Post your class and we can finally play.
Post your class and we can finally play
Your classpect is:
Mage of Mind
You don't have permission to access /hero/ on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I'm a page of time, whatever that means.
Boss of Wheels reporting
page of space
last time i got bard of space
hey look, it's the silly guy who reads that fan adventure that just oozes with awful reddit humor saying his signature line "bOSS Of wHeels repOrTIng In"
Now that is classic! Hilarious how you say that on EVERY FUCKING THREAD my friend! Comedy gold like that really deserves reddit gold!
Seer of Blood?
Enoy being an expert of making difficult decisions and doing nothing
Weenie who can't plan or schedule his time, but gets better... at late game
Weenie who can't create shit or be patient. Also late game material.
You are the best relationship counselor. Or just a sjw scum.
>You are the best relationship counselor. Or just a sjw scum.
So I'm some kind of support bitch? Fuck that.
>Knight of Void
I'm absolutely feeling it. Though, I'd prefer Hope.
>Mage of Space/Void
I'm so indecisive I can't even get my personality test to decide
The chaddest god of all
Knight of Void, whatever thats supposed to mean
little ghost is that you
i dont get it
You love isolating yourself, but your friends won't let you. You are also Asscreed.
>can switch to Space if no one wants to play this gay aspect
You are the best team player.
page/prince of rage
whats it mean Yea Forums?
Heir of Hope, still kicking ass you cunts.
>Flip something I was indecisive about.
>Got Hope
I love this test. The fact that it was so close is perfect.
I was inches away from posting him.
>B tier
You are a zealous bitch who obsesses over his beliefs.
You give everyone hope for just existing. An everyone wants to fuck you, too.
What the fuck, change it
>Page of void
Can someone translate what does this mean?
>Page of Void
What was this even for?
You'll work really, really hard and receive no payoff whatsoever and be entirely forgotten.
Isn't it great?
>Thief of Space
How does this work?
>You give everyone hope for just existing. An everyone wants to fuck you, too.
Hell yeah homeboy, chad as fuck and loving it.
You steal creations from others and make ripoffs.
You are also best girl.
How are you coming to these conclusions? is there like a guide for what the classes/aspects mean or are you making it up as you go?
>best girl
>anybody but weeb assassin cat
I respect the choice though, even if incorrect.
Hey, same here dude. Now we can take back all our mistakes, right?
For the official aspect descriptions. Classes are still heavily debated on, except for class pairings such as Prince/Bard and Thief/Rogue who have an official description in the comic.
Dahni and OD are the most popular class analyzers, but you shouldn't trust them too much when Hussie can just make random shit and call it a day.
This is so wrong
>Good tier
Prince (If not a retard)
>Okay tier
>Awful tier
Prince (if its a retard)
>Karkat Tier
Aspects are too situational to rate.
hope too high, heart too low
dirk pulls off some real shit with his aspect in both the comic and the epilogue
keep in mind that he's the only character to become his ultimate self while still retaining his regular body, when even starting the process caused rose to become debilitatingly ill
>Seer of Blood/Mind
Wait, I got page of Space/Time. Bow down you fucks.
You weaponize void, your hits straight up delete people.
What does that have to do with stealing space?
What kinda element system has..
What's rage supposed to BE
light,space, void, time
all of these are literal THINGS
rage doens't mean shit
she's definitely a top-tier friendsim character
all of the high-tier friendsim characters were girls, what's up with that
Just like in real life. Wooo.
Pages are onion knights, at the beginning they dont have their aspect and they are shit at it, at the end they master it completely. I guess they can equip other people void whatever fuck that means.
You can steal size, mass and velocity from someone? Idk but I think you could steal someone position and swap with them, you might steal speed from a bullet or weight from a sword.
>Those bound to the aspect of Space are, as the name suggests, concerned with the big picture. They are patient, masters of the art of 'wait-and-see', and are inclined to take things as they come. That isn't to say that they're pushovers or willing to let injustice lie-they just choose their battles wisely, understanding that sometimes you have to let something burn to the ground in order to build it back better and stronger than before. To this effect, they tend to be innovators, concerned with creation and redemption. Catch them recycling the old to make the new, the fresh, and the beautiful. For the Space-bound, the journey is as, if not more, important than the destination; how they do something is as important as what they do. At their best, they are steady, impartial, and creative. At their worst, they can be detached, apathetic, and vague.
Pick Mind, trust me bro. Blood is just fucking shit.
Rage is Disbelief. You are the fucking atheist or /pol/ poster who wants to kill zealous people for believing in bullshit.
>dirk pulls off some real shit with his aspect in both the comic and the epilogue
Thats more due to his class than aspect though
>Pick Mind, trust me bro. Blood is just fucking shit.
Okay I trust you, from what I've seen lurking these days Blood players are the worst.
>telling anyone to bow down
Bess class
But i'm literally neither of those, i'm healthily agnostic and only somewhat pol
what's my powers, how do i fight
But I got both space AND time. How is that not good?
that doesn't mean you get both, it means you're a coinflip between them
Disregard that retard, rage is basically negative emotions, its the opposite of Hope if that helps you.
Whats your class? That determines how would you use rage
Your description doesn't pertain to an actual concept of space. This leads me to believe that none of these classes have any actual power related to the aspect except maybe time.
There is a figurative and a literal part to each aspect. Space figurative part is creativity, literal part is literal space
>page of hope
no matter what I do I'm always a page
Well damn.
I wanna say prince, but whichever's better really
>is basically negative emotions
Why do you quote outdated shit?
>Those bound to the aspect of Rage are bringers of chaos. They posses great contempt for lies or false ideas, including the stability that false ideas can impart. To them, the true is far more important than the good; they would tear down a system just to destabilize it if, by their reckoning, it is built on faulty premises. Often the Rage-bound prefer anarchy to any of the alternate forms of civilization, which they believe to be riddled with lies and foolishness and obedient masses. They are bringers of confusion and doubt, and they can be frustratingly difficult to convince otherwise when they have attached themselves to an idea. If they sound dangerous, they are. The Rage-bound tend to be most volatile and unpredictable of the aspects. At their best they are original, revolutionary, and fearless. At their worst they are cruel, uncompromising, and vicious.
I got page of blood/mind/void
Page of the Void.
I dunno what it means.
Mage of Void. So horrorterrors are my friend huh.
Prince is better.
Princes destroy their aspect (with their aspect which is pretty fucking hypocrite). Prince of Rages are very calm people that do not like emotional situations and tend to defuse said situations (but not in the best ways)
Rage like hope players are basically just a pile of stats, a prince of rage would just come down and do an old style beatdown with no bs anime powers maybe go berserk if the situation gets tricky. If you really needed to use said anime powers you could stripe emotions out of people, their will. At the very best the person stops fighting, at the very worst you make them a lifeless husks
Knight of Void, or Page of Void depending on one of my more unsure choices.
That's Heart, you fucking retard.
>Heir of Time
>bard of space
Basically untouchable
Thief of Mind. What does this mean?
Fuck you.
Heir of Doom
I didn't even know this was Homestuck-related and filled it out for fun, please explain what I am
>Knight/Page of Void
So what does this mean anyway?
Knight of time checking i, pls explain what this means tho
imagine not being a knight
You steal rational thinking and make yourself the guy who decides fucking everything.
You are also the best at pissing off people and showing their true colors. The best Knight fucker.
You are a massive fake and a faggot
>knight of doom
Sounds fun
For all those asking.
Pick one
Heirs are surrounded by their aspects and their lifes are shaped by said aspect
A heir of doom would bring chaos and destruction around them as a shield, unchecked and the doom will get you too.
Weaponize time, a knight of time understands time to a extremely precise degree, they could jump around a fight making clones of themselves via time loops. They could also grab a powerful legendary weapon thats broken and fix it with time.
Thiefs steal their aspects, mind is about logic, action and consequence. You could read minds, steal thoughts and sometimes steal certain outcomes from a fight and store them for later use.
Literally the best doom class with prince probably.
Prince of Hope, what does this mean?
Suck my fat cock, you're probably a page of blood too....
>Pick one
Knight sounds cooler but page sounds more like me, so I suppose Page of Void.
You destroy hope with hope with literal hope beams. You can make people feel extremely shitty
What does Knight of Light do?
I fucking hate Thieves so much.
Oh yeah I forgot, you're also insecure about being a massive fake and a faggot!
You weaponize luck and knowledge, you would always know when and how to strike an opponent and make a fight go in the best way possible to you.
Also heat/fire/light powers too I guess.
Have sex sweetie
Too long. you niggas think everyone have time for this shit?
>mage of void
sounds dope as fuck
do i have any cool powers?
Knight of Space
>Knower of nothing
Sorry user.
You fucking love Thieves*
>at the beginning they dont have their aspect and they are shit at it, at the end they master it completely.
That sounds about right, though I'll probably get killed off before I get that chance.
Mages accumulate their aspect till they get overwhelmed by it. Once you get the hang of your powers you could erase stuff with just a thought but using such powers will take a toll with you, probably erasing something from you (either physical or mentally)
You would know a lot about things that arent there.
We should play one of those sburb simulators.
>You could read minds
Are you sure user? Even Terezi can't do that
Because she is a seer, they are awful at understanding people, she just know whats gonna happen in a bigger scale, not know what others are thinking.
They suck.
You would have a great understanding of concepts such as void, nothingness, irrelevance etc. You would also be completely untouched by these concepts yourself, chances are you'd be the first thing someone notice when entering a room, due to "void" (irrelevance) applying very little to you.
I got Bard of Void.
I have no fucking idea what that means.
But does the mind aspect really relate to what people are thinking? For me it's just the "mindset" of a character, what they would do in a particular situation etc
Prince of Doom/Light
Ok, what I do?
Your classpect is:
Page of Time
I think they mistook, I personally am the Page of Regret
You destroy your aspect WITH your aspect. You are also the opposite of your aspect.
I guess you are right? Maybe not read their minds in what they are feeling but what they are gonna do.
You'd probably be able to pop things into relevance ("existence" from our perspective), destroying nothingness as a side effect of that. You'd also cause indirect destruction through void.
>You destroy your aspect WITH your aspect. You are also the opposite of your aspect.
>All these void players
I know the only people that would come to this shithole anymore are people that really want to not be known, but I still find it very amusing
Three bullets.
One gun.
Choose wisely.
Voidfags are on Yea Forums
Mindfags are on reddit
Spacechads are everywhere
Page/Witch of Space/Void
The creator of Homestuck, 3 times
Princes are hypocrite fucks and really self destructive so they suck at understanding their aspect.
For example a prince of doom would be in a sense destroyer of death with death, so you would wreak havoc with doom. You would also hate "doom" and would be an obnoxious happy go lucky that refuses to acknowledge bad things happening.
Shoot the clown 50 times
Karkat, Eridan and Gamzee
That way Vriska and Gamzee survive
>Try to shoot spider bitch
>It just kills you
Also, all three for Gamzee.
shoot vriska 3 times
Gamze wouldnt die
Clown 3 times
>Heir of Blood
session name vidya
password rage
I don't know what this is but I will join anyway
What are you doing here
How can I be a prince of light AND doom
>they all get directed to Karkat
Mage of Void
I rather like the sound of that
I think you choose one
>gamzee saves karkat by taking the bullets
>then doesn't die
>saving anyone other than honking around
So I either destroy light with light and do not understand light, or I destroy soon with doom and do not comprehend doom.
Well, I guess I'll be a prince of doom then, since I'm depressive but pretend to be cheerful
Prince/seer/witch of blood/life. What do these classes correspond to?
Page doesn't said as bad as everyone is implying.
>Implying Karkat wouldn't have befriended him beforehand
Witch of space
when do i get a doggy dick
>thief of space
whats that mean?
Pick something.
>since I'm depressive but pretend to be cheerful
And with that comment you are better than most prince players. I also think you are a prince of doom.
>Gamzee proceeds to never show up for him and keeps fucking his gf
I'm in. What now?
It does a terrible job of explaining it. A page is absolutely weak as fuck/worthless in the beginning and eventually can become very powerful. Thing is, pages don't exactly survive long enough to make it to said powerful stage, and even then they don't seem to control it. It just takes them over with overwhelming power.
I take medication don't judge me
I just do whatever I can not to think about the gaping void
Steal space
Steal creativity
Steal setting
Steal the "rules" of reality
Heir of Mind
sounds like a lot of pressure, no thanks
>M leaning
>F leaning
I understand that gender-exclusive classes are canon but I'm convinced this is bullshit
Heir of Time
Sounds like I don't do much
That was a compliment though. Also in the game prince players are supposed at the end come to terms with their aspect, understand is part of themselves and life itself.
But this is just a game so please do not take this as wisdom or some shit.
Literally the opposite, heirs do nothing and get all the benefit.
is this a good thing? or am i a shitter?
Did another quiz the other day and got Rogue of Rage which was very accurate
This is the best example of a prince I have seen.
You would do a lot of shit but more due to you following your gut instinct than thinking things through.
Time itself is on your side so yeah, you don't do much, at least from your own perspective, because you take your time and do everything casually.
I prefer the interpretation of Knights as defenders.
You high rolled a very strong class with a very strong aspect. The issue here is that thief are selfish fuckers but space players have a very important task that demands cooperation so chances you fuck everything up and make the session unwinnable are very high
Oooh. It's the super weak character you can pick at the start that if you actually stick with or manage to survive as becomes OP? Neat. Make sense why there are so many in this thread, then. Only 1/10 of us would survive.
Yeah, defending their own ass lmao
Man, I wanna be Doom. They sound like bros.
My anal virginity is sacred except for that one time I shat blood and I had to get my butthole fingered by asian nurses.
That test is inaccurate, try The extended zodiac
>B-but this shit doesn't give me the aspect I want
1. If you get a specific aspect, that means you are that aspect can't get an aspect that YOU want, this is not an rpg.
3. Or else, you're just insecure about your answers
Anyway, Heir of Rage "plot-armoring" in.
>Heir of Breath
After attempting some research, I'm still not entirely sure what this means. At the very least I'm happy I have the bluest of all options, according to .
>Man, I wanna be Doom.
100% not Doom material lmao
That test fucking sucks lol, it's not good just because it's official. However this is standard heir of rage behavior.
t. gets hope on every test.
You become wind/freedom. You arent attached to anything or anyone. Everywhere you go winds protects you and everything you do takes you somewhere else.
Actually both interpretations are right. Knights fight their aspect and fight by exploiting their aspect. "Fight fire with fire", if what a Knight of Fire would do if Fire was an aspect.
Both Knights and Pages have their aspect play against them, not only in their session, but even before starting the game. The difference being that Knights are fighting back against their aspect while Pages are just bearing with it.
As such, since a Knight's aspect is gonna play against him and his team in a session, the Knight usually ends up protecting his session against his aspect, because he's used to fighting back against it. Hence why he usually assists the Space player in breeding the Genesis Frog, which is the most important task and main winning condition of Sburb.
>"I just like the color blue haha"
every time.
The test format sucks, user.
The Time/Space question fucking shits on any question.
>This is a good prince
Y-you too
i had a dream about a thread like this but "guns" was an aspect
What if somebody gets one aspect one time they take it, but a different one another time?
Furthermore, what if somebody happens to get the aspect they did want or feel close to? Are they insecure, too?
Your shit has holes, son.
BASED, fuck blood shitters
Page/Seer/Thief of Blood/Breath/Life
I guess I suffer from altitis.
Where did this meme came from anyways? Karkat and Vriska had an alright relationship
Page of Mind
all according to keikaku
stay triggered
>Lord of Guns
Bard of Void
Greenchad here, it's funny cuz I'm also a Space player
>tfw no Maid of Guns gf
Knight of Void, that any good?
Prince of doom. Does this mean I'm basically a doomer?
>Knight of Breath
Aw shit yeah son got my own buttrock theme song and everything.
The definitive Yea Forums combo.
No, you are a gloomer. A really obnoxious one. Prince are the opposite of their aspect
Weaponize void, delete stuff by just hitting them.
Thief of Blood.
Sounds edgy.
>Image making people cry and make them join the hate bandwagon just by existing.
I want old huss back
How many men have you cucked so far
Page/Seer of Void
What does that mean?
What if I only shoot him because I have to pick one and I know he'd survive and don't want to kill any of them?
Pick one.
Got Heir of Breath/Time.
Is that alright?
I'm starting to think this form is rigged towards the Void aspect
Seer of void.
What can a Knight of Blood do?
Any recommended partners for fraymotives?
that's his literal role in the fucking story, he's just there to piss people the fuck off.
The definitive Yea Forums combo, pussy-ass bitch edition.
No, putting that you have no friends and nobody likes you is rigged towards void. Yea Forums is rigged towards void.
You understand everything by understanding everything that its not or is hidden. If a seer of light can see the most probable/best outcome you would see the most unfavorable and hidden outcomes and get knowledge from there
Pick one
My friends are my power up bullshit.
Sorry for laying more on you, but can you do a quick rundown on Knight of Hope?
GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we're another day closer to Vriska (yes, THE Vriska Serket) becoming relevant again in the Homestuck epilogues! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming upd8 when Vriska steals the spotlight!
>But she's in a doomed timeline! She will never matter again!
Vriska is the Thief of Light, Light is the aspect of relevance. How do you expect her to fulfill her role and steal relevance when she's already relevant? Of course she's in a doomed timeline, and she stopped mattering. Fow now. But wait until her Thief of Light nature brings her back. It's only a matter of time.
If you think the Thief of Light stealing John's phone and Terezi contact, effectively stealing the only way the Candy timeline can still matter in regards to canon, is a coincidence, you're dead wrong. Her contacting Terezi is definitely going to have some impact on the Meat timeline, where Terezi is. Maybe she'll just talk her out of Dirk's control, maybe she'll go as far as dooming the Meat timeline. In any case, Vriska is clearly not done mattering.
However, feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter! ::::)
This. How the fuck is being social = void?
Bard of Void - what mean?
I'll go with breath. Guess that means living in the moment?
Dunno if I can agree with the lack of attachments, unless it's not for lack of trying. Ah well. Boy-Talim it is.
My motto is "when in doubt, pick the blue one." Are you saying there are more of me?
Invites destruction of/with/through: misfortune, submission, ignorance, nothingness
So, a shitposter.
I rolled Knight of Void, what’s this do?
You didn't prove anything.
It got fixed, they aren't that strong anymore.
>What if somebody gets one aspect one time they take it, but a different one another time?
Again, because you are insecure about your answers
>Furthermore, what if somebody happens to get
the aspect they did want or feel close to? Are they insecure, too?
Either I confuse everyone, or the others are dense, If someone is absolutely certain, and get exactly the aspect they want, how can they be insecure?
I'd like to see what's the logic behind how it's determining classpects
For me nothing beats determining it yourself going off logic and canon material
Its okay I actually like this but I think I am going to sleep after this one. Anyone can do it really, just use your imagination since there is no clear canon what the fuck does each thing does.
A knight of hope weaponizes hope, so they are basically paladins, they would smite foes with powerful light/bolt spells. Like any knight you have a pretty good understanding of your aspect (or how to use it really). You would be a fountain of inspiration to your team.
Basically, you become wind/freedom, everywhere you go wind protect you and liberty precedes you, a force of change, you arent tied to anything or anyone. Power wise you could summon the wind in a very crude but powerful form (tornados, gusts, etc) and become wind if someone hits you.
Weaponizes void, your weapons would obliterate your opponents, you would thrive in an environment of misinformation and ignorance.
>knight of space
the fuck is that
That's why he's based.
>This is so wrong
>Posts list with most classes in same general location
Oh that’s pretty sick alright, Knight of void it is
Knight of Light chad here.
I just manipulate the questions until I get Prospit and Light. :^)
Aspect and class are two sides of the same coin, I'll never understand why Hussie made a test of aspect only when aspect doesn't mean shit without class. You know which aspect you're interacting with, but you don't know *how* you're interacting with it. How does that make sense?
Knight weaponizes their aspect, space means space (size, speed, mass, etc). For example a knight of space might make a bag of marbles in a really small room deadly, just change and randomize the mass and speed of the balls while maintaining volume, they are so good at weaponizing space that they could just stand in the spot of the room that no marble will wreck havoc.
Someone explain this magic system to me. I see it shilled on Yea Forums all the time.
ctrl + f "Knight of mind" and 0 results
do i have worst result?
Knight of life
Unironically the best outcome, welcome to the club user
Any Knight of Light chads here
All Knights are based.
>In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Chuck Norris could use to kill you, including the room itself.
Is Chuck Norris a Knight of Space?
There are 12 aspect and 12 classes, the aspect determines what is your "element", the class how you use that element.
You weaponize logic, effect and cause. In a fight you are always 6 steps ahead of someone. Some people said they could have telekinesis and mind powers but I disagree
Basically, it's a two part zodiac-type system. Your aspect dictates the bundle of concepts, powers, and fates are tied to you, and your class determines how your aspect is handled. It's also homestuck shit
Who is your favorite Homestuck character? This is important.
What does this do?
>You weaponize logic, effect and cause. In a fight you are always 6 steps ahead of someone. Some people said they could have telekinesis and mind powers but I disagree
Weaponize life, so basically Giorno's golden experience
Is there somewhere comprehensive where I can read what each result means? Heir of void here
There is an account called Dahni, that explains more or less every personality of said classpect
Just read Homestuck honestly. There's even a canon Heif of Void!
So pages are the same as knights but start of weaker and have more potential right? Or do they actually use their element differently.
Yes but its more fun coming up with your own conclusions.
Heirs are surrounded by their aspect, they basically become their aspect itself. A heir of void is protected by void, hits would phase through them, they can become invisible probably and other people would have a hell of a time reading you or just tracking you.
You know Assassin from Fate? The guy had an ability that no matter how much you fought him you would never get used to his fight style, a heir of void would have that ability.
>trusting Dahni or OD
And never trust the latter guy
Knights weaponize for themselves and in a way "canalize" their aspect. Pages weaponize their teammates or irradiate their aspect
And he fucking sucks
I've read the Knight of Space description because I'm a Knight of Space myself and yeah, seems reliable. Not perfect however, I get the feeling the guy is getting the outcomes right but not necessarily the reasoning behind them. Maybe it's multiple people running the account?
I don't know much about OD asides from the fact that he claimed Pages to be active and Knights to be passive, which honestly is enough for me to dismiss him as a clown
I'll take it!
>posts Sin and Hollow Knight
Good taste, mang
I get that this is a rigged result, but how the fuck did you manage to get the lord class and a mix of all the aspects?
And about Dahni?
scroll to the bottom without answering a single question
>Be Knight of Space
>Don't' take test because fuck you I'm a Knight of Space I can do what I want
Knight of Blood
what doe sthat mean?
Is doom the aspect with all the big tiddy goth bitches?
See Holy fucking based
It means you suck Thief of Light bulge
>Sylph of Space
I mean it sounds cool, but what do it do
I keep hearing that the story doesn't really have a good ending, and also that the creator won't actually let it end, so I've put it off. Is it true and is it worth going through? This guy looks like a school shooter though, my kind of guy.
That's true, it has been interesting reading through what other people have been getting on here. So void is like having only a foggy understanding of said void, no matter how much time you spend with it, right? Sounds about right, except I'm just really boring
shoot fish-elliot rodger thrice
you make space, you basically drift away from all your friends and family ; _ ;
>Mage of Light/Space/Void
fuck does this mean?
Did some research.
>I love to get away from scrutiny
>I have obscure hobbies/interests
Putting these at 10 basically guarantee you as void. This is why so many people are getting it lmao.
>I keep hearing that the story doesn't really have a good ending, and also that the creator won't actually let it end
The ending leaves some unanswered questions but that's it. And now with the epilogues (which are most likely still ongoing), we got a lot of the answers we wanted.
That's fucking retarded lmao, a lot of people are gonna use 10 for just "yes"
Heir of Void
Page of Void. Read the description seems pretty cool
>Be Knight of Space
>Use Knight of Space powers to make myself a Knight of Space thus becoming a paradox
>Use my powers to keep reality from collapsing in on itself
>Make female clones of myself and fuck them because I'm a fucking Telvanni Wizard too because fuck me I'm a Knight of Space
Your classpect is:
Rogue of Void
okay but whats sweet bros and hella jeffs classpect
>Basically, you become wind/freedom, everywhere you go wind protect you and liberty precedes you, a force of change, you arent tied to anything or anyone
Often as I can, I love to travel and I do often try to go solo when venturing somewhere unfamiliar. It definitely feels liberating not having to choose where to go with a group of people.
Lord of Doom/Mind/Void
>Be Knight of Space
>Is convinced Knights are supposed to fight their aspect because it's pretty fucking obviously what they do in comic
>Most classpectfags disagree for some reason
>Still defending this because popular opinions are trash and only facts matter
>End up fighting against the entire fucking universe over this
>Be Knight of Space
Does this qualify as a chicken and egg situation?
Official Blood Class guide
>Witch of Blood
You suck Mage of Light cock
>Heir of Blood
You suck Seer of Light cock
>Mage of Blood
You suck Witch of Light cock
>Seer of Blood
You suck Heir of Light cock
>Thief of Blood
You suck Knight of Light cock
>Rogue of Blood
You suck Page of Light cock
>Knight of Blood
You suck Thief of Light cock
>Page of Blood
Just off yourself or suck some Rogue of Light cock
>Maid of Blood
You suck Prince of Light cock
>Sylph of Blood
You suck Bard of Light cock
>Prince of Blood
You suck Maid of Light cock
>Bard of Blood
You suck Sylph of Light cock
t. Sburb expert
based AND redpilled
Got Bard of Void. When do I get my codpiece?
>love people, love kindness, and love diversity
>believe everyone has the right to be happy and everyone is fundamentally a good person
>promote equality and solidarity
>RESULT: "Mage/Seer of the Void"
What does this mean?
You're experiencing/perceiving things that don't exist.
Heir/Knight of Blood?
Don't exist yet... at least?
Accurate then
I recently read all 8000 pages of homestuck and I dont get why people hate it so much
Is the epilogue really that bad?
>Page of Void
I dunno what this is, but I like filling things out
>page of space
I guess I'm a blank slate, ha.
Your class doesn't matter, it's all about relationships and being slaves to the Light chads.
All of it is good including the epilogues, everything Hiveswap, etc. Don't fall for the bandwagonning shitposters.
>Be Knight of Space
>Friend is Page of Doom
>Friend becomes true final boss of session
>We're both essentially fighting against our conflicting fates
I don't like this series of events anymore
t. SJW
I swear I'm not.
>Knight of Space
>Is rosterfagging for a crossover game
>multiple universes made in relation with each other
Of fucking course
If you wanted to create, you should have made a Space character. If you wanted to influence people, should have made a Blood or a Heart.
All I did was post a picture of Doomguy because I didn't have any doom class images, the fuck are you going on about?
The trolls and troll romance bullshit were a mistake
I think there are some legitimately bad parts, but on balance I enjoyed it and I'm glad I read it.
Page of Void.
wtf is a Page of Blood/Void, and does that mean I should be more bold with how much I agree/disagree with the statement? Most are pretty general
>Page of Blood
It's indicative of the type of person who comes here.
Hmm, I choose all three fat girls from my old high school that talked about this shit webcomic
>Its revealed that the Page is actually just another copy of the Knight
>The page died long ago
>The Knight was by himself in a dead session and didn't want to be alone
>When he created the new world he just clones the session
>He's been doing this for years
>He's not sure if the a Page was even real in the first place or just another copy
But what does it mean, greentexter?
Page of Rage. What does that mean?
It's the literal worst combo you could possibly get, i'm so sorry user.
prove it faggot
Imagine being a fucking weenie who can't make any friends and you have zero superpowers
what is
>a page
also what is void
You gain the power of sick rhymes
Powers are for the weak.
>a page
weenie who gets good at late game
dude relationships lmao
Poet and you didn’t know it
Bard of Void. What kind of powers do I get then?
so I actually get really good relationships later on? not bad. also wuts void mean xDDD le third time asking
Bard of Time
If you manage to survive.
Irrelevancy. The Unknown. Secrets. Being a Page of Void means you will become irrelevant.
Lord of Doom
Page of Doom
Heir of doom...
i don't know, kind of sounds like a page of void gets really high power secrets and hidden knowledge. everyone becomes irrelevant but I think I'll go for shadow cabal status thank you very much
I got two results. Knight/Heir of Hope.
I have no idea what that means, but it sounds like something a shonen protagonist would be.
You got it
Also everyone wants to fuck you, too.
Literally my results and thoughts exactly
"Prince of Blood/Void"
Not entirely sure what that means but I'm feeling this vibe
What's that mean?
Just that it makes sense for a Knight of Space to be active in Smash threads so it's fun that you used a reaction image that's mostly used in Smash threads while being a Knight of Space
It's a good thing if anything, it's proof that you aren't wrong about your classpect
>Prince of Blood
You destroy relationships and shit leaders
>Prince of Void
You destroy irrelevant things like Pages or meme characters
Pick one
Form is rigged, see
Bard of mind. Or witch of mind depending. What does this mean
Heir here. Can it at least be a female(girl) cock(pussy)?
Your classpect is:
Mage of Doom
Because that worked out so well for the last one. What does Doom even do?
Knight of space boooooooooois
All Blood players need to worship Light chads.
Also, what if my girlfriend is a maid of light?
>Knight of Time/Void
How exactly could you have two aspects? If you have to choose, how do you choose?
What does it mean or do?
Hide your image, apparently. Void player?
I'm a Sylph of Time, what exactly does that entail? I used to have Sylph of Blood back in highschool and that was p self explanatory. But now I get Time on every test I take, and am not sure how that interacts with my class
>Heir of Blood
>Has a girlfriend
Every time
Out of all the forms of severe autism in this fanbase, the "make my own fanfiction about how the classes work, make spreadsheets of it, and proceed to present it as canon" faggotry is the absolute most retarded.
Anyone who does this shit is GUARANTEED to need help putting on their clothes in the morning.
So um, what happens now?
I mean we do have some canon elements to go off of when it comes to classpects
Homestuck is pure pseudointellectual garbage
I really hope we're getting more of the epilogues. This was not an ending
Not everything you don't understand is pseudointellectual user
What the fuck is a Page of Void
Make me understand.
Why did Hussie make a fucking romance instead of a cool videogame webcomic?
Shit was going so cash money in act 5 but he decided to go full romance horny nigger for no reason
I disagree. There's been quite a lot of worldbuilding in act 6 too,. Hell even the epilogues
>I am quick to test
Like, I am quick to be angered by someone? Or quick to finish tests and challenges?
obviously the first one, you are clearly too stupid to finish a test
Bard/Heir/Knight/Mage/Maid/Page/Prince/Rogue/Seer/Sylph/Thief/Witch of Blood/Breath/Doom/Heart/Hope/Life/Light/Mind/Rage/Space/Time/Void
>Homestuck thread on Yea Forums gets over 340 replies
>Witch of Time
Sounds good
Her classpect would totally be Lord of Doom. Despite it being male-exclusive.
Page of Void
Could be worse.
Wait fuck, it is page of space/void
Well fuck all of yall guess I get two elements.
Witch of Space here. Any knightchads want to make a universe?
>Your classpect is:
>Mage of Heart
Knight of Space here, I already made the universe
Fucking furry
well let's make MINE then.
I want to DESTROY Jade's fucking wet and sobby dogpussy and feed her chocolate while I pound her pussy and smelly asshole
Heir of Void
makes sense
Page/Prince of Hope
Sounds like something a knight of void would say
Page of Void, what does this mean again?
How the fuck did a homestuck thread get 350+ posts with no sign of deletion
seer of mind
just like my trollfu
i wish i were a witch
Press S to seethe
Thief of Light here
Any cool com8o partners you guys can recommend? :::;)
Knight of Time here, which fags here need a life reset?
Mage of Light / Void. Not sure why it's indecisive or which I'd want to be if I have a choice. Is this a good thing or not?
Me give it to me!
Shouldn't you be fucking Karkat and whinging about your life, Dave?
Fuck you John, I'm trynna save your ass here
>Page of Void
I dunno what it means but it sounds cool i suppose.
>Page of Hope
You were close but nope, Knight of Space
How are Witch and Heir superior to Knight? Also Seers legit can't do shit they just know stuff
What would be the diference between Knight of time and Page of time?
desu Hope and Rage are probably on par with Space and Time, we just haven't seen nearly enough of them
A Lord of Hope would be nearly omnipotent if you think about it
>ctrl-f void
>78 matches
>Page of Space
I'll spend hundreds of hours alone grinding on boars if I have to.
Hit me with some XP-boosting spells so I can get my mid/lategame abilities sooner. I'll retire and start up a pinpoint-accurate mailing agency.
i would speculate it's because heir's pretty much embody their aspect and witches can break reality
It means you're one of the most powerful players lategame and you pretend to be retarded so much to the point where you actually are retarded
That's pretty based
put on some pants, fag
What do I as a knight of Void do?
Mage of Breath reporting in, time to bring the thunder
You give a fuck about John?
I'm a Page of Hope
he's a faggot
Thief of Void
Honestly I'd argue Hope is the single most powerful aspect, even topping Space and Time. Hope players can literally make up powers for themselves.
I still have no idea what Blood does
Nah, he is an idiot who denies being bi, according to the epilogue.
user the epilogue does not exist
We dont talk about the epilogue
You probably have the power to control people. Like bloodbending in ATLA
She would be Lord of Hope
Hope depends on your faith: the stronger your beliefs and convictions, the more powerful you are.
enjoy stealing literally nothing
Yeah but the potential of the aspect is probably beyond all others
Also Rage is probably very strong as well but we haven't seen many examples of it in comic. Especially since passive Rage players can probably do Hope shenanigans to affect their aspect passively (such as a Bard of Rage, like Gamzee if he did actually god tier. And even then I'm thinking Lord English pulling powers out of his ass probably comes from Gamzee's classpect desu)
You should read it at least to see how not to end a story.
You understand misery and try to prevent it. Also, inversion theory is canon.
Too much hype and buildup. I didn't read epilogue, but they didn't defeat LE and didn't adressed fuckhuge black hole that sucking up entire multiverse.
Inversion theory is garbage, it's a misunderstanding that comes from passive players sometimes actively manipulating their reverse aspect because it affects their aspect as a side effect, which is the whole point of being passive
Got knight of void, which from descriptions itt sounds a little busted, but also like I'm a bad guy.
They literally do in the epilogues, read them
My server player is just building ladders everywhere this is dumb
>Not putting rage along with hope.
Rage is not just berserk you know.
You suck at making things but at endgame you become god of fertility.
You suck with talking to people but in the endgame you get maximum charisma.
rogue of blood here
fell great to cuck people
Yeah, I know, but we haven't seen much of it yet, so it's hard to tell if it's really as potent as Hope.
Lord of Heart coming through
user, Rogue of Blood cuck themselves.
oh .... ₒₕ
You mean like John did?
Mage of Space
Is that good?
Seconding everyone who said three bullets in Gamzee.
Karkat and Vriska are both kino in the half of the comic that matters, Eridan is fun, Gamzee begins milldly annoying and becomes magnitudes worse as the story progresses.
Yeah I'm thinking he's the Lord of Rage
Knight of Void here, how shit i am?
Also thanks for coming up with an actual easy to easy to use god tier questionary that doesnt envolve hour long bullshit about alignments and shit, that also seems legit.
You're Yoshikage Kira/Diavolo
Trust me the incredible first half makes the botched ending worthwhile, you can also stop reading after page 5261 if you want to bail before things get real shitty.
That Heir of Void is one of the best characters in the comic btw, and one of the funniest characters in anything ever. But unfortunatley he doesn't get a whole lot of screentime, which is part of the whole void deal.
>Not a Prince of Time
Can i do vergil shit with void if i get myself a katana?
He could be both
either time manipulatior or literally disappearing
I mean his power is literally described as erasing time
So i could use void to erase it. Got it. So now i have king crimson
Yeah bit personality wise, a knight of void really describes diavolo, althought a Prince of time may fit well with KC
Well Diavolo was erasing all recorded history involving him, so he was kind of erasing "time"
That's the point, he's a complete Knight of Void
Would that make her the Muse of Hope?
Bard of Void
Never cared too much for homosuck but I think there's some interesting aspects to it.
Heir of Void if anything considering how he was born
I'd say either Heir of Void or Prince of Time. Or maybe a Doom player if you care about the "changing fate" description of his ability.
I still have no idea what caliborn and calliope could do
Interesting point thought, fate is a major point in his character
Great now read it
i was talking about (You)
Another Page of Space.
Knight of Doom reporting in.
Threadly reminder that Spades Slick did nothing wrong.
Muse of Void?
Witch of the Void if sexless
Mage/Rogue of the Void if male
the fuck is this
>Lord of Life
>Lord of Hope
>Lord of Breath
Prince of Mind. Some jedi shit? Turbo autist? INTP by another name?
Ok so explain to me exactly how the fuck princes work. They supposedly destroy their aspect with their aspect, but for what purpose? Are they fighting fire with fire? Are they anti their own aspect? So they're the opposite aspect in essence then? Or are princes just shitposting contrarians?
>Prince of Mind. Some jedi shit? Turbo autist? INTP by another name?
Witch if sexless, and female only. Prince if Male only.
They're destroying it, not fighting against it (that would be a Knight)
It can have multiple applications, like, a Prince of Void could make something relevant by "destroying" its irrelevance
>Karkat and Vriska
Why aren't they goddamn buddies yet?
Mage/Page/Prince of Void
I've got no idea what this setting is or what this means, but it sounds kinda cool
So how hard can you weaponize shipping?
Mage of blood and void
Friendship is the best ship.
Any life chad here? Also what the fuck does life even do?
Will chocolate hurt her if she's part dog?
I do it rough
ok, i () redid the test !!!
tfw when i got heir of breath
I should play ace combat one of these days. I could really use a good way to just get them all reliably. I dont wanna start with 7 right away
Exactly what it says. Healing shit. Though i guess a knight would be akin to Crazy Diamond, fighting while fixing shit back to their original state
Why are Thief girls so cute?
you could start with any, they're all pretty standalone for the most part
Page of Hope/Void
I want to cum inside Jade
Yeah, i'm thinking he is a ragebound
Prince of time here
Does it mean i can delete time/someone’s lifespan? What about turning hags into lolis?
was meant tobut ragebound are based
>Witch of Rage
what do
>bard of time
Im a horrible person
>Mage of Void
>understands nothingness/misfortune through experience
Fuck does that make me an edgy boi or just someone with god-awful luck?
>Thief of Rage
So whats the best class and aspect for potion making?
depends on your outlook, i'd say
Whatever Page of Space means!
bard of time
you monster
Page of time represent
Karkat is too weak
Can we make it to bump limit?
So is Vriska lol
No w8 fag
How op is the heir of rage in terms of abilities
sure we can
Your classpect is:
Knight of Void
Am I a Massive edge lord, or an HP Lovecraft Protagonist/Antagonist?
>HEART low tier
>when it’s the only way to harm immortal beings and kill a life ring wielder
Yeah huh nah man
You use void as an extension of yourself, so make that what you will.
You might be able to do vergil shit with void powers, but thats just me
Void can do the same, Space, Time and Light too theorically, Hope possibly, hell maybe even Rage
>Knight of Space
Anyone know what this even means?
>Vriska in the trash
You take that back
It means you got the best outcome
fighters that weaponize their aspect
You are pretty much palkia
i rolled bard of light what the fuck am i
rude, I'm no samefag
Rogue of Doom
>The Time/Space question fucking shits on any question.
Time and space are literally the only PHYSICAL aspects, it makes sense that their question is more “ground level”
All the people who complain about the official test are just spoiled brats who didn’t get the classpect they wanted
Nothing beats analizing canon to find which classpect would fit you best
>vriska is a n
>haha we can’t say nigga anymore because its racist and homestuck is tumblreddit sjw property now uwu deal with it fucking white cisgender bigots! Also your favorite character is trans and the sexy girl has a dog dick!!! UwO
>Knight/Thief of Void
what does this make me? a nigger?
But Vriska doesn't have a dog dick
Yes this one is the best way, introspection beats any test
>Homestuck thread
>Yea Forums
>bump limit
pick two
If you are a thief, you are basically roxy but you do the void thing for your own benifit.
If you are a knight, you can use void to attack stuff, like erasing shit from existence. You might be the hollow knight. Maybe
You have the ability to manipulate the size of things and possibly their velocity. You're basically ant-man.
You destroy with luck/knowledge/destiny.
The only way to talk about and have fun with homestuck nowadays is only through stealth Yea Forums threads
>Heir of Doom
Am I the baddie?
If you're a thief you basically steal the "nothingness" of an object to make it become real, but only for your own benefit.
If you're a knight you can fight using nothingness, basically erasing anything you fight from existence.
Knight of Space. Is there a description or something?
Yeah but they usually get deleted in an hour
But seriously why don't we have our own board considering it's banned from Yea Forums? That's fucking retarded
> (You)
So after some research it appears a mix of Revan and pic related. Cosmic Hebrew? Illuminati? /pol/ memes incarnate?
Someone make a new thread, I wanna see how far we can go
What about personality ?