Best USB Controller for old/retro games?
Best USB Controller for old/retro games?
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8bitdo stuff
8bitdo is most likely your best bet.
they got a new pro controller coming out in 2 weeks.
its basically a programmable snes controller with modern controller grips.
Got a snes usb controller for like $2 off ebay
SLS Saturn Controller, released by Sega before they started outsourcing shit to third-party companies who make crap
has USB and PS2 variants, too bad they're prohibitively expensive and rare
found another pic of the USB variant
I thought 8bitdo was overrated and owed a lot of their success to shilling on reddit and social media
Hack a Vita and use it as a controller
That dpad is beyond godly
iBuffalo is a nice, inexpensive choice.
I didn't like my new wired 8bitdo controller, but it seems their M30 Genesis one is super clicky so I'm gonna try that one out.
I will warn on 8bitdo stuff
i've had one for 4 months and now the analog stick is doing this thing where it thinks, for a split moment every few seconds, it's being tapped right 3 times in a row
No matter how I tilt the stick, it always jumps to the right immediately for 1 frame 3 times in a row
I have never seen anything like this
Also, the dpad has an issue where if you hold down, you might get a right input you don't want.
well if you dont want to use a pretty good controller just because its popular then dont buy it.
Last time I saw one of these for sale it was going for over 200 bucks.
The retro-bit Saturn USB controller, I believe, is very similar. Should wait for the newer model to come out, though, I think they're revising the shoulders to be more clicky and people have reported D-pad failure.
I had the left analog on my DS4 act like that.
After taking it apart and cleaning the sensors it was fine again.
I have an N30 Pro 2 and the sticks feel flimsy as fuck but it's been working fine so far.
What's wrong with the wired one? I was looking at their SN30
The way I grip the controller (trying to get my fingers on all the bumper/triggers) doesn't click with the controller's design, as the lack of grips makes it super awkward. The dpad isn't clicky.
how do i find an original one at a low price
You can try getting Nintendo to send you an SNES mini controller, tell them you need a replacement or something and I think they'll send you one for $15. Then buy a USB adapter or solder it yourself. Pretty much every third party SNES controller has dpad issues.
If you don't want to go through all that, I just use a Dualshock 3 which seems to work decently.
There's a wiimote to USB adapter?
Do you even classic
It's kind of expensive and there might be cheaper ones available, but I'm not sure about the quality of the others. This is the one most people recommend and probably your best option if you have the cash to spare.
yes but you can also make one easily.
>buy hid capable arduino
I use the arduino micros to make switch controller drawing bots.