How much of Dunkey's audio is recorded in post?
How much of Dunkey's audio is recorded in post?
Other urls found in this thread:
10% live
90% post
dunkey here, i would know
depends on the video, some are entirely recorded in post like the bloodborne one and then others like the ones with multiplayer segments are recorded in action
keep saying it
keep saying it
Can we please make fun of mumkey jones
This dumb obnoxious faggot could only be popular and liked in our clown gamer world
keep saying it
I'm not sure how i feel about dunkey, I like his content that isn't video games.
He's going to kill himself 100% what's the point
My little brother wrote this with a blindfold on and using a controller
Proceed with pronouncing the pharse
It was entertaining to poke fun at him at first, but it's honestly depressing now and i hope he doesn't kill himself.
I don't wanna ruin the video for you guys but in the full uncut version the "keep saying it" dialogue isn't even there, it's edited
he doesn't give a fuck about what Yea Forums says
he's rich and has a wife
Keep saying it
keep saying it
You people are so retarded holy shit, literal NPC behavior. And then you laugh at other NPCs
Mumkey not Dunkey you retard. Mumkey dated a furry pedophile and got cucked by a 15 year old. Dunkey's girlfriend gets blacked with his consent.
I'll try to find it but there's a forum post with the full video if you google it, it's like 10 minutes long
Where'd the keep saying it thing come from
keep saying it
keep saying it
there is a reason other boards make fun of Yea Forums
yeah because you post here LOL
Keep saying it
I wish I had a wife so I can watch a nigger ravage her too
My wife will be sleeping with her first soon, I cant wait.
yeah it’s because you retards worship e-celebs
keep saying it
keep saying it
Other boards do it too, just look at the stupid fucking simpsons meme
I have a feeling the general public doesn’t know he’s a cuck. Otherwise it would have a locked thread on /r/gaming, my favorite place to talk about games. Somebody should post it.
how much of Dunkey's audio is recorded while his wife is banging a black dude?
they apparently "debunked it" on reddit with leah herself posting an image of her back with none of the cearly visible moles there. Also the woman in the video is twice as thick as that bitch.
Anything this isn't a shitty mic is recorded in post. I used to be able to stomach that shit at first but it's actually kinda sad now. Especially the fake laughs. And infuriating cause he's making the cheapest content ever but he's being revered for it and making money.
Three Super Mario Maker videos in a row with the same damn "Hey guys I'm a pro at thi- *dies*" punchline in a row that each got 3M+ views.
Keep saying it
Sneed is a national treasure you fucking simpleton.
favorite dunk vid bros?
Sure thing dunkey!
keep saying it
Online games? Listen to the quality. If its live you can tell. Also if its funny its post
All of it
What's happening with him now? Haven't heard much since he got excommunicardo from YT
post the image of her back
Yeah, it is really hilarious.
Especially that time he said sneed
keep saying it
Keep saying it.
I'm sorry that you're a philistine who can't understand the joy and jolly of such a simple, but pristine joke.
hes so awful now
>"I sure do hate JRPGs!"
>Plays like 4 JRPGs in a row and says they are all shit.
Really makes me think.
dunkey here I hope you're all smiling because you're all gonna be in my next video :) enjoy being embarrassed
Keep sayin it
Keep saying it.
Keep saying it
keep saying it
>clown gamer world
gb2 Twitter
Can you read out my post in a Brooklyn accent?
keep saying it
Please stop saying it.
all time classic
Why are women so fucking retarded?
Post the back pic.
keep saying it
I want to shit on Dunkey, but I missed out on this "keep saying it".
Is it some e-drama?
keep saying it
Since when is randomly saying a word a joke? It's never even contextual, ever. Just spammed in any thread any time. It may be funny, but they are just as empty posts as based posters.
How much of Op's thread isnt videogames? Is it all of it?
cuck vid of leah getting fucked by a nigger
he says "keep saying it"
she says thank you
Is that the one where you see his hands for a few seconds?
Damn, I think I saw that and didn't get the connection.
keep saying it he was watching his gf getting fucked by a black guy and kept saying "keep saying it"
Unironically fapping to both vids now.
Anyone got a full version?
I'm sorry you are uneducated and poorly understood one of the greatest pieces of art ever conceived.
Keep saying it.
the worst part about any of this is when they denied the video, they did not mention at all how this fucking video is fucked up on so many levels. they pretended as if this video, about some cuck recording his gf getting blacked is somehow "normal". fucking disgusting.
repeat it
Do people still actually believe that video?
>makes a video about a JRPG he likes
>spends half the video rambling about how much he hates anime
>somehow manages to never actually explain why he hates it
Oh I get it now. Pretending it's deep is apart of it. I can go to sleep now.
it is normal, user.
is there a video of them saying that
Sucks to know dunkey's into cuckold. :/
It’s normal in America
Who give's a fuck? That's his fetish let him be.
Like every celebrity irregardless of medium it is fake. So gonna say 100%.
Yall know thats not actually dunkey in the porn video right? it was posted on a interaccial amateur site years ago and leah's birthmarks aren't present.
You'll probably understand more in the morning. A good nights sleep is said to raise the average persons IQ by 2 points. Goodnight friend.
Ok cuckey
hey dunkey! keep saying it
keep saying it
Keep saying it.
>dunkey shill
keep saying it
haha you said the meme
No but dunkey's a faggot so fuck him. It's hilarious people think he's an actual cuck. Let it become a permanent part of his lore.
you suffer from insomnia then?
keep saying it
Hey guys it's me, videoblackeddunkey!
>first video seen of dunkey was Yakuza 3 before the normalfag boom.
>rewatched it recently.
>the footage is clearly out of order, entirely post commentary, and ripped from other youtube videos.
Yeah no that shit was fake.
haha your content is shit just keep saying it
No one actually believes it's Leah or Dunkey for that matter. This isn't about that. We live in a world where facts no longer matter, the thought process is; they don't like dunkey, this video looks kind of like leah and black guy, therefore I will say it is leah and black guy regardless if any new information comes to light. I don't like Dunkey, I think he's a retard with bad opinions about video games, but I'd rather not ruin his reputation over his shit opinions about video games.
repeat it
haha I'm not dunkey you literal child
Keep saying it.
You're a jaded retard for sure. Let me try to break a few things down for you. At this moment, you are on a site with thousands of people that are numb to seeing and hearing a neck slit open, or a giant dragon dildo shoved in a gaping asshole. Now why would you think two twenty year olds (who are very seasoned on the internet) would go out of their way to call out fetishists as disgusting, when they too realize people have their kinks? That would be overdoing it anyways, and you would absolutely think they were overcompensating.
I'm seriously convinced memes ruined some of yalls brains and just boosted the aspergers. You know memes are just jokes too right? You can't meme everything in to reality even if it makes you feel better. Schadenfreude is like what you fags live for.
Why is cuck shit even a thing? Why is humanity so fucked up.
Yea Forums will look for an excuse to hate anyone, and they'll do even more to try and defame them
we've proven in multiple threads it isn't them and that the audio is edited in, but "NO GUYS IT'S REALLY THEM I SWEAR"
This one?
twitter motahr3r2/status/947656145115762688
yeah consensual sex between 3 parties is 100% the most fucked up thing ever.
Get the fuck out of here.
okay dunkey :)
of course a guy who uses yall unironically defends blacked cuck garbage.
Same here, didn't know leah was so much into bbc, she seemed so nice in her videos.
I assumed leah was a permavirgin since she is literally retarded or at least sounds like one. Guess she loves black dick huh.
keep saying it
Shut the fuck up cuck. Want me to fuck your gf? I got a huge black cock.
wtf there was a video?
keep saying it maybe its not because people hate dunkey, but the faggots that keep making threads about him (and ecelebs in general) and this is the easiest way to derail it
yes please.
I demand you to try and not say it.
Degenerates. Plus jews pushing disgusting shit onto unsuspecting normalfags. Have you seen the front page of pornhub? They purposely push blacked and cuck shit. Anyone who remember porn sites from a long time ago will know this shit wasn't normal.
remember to sage and report eceleb threads
That's what you got out of that? One of the spergs I was speaking off. Deflect, deflect, strawman
you aren't southern, stop saying yall nigger
I dare you to try and say it.
Wow those videos are 100% real. Sounds just like dunkey and the whore sounds just like his retarded wife(?). Even got that pic with the bull in the middle. What the fuck man.
thank you
It's just sad to watch some poor shmuck get called a cuckold when he almost surely isn't. I'd hate if it happened to me.
There is literally nothing wrong with seeing a nigger empty his balls into your wife
Daily reminder to keep on saying it.
>Toothless southern fag triggered over shitty vernacular
Suck on my cock loser *dabs*
keep saying it
>cuck bad
>cunny good
ok Yea Forums
hope you get shot nigger
wait is Dunkey really a cuck?
I doubt he cares or even goes on Yea Forums. This is just to upset OP and Dunkey's fans tbqh.
Keep saying it.
keep saying it
This kid’s virtual blackface is offensive
>of course someone who uses a southern American contraction would defend blacked cuck garbage
Because confederates are such big fans of blacks
continue repeating the phrase
Yes, sadly.
What the fuck is an e-celeb though? What if you just want to talk about game critics and share interesting/funny channels to watch? Is a person who makes content almost exclusively about videogames not Yea Forums -related because they're... a relatively popular person? I've never understood this blanket hatred of people who talk about games on YouTube.
continue verbalizing the term
Holy shit you are an upset faggot. There's no way there's anything going on in that empty life
Keep saying it though
this tbqh also keep saying it
Dumb Yea Forums niggers thinking they're above anyone lmao. Go back to your blacked threads faggot
keep saying it
No but it's funny, plus it triggers his reddit tier fan base.
stop trying to normalize your degeneracy, you subhuman
You mean the "recommended for you" section on the front of Pornhub? Based on what you've watched?
Because there's never any blacked or cuck stuff there when in incognito
Please repeat said phrase.
keep saying it
For what? Spamming and shitting on a garbage eceleb thread?
Get fucked faggot
don't know why people are surprised...every youtuber is a sex weirdo. projared, boogie, dsp, egoraptor..the list goes on. almost scared what kinds of sick shit goes in pewdiepie's bed.
I used to like his old content when he was just naturally playing the games.
His RUST video still cracks me up and his MM2 LP is great.
Someone spoonfeed me, what the fuck are you all talking about? What drama with cucking or fetishes or whatever happened?
>people trying to debunk it saying it's not their bedroom
It's clearly a hotel room in both videos. can't believe it man. videogamecuckey
>keep saying it is real
ok unsubbed
sorry dinky i'm no cuck
This comment is much smarter than if looks : Yea Forums is filled to the brim with habits,memes, copypasta & rituals (digits,thanks doc, what did he mean by this). Any attempt to go away from the norm & share a different point of view is automatically followed by the same replies : faggot , n i g g e r , roastie , have sex, incel, redditor, etc...
Please continue and repeat it.
Now let’s stop the meme and talk, who you don’t like dunkey?
Do you actually believe in the concept of degeneracy? Like, unironically?
get triggerd, disgusting cuck
Is this the cuck thread?
Remember when 4cham meme’d James Rolfe being a cuck?
He cheated on his gf with a furry pedophile and then he proposed to the furry before getting cucked by a 15 year old
What is this stupid ass meme, someone put me in the loop pls
keep saying it
The Mario Kart 8 ending killed me a few times!
Was that not actually real?
I can’t be a cuck if i don’t have a girlfriend, faggot
Cheated on his hot, rich GF with an ugly pedophile furry. Now the latter left his ass. He’s on suicide watch.
read the thread you fucking idiot
keep saying it
give me a quick run down
Dunkey is a cuck and likes to hear his gf moan so he says "keep saying it"
Link below
just keep saying it
A lot of the time it devolves into being less about the person's content and more about gossip, drama, the person's personal life, etc. Stuff that people talk about regarding celebs.
Ironically the shitposters perpetuate this more than anyone.
Dunkey is a cuck 100% confirmed.
It’s 70% the same three words asshole
keep sayin it
Pornhub’s front page shows you videos based on your viewing history and region. I just checked and I didn’t see a single black person or cuck.
You’re allowed to like blacked/cucked shit, just stop projecting it onto other people
That actually looks nothing like Leah, that girl has a fat ass and Leah literally has none, you all are absolute retards.
keep saying it
lotta projecting nigger
let me in bro open your fucking door nigger
It was proven that it's not her. There are other videos with her face in it. But keep spewing the same shit in hopes of catching a few retards
keep saying it
Why you like watching your gf getting fucked by black people you cuck?
keep saying it
>Trying to rationalize with Yea Forums
Dude stop, they’re going to still memeing anyways. They’re doing it because idk guess they find it funny
Why is that even necessary, the girl doesnt look anything like her, you can just tell by looking at her body. Leah isnt the only girl on earth with a mouse bitch voice.
this is the internet, such things aren't out of the ordinary
>duhhh whats makeup
>Keep saying it
Keep coping your daddy is a cuck.
holy shit that actually does sound like him wtf
coping cuck
So it's definitely fake then? It's just because this bitch has a voice similar to Leah's? I didn't think Dunkey would be a cuck, but now this furry pedophile story has me interested. Pics of the person?
keep saying it
user stop is useless, just don’t mind it
>keep saying it
>covering a mole with make up
you know how I know you never had sex?
You figured it out
Why are you still here?
It’s all the same
>But keep spewing the same shit in hopes of catching a few retards
boy they sure do sound like they're ones seething!
keep saying it
>So it's definitely fake then?
Yes, but honestly. This "keep saying it" shit is pretty good and destroy this thread
keep saying it
keep saying it
It's kinda funny finding out dunkey's actually a real life cuck, he seems like not that kind of person.
You are all fucking retards. The girl in the video doesnt look remotely close to Leah, the only similarity is her voice and even then she doesnt sound like Leah if you actually pay attention.
Of course this whole board is full of 12 year olds and some huge faggot will reply to this with "keep saying it" thinking he is a master of comedy. Fuck you, I hope your parents die in a fire and you end up orphaned you underage little shits.
But do you know for a fact that she covered it with makeup? Or are you just taking something that might possibly be true and just assuming it's true?
>what is differnet angels of the face
based retard
keep saying it
>doesn't factor in the makeup
man cucks really are delusional
>is pretty good and destroy this thread
NA only
>Same body type, same hair, same voice
>Cuck bf happens to sound exactly like dunkey
keep saying it
Can’t be bothered to find the “don’t feed the trolls comic” atm
keep saying it
what the hell DID he want her to say though I couldn't hear shit
keep saying it
>imagine getting this mad over the fact that dunkey's actually a cuck
>he seriously believes you can’t cover up a mole with makeup
Confirmed for not knowing anything about makeup nor women
Look how afraid Dunkey is.
keep saying it, dunkey
in b4 pruned. e-celeb is not videogames
>muh jews
lol, what a fucking conspiracy mongering retard.
>hand all over leah
>look of disgust towards dunkey
>hand to side not touching the cuck
Really makes you think.