Call of duty modern warfare Multi-player gameplay

Looks neat

Attached: images (43).jpg (554x554, 35K)

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Are you joking? Are they really already just reseting the MW titles?

will it have a battle royale mode?

Why did you link some shitty CoD YouTuber and not just the actual gameplay?

Ah shit sorry I linked wrong video
No it won't

Imagine it's like new God of war, an alternate story in the same universe

>no it wont

The 2v2 mode looks like some dumb esports grab that ended up being bland as fuck. They're pushing it in all of these teasers, but it'll be dead within a month.

I'm actually suprised, this looks amazing. I skipped the last CoDs but this one I'm getting for sure

The fuck are you talking about

have they shown anything other than the 2v2 mode no one will play?

competitive players will just play S&D
I don't understand why they're forcing with that 2v2 shit

>video starts
mite b cool
>shitty youtuber intro starts
I see your game
Fuck off, you aren’t an interesting person

This kinda looks ok, I wish they woul-OH SHIT THEY FIXED THE SHOTGUNS

*throws money at screen*

Day one buy for me lol

Looks really weird to have those animations, looks motion capture to the max. Everything about it screams "We had some dudes who cosplay as SEALs come into our studio and run around". Feels way too VR for a cod game.

Game's looking pretty good senpai, ngl. Activision has listened to us

What was there to fix? I haven't played a cod since 4.

>This year, cod wil finally be good again!
Been hearing this for about a decade at this point, MW2 was the last cod with any kind of decent maps

>feels way too vr for a cod game
what does that even mean?

This. Fuck off and just post the actually gameplay video

Fuck off CoD Shill.
I remember the same excact shit with Black Ops4 and Activision did nothing they promised.
We are still waiting for Online stats!!!! that were promised 10 months ago

I mean it feels like you're not even playing an action shooter anymore. Every motion feels way too fluid in a sense that you're watching someone else through there eyes. It feels weird without actually being them, because their arms are flailing, their head is bobbing, their gun is shaking, and while I'm sure the animation designers think it looks very real its almost in the animation uncanny valley where things are real looking but don't look real enough.

Or maybe people like what they see

people liked black ops 4 too and it turned out ot be shit
at least they've dropped the paid multiplayer maps this time, but I'm pretty sure they have something even worse coming, activision is the most shitty western company when it comes to microtransactions

NuGoW is an actual sequel, this is a reboot.

>I'm actually suprised, this looks amazing. I skipped the last CoDs but this one I'm getting for sure
>Game's looking pretty good senpai, ngl. Activision has listened to us
Every year with this shit, fuck off.

Am I remembering wrong or didn't they said there would be no microtransactions and thr DLC was gonna be free? I could have sworn they said that but the comments there imply otherwise

According to the 2v2 gameplay demo, shotguns work beyond 5 feet now.

This exact post gets posted on Yea Forums every single fucking year for these shit games.

Modern Warfare has a story. Just because it's not interesting or complex that doesn't mean it doesn't have one you fucking retard.

I think they only said no paid map packs

Looks ok, will probably be one of those games that I just play mindlessly at times like all the other CoDs before, for some reason I've been craving to play a classic CoD game without hero shit, I know it's garbage but sometimes you just want a Big Mac over a 5 star meal.

Attached: scroll.png (261x547, 9K)

big macs are a lot better than most 5 star meals. you can take the fedora off and stop pretending 90$ for 1 ounce of uncooked meat with colored vegetables around it actually tastes good

Do you have any evidence of this at all?

Just get Insurgency if you want that

Attached: meat pinata.webm (800x450, 1.09M)

That's fucking crazy cool

>being poor

what's with the retarded running animation?

Attached: Retard run.jpg (2220x1080, 871K)

>food analogy

There's 2 sprint modes now

If its another meat grinder with small maps and people spawning behind you I am going to continue ignoring this series.

Yeah, the fucking archives. You retarded newfag.