws, but most are nitpicks. The biggest one is that the A and B campaigns are a bit too similar and that they didn't include crimson heads, as I didn't find the regular zombies that scary or threatening.

for some reason I was sure it came out in november, I'm losing it
nah music sucked too, aside from a few tracks

Go fuck yourself. The game is the same length as the original.
Fucking idiot.

I haven't played the original so I don't give a fuck about your retarded arbitrary standard. I think the game is too short for $60 you dumb faggot, eat shit. I'm not going to base my opinion on a two decade old game

who cares?
it's a good game but it is too short
it needed to have two unique campaigns, not the same one slightly modified four times

I always hated the smaller grunt enemies in REmake.

Fuck the crows
Fuck the mini snakes
And especially fuck the sharks

>I haven't played the original
Your opinion is worthless then. Fuck out of my face, and eat shit while you're at it you waste of oxygen.

imagine being this mad about a video game

Lol is this the listfag who got BTFO-ed by jannies from MH threads

kek you're absolutely seething. why do I need to have played the original to criticize the new one? you haven't got a single argument

>you dumb faggot, eat shit
>no u
>kek ur absolutely seething
You don't have any arguments either, dumb shit. You got extra modes. You got a whole free DLC and you're still bitching. Back to back S-ranks for infinite weapons, records to unlock, and trials on the RE net site if you're autistic enough to do it. The fuck more do you want? And complaining about the length of the main campaign IS fucking stupid because the length of the original is practially the same. It's a fucking reMAKE of the original.
Bitching about the lack of enemies compared to the original, yeah, I sure enjoyed those fucking crows that may as well have been part of the background with the amount of threat they imposed. Fuck outta here. Don't forget to eat shit.

>The fuck more do you want?
actual content not reusing the same same over again for a new game mode

then the original is too short too, I don't give a fuck about that game
the game is too short, too little content. don't forget to collect the check from capcom, worm
let me honestly ask you: WHY do you get so upset over a simple opinion? why do you defend a corporation this desperately?

>Bitching about the lack of enemies compared to the original
where? I said too few enemies, I don't give a fuck if they're from the original or not. I don't give a fuck about the original, get it through your thick skull

You don't give a fuck about the original when you played a game which is basically a remake of the original.

You're fucking stupid.

Saying a flaw is ok because it's like the original isn't an excuse that holds any weight. There's no reason why they shouldn't improve it, given it's not a one for one remake

I played the demo and thought it was good. I don't give a shit if it's a remake, because I'm not mentally stunted like you. I enjoyed it a great deal and don't regret my purchase, I just have a few criticisms

If you don't like the game why not just not buy it and not play it? Why do you have to try to convince people who like something not to like it? Are you that empty and bitter?

Attached: 1525641479109.jpg (720x736, 161K)

why aren't you allowed to voice negative opinions? just don't read them, go enjoy the game

Subjective. The length of the game is fine for a lot of RE players. It's been like that since the early RE games, they were meant to be ran over and over again for rewards and costumes.

>alot of people like it
>it's been like that forever
those are some extremely weasely arguments
It's a great game, it would be even greater with more content, it feels too short, and instead of being able to play a whole game until I've had enough I have to play the same game several times, which isn't ideal

>most people are happy with it, so your opinion doesn't matter
you're a literal NPC

I don't know what that means.

you don't know what non playable character means? why are you on Yea Forums then? come on, I'm sure you can figure out the implication, even if you aren't that sharp

I'm on Yea Forums to (try) to talk about video games. I don't know what the implication is, nor do I care. Now stop replying to me.
How long did it take you to finish RE2?

>cowgirl claire
I know this copypasta is ancient but when the fuck did re2 have cowgirl claire

you're trying to talk about video games while actively suppressing any sort of criticism? why are you like this?

I'm not suppressing anything you annoying faggot.

what about those posts where you fly into a rage-fueled rant when people say it's too short?

Blame that user who started it, not me. I was responding in kind.

this post started it. a simple opinion, and you respond with you're extremely emotional and irrational

You're right. I got extremely mad at the "stop policing criticism" comment when all I said was "the only thing worth complaining about is blah blah blah", then I got that response, then I got mad, then he escalated, then I escalated further.
When I said "the only thing worth complaining about" I didn't mean "stop nitpicking."
It's also been a bad day for me.
Is there anything else?

no, you're honestly a better poster than most for acknowledging it

I've had a bad day too user. I would hug you if I could and maybe buy you a beer.