Is Quake the closest video game equivalent to Chess?

Is Quake the closest video game equivalent to Chess?

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Bobby Fischer himself said he plays games to completion in his head (and he did play them against himself, sometimes losing)
So this is rubbish

Its definitley close
It shares the perfect balance and snowball effect of having control of the board and having control of the items on the map
This is probably the greatest ever Quake match and its as mentally intense as a game of Chess

Playing against yourself with patterns is different from knowing every possible move.

I didnt say that
He said chess players cant see 10 moves ahead and its all just intuition, which is absolute rubbish
Chess players spend all their time studying games and theory with the sole intention of being able to see how games play out in their heads
Just watch GMHikaru on youtube and see how he plays, he talks to himself as he plays about the possible plays for the next few moves ahead

Also this

Why the hell would you compare Quake to Chess and not something like Starcraft?

Nice timing, Fantasy Strike finally launched.

No this is. It was so popular it inspired a real life version of it.

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>comparing a game about pushing 8 buttons with high reaction time to a game where there are more possible games than molecules in the universe
Last time I checked GM's always have an IQ of 160 and up

Because Starcraft isn't balanced the way Chess or Quake are, it also mostly relies on reflexes at the highest level
At the highest level of Quake the difference in mechanics and reflexes are negligible, its almost entirely a mental game

He's right they can't. They see patterns, but people like Magnus admittedly play unorthodox moves to fuck with people.

No, pokemon VGC is.
You have to prepare before the game by memorizing shit (opening/moves in chess speed tiers/ohko/2hko in pokemon)
you have to be able to predict the oppenents move
and everyone plays with same pieces :^)

Holy shit the nostalgia
I used to play it on dos back in the day
The sprite animations were so cool

>he's right they cant

>comparing a game about pushing 8 buttons
And those 8 buttons have spacing sensitive moves and space/time sensitive interactions. They also have execution sensitive moves in the form of command, universal, special, and super moves.

What? No

I didnt say it was easy but to compare it to chess is laughable
Fighting games are dominated by blacks with low IQs

>and he did play them against himself, sometimes losing
What the hell does this even mean

>Is Quake the closest video game equivalent to Chess?
You'd have to be mentally handicapped to believe this.

If I remeber correctly Quake had some random weapon/item spawns? If thats the case, Q is anathema to chess, whose entire premise is the removal of random chance.

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Bobby Fischer was borderline insane and schizophrenic
As a child he played chess against himself, he imagined he was another player, and he said he won most of the time

Starcraft has a less than one percent difference in win rate among races at the grandmaster level. At the professional level it's skewed slightly towards Terran since flash is the best gamer of all time and he plays Terran. Also, since at the highest level everyone's execution is basically flawless, matches end on strategy.

Holy shit are you retarded? Do you think IQ is some RPG stat that is innate in every person? Seriously how fucking stupid are you? I can only assume you're a huge failure in real life because you can't even understand basic intelligence.

>If I remeber correctly Quake had some random weapon/item spawns?
You didnt remember correctly
Everything is fixed at the start of the map and has different respawn timers (in Q3 and QL at least before QC dumbed it down so everything was 30 seconds)

>Holy shit are you retarded? Do you think IQ is some RPG stat that is innate in every person? Seriously how fucking stupid are you? I can only assume you're a huge failure in real life because you can't even understand basic intelligence.
Well, it is when we're discussing chess
Average IQ people (100) are expected to have a chess elo rating of 2000. GM's are always above 160 IQ.

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Magnus pulling unorthodox moves to purposely ruin people's strategies.

That is very clearly not the proof I was asking for lol
I want you to show me proof that Chess players dont see moves ahead

>GM's are always above 160 IQ.
Go ahead and give me the IQ test results for Magnus Carlsen and 9 other chess GMs. Expected IQ and IQ results are generally difference because IQ is a poor measure of intelligence and a poor measure of the 3 types of intelligence they are supposed to test. Anyone who isn't obsessed with memes would know this the moment they take a real IQ test and anyone who thinks online IQ tests are accurate are absolute retards.

>IQ is a poor measure of intelligence
Lol what the fuck?
Also Magnus' IQ is 190

Like I said, they know patterns which can be 20 moves ahead. They freeze up and have to think about unorthodox moves or make huge mistake hence why Magnus uses them. What kind of proof do you want? You want me to find a video of a chess circlejerker admitting they can't anticipate some moves?

>Also Magnus' IQ is 190
go ahead and link me the IQ results and 9 other GMs
tick tock, retard

Bobby Fischer beat an AI at chess that used unconventional moves
Anecdotes are meaningless I want proof

Garry Kasparov - 190
Bobby Fischer - 187
Judit Polgar - 170
Robert Byrne - 170

>1977 computer
wow amazing!

Is that a blow up doll playing chess?

>Garry Kasparov is alleged to have an IQ of 190
holy fuck man
>when Fischer sat a Stanford-Binet test at the age of 15, his score was 180-187. But in today's terms, Bobby Fischer's IQ should be 148–155 on the Fifth edition of the Stanford-Binet test, and 150-160 on the WISC-V/WAIS-IV tests administered by Mensa
that's not above 160

This is completely irrelevant to this discussion
First of all Sirlin never said anything about pattern recognition he said it was intuition, you're the one saying its pattern recognition
I also said previously that chess players study games and theory all the time
But just go watch a chess YouTuber like agadmator, games that have never been played in history pop up all the time. Its impossible to memorise patterns or theory for games that have never existed prior to that moment.

>at the age of 15

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>he doesn't know how IQ tests are measured
IQ test’s score is based on a formula: mental age divided by their chronological age and multiplied by 100.

more like shit

Bobby wasnt a GM at that age

Hey speaking of quake when's quakecon? It comes sometime soon right I want more doom eternal info, hopefully they listened to reason on that eye watering ui

So where is his GM IQ test score? Are you implying IQ can increase through education and it isn't totally genetic? If so, why does it matter if some blacks are good at fighters? Couldn't their IQ increase?

Pretty sure Chess is since it is Chess.

IQ can and does increase why just dont know why or how to increase it. Look up the flynn effect. His IQ was 187 I didn't say it wasn't, I just said he wasnt a GM at that stage. Bobby didn't take any IQ tests later in his life as far as I know. Bobby was also schizophrenic.

And no, blacks who play fighting games are absolute drooling knuckledraggers.

Because Starcraft is garbage

it's literally right now you dingus, google it

Flynn effect is a generational increase theorized to be because of better education and nutrition. That has nothing to do with age.
Some of them are literally business savvy millionaires

No, because the videogame equivalent of chess is literal chess games.

Lego chess is best.

Stop being obsessed with the idea that chess is THE intellectual ultra complex perfect game.
It's a solved game now. It's a fun game that has a extremely stale meta.
Also, you are a retard if you even try to compare quake and chess, wtf. Video games are so advanced that there's genres completely original.

Look at this post, the most "i eat my own shit and smell my farts" faggot post. Nigga, quake is fucking real time, you are fighting for resources real time and there's no chess pieces other than one character that has fuck loads of movement options and can fucking shoot.
It's clearly not fucking chess.

Playing quake at highest level is probably more mentally intense than chess, but the skill set is so different there is no point comparing.

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Post the IQ's of some fighting game niggers then and lets compare and contrast


>it's a solved game now
Congratulations you watched Bobby Fischers insane ramblings
Chess will never be solved lmao
Bobby believed he had solved it because he was fucking crazy

Post chessfus

My chessfu

Very few people take actual IQ tests in the modern age because they're a narrow evaluation of intelligence. That was my whole point of asking you to post GM IQs which you struggled to do. "Alleged IQ" isn't a hard result and is simply alleged. I can allege the Cannons and Punk have an IQ of 180 and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

>*bunnyhops to school*
lmao just rail that shit homies

Do you have any data to back that up or are you going by feeling like a low intelligence mongrel? Are you sure you aren't projecting your own intelligence on others?

lol no

No. A game with actual depth in strategy would be. Not "hurr durr I know spawn points and can memorize two times in muh head" and predicting what items your opponent will go for. Duelists overhype how mentally involved their dead games are.

>friend knows I like chess
>recommends dota autochess
what are some games about things that have nothing in common with each other, besides the name?

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duhhh sorta turnbased and 8x8 grid
that's literally it, it has more in common with TCGs.

Doom and Doom (2016)

GMs calculate but they don't and cant calculate everything. They calculate "forcing" lines because these lines have only a few sensible moves. It's easy, even for a beginner, to see 5 moves ahead when your opponent only has one legal move after your move(s), for example. In the opening or middle game where there are a dozen legal moves ,and there are several that are sensible and none that are clearly better than the other, is when calculation becomes very difficult. Competitive chess players have "prep" which involves memorizing a game, playing out a position before the real game and knowing what moves you will make in response to your opponents. But all this calculation is done before a game/match and the moves are simply recalled. This prep takes a very long time to study and the person who is prepping runs the risk of two things. The first is they simply forget their prepped move(s) and the second is the actual game plays longer than the prep/the entire prep was too much to remember (in this case you would have hoped your opponent would have blundered before your prep ran out). In these cases you're now outside your prep and have to rely on your pattern recognition, positional analysis and calculation to secure a win/draw.

But this is difficult, even for GMs. This is why players employ "novelty" moves which are technically sub optimal moves but they force a player out of their prep because they failed to consider it and memorize it during their study. This is one of the reasons why Bobby Fischer became disillusioned with chess; he felt too much of it was decided by prep/memorization rather than in-game/on the fly pattern recognition/positional analysis/calculation/intuition. He eventually came up with a game mode of sorts, called fischer random, to combat prep/memorization but it never really took off. A version of it called chess960 is played today, but again isn't very popular.

Ah shit I hope I didn't miss new doom footage

The point is when a GM "sees the whole game", it's because they've literally seen it before and are utilizing their amazing memories to make the next move. They sometimes forget why it was a good move, only that it was what they prepped. You give a GM a difficult puzzle they've never seen before and they will have to take time to think about and there is a chance they calculate incorrectly.

A prime example of this occurred last year when there was a game between two strong GMs, in which one GM resigned a winning position and the other doesn't even notice the move he just made was a blunder. Both players failed to accurately calculate just a few moves ahead. Chess is hard, man.

>It's a solved game now.
Computers, which are obviously better than humans, continue to get better at chess every year. How could this be true if the game is already solved?

I'm purposely avoiding new doom footage. No point having all the set pieces spoiled for me in advance.

Every Tom Clancy Ubisoft game post 2005.

This makes Chess sound more like MTG.

Chess is for brainlets. Uno is where its at.

I can understand that position, I was kind of pissed they spoilt getting shot out of the mega bfg

>is my edgy literally baby's first FPS close to the second most complex commonly played intellectual board game
no, you cringy children

No, because chess are not dead for centuries.

Unlike the english language.

Why would you compare Chess with anything that requires some mechanical skill?

even more based

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If you meant Quake 3 or Quake Live yes.
if you meant Quake hampions then no, because quake hampions is a matchmaking class based esports-baiting shitfest.

Can someone redpill me on what's so great about Quake? It looks like a jumpy shooter in an arena with literal game power ups. It's quite different from all the other FPS that I know.

small brain post

I think the movement is the primary thing. It just feels so fast, precise and responsive. A lot of shooters today feel a lot more clunky in general.

I think Fortnite is. At least compared to other shooters it takes way more brains

Underage are not allowed to post.

Good post. It's quite amazing how unique Fortnite is with its building and what can happen in the end game with well strategic teams.

I'll just warn you, I don't know how to play very well

Interesting considering how more recent shooters have upped that from the past. CoD went from just typical run and gun to sliding, double jumping, flying and all of that. Titanfall 2 has that too then there's things like Apex and Fortnite. Unless it's clunky in other ways? Like isn't Quake pretty straightforward with few guns and mainly based on arena movement and aiming?

>David Sirloin
haha no

nostalgic boomers
Quake is a game that everyone says they loved but nobody actually plays
kind of like competitive Starcraft except some people actually play Starcraft
nobody fucking plays Quake-likes
devs made about 5 Quake clones because they thought they were so great and nobody plays them
It's become so pretentious

Basically it's just because there's a really high skill ceiling compared to almost every other shooter. Plus the focus is on individual skill as opposed to teamwork like any current popular shooter like siege or overshit. Makes the game feel more mature rather than a clusterfuck of screeching xbox kids. Also 30 year old boomers.

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The movement in Quake requires execution to pull off and has an innate risk reward because of how you have to generally sacrifice control for speed. If you're good, know how to circlejump, and space yourself properly you can lose very little speed for control. You still sacrifice stealth for speed though

>playing by yourself is more mature than playing in a team
You have some growing up to do son

Those games have a wider range of movement, but the movement itself still feels clunky, Quake movement was simple, but incredibly well refined, it felt like there was nothing between you and the character, that's why you see all these trick videos and speedruns of players breezing through levels with an incredible degree of precise movement.
I'd say out of the games you listed, Fortnite movement is okay, but ironically the gameplay area doesn't allow that kind of fluid movement to be utilized to it's fullest anyway.

>all the old people play golf
>all the young, stupid monkeys play basketball

>Quake movement was simple, but incredibly well refined
It's the opposite, it's not refined at all, it was just incredibly basic physics which is why it feels so good to play, modern games have super refined controls that introduce delay and take away all your air control

Quake is for brainlets. Its mostly about motor skill, its intellectually simple. Fighting games, on other hand...

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I am so happy Tony Hawk still has escaped the "hello fellow skaters" phase

>muh quake skills
don’t translate well to other games

Yeah, fighting games are good, but at least quake players know how to shower, eat and dress properly
also, they are polite, not like the bravado nigger-spic-insectoid scene on EVO, where they act like they are in the NBA, and they don't know how to win/lose with respect to the other player

>game that's older than he is and more popular than he ever will be is garbage

i'm not that into the game but come on mang

battle for wesnoth is good turn based strategy game.
Even final fantasy tactics compares better to chess than quake.

When quake live sunday cups were still thing Fazz and some others said that clawz plays like retard but wins because he has way too good aim.
Then again clawz couldn't do shit against agent, evil or cooller.

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Chess isn't complicated. Only autists plays chess

No idea about chess but quake doesn't have that much variation in the end, you either push frag when you have control, try to setup trap or play long range game.

What the fuck is cooller's x factor? Every time I hear about him he sounds more and more elusive and crazy.

>he doesn't play clan arena
ahaha DM takes too much brainpower for me

>but nobody actually plays
Once you get into strafejumping/rocketjumping nothing replaces it. That's why I prefer older FPS games in general, they were way faster compared to modern FPS games

wht cant women undedstand chess? theres only one active female in the top 100 of gm and shes a chink so it doesn't even count. Why are men and women tournament even separated if we have the same brains?

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because women don't play as much

Best post.

>tfw arenashit is fucking dead
Good riddance, most delusional competitivefags in gaming.

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>but at least quake players know how to shower
You can take showers if you don't exist, you silly goose.

*sips onions sauce*
I too hate competition. How about we play some JRPGs where there isn't any mean testosterone to bully us!

>press X over and over to win

Yeah, fighting games are real complex.

Its simple and balanced yet allows for a staggeringly high skill ceiling due to the movement mechanics and amount of variables the player has to keep track of at every moment.
Here is the god of Quake breaking down one of his best games
This shoild give you some insight into the complexity of it
Almost all of the pros in Quake are actual geniuses as well, I dont know of any other "e-sport" with this level of intelligence at the top. For example CZM is a professor of mathematics.

Because intelligence is probably the biggest factor in deciding where you fall in elo. Women just aren't as intelligent as men.


Florencia Fernandez.

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forgot about quake champions. is it still to late to play or is it dead?

this applies to games like cs. not quake

>its a "people pat themselves in the back for playing a game in which they are actually buttom tier skillwise" thread

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Gamelets, all of you.

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>nose piercing
into the trash it goes


just play quake live you'll find a game faster
Some more Rapha analysis
I love listening to this guy speak about strategy

post her feet already you lazy cunt

I dont think there are any pictures of that

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>insane and schizophrenic
It's another Jew calls perfectly functional genius "insane" after he called out their sick death cult episode


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Q3/QL is the thinking man's FPS

Bobby was abused by his mother and literally tortured in prison by the japanese no shit he was insane

if you're good at Quake you're automatically good at every FPS, there's a reason Quakefags dominate every FPS from OW to Apex even when there is so few of them

There's literally vidya chess, and very near mutations thereof. Turn-based tactics games would be the closest 'native genre'.


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>he did play them against himself >sometimes losing

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he's uh.. special case
brilliant mind though

>Is Quake the closest video game equivalent to Chess?
Dota is 4d Chess.


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is this what nintendies think is impressive?

that's not impressive at all but melee is a high skill ceiling game and has it's own advanced mechanics that started as errors just like bhop and strafe jumping. I'd say melee is right there along Quake and Broodwar.

He was making what those of us off the spectrum call "a joke"

>All these insecure chessfags in this thread
lmaoing at your lifes.


he can't even explain it without looking retarded

no because quake is a solved game

you just click their heads. It's basically the pong of shooters.

Everyone who lands in a jap prison is tortured, not all end up insane.
its chess if your opponent gets free moves

Quakefags are the cancer that is killing fps discussions.

being this delusional

you have to go back

quake is for chads
no one can hang

it he living in gotham or something

no, the real-time, parallel nature of Quake duel makes it fundamentally too different from a turn based game where there's a beginner's advantage and time to think. Another factor may be even more important: Information: Chess is a perfect information game, both players know everything about the current state of the game whereas in Quake duel you try to deprive your opponent of vital information and use his wrong assumptions against him. Third, chess has no mechanical challenge whatsoever while Quake is as mechanically challenging as a PC FPS can get. The two games require a similar kind of intellect and Quake can be played as a duel but that's where the similarities end.

chess is more alive than quake tho.

based fuck quake and quakeniggers.

back to fortnite and league of legends underage

low effort bait


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This is basic positioning and map knowledge. Do quakefags really find this impressive? God you faggots are delusional.

doom, unreal, duke, blood, half life, shadow warrior, cs, tf, et, dod> gayke

God that's Anna Rudolf, right? She's so fucking cute, I'd impregnate her

check out lichess, chess is insanely active

>Average IQ people (100) are expected to have a chess elo rating of 2000.

Citation VERY MUCH needed, most normies will struggle to reach 1500 with a lot of effort. 2000 is borderline master elo

t. patzer

Why do they miss so much? Shouldn't it be shot on sight?

How different is live from Champions though aside from graphics?

Starcraft 2 is 5D chess

live works

Hey listen up dumbass, there are more possible ways a SF set could play out than there are possible chess positions, so your post is fucking retarded

>It's a solved game now. It's a fun game that has a extremely stale meta
Nah, the skill floor is just extremely high.

Does this still happen?
Also I heard you'll get booted in Live.

>but it never really took off
There's gonna be an official 960 world championship

This was at quakecon on lan yesterday/today
Occurred to multiple players in multiple matches

No, Tekken 7:FR is

quacke? now that was a real game *sips monster*

trips were wasted on this post
read this troglodyte.

>tfw boomers are some of the best but as they age, they'll gradually get worse

Chess is the closest thing to Chess, you absolute braindead mongoloid.

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Absolute fucking cringe

RTS are the closest to chess, shooting games don't even compare wtf

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I wouldn't call any game with a component of mechanical skill equivalent to chess. I'd say Quake is more like tennis.

Why would you post someone who cheats by using engines through her lip balm?

Almost all starcraft pros are basically high-tier math/STEM nerds. Pretty much the highest IQ of any esports.

why is /v /so obsessed with this game?

Little dick complex applied to absolutely everything they invest time/effort in, also called being a manchildren.

honestly quake is a much higher skill game than chess


Any other great games like Tennis?

>not Frozen Synapse

Quake literally has more players than Starcraft if you don't include Korea

Arena FPSes are simply fucking mismanaged.
That's all.
FPS lone wolfs have no niche because of that.
Relying on retards is not my game.

What other FPS lone wolf games are there? There's too many team oriented games lately.

arena shooters were never good.

I think its probably chess as videogames.
But you do you

All fucked all around but here you go:
- Reflex Arena/Toxxik/Xonotic/Diabotical (clones so simply no evolution al all and, because of that, irrevelant)
- Unreal Tournament 4 (dropped development because of Fortnite)
- Quake Champions (Shitload of technical problem starting on optimization, netcode and ending on lack of content)
-Warsow/Warfork on steam (not enough publicity and evolution in gameplay)

the only one successful out of all is Quake Champions, sadly. Regardless of all retarded technological problems and design decisions, there is enough evolution in gameplay to be interesing, and enough players so you wont feel like in barren game.

>the delusion of pcfags

Do people at Quakecon still use DC++? I remember going in 08, I think, and everyone was using it to distribute files.

If so, is there still the weird porn file of the year that gets distributed? My year was pterodactyl porn.

absolutely BASED post

its pretty much bethesdacon now, what do you think?

you forgot Quake Live, and Diabotical could be good

Apart of good map maker, there is not enough variety in gameplay and I predict the same of it as of Shootmania Storm. Literally the same fate. I have little hope for it.
>Quake Live
id Software killed it twice. First, with lack of any relevant gameplay update, then with price tag to shill QC. Also its right now one big Clan Arena simulator anyway and updated Q3A from 1999.

High level chess ends up in draws much, much more often than with plebeians playing. When a master realizes he has no way of winning anymore, he keeps the game on to force a draw, which is much easier than playing to really win.
This is even worse with a player like Fisher playing himself, because he obviously knows the exact motives of the 'other' camp. I'd be surprised if 90% of such games didn't end up as draws.

So, it's literally big brain tic-tac-toe?

More like tic-tac-toe is brainlet chess.

the main reason Diabotical might succeed is because 2gd is behind it, who is smart and has a lot of connections, unlike all the other literally who devs

So did Doom 2016 build itself from Quake or did Quake copy Doom 3?

Quake 3 and Live were. Quake Champions is a joke.

Too bad Jive is baby shit that no one wants to play.

no and that is the most stupid opinion ive ever heard please stop

How is that possible? Isn’t it the same game?

Doom 2016 has very little in common with either. It's Halo + double jump and unlimited weapons but minus the large open maps and vehicles.

No, it's built on a mess of an engine that can never be fixed (games are freezing at the ongoing Quakecon and the game's been out for over a year). And they added characters with varying hitboxes and movement systems and special bullshit abilities (copied of Overwatch, complete with big HUD indicator exactly like Overwatch). It's a "hero shooter" which destroys the Quake formula. It's yet another bandwagon game made for a mystery audience that doesn't exist.

thought that was implied

>Quake Champions is a joke.
will be dead in a year when the "pro league" ends and Diabotical has stolen all the players, even Quake Live will last longer than Quake Champions since it's toaster friendly and has a server browser

>did Quake copy Doom 3?
How would that happen?

don't hold your breath for Diabotical. it's been in development for what, 6 years now? 2GD announces its release every year. he's always just a few months or even weeks away from releasing it and then - nothing.

How? It looks like such a simple game.

nah it actually looks almost done in his most recent streams, it will probably come out at the end of this year

netcode and UI are never simple. don't forget the map editor also. and while the game has been looking "done" for a year at least there are tons of intricacies that have to be solved. and it's quake. it has to work PERFECTLY or the community will be lukewarm about it and it won't take off. just look at what happened to QC. technical problems are lethal for a quake game. if it doesn't feel just right the core playerbase will stick to their ancient quake version of choice (2, 3, live, more exotic versions like the original and CPMA). Diabotical needs to at least unite the 3 and live crowd to gain enough momentum, otherwise it'll be just some early access game dead on arrival like reflex.

>the 3 and live crowd
half of them are using toasters

>netcode and UI are never simple
quake netcode is simple as shit
2gd isn't even a game developer, he just pays people to make the game for him, it's a wonder the project hasn't completely crashed

came here to post this

which is why diabotical runs at 300+ fps on a modern computer, unlike QC which only runs decently on high end CPUs

>quake netcode is simple as shit
nonsense. fast moving projectiles and player models are as difficult as netcode gets. the only way to make it more complex would be to have more detailed player hitboxes and larger or dynamic environments like Battlefield.

Tribes is the pinnacle of the skill-based FPS, prove me wrong


Quake was essentially the first online multiplayer game. The source code is available online. It's very simple. Simple doesn't mean bad, but it's not hard to reproduce. It has no complicated lag compensation techniques like modern games

I'm sorry but when your greatest achievement in life is being called an ass you're kind of a who

How about you prove yourself right with this unknown ass game?

15 years old?

>It has no complicated lag compensation techniques like modern games
oh, you're talking about Quakeworld? yeah, the netcode in that is simple and it's also unplayable garbage by today's standards. Quake Live has way more complicated netcode and Diabotical has to be equal or better to that.

Quake 1 - 3 netcode is essentially the same
I dont know what Quake Live is but if it's just a Quake 3 remake I see no reason why they'd change it over 3, it'd just feel different, which would be bad

the point is he knows a lot of streamers and pro players who can help promote his game

connections dont make people play your game

They're also whos

it feels much better. Quake 3 still used a box collider for players, QL uses two cylinders so it doesn't matter if you're being shot at diagonally or horizontal/vertically, the opponent is always the same size. and there's lots of interpolation and extrapolation going on to mask the various delays.

he won a bunch of money playing previous quakecons that he's pumped into diabotical development
a bunch of quake pros that he's friendly with have been testing the game and they've only said good things

those literal whos are pro quake players

pro quake players are literal whos

yeah that's basic stuff
you should see the type of shit they do in modern games to mask lag, it's super complicated, but it also makes the game really unpredictable to play which is bad for competitive, Quake 3 has 0 server side lag compensation, if you have a high ping you get no unfair advantage

>he won a bunch of money playing previous quakecons that he's pumped into diabotical development
unless Quakecons were handing out multi-million dollar prizes then no

is he friends with Pewds, Ninja, Asmon, Soda?

.. I remember that game. I mostly played it to see the different animations when they killed each other.

>borderline insane
.. but you are insane when you're schizophrenic. schizophrenia is almost the definiton of insane.

don't bother, the kike is just throwing buzzwords around

Shazbot detected

If you're schizophrenic, are you really playing yourself?

What does a box collider or two cylinders mean? It's not player models?

Age of Empires II

hit"boxes". Quake 3 used a literal box to represent each player when detecting hits, so depending on how you turn you are larger or smaller (easier or harder to hit). just imagine a big box instead of the player you're shooting at. that box is what you're actually shooting at. if it turns diagonally from your POV it's bigger. if you face it head on or sideways it's smaller.

Interesting. No wonder it looks like people miss, but they don't.

schizophrenia has nothing to do with multiple personality disorder