What's the Yea Forumserdict on this series? does it play well with a controller?
What's the Yea Forumserdict on this series? does it play well with a controller?
steam controller yes.
It's god tier isometric rpg.
why not a regular controller?
ill never understand divinity:os is good meme
A series that has its flaws but is still fairly solid and worth a play.
I've played the second one with a controller for the entirety of chapter one when DE came out. It's alright though you do have to return to the title screen if you want to swap between the two control modes. UI is changed to accentuate the style and it allows you to use the analog to move around outside of combat as well as search nearby loot containers, but obviously a bit more cumbersome for certain actions, like toggling sneak or switching characters, that are bound to a single button on keyboard. Forces you to switch to a cursor mode for combat anyway so I'd personally suggest just using KB+M but they did a good job of making controller a viable control method.
what's wrong with it?
unbalanced gameplay, awful writing
the second one is even worse
>CRPG with controller
Honestly bad story, decent characters but amazing gameplay. I'm talking about the second one here though, not sure about the first
because you're a plebeian.
I agree, writing is bad in both and both are also unbalanced, however, the gameplay is fun, turn based combat is so fun there's an entire genre dedicated to it that is basically mission after mission, so as such it's understandable people would enjoy this game, regardless of their flaw, but as mentioned upwards, you're an uneducated plebeian and can't come to such a deduction by your own.
first one has a better story, decent characters and amazing gameplay.
however, mechanically speaking 2 is a huge improvement to the first, with the exception of the shitty fucking armour system, 2 has more skill schools, more spells per skill, etc
yeah maybe theyre fun if theyre the only games youve ever played
I've been playing turn based games since the early 90s, starting with tactical RPGs like the fire emblem series, as far as combat goes (balancing aside) the original sin games are mechanically superior to anything that came before it, poe2 tried to mimic the barrel meme and failed horribly, I still enjoy most turn based games like the HBS shadow run games or even the first two fallouts. but you'd be a blind idiot in absolute ignorant denial to not see how the OS games improve upon older trpgs
>turn based
you just btfo'd yourself, my dude
>haha I have no proper response so I'll just nitpick something stupid
see, you can't even point out exactly why the game isn't mechanically better than other trpgs
>you can't even point out exactly why the piece of shit isn't better than other pieces of shit
How'd you feel about the general tone of the first game? I found the more lighthearted almost parody/absurd style of the first game fit the artystyle a bit more, with your dudes launching in to, admittedly too frequent, quips full of emotion during combat and exploration compared to the more generic responses in OS2.
I played the first almost a year after I finished the second, I really liked both but I thought the story of the first was way better. plus none of that stupid armour system
id like to play the first, but the heal mechanic outside of combat is bunk and I don't see a mod to address this
yeah the bedrolls in 2 are based, other than that just spam heal with one character on the others
Tried to play it 3 times, got bored on the first map every time.
Even though I'm a sucker for party based tactical RPG.
Played 1 after 2 as well and I'd agree with you there, 2 had every origin's substory tied to the main plot in some way so it felt kinda empty confronting some of them when the origin character wasn't there. I get why people don't like the armor system but I found it okay enough to be honest. Actually I still find I enjoy 2's gameplay more due to QoL changes like enemies no longer turning around when you miss but one of the weird nitpicks I have between the games is that the skill animations seem less impressive than in the first game. Daggers Drawn for instance went from a cool swarm of daggers you summon and toss into your enemy to just onslaught but daggers instead.