What games would he play?

What games would he play?

Attached: 20190719_085905.jpg (392x392, 47K)

None they would be outlawed outside of Japan

Russian roulette with a full clip

Mein Kraft

>Russian roulette

Attached: Big_Boss_MGS3_infobox.png (300x300, 118K)

Okay, half based

>Russian roulette
>not even magazine
Can't tell if clever bait or if actually stupid

Hearts of Iron

It would be better if you did that.

he would probably have grown up playing mario paint and bought a wii u

nah, he'd be more of a nostalgiafag, probably eu4 or ck2 for the good old days of the HRE back before the jews

Funny Pizza land.

None, he'd outlaw them for being degenerate.


He's the guy who killed Hitler

Though he also killed the guy who killed Hitler

>he thinks he committed suicide

civ 4 or dwarf fortress

Unironically 4x or sim games. Maybe some VNs or things like Phoenix Wright.

He would use video games as an excuse to control others.
Claiming they are too violent and immoral.
That they are part of the cause of Germany's downfall and the result of violence. That people should instead be using their time to improve their country.

The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse

Attached: 50895_front.jpg (640x465, 88K)

>jap culture

Not true. In fact due to Axis Italy and Japan established a strong cultural exchange that lasted even after war (the fact Saint Seiya is know worldwide as Knight of the zodiac is because in Italy they called it that way) Germany end up cucked bc due to denazification they had the cultural exchange with United States of JewsA.

/k/ stop it and go to bed, you're drunk


....or this

>norevolvers have never heard of a moon clip

I thought japs weren't allowed to own guns?

typical leftist retard

garry's mod
lots of impressionable creative people on there you can easily into antisemitism

anything gay

Attached: Gay Hitler.png (1613x824, 1.47M)

Propaganda like this will never not be funny.