Midnight MH Thread

Midnight MH Thread

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SEAbros will hunt ATs now, thank you

First for taxidermy.

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You mean 8am
I would've done AT luna some more times but I'm getting really tired. Good night niggers, reminder that Vaal Hazak is a really cool monster

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>Want to hunt
>But exhentai is going down and I want to back up stuff

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So what water element monsters are going to be in World after Iceborne? We have Jyuratodus and Barroth has... two? attacks that do it. I think the new fishy guy Beotodus, might have it, but none of the confirmed returning monsters or sub species can use it. Why is Water so under used?


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>hunted AT's for hours for no reason other than fun

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Notorious MHW hater who is possibly from Cripplechan. Currently in tempered form, will soon be transitioning into Archtempered form in next month.

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Why does every, EVERY, MH have to incorporate this console war bullshit now? Why can't we just go back to arguing over and insulting each other over weapon choice and which monsters are hard like the good old days?

>exhentai is going down

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It's literally one guy only. ONE guy. That link goes to listfag's Gamefaq account that /mhg/ found out. You can see his account suspended since he kept spamming

Nigger how slow are you? This is not a drill.

Fuck dude, the count down must be near by now, go snatch up your favorites before it's too late.

I just woke up, goddammit.

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>tfw wanna hunt them all day erry day tomorrow but have shit to do

Post yfw
>AT Zorah

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I’ve been downloading close to 100 doujins

You gotta prioritize the non-H though, other hentai sites that have been scraping the panda have plenty of mirrors but not for non-H stuff

There’s some monster hunter artbooks in there too

Yeah, I got the three official artbook volumes that were on there.

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Any recs for a Hunting Horn set for High Rank? I need something new to build but stumped on what I would need since I barely mess around with that weapon.

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No PS+ so I have to solo everything and I've never been good at memorizing checklists like you have to do to be effective at siege hunts like that. Most other ATs are a challenge but doable though.

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They’re actually slightly incomplete compared to the ones in the /mhg/ pastebin but I haven’t been there in ages to see if the links are still up

There was a new book for World put up recently though

Horn Maestro if you wanna do specific songs less.
Everything else is kinda freeform, it's nice.

Its hard to play MHW now when tasting the goodness that is the Iceborne longsword changes. I'm shitter atm and can't take on arch nig and knowing that theres something better coming soon makes me not even want to play til its here. And that blows cause I love this game.

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That's not an issue because every AT can be easily soloed with every weapon. It's even easier solo because the eventual deaths are all for you. Which AT is giving you problems fren?

>I'm shitter
we knew that when you said longsword

Imagine if they didn't waste all that time making Zorah.
I wonder how many other monsters they could have fit in.

>There was a new book for World put up recently though

Was it this one?


Literally just Zorah. I can manage when in a normal fight, but I suck at remembering the most efficient run a solo player would have to do, like what order to break the magma cores in, to get him.

>just realizing that exhentai is the sister site of e-hentai, which I use.
W-will that one also get shut down?

zorah seems more like a level designer skillset than a monster designer, we would've just gotten another half used map like coral and vale

E-Hentai will probably last a bit longer but may inevitably go down too.

Yeah that one

I'm not entirely sure if it's official but it's pretty nice either way

It has 'Capcom' on the back of it. It's not that colored in MHW one that came out sometime ago too, but it'll do.

Please be in Iceborne

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Because Yea Forums is full of literal children that are mad their mom wouldn't buy them a Switch/PS4, so they have to spend all their time shit-talking it to mask their impotent anger

Maybe they could have made the game actually good

Do not bother with the cores, that's your problem. This is a shitty cheesy fight that needs to be cheesed
Enter run straight. Cluster spam the first core. Once destroyed STAY THERE and keep cluster spamming the dead core. It will take damage. Stay there until Nergi appears. Go and make it run as fast as possible, you cannot avoid him like the normal version. Once gone go back to the first core and keep spamming until you get pulled off onto the bridge

Now the easy part: pick up big arrows and hold them for now. Run and use the 2 above cannons (they're charged when you spawn). Run all to the left onto the ship and spam the 2 cannons. When they tell you zorah is changing use the big arrow you're carring and immediately pick the second (it's on the ship). Once the cannons on the ship are down go back up

Rinse and repeat. Oh and use the dragonator immediately. By the end of the mission you have to use it twice and it will kill Zorah. It takes 10 mins to recharge

Bitch, hammer is my wep of choice but I wanted to try the new LS during the beta. I love all the changes, but new LS feels real nice.

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Aight bros gimme some tips on how to be good at IG. It has such a unique feature and skills to it but for the life of me i couldnt even use it properly. Are there any tips or tricks to it?

What the fuck is AT nerg's health modifier? I can kill him in 4 minutes easily but AT went on for 20 minutes before I carted to that instant dive bomb.

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Imagine the Worldbab tears when /ourgal/ Valfie puts the mary sue in his place.

Something stupid. I usually run circles around him but AT Nerg is fucking ridonk

Nice design you got there, it'd be a shame if someone happened to take it.

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Imagine the tendie tears when Nerg takes her down cause lol elderseal

Go watch that dude zebraquake, he's got a bunch of IG videos

Based Nerg NTR'ing the autist.

Always have red essence, shoot your bug at the head, it's most important since it changes your moveset.
Prioritize speed for your bug.
Fuck being in the air, you're useless up there except for mount spam.
When on the ground, your bread n butter combo is circle triangle triangle loop, but when you wanna move, end it with a circle which is a kind of leaping forward slash that does good damage.

Congrats you're now French.

I hope it's not, Worldfags don't deserve something as good as Valfalk

Huh, I had no idea about the cluster trick. I'm a Lance main and I figured that was a good weapon for the job since I could ignore the lava explosions with guard skills. Next time he's around I'll craft a gun and see what I can do, thanks.

MGXX is fucking disgrace to franchise
MH Soulborne will be the Magnum Opus
Also Val will be added cap this

he's in senpai don't worry

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He's around now for 5 weeks like every other AT and event. They're all up for the festival. Also remember bombs do shitton of damage to the dead cores too. So you basically go there, cluster, bomb, craft, cluster bomb craft. Once you're out (since you're using an HBG in this scenario) go ham with spread shots and wyvern ammo

But remember the dragonator as soon as you land on the bridge. That will let you use it twice and it will di alone like 50% of zorah Health

If it ever happens you forget the optimal route just Google some videos about cluster Zorah because every single youtuber will show the exact same path

Whats the best SnS in world?

what game is this

For me it's the Magnet Dookie, the perfect threadkilling weapon


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Why is FU LS so much more satisfying to play than its Tri rework?

Could a MH beat him?

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Because you're a nostalgiafag

t. mained LS in FU

The strategy for defeating Behemoth is to engage a mount but not hit him at all just stay on top of him doing nothing. Your other three friends can hit him safely during this period. It's mega cheesy but it works you can get two good mounts like that.
>be french
>realize i'm literally recommending cheese and mounting


Dodge their attacks to avoid taking hits head on!

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When people assign an element to a monster they're usually referring to its weapons, so Barroth isn't considered water element because none of its weapons have water on them.
I imagine at least one of the new subspecies will be water element, most likely either Pukei-Pukei or Paolumu.

Think I'll just stick to hitting it until dead.

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It should be noted that while you are mounting the Behemoth he moves based on the spot you are on him. So the person who mounts can control Behemoth's movements and make it easier for rest of the group to do damage.

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The spirit combo was shorter so you're less likely to get fucked.

What the fuck?! The only joys in my life are vidya and fapping. Are you telling me my life is about to get twice as bleak?

How do you guys honestly feel about the AT Nergigante fight?
Personally I think the overall difficulty of the fight is pretty good, but the slam attack just feels a bit cheap and kinda ruins the fight. It's super fast, does insane damage, can animation cancel almost anything, and Nergi can spam it endlessly, I feel like they should have at least made it so it has a small cooldown or something and the fight would have been much better,.

I still think they're going to bring in Amatsu to complete the elder elements. We already have fire, blast, ice, thunder, and dragon. All we really need is water for elements.

I hate the MHW handler so much. I honestly can't remember who was the last video game character I hates as much as I do hate her.

Unreasonably fun.

How is Paolumu water element? Only one of his weapons does have water element. Also Pukei-Pukei is definetly poison and not water.

Sub species user. SUB.

It's dead, son. It just shut down.

Exhentai going down is a reasonable exchange for listfag exposing himself as the EGS shill and thus, giving the MH community a fighting chance against listfag.

But I just used it yesterday evening... How could something like this happen? It's like losing a family member to a sudden illness who you spoke to just the other day and they were healthy and laughing.

With 0 warning too. Oh well, at least that's better than this shit.

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I remember so many years ago i discover Yea Forums with Yea Forums and it was just part of things. New doujin, exhentai link.
Sorry to post this in MH thread but it was a staple on this website.

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First let's make sure based Rathslayer Seregios gets in iceborne, then we'll worry about jet bird

Don't have to worry about stupid fucking levels

Fun but slightly disappointing. He doesn't change much from his tempered version and you can abuse his spikes with almost any weapon. Even without mantles you can down him as long as you're not greedy.
The most rage inducing for me were AT Lunastra (bullshit unavoidable spam) and AT zorah (boring to death). They're easy fights that push you above 15 minutes clears with gimmick mechanics. I fucking hate taking more than 10 minutes for an AT.
Xeno was another above 10 minutes but that was fun for me so eh

Doesn't matter because SnS in world sucks dick

The slam can be completely negated by dodging to the right
Unless you're close to a wall

It's the best SnS has even been, not sure what you're talking about.
Not counting Gen shit since that's not a MonHun game and passive buffs are the worst design imaginable.

Why can't people fight tempered Deviljho without fucking dying Jesus Christ why are worldbabs so bad at this game I just want decorations

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I'm a Frenchman and i try not to mount, i favor the Hammer and the Gunlance.
I disappoint the Président everyday.

>The best sns has ever been
>Is the worst weapon in the game
I mean, you're right but

Why is he so weak and pathetic

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HH neutral recital probably has enough active frames on the swing to catch him

It's not the worst weapon though.
MHW has the most usable weapon classes ever, in this case every single one. SnS in exactly average or in worst case below average depending on your playstyle. Nothing straight up wrong with it, and now it's actually fun to play

Why the fuck are you hunting tempered Deviljho for decos when the Greatest Jagras is available?

Because he's in World

Reverse Plesioth hitboxes

Go to bed Lumu nobody likes you.

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>Fun to play
>When the strategy is spamming the same shitty falling attack over and over

What weapon do you think is worse than SnS in MHW? because SnS just sucks ass in MHW.

New monsters exist to be fodder for fan favorites. When MH5 comes they will be forgotten.

>Generic wyvern #75's subspecies actually wins against Odogaron
Fucking calling it

Update when?

As it should be
There are no good new monsters that aren't nerg, bazel, kulve or the subspecies
Velkhana is just fucking Kushala for the 20th time

Lance. This are the clear timers for Extreme behemoth in Solo speedruns. Dated 1 year ago

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Extremely cursed image, open with care

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While the Odo is an easy fight it's still one of my favorite fights in MHW. I really hope that the new version in Iceborne is just as fun to fight while also being harder.

>you'll forget about them any day now shouts increasingly nervous man

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As long as he can actually hit you and doesn't have his entire fucking body as an weak spot ebony Odogaron should be worthwhile
Hell base Odogaron is immune to dragon element and o always used dragon weapons against him with no fucking trouble

Can I get a comparison list of unique monsters in World vs Iceborne please? They're charging full price after all.

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As opposed to pre-World where you spammed the attack that preceedes it and then just using normal ground attacks? At least with that one you have to time something, just like the retards who complain about LS's finisher when it's just an addition and added complexity at the end.

And IB introduced a new combo after it, also with some sort of timing-related skill ceiling, something that activates your almonds in any capacity.

No weapon in MHW is straight up bad, the game has God-tier movesets all around for the first time ever in the franchise. I wouldn't say the same for any other MonHun. It's especially remarkable for SnS, GL and HH - even more so in Iceborne.

Do you think Zorah hijacks random islands and uses them as shells?

That's a really stupid metric to figure out how good the weapons are.

Mary sue
Poor man's Jho

>HH - even more so in Iceborne
Pre-Iceborne HH sucked dick

I want to fight this thing.

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He literally does so yes
He's like a hermit crab, shame the one detail that sets him apart from being a worst Lao is completely unseen in the game except when you flinch him and can see his fingers under the shell

>Mary Sue
Wut, they tell you he's getting kicked in the dick left and right and he's starving
>Poor man's Jho
Absolutely, but he was a decent budget Deviljho before the real deal arrived
I'll take electric Anjanath any day over another fucking flying wyvern

Like I said, it's a massive improvement over any previous version, which for the most part were straight up an unplayable joke. HH is low-tier in World but that's the highest the weapon has even been in the franchise, and most importantly, the most fun it has ever been to play with. IB massively adds to HH anyway so this argument is null in 3 weeks.

>except when you flinch him and can see his fingers under the shell
I never noticed that. This makes his fight 10% more tolerable now.

What do you mean? Every new monster in Iceborne is unique, and there will be about the same amount of them as there were in the base game. PLUS all the base game monsters will get a Master Rank counterpart as well.
If you're worried about the value you'll be getting for your money - don't be. MH does honest to goodness expansion packs, not some cashgrab DLCs like you're used to seeing nowadays.

They made a version of it in Frontier
Frontier is also fucking dead
Good riddance

>in 3 weeks.
I don't know where my brain went. Wish it came out that soon.

>Every new monster in iceborne is unique
>Ice plesioth, Barroth with horns and Kushala daora
The only reason to buy iceborne is the returning monsters and subspecies

1) G-rank versions always have less unique monsters compared to base
2) Iceborne is the first ever DISCOUNTED AT LAUNCH G-rank game. Why do I keep seeing people completely bitching and whinning about the best pricing scheme in MonHun's history?

>Every new monster in Iceborne is unique
Oh yeah, Kushala with some ice spikes is super unique

Sooner than PC either way.

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Oh, so you already played the game and fought Velkhana, huh? Dumbasses.

Why are both flagships elder dragons anyway? It's fucking stupid
Weren't ED supposed to be mysterious and rare

What's it called?

From what they said it attacks with aoes and ice projectiles
So yeah it's literally kushala

>Iceborne is the first ever DISCOUNTED AT LAUNCH G-rank game
It's DLC that requires the base agme not a full game on it's own.

Velkhana better be the best fight in the entire monster hunter series because from a design perspective it's an utter failure

Probably has something to do with "ELDERCROSSING LMAO" bumping the number of elder dragons up in the game.

They never really were mysterious or rare in the previous games either. But they're the focus of 5th gen MH because of the "elder crossing" thing. Capcom has also finally returned them to the status of endgame monsters, after it being occupied by the deviant/hyper/apex/frenzy/rare species for so long.

I can tell you right now that it won't be


>Finally returned to the status of endgame monsters
>Low rank Kirin

And now they're occupied by tempered monsters since tempered Deviljho and Bazelgeuse are more dangerous than any ED in world

That's for people to try a "hard" LR monster since otherwise they are easy.

That's right, the internet is dead.

i cant beat behemoth, sorry im such a shitter

Nice cold take, faggot.

Imagine being such a chad you make sad young men seethe even now. Best hedgehog.

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Frontier still has several months, unlike exhentai

Let's pray they not only reintroduce rare species but also give us the tower back
Where the fuck are my ruins god damn it this new environment looks like shit

Kirin is an elder dragonlet. Always has been.
Most people actually miss LR Kirin entirely, because you need to do an optional quest chain to unlock it, which I believe starts with a quest that doesn't actually have a speech bubble next to it, indicating it's a request. An NPC just tells you that in a dialogue.

Get a light bowgun and laugh as he tries to hit you

That's wrong though. EDs also have tempered versions. And only EDs can be Arch-Tempered (Greatest Jagras doesn't count).

I miss when MH threads weren't infested with console warring children

Really? It's even the quest to unlock thunderproof mantle and all.

Well, it is a new continent, so there's a good explanation why there's no ruins of ANCIENT CIVILIZATION and stuff. Although you'd expect an advanced civilization to colonize the entire planet, but oh well.

2019... we are forgotten

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Tempered EDs are all a joke, especially Nergigante who dies in 3 minutes since he is a walking weak spot with less hp than fucking Kirin

God fucking damn it I'm s disappointed about Vaal Hazak
I could tell it would be shit the moment they showed that it uses the Kushala skeleton

Guess what? Most players don't have the thunderproof mantle. That is unless they read a guide on the net saying how to unlock all the mantles/boosters. But the vast majority didn't discover the quest chain while they were still progressing through the game. In fact Tempered Kirin urgent was the first encounter with the monster for a lot of players.

>Ever succumbing to using ranged weapons
sorry I'm not that much of a faggot

>savage jho hp

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Fuck that sucks, I just played it normally and kind of hit a wall against kirin, made me go back to GS and all.

I remember my noob self when i got to LR Kirin. I had a friend who played every mh telling me how Kirin was a noob filter in world.
So i went in with an LS naked like a baboon and downed him easily. Cool right? Well no, it was LR. Soon after i reach the HR kirin, waltz in with my LS and get raped. Fine, but he's still easy. I change to bow and again kill him easily.
>hahaha what are you talking about Kirin is fucking easy you idiot
Move forward a bit more until Tempered Kirin
>how hard can it be lol
From that point i only remember he basically farted in my general direction oneshotting me into the next map. Fun times

Kushala in World is so dumb

>deal with a cancer mechanic to beat it
>the only reliable way to nullify this mechanic is to use its armor set... which you cant get until you beat it several times.

Who the fuck approved this. I miss just poisoning it to nullify that.

I honestly found tempered kirin just as easy as the normal one, I had to check it was the tempered version because I didn't even let it rest, it just kind of died.

Yes, and? Same applied to Rajang in the previous games. My point is - the focus of the endgame shifted towards the Elder Dragon species, instead of super special deviantart OC editions of regular wyverns, fanged beasts, etc. I'm not saying they're impossibly hard or anything, no need for you to expose your insecurities like that.

Kulve was a based fight, especially At
Nerg is an ok monster but a god awful flagship, he has no presence on the "story" outside of appearing a few times to get whipped by Zora, unlike other flagships it doesn't feel like a final confrontation when you kill it even if they tried to make you feel that way
Bazel is fun, too bad he has literally 4 attacks
Anjanath is based because he's the reason Fulgur Anjanath exists so he's ok in my book
The rest can rot in hell, Especially Xeno "worst final boss in the series" Jiiva

it feels like the people working on it havent even played the older games. back then you had this elder dragon triangle to deal with bullshit auras.

I'm saying they're a shit end game that even in world is overshadowed by basic wyverns
>Expose your insecurities for saying a game has a shit endgame
How much for Ryozo pay you?

50 buckaroos over here. Where is my discount?

Why arent you playing it yet?

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Now you need to use elder seal and take thrice the time you would take with poison
Why you ask? Simple, fuck you gajiin buy game we even put doragon on cover gajiin love doragon

They fucked up by not including based Chameleos.

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As opposed to past games where they didn’t make you buy the whole game again for the expansion?

>elder seal

Meme mechanic that doesnt actually work

That would explain it, a lot of the style and aesthetic from old MH is completely gone in world

I am and I'm having a good time with it.
Just sucks that basically none of my friends own a Switch or this game.

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It does work perfectly
After 20 minutes of hitting the monster non stop when it's basically dead

>Monster that steals items
The avarage guy that started with world would never accept it and would scream about "toxic player unfriendly difficulty" or some retarded buzzword like that

It is indeed. Archtempered too. But i went in without Thunder protection, without a levelled armor and without the mantle. I didn't even eat meals back then because i thought they were useless. In retrospettive that's what made it so fun. I enjoy when a game takes you by surprise on the stupidest details reminding you have to git gud

>Elder seal is supposedly a big deal because it blocks dragon auras
>There are only about 4 elder dragons with auras in the series

>overshadowed by basic wyverns
In what fucking way?
Again, you're the one who brought up the game difficulty into this completely unrelated conversation about monster ecology with your
bravado. Yeah? Okay. Nobody asked you about that.
>How much for Ryozo pay you?
Not enough apparently.

I hoenstly beat it without protection and with gliding mantle because fighting at the top of coral highlands with it is a tond of fun.

its also fucking garbage and useless because most prefer to take NEB.

They ruined charge blade completely and styles are completely fucking dumb and I hate them.

Also a lot of their iterations of old monsters suck. Lagiacrus in that game is an abomination.

I'm not touching that with a ten feet pole after the travesty that was Generations.

Then you're just mentally disabled since ecology wise elder dragons were never overshadowed by anything
Admit you started with world

I dont see the suspended account

It works on all EDs.

It's fine, Handler will spend the whole hunt telling you about it and you'll get your items back when you kill it.

>Does absolutely nothing on Kulve taroth
>Does nothing on Xeno'jiiva except maybe shorten his rage mode by 2.5 milliseconds or some shit

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I'm still upset at how she tells you to throw tranq bombs when you trap a low hp monster even after the first trap quest
I was trapping monsters before your shitty fucking game even existed you fucking sensory torture shut the fuck up

Lot of retards out there, huh?

For the first time ever Capcom gave you a discounted option, and you still find a way to bitch about it somehow.
For the 13 million people who bought World they can now buy G-rank for $20 less than they otherwise would pay for if it were any other G-rank title (homeconsole prices, compare it to PS2/Wii/WiiU/Switch MonHuns)

To the minority who skipped World but is getting Iceborne+World just now, then yes it's still full price $60 just as always. This still isn't a "downgrade", in the worst case it's still the same price any G-rank Xpac has ever been at: Full price (for its platform). But a G-rank was never sold seperatly before at a discount for the vast majority who already own the base game.

If it's that expensive then it would be $70 without the discount over your place. How are people THIS stupid?

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>Acidic Glavenus icon is the same as the one on the cookies
It's not but it doesn't debunk the cookies either way

You're a faggot zoomer who didn't even play FU, shut the fuck up

Elderseal would be a fine mechanic if the changes it forced on Elder Dragons actually mattered in the long run. They’re just not drastic enough, in fact they’re barely noticeable.

Nice projection there, bud.

I did gramps
Somebody take your prune juice today or something, go take your meds

>Does absolutely nothing on Kulve taroth
Actually, you might be right there, my bad. Not on literally every ED.
>Does nothing on Xeno'jiiva except
It discharges its glowing parts disabling certain attacks and delaying/shortening its rage mode.

No no, go ahead, tell me more about how apex tigrex overshadowed Gogmazios as the final boss or something

Yep can confirm. I found out about lr kirin here. Still was the most annoying fight ever, even with endgame weapons and armor.

It's an obvious afterthought
Like tempered monsters

When Iceborne hits, do I have to make a new character for G-Rank?

It’s just 4Ubabbies user. It’s the only one where localisation skipped the base game in favour of just waiting, so they aren’t used to waiting and buying two copies like everyone else.

The icon itself isn't exactly the same, but that's just because it wasn't finalized yet.
But more importantly, the design, the posture of the monster on the icon on the cookies isn't the same as it was in Gen, but the same as Acidic Glavenus icon we've seen at the GDCC panel. That's the most definitive proof the cookie leak could possibly have.

No, you need to finish the main game

The design is the same as worlds minus the acid tail, the normal glav is literally that design anyway, gore and valstrax is in

No, you need to have beaten the story (Xeno’jiiva) to reach Master Rank. It’s literally just a new Rank above High like how High is above Low.

Playing with cancer is dangerous.
It's already quarantined in a shit system, leave it alone.

Because you don't constantly fight Gog as the endgame enemy, unlike the apex monsters in 140 quests. That has nothing to do with the fight difficulty. EDs were just not the "endgame monsters" for the past few games. They were downgraded to just a stepping stone on the way to the endgame.

I see. Thanks for the input
>tfw my save glitched and I lost my Azure Starlord set
I haven't touched the game since, which is about 6 months now

>$20 less
>full price $60
Nice try, shill, but "full price" means $40.
Not that it's not a fair price for Iceborne, or that it's not a far better solution than the "ultimate" re-releases before World. But let's not twist the words to suit your own definitions here.

>you don't constantly fight Gog as the endgame enemy, unlike the apex monsters in 140 quests
Yeah, because since he's an elder dragon he's actually special and you have a specific reason to fight him and he isn't meant to be foguht continuously like some shitty everyday wyvern

>They ruined charge blade completely
They rebalanced CB so you have to use its axe moveset to get optimal cleartimes
>styles are completely fucking dumb
And World movesets arent?
>A lot of their iterations of old monsters suck.
They're still as hard as before, if not even harder.
>Lagiacrus in that game is an abomination.
Git gud.

Attached: mhwi narga.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Confirmed for never using CB in his life.

>but "full price" means $40.
Which dimension do you live in?
I too have heard of the great Blackhole Calamity that shattered our realm into 2, those exiled in the Old World live in constant tirany of the $60 full price tag, while those who ascended to the New One can buy Xbone/PS4/PC games for $40 on release.

On a serious note are you drunk? Where I live games are often released at 69€, many places push the price higher and higher, $60 isn't even the standard worldwide, it's gotten worse, I have no clue where you find $40 non-portable games. You're probably shitposting with PSP/3DS prices rather than the actual PS2/Wii/WiiU/Switch Apples to Apples prices I gave you

I do, and I've even soloed a few EX Deviants with it. Keep crying though.

Attached: 2019071516001200-2AE606B8659FEA852E0ED6470C9814D9.jpg (1280x720, 243K)

A-ha, and with that listposter exposes himself.

Different shitposter you moron. That's the "actual MH" poster.

>$60 base game
>$60 rerelease with expansion
>can’t get expansion without buying the rerelease


>$60 base game
>$60 rerelease with expansion
>owners of the base game can get the expansion for $40 instead of rebuying the whole game for $60

Literally why would anyone defend the first option?

Who's the listposter? I haven't visited these shit threads in a while

How performance intensive is this game?

They're one and the same.

BINGS would. Their brain is fried, many still in denial of World's quality and success, many unaware MonHun will always be World-like going forward, and that in a decade's time there will be another reboot even more different from their Tribaby games so things will only get worse for them.

It's a COPEing mechanism I guess.


Shit PC port, as are most jap games. So you should do your research if you only have a mid-spec tower.

Shitposter who has been spamming the same list intended to start a flame war in MH threads for two years now. The mods disclosed that it was a single guy and that he’s been spamming various games for years and ban evading. He has a very obvious posting style.

Probably one of the shittiest ports in recent history
With the cherry on top of having delays on all content for reasons unknown other than incompetence

After two years, Listfag finally slips up and exposes himself. This single post gave everyone a fighting chance against the Listfag.

Attached: listposter exposed.png (1101x364, 82K)

Given that all the other Capcom studios are moving to RE Engine, do you expect MH to follow suit? RE7, RE2R and DMC5 all look great and run great, so I’m hoping MH6/World2/whatever will be good.

It's pretty demanding, but it's very stable in that demand. If you can run it at certain settings, it won't be dipping down below that when you play.

I don’t get it. What did he fuck up with here?

They'll stick to this engine out of stubbornness

Here he fucks up during posting the shitpost copypasta for Monster Hunter World with a picture that he uses for Epic shill copypasta:

He is currently active right now.

The shitty Lao clone had an entire division just for him?

Attached: 1559711004698.jpg (462x544, 60K)

Ahahaha what a faggot. Literally what does he get out of it? What kinda life does he lead?

Yeah. Apparently he was a huge resource drain so given that everyone hates him I doubt they’ll be doing anything quite like him for a while.

I lost 300+h of my life on MH3U and soloed all content years ago. Haven't touched a MH game since. Should I play this?

Zorah took up a fuck ton of time and resources apparently. The game would have been better off without him in many ways.

If you enjoyed it then yeah. The game doesn’t have G-Rank yet (that comes in a month or so), but when it does it’ll have roughly the same amount of content as 3U. No underwater stuff though, 3U was the last game to have that.

Ask the same of Barneyfag. He's been posting about MLP, watching MLP movies, browsing MLP image boorus, and has been following the show longer than most actual "bronies" who dropped it years before he did.
And yet he's still going. Even though he hates it more than anything. Apparently. These people are not normal.

Don’t forget Slugfucker on /vp/.

Zoran is still a mistery to this day, they managed to make gigantic monsters that actually fought you in 4u but now that they have better hardware they just make this damage sponge?
Did they forget about good game design or what, at least kulve actually fights you

The base game is disappointing but iceborne seems promising

I pray for a game where they don't include Rathalos or his faggot wife

agreed, CB sucks in XX, but a lot of other weapons are much more fun than they ever were so it kinda evens out.

From what I’ve managed to piece together, they weren’t anticipating how much time and how many people it would take to pull off something of that scale with modern graphics and technology. They’ve been stuck in the PS2 era effectively all the way up to GU due to going handheld for a while, and game development has changed drastically in that time and gotten far more expensive than it used to be. Couple that with the fact that they wanted to make him an environment as well as a fight, and have him dynamically go from standing up to crawling causing a 90° shift in the terrain you played on in real time, and you’ve got a fucking LOT of work on your plate. Much more than they were anticipating.

Fuck you. Never ever. My nostalgia matters.

Unfortunately that won’t ever happen. Even if they were to do a game that was exclusively underwater hunts, they’d include Rathalos and Rathian as the only land only hunts just because they’re the series mascots.

And the outcome is a worse Lao
That should be lesson to stop making senile giant monsters and make more monsters like Gogmazios

GL went to the shadow realm too.
Lance's triple poke was butchered and everyone literally changes their entire playstyle just to avoid that shit 3rd poke.

And outside of using Guild style (which, why would I? I'd just rather plat a good game instead by that point) every moveset is butchered in different ways to make up for the art/style cancer.

World is only good for seeing old monsters in HD.

If you want new monsters wait for MH5.

It's a good sign they are willing to experiment even in an already high-effort reboot. Devs got to learn from their mistakes. At the end Zora is a good thing, it's not like Senile monsters are any fun anyway so it wasn't a huge lost cause.

I don't even understand why they're the mascots when they're so fucking generic and uninteresting, there is literally nothing to say about Rathalos except "he's a red dragon that shoots fireballs, flies and has venomous claws"


Listfag pls go

Attached: Anjanath.jpg (1100x618, 108K)

Because that's rad, fuck you.

Senile monsters are good for one thing only and that's the adrenaline rush you get when using the dragonator and Zorah manages to fail that too
It's a digital travesty in any way and it's not even granted they'll learn from it

Next you'll tell me your favourite Pokémon is Pikachu
Even the series understands Rathalos is pathetic when every single flagship outclasses him and his whore wife

Isn't Listfag a GU autist? Why would I be a listfag when criticising a retard Nintendo fanboy who is still in denial about World being MH5?

What events are worth doing?

I'm way too good to play pokemon.

The one for wyverncock ignition if you're a great sword tard
Other than that none of them are worth it for the rewards

I'll hindsight slash his ass off.

Mascots of monster franchises are basically never the most interesting creatures in the setting.

Oh, listfag, you’re so transparent.

>Isn't Listfag a GU autist?
>He doesn't know

Yes, he's a huge GU autist who throws retarded bitch fits the moment someone dislikes an aspect of GU.

>People think listfag is even a Monster Hunter fan at all
We have straight up proof that the guy was falseflagging console war garbage as both sides to stir shit.

Attached: tuhtQjY.png (1500x1500, 643K)

CPU intensive but it runs a lot better now than it originally did

I think the constant console warring might be rotting your brain user. I recommend taking a break from /mhg/ for a while.

I wonder if iceborne will affect performance somehow

Are there any MHW settings that gain me some frames? A lot of these shitty jap ports have settings or ini file tweaks that can net you some serious performance boosts due to whatever fucking reason.

Turn off volumetric whatever. Game looks better without it.

Ironically frame limiter improved my cpu usage by good 20-30% and got rid of hitches.

What else is there to say against "MHW is not MH5"? Which is such a dense blind hatred-fueled statement:
>Implies MHW isn't a real MonHun game
>Active denial of what the devs stated multiple times
>Implies MHW is trash and that the real messiah , the real 5th gen, is just around the corner and obviously will use none of the design elements or engine of World, completely seperate otherwise it would be the "real" MH5
>Was said to an unaware & naive returning player as a sad attempt to propagandize him. Clearly this indicates a damaged brain and mental illness.
>Will continue saying "wait for MH5" forever because no MonHun from here forward will count in his mind

It's an old point already killed before MHW's release, bringing it up now is nothing but shitposting and complete denial. The absolute unironic most merciful responce is a precise and genuine "BING".

Just don't respond at all you moron

Shit on them the proper way or don't reply. Low effort bingposting only serves to further shit up MH threads.

Attached: 1535245170914.png (400x400, 72K)

Im going to buy monster hunter world today and you literally cannot stop me.

have fun and happy hunting!!

>okay in 4U but outclassed by Ceadeus Regalia
>best in GU, better than even the Bloodbath version
>best in World, will be as good as MR Element CBs

Attached: G-Rank UNGAblos CB.png (907x478, 731K)

Gear Rex!

Attached: rsz_gear-rex_7856.jpg (350x263, 23K)

Post fun ideas for subspecies.
>Violet Brachydios
>Uses waterblight instead of slime
>When it goes into rage mode the water becomes FUCKING BUBBLES
>Constantly slips around when in rage mode, but it's still just as much of a threat to you as a regular Brachy, if not more

>unironically using blos weapons
They're so fucking ugly, how do you live with yourself?

So mizutsune but worse?

>Post fun ideas for subspecies
No, I'll give you something better, I'll give you AUTISM

Icebreaker Tetsucabra
It could fight like an unholy fusion of Tetsu and Lagombi

Shatterspike Monoblos
>A Monoblos who lost his horn and seethes about it even now
>The seething anger causes the sand to dust off his skin, revealing its true black color
>Uses steam eruptions to charge at supersonic speed
>Frill has hardened into a strong battering ram. Can counter attack with it.
>Even in death, Monoblos continues to seethe in anger

God I hate Teostra so much. I can't get past this dude, his stupid flame aura forces me to be right in his face to do any damage to the head.

If you're playing world then being in Teostra's face is the optimal place for both offense and defense, he's an absolute joke
If you're not playing world then you're fucked

Normal Teostra? If you stand in his neck he barely has any attacks that can actually hit you there without repositioning first. Bash his head in enough and he'll fall all over himself.

Blizzard Mizutsune.
>Mizutsunes who have adapted to the frigid cold, thus giving them appearances more similar to arctic Foxes
>In battle, they're slightly less "elegant" than their original species, but make up for it through Iceblight and Snowman status
>Instead of sliding around using bubbles, it instead skates on the ground using it's ice abilities

I just always get hit by the damn flamethrower. Can't get around his neck to avoid it, can't sheathe weapon and superman to dodge it. The one time I beat him, he got smashed with two environmental hazards, but literally every fucking guide wanks his gauntlets because muh tard exploit.

Teostra was never very hard honestly. Supernova was all he had.

Objectively what is the most annoying monster in the series?

I ask this because after a while away from World I went back and found the crystal carrying Kula Yaku to be fucking annoying

>log into PC for summer event
>it's the fucking spring one


How do you get hit? He doesn't rotate his head far enough to hit you, just hide in his armpit

His charge used to hit obnoxiously hard but it wasn't really much harder to avoid than every other instant charge

The flamethrower of all things is what's getting you? It's got a pretty wide tell. Just don't be so far away that you can't dodge sideways out of the cone, and if you are too far away start moving sideways pre-emptively when he turns to you since almost all of his attacks only hit in front or behind not to the sides.


I'm always just in front of him to where I can't avoid it. I'll try working on my positioning, but it seems like my arrows just bounce off the side of his flame aura unless I'm right in his face and in flamethrower territory.

Summer is the next week with double ticket drop rates.

4U's G Rank Red Khezu
Fucking up even once is a pretty much guaranteed paralysis -> pounce -> death
Luckily you barely need to fight it since all its equipment is garbage

If you're not playing World Teo is a joke because his fucking heels is a weakspot, where he cannot possibly reach you.

If you're in optimal spread shot range you should absolutely have enough time to dodge to the side of the head before his tell even finishes

I'm pretty sure only Lunastra and Kushala deflect projectiles, not Teostra

He still had those cancerous charges that would hit you for more than his flamethrower, him turning also triggered blast

Teostra still does with his full power fire aura, but not the cheeto aura.
But his head/wings/tail can still be hit of course

Yeah, I don't think my range is an issue, but where I'm standing is. I'll give it another go, but trying to be right around his neck.
He does when he's got the flame aura up.

Teo and Kushy auras deflect projectiles aimed at the torso, but the head and the tail are sticking out.
Luna's blue flame patches can deflect projectiles too, when fanned.

If the aura is the problem use Nergigante weapons or spam dragon pods so it's blocked

Or if you just flinch him consistently.
He's weak to Water too so that can help a lot with Bow

Nigga, Teostra is BY FAR the hardest he's ever been. He was piss easy in every game except for 4U where he was just moderately difficult. New Teo forces you to get in his face or deal fuck-all for damage - and that's the last place you'd ever want to be against him.

The ED pecking order goes as follows: Nerg

>and that's the last place you'd ever want to be against him
It's okay. Not worse than being in the face of any other monster. You want to be in his face especially when he does the fire breath, especially with a GS. Only AT Teo doesn't let you stick around under his chin.
Anyway, World Teo is much better, because he actually got new more interesting attacks than just *walks into you*, and is less predictable.

I might just move onto Xeno'jiiva so I can fully compete the Niggergante bow, then. Elderseal seems like it would fix most of my problems.

>because Capcom completely fucked how flying monsters work in World by the game borderline unplayable without flash pods
Use a weapon with upward reach like Switch Axe, unlike Rathalos you can hit Kushala anywhere for an opportunity to knock him down.
Kush doesn't even stay in the air as long as he used to and doesn't have that shitty double zigzagging tornado move he loves to spam in G Rank.

>< AT Kush

Attached: 63176.jpg (300x443, 24K)

>Vengeful Khezu
>wears Shrouded Nerscylla hides
>the hides have eventually fused with the khezu, and their offspring now sport a darker, more Nerscylla-coloured skin with Nerscylla crystals growing from their wing tips, spine and neck, causing poison AND paralysis to anything foolish enough to graze them

>You want to be in his face especially when he does the fire breath

This was fixed in World. He can hit you at point blank with the flamethrower now.


>Capcom completely fucked how flying monsters work in World by the game borderline unplayable without flash pods.
You either never played another MH game, or got selective amnesia.

>Hardest he's ever been
>Slower, deals less damage, actively avoids you with fire breath and has a gimped and shitty nova
Nothing in this game is hard except mega arch super tempered monsters, and even then most only add a gimmick that you can easily build against or negate completely by not being retarded(like Nergigante's instant slam)

Attached: 1559803785758m.jpg (896x1024, 144K)

If you're 2 inches to the side he still can't do shit

Why are you doing this? You know that anyone who plays the game knows for a fact that you're wrong? Who are you trying to fool? You can do a lvl 3 GS charge on his face during the fire breath in World same as you could in the previous games.

>and that's the last place you'd ever want to be against him.
Fucking lmao no

>the game isn't hard
>except for the hard content!

Seething Bingcuck can't kill Ancient Leshen without timing out lmao.

No, he cannot
By moving 2 centimetres to the left his entire fire stream is negated

Where's the thinking involved?

Attached: unga bunga.webm (427x240, 2.66M)

Wrong on all accounts except the supernova, which indeed got nerfed. But before World it was only a crutch to try and SOMEHOW make Teostra threatening, because they failed to do it otherwise.
Also, you realize this is a HR game, right? Have you played any HR MH games before? World's endgame is by far the hardest the series had to offer, except MH4's lvl 100 guild quests.

>Nothing in this game is hard except event quests
Yes, exactly, the story is a total walk in the park
I don't expect a retard to know that monster hunter is supposed to have challenges outside of event quests

How did we end up ditching the cerebral gameplay Monster Hunter is famous for?

Attached: ex soulseer.webm (854x480, 2.99M)

>World's endgame is by far the hardest
No, it's not, how bad do you have to be as videogames to think this?
Tempered monsters are all pathetic and die in 2 minutes since they only have increased attack and arch tempered monsters are the equivalent to the billion hp event quests in previous games like worldeater Deviljho or Demon king diablos in FU

>he isn't spamming morph slash for motion values that deal triple the damage

Notice the Legiana's face wasn't broken at the beginning of the webm and he was already at the 5 minute mark. If he was using morph slash, that head would've broken almost instantly if he was using Black Diablos axe.

Listfag back to gamefags

Is this your first soft MMO? The game doesn't start until the endgame. The rest is just filler for casuals and reviewers.

FU is a G Rank game
Also sounds like you're comparing soloing guild hall stuff to world where everything solo has village HP

God I still can't believe xeno'jiiva weapons are real

>I-It's not really that hard!
Stop being so insecure. I didn't say it's hard, it's harder than whatever endgame the series had to offer before that, which is none. There was no endgame, you just did all the hunts, waited for time gated DLC events and was done with the game.

This also isn't an MMO but whatever

That's a Lunastra SA though.

Ah yes you people
Tip: Journey, not the destination

>fighting tempered monsters

We fight Arch Tempered Monsters, Extreme Behemoth, and Ancient Leshen. There isn't a single fight in old Monhun that holds a candle to any of these with the sole exception of Boltreaver Astalos and MAYBE enraged 140 apex Zinogre and 3U Super Brachydios.

>It's the hardest it's ever been
>No it's not
Could've just told me you're a shill so I wouldn't waste time with you

Attached: 1558591741558.gif (344x203, 3.88M)

Ah, yes, all 15 hours of my 1k hour journey.

>>fighting tempered monsters
Yes, with this shitty decoration system you're forced to fight 300 tempered legiana for one handicraft jewel

>It's the hardest it's ever been

Is the BLACK BLOS bow good? I do have a non elemental jewel.

A Mizutsune subspecies that lives in filthy water, and uses grimy bubbles that inflict Tar and Fireblight (cause hot tar burns). Instead of being constantly soapy it’s constantly oily.

A Gammoth subspecies that’s adapted to tropical environments, so it lost all its fur like an elephant. It sprays water from its trunk that inflicts Waterblight and a variation of Muddy/Webbed, it sprays some of its mucus out too which dries over time, gluing the hunter to the ground if left untreated.

An Astalos subspecies that doesn’t generate lightning but a different energy that looks kinda like it. This energy actually invigorates hunters that it hits. You get positive buffs from the mist, but after a few seconds your metabolism returns to normal and you fall asleep and are inflicted with Defense Down. If you stun him while under his own buff, it interrupts the generation of his life energy and you don’t get drained and fall asleep.


Honestly I'd argue 4's HR Frenzied Brachydios is still the hardest monster in an HR game besides soloing Extremeoth
Fucker gets to cheat just as hard as Garuga with how it cancels its recovery animations.

What were you doing for the first 200 hours when there was not even pickle in the game

Both of them are piss easy by themselves especially with the inclusion of the temporal baby blanket, the only reason people see them as hard is because they have one mechanic that forces randoms to think as a team if they don't want to waste a cart, which is above the mental capacity of the community apparently

Weird way to spell apex tidal najarala

>handicraft jewel

Literally, where the fuck have you been? You have infinite sharpness as long as you have a sliver of white. Even a Handi+3 charm is more than enough for nearly every relevant weapon.

Oh, what's that? You wanted attack decos? Then go fight AT Jagras/Lavasioth for decos en masse, retard.

It's good against Bazel and Xenojiva, that's about it. Dragonpiercer gets beat by other builds.

That shit was just stupidly broken and felt like they didn't playtest it.
>Brachy does the tail spin
>I swing
>he cancels out of the second half of the attack
>runs across the room
>runs on a fucking wall
>runs back
>hits me before my attack animation finishes

Mantles are banned in TA meta, which I HOPE you're abiding to.

>Tidal Najarala

Attached: hh.png (282x376, 147K)

I'm not a tranny so I don't speedrun

That's gotta be some kind of long running joke. How's anyone having trouble with tidal najajaja when she's easier than the normal one?

This is managed by Japs. Try again, shitter.

It's not about the actual difficulty, it's about the emotional abuse that is fighting it

Japs are just as much fags as trannies, otherwise they wouldn't make so many trap characters

>try to do anything
>get hit by ricochet water shots

Tidal deserves to be publicly executed.

Dont reply to Listfag you dips

Traps are fair game. Stay mad you filthy tranny.

>Entire monster is based about ricocheting water balls
>So by logic if he's shooting at a scale and I'm behind it I'm safe
>Instead it phases through the scale and hits me

>Criticism is being listfag
Kys shill and tell your overlord Ryozo I'm coming for his wife

>still calling their seething tantys "criticism"

If you think tempered monsters aren't shit and lazy then you're just a hopeless shill
I just hope the pay is good

I don't understand the appeal of HBG
You are slow as shit, your shots have tons of recoil, you don't actually do that much more damage

Don't even bother dude, let them have their non-existent boogeyman
Really recent crapcom games get defended to death and older ones get shit on here, I wouldn't be surprised if there were actual paid crapcom shills in here

What is your true opinion on Arch Tempered Elders?
It's a love hate thing for me. But all of my complaints would probably be solved if they just gave em less fucking health.

Please do not reply to bait, such as a certain post above this one regarding HBG.

At nerg is ok
At kulve is ok
Ignore everything else

Nerg and Xeno are fun. Final phase Kulve is fun but it's also cuntpunched by all the bullshit that is Kulve. Rest isn't different enough, I just do them because they don't die as quick.

It made some of them good fights, especially Xeno. The others are mostly forgettable changes. I can barely tell you how Kirin was different. Kushala got more annoying, but overall it was clearly just inoffensive stopgap content. I might be more dissatisfied if I had played them when they first came out instead of in the last month preparing for Iceborne.

dunno what’s the problem, they have about the same tankiness as super deviants

I liked MHW a lot and thought it was a step in the right direction, and frankly I've been scared to talk about MH at all with the psychotic faggot listchan infesting every single thread up until this point so I'm glad to see he's finally gone.

I like the focus on interesting level design and verticality, but I feel like they went overboard with this concept, as if some guy underlined it on the list of design goals. Verticality and obstacles can certainly add some flavour and unexpectedness to a fight, but it just becomes obnoxious when if feels like you're contending with walls and objects and inclines 90% of the time. There just aren't enough arenas in the game, and it doesn't feel like there's nearly enough actual monster behavior changes to account for this change in the level design. The unpredictability of walls and angles don't impede the monster in any way and there's still sliding car crashes and completely unhindered hitboxes and animations with obstacles and walls. Their attempt to make the verticality play into the game was to give you gimmick moves like slide attacks, wall jumps and plunging attacks, but these are really more gimmicks that distract from the core of the combat rather than add to them. If you're going to ledge jump a monster it's not going to flow naturally in the combat, it means you're going to stop whatever you're doing and run over to the ledge and jump off it. It feels stupid and gimmicky because it is.

The endgame being centered around elder dragons sucks absolute dogshit. The only fun elder dragon to fight is Nergigante and the others are just boring and gimmicky. It's not exactly new to the MH franchise that elder dragons suck and are less interesting than the other cast, but the threat level system and the endgame being centered around farming jewels makes it so that any people grinding will just end up fighting the shitty elder dragons all the time.

I hope to god they don't bring back the tempered shit for G rank.

Attached: ZY1zM1Z.jpg (982x853, 84K)

Is there something good that you guys miss from old monster hunters?
Because lot of time, I just hear "man remember when we used to have this thing that was frustrating lmao".

>your shots have tons of recoil, you don't actually do that much more damage
try using an appropriate ammo for the gun

>The unpredictability of walls and angles
Yeah the sliding along walls shit is dumb and will always be dumb, but the walls and ledges don't move. A little situational awareness should stop them from being a problem.

I don't know really, every single other monster in the game right now is piss easy, but I can never seem to kill any of the ATs, Extremoth, or Ancient Leshen. I'm probably just ass honestly.

Is behemoth solo possible? I’m not the best player for sure, but I’ve went through whole game without much trouble and now im getting fucking destoryed by behemoth. At least I managed to get his tail so there’s that.

>the threat level system and the endgame being centered around farming jewels makes it so that any people grinding will just end up fighting the shitty elder dragons all the time.
Yeah, the threat level system is absolute shit. What they should have done instead iskeep the threat levels, but ALL monsters are available for each threat level.

I miss the aesthetic
I miss the weapons
I miss the monsters
I miss the environments
And I never thought I'd say this, I miss the writing
Dialogue and character in world is so fucking offensive it's almost unreal, in the old games it was so sidelined and secondary so they just used it to crack jokes, now it's almost like they expect you to give a shit about the characters
Also I miss a "super monster" system that isn't just giving them more attack and covering them in shiny lube

I have never used a HBG before MHW, does how many shields affect what I can block? Am I good with only one shield mod? Because the recoil/reload on this thing can be so ass that I die more often than just going in with a LBG and +5 Evade.


Having 93 monsters

>but I’ve went through whole game without much trouble and now im getting fucking destoryed by behemoth
That's perfectly normal since there is no challenge in the game before behemoth, you just need to get used to it

1 shield is enough unless you want to tank extreme behemoth

The four man hubs.
Usually randoms are just a nuisance to play with, but when you find a group that works it feels fucking great.

But I recently started it back up after all the world hype got me craving some monhun

I don't necessarily think anything is "wrong" with the way they changed the armor skills to be far more simple to understand, but they did an extremely fucking bad job balancing the actual armors themselves and I think that leads to people looking at the new armor system less favorably, when it really comes down to how it was tuned. The end result is that there's only a handful of armor pieces in each slot that're worth even glancing at and it's awful. So much of the Monster Hunter structure is trying out new builds and building different sets, but with only a handful of armors worth using it weighs the game down as a whole, coupling that with the shitty fucking Tempered system and the Gamma armor overcentralizing builds even more, you've got a goal structure in the game that makes you fight the same fucking monsters over and over again. With so many steps in the right direction with MHW it's unbelievable that they fucked this up so bad when it should be one of the easiest parts for them when making the game.

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I think I saw a post in this thread or before or whatever, but that post reminded me that you immediately try to save the handler instead of your cat, and your cat fucking hugs the handler at not you. I forgot I was literally seething about it like for a few days. Also most of the monster intros are just ok I guess, but the ones with the handler (especially jho) was godawful

God but is there a way to deal with him spamming that fucking tornado? I’ve managed to get him once to that area where nergigante sleeps and in a few seconds whole place was filled with this shit. Literally had no place to move.

The normal Glavenus has a new icon which is identical to the cookies.


If you look at the release build, the armor balance is actually good. Each elder dragon armor was kinda equal, but also lot of HR monsters had good armor sets if you augmented them.

Flash him when he charges it, if you can't flash him for whatever reason stick to a wall so even if he completes it it won't bother you, they're stationary

If you hit his face enough to gain aggro then he doesn't cast tornadoes
Or you can flash to interrupt the cast but you can't rely on that against Extremeoth
Otherwise you just need to fucking run the tornado to the edge of the room as soon as he starts casting

Just monsters.

> Each elder dragon armor was kinda equal
This is good balance to you?

It sure as hell isn't now with the goddamn drachen

>Kirin with more health and even more damage
>Vaal with more health, damage, and massive DoT(Damage over Time)
>Teostra with more health and damage with a better supernova
>Kushala Daora with more health and damage
>a.....casual filter siege fight? I'm impressed Capcom. You managed to make the skill that boosts cannon and ballistae damage useful
>Remember how climatic phase 4 Golden Jagras was? Now if you fuck her up enough over the course of the hunt, godly vocals kick in and she gets even more aggressive. Oh, and more health+damage to one shot people who would've been fine for regular Golden Jagras
>babby's first Frontier fight
>World Eater Jagras that one shots people with less than 500 defense and bullies Deviljho. 10/10 AT
>Lavasioth with way more more health and damage. 0/10 bring back old Lavasioth
>Nerg with more health and damage with Rathalos's cancerous jump stomp move he got in World

AT Jagras is the best event quest to date.

I've been thinking about some of the things I'd like dialed back for World 2. Probably all unrealistic, but whatever.
>no damage numbers
It's a boring way of telling you how well you're doing.
>no mounting
It's not fun at all, disrupts the flow of the hunt and makes map design a little more insufferable.
>harder to get skills
>negative skills
You're able to have everything you'd ever want and then some in World, I can't even imagine how this'll look in G rank.
>split single and multiplayer
Makes balance a bit better and forces players to git good solo.

Well you're in luck, the USJ event's back so you can just do it again.

>>Teostra with more health and damage with a better supernova
Teostra also got the exploding bite that removed the safe spot near his neck.

AT Lavasioth is a joke with Sticky HBG or Gunlance, arguably more efficient to farm than Greatest Jagras solo since you barely even have to defend yourself.

Why not? Also high end HR non-elders got decent armor sets.
Which is why I said release balance
Since they know next content after Behemoth is Iceborne, they gave up on HR balance since they know Drachen will be overpowered by Master armor

>Noxious Chameleos
>Black and hot pink instead of purple, has two nose horns instead of just one.
>Attacks are similar to regular Chameleos, but they're all in the form of toxic purple bubbles, and simultaneously inflict Poison and Bubbleblight.
>Tongue attack functions the same, but has a much higher chance of stealing Cleansers.
>When enraged Noxious Chameleos creates a 'mist' of bubbles instead of the regular mist
>It can't turn invisible in this state like regular Chameleos can, but instead the bubble mist inflicts Bubbleblight on everyone in the area for its entire duration, stacking with whatever Bubbleblight they already had. Everybody's either going to have the evasion buff or be slipping around all over the place, no exceptions.
>Even Noxious Chameleos itself becomes more slippery during the bubble mist because it's just too clumsy to use bubbles to slip around gracefully like Mizutsune can, so its movement becomes more unpredictable (but it also has a small chance of falling over at random).

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Equal in that you could contrive a build from all of them if you wanted. I remember at release I made it a point to use different armor sets for every weapon, and they worked. Why would that be bad balance? Now everything uses Drachen.

The best armor at release involved the Odogaron armor, just saying.
Drachen and ATs really fucked up everything, the power creep in armor is atrocious.
Hopefully Iceborne will restart things in a good way

I miss how comfy it was. This may seem extremely autistic, but Pokke Village is my favorite video game town precisely because it was so cozy. A nice mountain town, a little house for you to read magazines in and relax after a hunt, and a farm you can upgrade from a piece of shit into something relaxing. And you weren't the "Sapphire Star", you were just a Hunter, and you could see other Hunters doing the same thing you were. Everything had personality, even the weapon tutorial man. It was small, but it was a fantastic atmosphere.

Loc Lac was a downgrade in my opinion, but it did what it wanted to. That is, seem like a living and breathing city for you and your friends or randoms to group up and chat in. I remember doing the prance in the Canteen with some random guys after our first successful Low Rank Lagi hunt, and exploring the zones.

Now let's look at Astera. It's big, and it's got NPCs walking around, but it feels like it's centered around the player. The other places felt like they could exist without you, but Astera is... weird. You never see anyone doing anything. There aren't market stalls, or people coming in from the mountains. There's the same dumb filler NPCs, carrying boxes and doing whatever, but it feels dead. The hub is even fucking worse somehow, and I know it's a meme term, but Astera is soulless and has no personality. I won't get into characters, but plenty has been said about how badly the story fails.

In short, around the time of Tri, the game began lacking atmosphere. It felt like you were the center of the world, rather than you being just another part of it.

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>armor balance was good on release

What balance? Everyone ran the same goddamn eyepatch+dober+nerg mix.

They're fun except for kushala who just becomes a huge pain the ass.

AT Teostra is also way more aggressive than regular Teo. For me it was a really good fight.

AT Xeno is not even close to be called Frontier

That was their problem, it was not necessary

>implying you're the "sapphire star" at any point before you've thoroughly cleared the game
>implying you're not the "best monster hunter™ freedom" in the old games at the same point

user, you might want to rewatch the opening cutscenes.

If you were going full unga bunga max attack (which to be fair, works easily on everything that's not AT since it's just an HR game) but the different sets from the Elders had a good spread of skills

So might you.

You're the Sapphire Star the moment you kill Anjanath and progress to the Coral area. You are also one of two "A-list" Hunters, and the second one, the excitable guy, does literally nothing, leaving the player as the only real person getting shit done.

If that wasn't necessary then how is Drachen?

>astera doesn’t have a market
Are you retarded?

It isn't. And that's why "balance" in a single player game is a laughable concept.

That's pretty well put

>the player as the only real person getting shit done
I'm glad you agree that World is the same as all the other MH games.

Difference in magnitude
You almost need drachen for these super HP bloated AT monsters

the previous games didn’t bother to establish any context with regards to your powerlevel. they just asked you to kill x thing, maybe occasionally mentioning that it ‘somehow’ has to be you. but they never say why

i’m not sure what’s worse, acknowledging that you’re the chosen one, or acting as if you’re the chosen one without ever remarking about it

>Everyone ran the same goddamn eyepatch+dober+nerg mix
This shit happens in EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. Because Capcom can't into fucking balance. Is World your first MH?
Hell, even if there some semblance of balance, people would STILL gravitate towards the same fucking sets, because some nerd online calculated that they're 0.0005% more effective than the second best.

>AT Kirin is just more HP and Damage. I like it because I like Kirin, but it was lazy
>AT Vaal doesn't add new moves but it fixes the fight by giving a new route and make the effluvium something actually dangerous you can't ignore
>AT Kush, still a boring fight but now you can't flash him, shit
>AT Teo, more damage, few new moves and especially more aggressive, pretty good
>AT Zorah, meh, at least you can fail the quest now, but they could have done so much more with the fight, making something actually good
>AT Xeno. Excellent, pretty much an entirely different fight. With a different model this could have been a Variant with no problems
>AT Luna. It's pretty much the same as regular Luna, don't have much to say
>AT Kulve. The new phase is fun, but it lasts for few minutes so overall it doesn't change much
>AT Nergi. A really nice and challenging fight, only problem is they gave him a bit too much HPs

in old MH games weren't you just the hunter that the commission sent to whichever backwater town was getting ravaged by a new monster, you weren't special in the grand scheme, you were just the only person around trained in fucking up big monsters

No, it has a 'supply vendor' who no one even looks at. In prior games, the random NPCs walk around, stop at shops as if actually browsing. Everyone in Astera is a zombie with random armor bits slapped on.
The difference is that the story was not focused on YOU. There was plenty of indication that other Hunters were totally capable, you found this by reading the little more magazines and quest descriptions.
>inb4 Moga Village
It was explained that it's so remote, you're the only cunt that could handle Ceadus because the Guild didn't really register the village. Guild Girl explains this.

This was far worse in World because YOU HAVE NO FUCKING JEWELS UNTIL THE POSTGAME.

It's the largest healthpool of any monster with a solo HP modifier, 26k.
It's not truly that though because you get a free 10% from all the boulders, the knockdowns involving them and then the scripted turf war.
Pile on all the other ways world gives you damage for free and it's really not that hard of a hunt, you just have to meet the DPS requirement to break his spikes consistently.

true in village quests maybe, completely untrue in guild hall quests


Necromancer Ahtlal-Ka
>Uses the corpses of massive elder dragons to create a skeletal frankenstein to control.
>Is able to use elements from each siege fight dragon like a Gogmazios beam.
>Story is an Ahtlal-Ka fought against a Lao Shan Lung and won, using pieces of it's corpse to fight other large elder dragons and add merge their bodies, like an equal dragon weapon.

so why does it have to be you to be the only one who can stop dire miralis?

Since this thread is still up how come Monster Hunter gets so many console warring shitposters dispite Monster Hunter always been a console/handheld hopping series?

Different board culture, and MH getting more popular year after year.

Yes you do. You get jewels from regular HR quests as well, just no warped.
And you don't get god charms until post-game in the previous games either.

Well if you think about it, Playstation 2 is so old that nobody remembers it

Actually the story was always focused on the player. I don't know how you could possibly miss something obvious. Unless you're just twisting the facts on purpose.

Nintendofags felt betrayed by world. It wasn't this bad when capcom left Sony for Nintendo.

I've always just followed wherever the series went.

Children who console war aren't aware of the pre-Nintendo MH games so World caused it to flare up.

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Turns out it was almost entirely one incredibly autistic guy

I was mostly referring to the Village Questline, which was comparable to Astera's questline through Xeno'Jiiva. Dire Miralis is meant for 4 people, a team of Hunters.

You can easily make a decent build with even your average OOO charm and an armor set with plenty of slots. In World, you either make Nerg Mix/Drachen or fuck off until you get the jewels.

You wanna know how I know this shit? I've been locked out of wide shelling gunlance for a year and a half because I still haven't gotten the capacity boost jewel to drop. Dodogoma armor is fucking trash and you can't build shit with it.

Just a question, could they introduce Vespoid Queen in World using the normal Vespoid skeleton but bigger?

I think the problem raised since XX wasn't being ported to the west, so american and EU fans were already pissed about it.
Not being able to play the last G-Rank title in the west (which never happened in MH history) followed by the announce of a new MH released worldwide on a different platform sounded like a huge "Fuck You"

>I was mostly referring to the Village Questline
So, who are those other capable hunters that you encounter during the village stories?

Somewhat, in that you were mostly the only person these little backwater towns could rely on. In World, you ARE the hero, and you are the only person that actually has any indication of doing something on the New World. Does the old veteran ever get off his ass beyond slicing Nerg in a cutscene? How about the Team Leader? We don't get any indication that these people are competent.

i can also turn around and say that the astera gathering hall implies that you’re just one a-lister out of the many and all the astera quests are meant for 4 people

Aaand we made a full circle.
Your decent build with an average will be the exact same pieces everyone is using. Just like it is in World. Just like it was before. It happens in every game.

In the dialogue, quest descriptions, and magazines.

I always thought the Gathering Hub to be a place where traveling hunters from all over the world stop by to rest. The Guild then posts requests from all over the region on the board so any hunters that meet up there can choose to tackle it together and share the rewards. Village is the story of you, the sole hunter, that tackles any requests that threaten your immediate area (around the village)

What dialogues and quests? Do they even have names at least? Since you never see any of them, or see what they do, nor their actions have any effect on you or the village.


Wide is unplayable without capacity boost. The weapon cannot do its job without the third shot.

Useless piece of ugly meat.

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Have you played through the main story of World, or has it been a while? You are explicitly stated to be the One True Hunter. There is no indication that the others are even clearing out monsters, and besides Zorah, the dialogue makes it clear that you're the only one out there.

>Wide is unplayable without capacity boost.

Attached: confuse.jpg (2000x1684, 154K)

And now that XX is out in english, the problem is mostly on Worldsperms being scornful towards cerebral gameplay, and want monsters to come to World in nerfed state instead of migrating to the last classic MH title released.

Real talk at me right now lads

Is LBG any good?

Then use one of the armor pieces with the skill, or the charm.

reminder that listfag is the same shitposter who does the epic games shitposting too

I actually picked this up few days ago since I wanted to hunt some more monsters and cleared everything in MHW. Just hunted the Nargacuga for the first time and I'm having fun with it.
Maybe it's just me but I could swear that when you use lance in GU it takes much long to get your shield back up after attacking. I keep getting hit because of it.

You don't deal enough damage to get staggers with double shot/poke shoot poke shoot and end up getting outperformed by just using melee only with the same weapon. It's literally unplayable.

>You are explicitly stated to be the One True Hunter.
So? Just like in every game before World. The player character is always THE hunter. The Moga Hunter, The Pokke Hunter, The Wycademy Hunter, etc. There's no indication that there are even any hunters at all. World is the only game where other hunters are even present in single player story at all. Actually, wait, scratch that. There's 4 and Ace Hunter squad. But they're all fucking jobbers. Ace my ass.

Wide is more of a slapstick anyway, it is fine

They're not named directly, but you are told that you aren't the first person to hunt these monsters, whereas in World nobody knows shit until you do the research yourself. They couldn't even handle an Anjanath.
Perhaps, but you still hear stories of how others are doing things in different villages. World is totally contained in Astera, so it seems like you're the only person accomplishing things.

Yes you do. That is hogwash. Wide does just fine without load up, which is available on armor pieces anyway, and you don't need a jewel to make a set for it.

When people will start to receive the review copies? Last time a leaker here showed the new monsters and roster (like bazel e xeno)

Did the story of the five dragons come into play at all or is it just some flavor text

What no thats wrong? Pretty much every other mission they say „hunters” and imply youre in a team even if you play solo. And all the chosen one quests are mostly by random. Like an admiral comes and asks who wants to volunteer and no one responds so he picks you.

All AT's come with layered armor right?

>you are told that you aren't the first person to hunt these monsters
But you are. You are absolutely told that when you're about to hunt the new monsters the game introduces, or the late game bosses. You're not the first only to hunt the common monsters, and monsters that previously appeared in the older games. And World is no exception.


Ace Hunter squad did suck, I agree. As far as World, I just felt like during the story, they could've shown others doing... something. In the case of Moga and Pokke, you were the only hunter these little podunk towns had. You were all the Guild sent, which is why you had to do everything. World has other Hunters that do... nothing. Besides load canons. I might've felt differently, had the Team Leader dropped in to knock down one of the Elders, or the veteran acted like your cat during Teostra until retreating. Make them do anything besides boss you around.

Unless you're on PC, then Nerg/Luna don't because they're the layered SF ones. For all others, yes.

To be fair, other hunters did something in old Monster Hunter games.
Long ago.
Way before the game started.
Legendary heroes and all that.
But the player is still the one true hunter in every single game. It's compounded by smithies and gear once you start getting shit like Dalamadur, Fatalis, Alatreon, etc. how special you are. Then again if you accept implied canon then no player character has ever actually succeeded in hunting a Fatalis or White Fatalis, and Crimson Fatalis was the only Fatalis ever repelled by hunters.

Beotodus' armor has all ice resistance, but it might be a Zamtrios situation where most of the weapons are ice except one or two water ones.

>bla bla bla bla
>btw I'm right because look at this online-only quest with online inflated values and this G-rank quest hidden among the top of HR in a G-rank title
Ahhhh shit, here we go again.

It's an all or nothing weapon, either you're using Glutton and breaking the game or you're shit

this fucker is probably the most forgettable monster in history
I even remember Hypnocatrice before this mother fucker

Attached: girros.png (1163x780, 665K)

Do they? The only time I heard multiple hunters being referred to was Zorah. And I just played through the Elders on a new save.
Vaal Hazak? Bazel? Nerg? Legiana, even. Odogaron. Fuck, thinking back, even discount Uragaan. You were the first, and only person to hunt these monsters. Nerg... is questionable, because they mention him before, but all of those elite hunters and no one killed a Nerg yet? Really?

You're forgetting that Astera is just one town on the entire continent. The other hunters are doing something, but settling a whole new continent is a monumental task.
And hell no, I don't want NPCs present during my hunts. What for? To steal my glory? No, thanks. If I'd wanted that kind of "character development" I'd play God Eater or something.

>which is available on armor pieces anyway

Your choices are High Metal waist or Dodogoma legs, and only the betas have a single small deco slot. The skill might as well be exclusive to jewels.

It's on par with old dromes.
I mean, do you remember Giadrome?

His gimmick is just having like 10 minions surrounding him which unfortunately all go down with one hit

That's not Volvidon.

>all of those elite hunters and no one killed a Nerg yet? Really?
Why aren't all the Commission Hunters wearing full Fatalis and Miralis sets if the Guild was supposed to equip them with the best they have? What have all those legendary Old World hunters been doing all this time?

I like his armour so I remember him.

Gendrome best drome!

Attached: MH4-Gendrome_and_Genprey_Render_001.png (501x361, 148K)

>makes Odogaron, Deviljho, and Beetlejuice his bitch
>Baggi tier AI, which means they all gang up on hunters and downed monsters
>is a source of para weapons - every multiplayer hunter's best friend
>cool cobra aesthetic

How could anyone forget about the biggest Chad in the Vale?

Just like those highly desired skills being only available on the select few armor pieces in the old games. Hence everyone wearing the same sets. We're back to the original point again.

All dromes are worst dromes.

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is this what americans call christmas in july? because this spring event has so many events is quite generous from capcom to do this

>Tfw got stuck with the fucking Ukanlos helmet for most of 4U G Rank
>All because I never found a better charm than Evasion +6 OOO
I had a goddamn bucket on my head for a hundred hours

I think he's referring to AT Luna

Unironically the best pre iceborne monster in the vale since he actually fights like a pack leader with the only non dogshit ai in this god forsaken game
Also fucks over Odogaron but literally everything does

is great jaggi considered a drome?

Oh please, Nerg is not on the level of those monsters and you know it. Before you bring up Xeno'jiiva, there was only one of those. Nerg reproduces, meaning that there are multiple.
Hunters are not builders, or farmers. They're not doing any sort of settling, that's what civilians are for. As far as other Hunters doing anything, that was just an example. At least have one person mention hunting... anything. Anything at all. Everyone is literally just chilling in Astera while you carry it. Past games have the excuse that anyone else would get eaten.


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White Alatreon
>flying and grounded attacks are reversed
>is white
>arena is in a snowy area

They've been staying in the old world instead of hunting irrelevant new world dragonlets

Which is actually fine balancing. Armor pieces with extremely powerful single point armor skills should not have much else on them. But having those single point skills as decorations means you can just slot them into your regular armor pieces for absurdly efficient benefits. These powerful single point skills should have used a separate slot type that's significantly rarer than the rest. Maybe then we wouldn't get bow stacking normal up, spread up and mighty bow with a full DPS skill set doing ten billion damage per shot.

All -ggi are based.

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Nergigante technically reproduces like a virus so there should be millions of them

>AT Kirin
Just use elemental resists decs and the lightning blankey
I usually end up as heal slut since almost no one wants to bring nulberries when I go into SOS for some reason (playing with a coordinated group is pretty chill though)
Meh, more damage/HP
I am pretty much required to play gunner (or IG, just so I can sic the kinsect on it)
At least it is more involved than regular Zorah, but it's still a fucking chore
Why do people have problems with this? it's slow as shit, and if you have a shield and Guard Up, you're gold
It's supernova is more ass, but that's what the fire blanket and jerky is for
As repetitive and boring as regular
Pretty good, people complaining about the slam attack just suck ass

It "can" reproduce by budding, it doesn't always.

Great Jaggi.
Great Baggi.
Great Wroggi.
Great Maccao.
Great Girros.
Great Jagras.

In an arena, with NO flunkies whatsoever, who would realistically win?

who's to say there's not an armada of Nergigante waiting to divebomb Astera?


Glavenus gameplay at that Hong Kong show.
No announcement about actual news yet, and since it's only 30 minutes there probably won't be anything.

i wish they can put fatalis and have a scene where he wrecks nerg lmao

Would put it on bulldrome just because the faggot would never give them a chance to hit back with all the charging

Great maccao

Attached: FrontierGen-HC_Cephadrome_Render_001.png (200x162, 36K)

More varied and wacky weapon and armor design, everything was sillier, lack of SOS system meant that you stuck with players for a while and formed a small bond and were forced to learn how to work together even if only barely

>ywn see something straight out of William Gibson' Alien 3 script where a hunter gets infected by a Nergigante spike, and then later in the day a smaller bipedal Nergigante ends up ripping it's way out of its human shell.

If it's G-Rank, Great Baggi.
HR, probably Iodrome

Assuming it's a sandy arena I'd give it to Cephadrome

I love Lavasioth! They turned him into a shitty Agnaktor knockoff in world...

Fatalis is basically Satan, Nergigante is really stupid but not so stupid to even try fighting it
Even from a physical standpoint Fatalis is superior

I hate Lavasioth and I fucking miss Agnaktor

>smaller bipedal nergigante
Go on...

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Bulldrome would fuck all of them up by just wildly swinging and stabbing everyone with his tusks

They turned it into a shittier Gravios that can dig

Since Nergigante spikes produce egg cells an infant Nerg could theoretically grow out of the parent like a tumor
Where the fuck is the variant capcom

Actual gameplay would be nice

Bit like this (from the comic)

There's a lot of horror you can do with the Monster hunter series.

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>Variant Barroth with a Nergigante teratoma sticking out of it

Monster Hunter is bit too sincere and honest to do horror

I'd believe you if it wasn't for shit like Gigginox

>nergigante partially formed, attacks everything around it including barroth host
>barroth empowered by nergigante cells, constantly screaming in pain
>armor is barroth gear with nerg spikes


Splintered Nergigante
Never really fought directly, appears randomly as black Spikes jutting out of a monster. As the fight with the infected monster progresses, it gets more and more violent until a Splintered Nergigante infant sheds it's monster shell, borrowing it's moveset and partial skeleton.

>Barroth Nergigante gains thick plates of Barroth ridges, which expel jets of steam after enraged

>Anjanath Nergigante has a more developed pair of jaws and enough rows of teeth to make Deviljho flinch

>Deviljho Nergigante has no current data