Is 1920x1080 obsolete? I feel like I'm not getting the best visual out of my games anymore. I mostly play From games. Is it worth upgrading?
Is 1920x1080 obsolete? I feel like I'm not getting the best visual out of my games anymore. I mostly play From games...
1440p is a nice upgrade but only if you get a big enough screen, 27in i feel like is the bare minimum. I still think 4k is a meme until good larger 4k displays get cheaper.
I legit can't play PUBG in 1440p everything feels pixelated as fuck after I played on 4K for two weeks.
I thought the rule of thumb was the smaller the screen and higher the resolution, the better. 27in seems preferable on a 1440 display than say 32in.
4K will always be a meme until performance and pricing is reasonable.
depends on your preferences.
T-thanks for your input.
any time.
jaggies = soul
smooth edges = soulless
Your opinion = wrong
>Is 1920x1080 obsolete?
Yes. Ultra wide is the best imo and any devs that don't support 21:9 like those faggots at blizz don't deserve any money.
I play competitive FPS games in 1080. And switch to my 1440p monitor for RPGs. This is the optimal setup and if you disagree you are a fag nig.
>PC niggers
Fuck PC "gaming", fuck resolution and framerating, fuck the phones and fuck Khodemchuck.
Shut the fuck up retard
That's what i'd do if i had the money, one 144hz VA monitor and one with 4k IPS, only thing to disagree is with being a competitive faggot.
>I mostly play From games
I fucking love From but the fact that something this narrow is part of your identity disgusts me.
Dude yes a million times yes, when I go from pc to switch I had to make sure I wasn’t in 720 the menus looked blurry as shit
Whats wrong with competitive? Being non competitive is a sign of low T.
The fact that 90% of competitive games are complete shit or became complete shit with patches, and if you don't play fighting games the only times where you win it's because the rng mechanics and matchmaking made you win. I'm playing my single player shit and lifting weights like an animal in this fucking heat, and i bet muh T is higher than someone playing competitive meme games.
I fell for "I've a console b-but i p-play games on PC too" for the last time. PC cost me 800 yuro, next time i'll say "I need a PC to shitpost on forums and go to youtube" and i'll save 600. Fuck PC 'gaming'.
Not him, so you knew you'll use your PC just to shitpost and spent 800 bucks on it? You didn't fell for any meme, you fell on your own fucking stupidity.
just downsample bro
>Zoomers will never understand
For people who were used to play videogame in '80 and '90 let the PC go can be an hard thing.