Apparently sealed copy for $95

>Apparently sealed copy for $95
Worth it or nah?

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$95? Fuck no.

>mfw people were paying $200 for it before

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>$95? Fuck no
I thought the physical game itself was rare and that the one with American box art was worth quite some money(?)

just import the UK version, sealed 30$ with import you only hit like 40$ at most.

>just import the UK version
But I don't like this ugly ass 12, the fuck is wrong with Europeans?
Besides I'm not even gonna open it because I already have the digital version, I was only considering because I thought the American version was rare.

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Not for that price. Go visit eBay or see if somewhere like Gamestop or Amazon have a copy.

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Nah, just set your autism aside and go digital on this one.

So the price went down? How much is it worth now?

I already have both digital, this was only for collection purposes.

only because it was sold through Amazon exclusively. I mean, they were literally selling it for 20 burgers for a long while.

And then GR2 was announced and everyone bought out the remaining copies.

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>this was only for collection purposes
Then go find a preowned copy. No point spending stupid amount of money for just the case.

>this was only for collection purposes

Pffffhahaha, don't do it. Sony went full retard and short printed the game through Amazon. Their short sighted retardation is literally the only reason that box and disc is running $80 more than it's actually worth. It's dumb but Sony is dumb, it's better to just let it go.

It goes on sale digitally regularly. It'd also be cheaper to just import a physical copy from another region (dunno if that'd stop you getting the costumes in 2 you have for having a Remastered save file though).

If you just want to play the game, considering the above, no it's not worth it. It's a good game, but there are consistent options to get it much cheaper. If you're a collector then I guess up to you.

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You only described why a collector would want it more, user.

Will saves from European version work on Asian/Japanese version?

I wanna buy copy with Daze in name, but afraid it will be GD2/GR2 saves problem again.

Why is it so comfy, Yea Forums?


I love my kat

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Wrong entry but still comfy as fuck OST nonetheless.

Gravity Rush 3 on PS5 launch, r-right anons?

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This always reminds me of Pixar movies.

Never ever.

It's a shame because GR is one of the last first party games by Sony that had SOUL. Now it's all west pandering garbage.

What the fuck? Wasn't it like 30 dollars on launch? Why is it so damn expensive now

>Now it's all west pandering garbage
That is EXACTLY why it's a good thing that 2 was the last game. They would just ruin it.
Same reason why I'm glad Jak & Daxter are dead as well, can't imagine what fucking ND would do to them.

Well, you might try to go for it but if they reprint it you burned alot of money.

That is literally what it is worth. It is very rare.

>but if they reprint
What are the chances of that happening at this point? And nice quads.

No, let's be real

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I've bookmarked at least 3 sites and the price never dropped sufficiently below retail price.

Short print run by Amazon. Not enough supply to meet the demand and they never reprinted it.

Launch, no. And even if it did, I doubt modern Sony would leave poor Toyama to his designs anyways.

Thanks. And I wouldn't say that it's impossible. But definitely a low chance, it really depends on the demand.

You should have gone to gamestop and bought it for $40

Whats that green thing in the middle?

I see, I guess it's nice to know I own a rare game.

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looks like an artbook

ill just pirate it thanks



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>save wizard my way to White Kat
Worth every penny

Any way to get the unlockables in 2 now that online is dead?

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I got mine brand new for around $5 just the other week, do you tell me

Is it worth it to buy a ps4 just for gravity rush 2 and last guardian (and maybe jojo and hokuto yakuza)? I skipped both ps3 and ps4 and kinda don't wanna buy a ps4 cause of vita being shitty which i already sold.

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Only if you buy everything used and NEVER pay for PS+
Never, I repeat, NEVER give any money to Sony.


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Yeah, i just think if gravity rush was really such a good game? Or was it just cause there was nothing on a vita besides that?

It is a good game, just try to get everything as dirt cheap as you can. Try to look for easily fixable defective units or something like that.

I also think of borrowing a ps4 from cousin's husband, somehow not a lot of people own the console. And just buy a used gravity rush and playing it on his ps4. I just like to replay stuff i like, that'ws the only issue

sorry user.. you're fucked..

glad i bought my copy when i did

If I collect enough rare video games do you think Kelsey will notice me?

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>he didn't preorder Kat's game

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I mean, not saying you're wrong, but collectors are actually retarded.

It was literally free on psplus topkek


Kat needs all the money she can get

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Why was GR2 so shitty? What went so wrong?

Also, you're not a real GR fan if you didn't play it on Vita on day 1.

I hate two sealed copies on GR1 because I had to fucking import it because I live in canada and it was amazon.COM exclusive, but I wanted to play it on release anyway so I bought it digital.

Then physical came exactly one day after the delivery estimate so I reported it lost and they sent me a replacement.

thats a cool cover

Sony doesn't give a shit about it's jap ips anymore
Your only hope of new gravity rush is if sony decides to sell off the IP, otherwise you will have to wait 10 years for sony interactive entairtainment to go under and Nintendo to pick it up from the rubble

That's a great point. I'd rather it end on an extremely high note than get ruined. It's funny though:

>Well designed, unique gameplay
>Two strong, female leads
>Aren't conventionally feminine>
>Kat isn't white
>Absolutely no attention from "that" crowd
>Meanwhile TLOU and other garbage gets showered with praise, despite being uninteresting gameplay wise and filled with pandering