Played through Prey recently. Game was pretty solid any time you didn't have to do combat in 0G, and even though the story was pretty boring and the setting was a bit cliche, it still had some pretty fun gameplay mechanics, even without using any of the typhon neuromods. I'm a big fan of dishonored, and this game felt like a more advanced version of that.
Is mooncrash worth playing? I've heard mixed things about it. Also, are any mods worth checking out?
Played through Prey recently. Game was pretty solid any time you didn't have to do combat in 0G...
How long did it take you to complete the main story?
35ish hours. Got lost a few times.
This game is so fucking good I can't stand it.
The story, the art direction, the enemies. The Typhon and all of the symbolism tied to the names are great. The coral was really well thought out too.
types of coral have symbiotic relationships with dinoflagellates. These smaller organisms provide the coral with its carbon and nitrogen needed for it to thrive and grow.
the mimics are dinoflagellates of the coral in Prey
the dual sybolism with their similarities to synaptic connections is genius
mimic the connectomes of the Typhon itself to gain abilities is genius
Mooncrash is pretty good too. I like some of the weapon skins and stuff in it. Its not what I thought it would be going in though. I guess they wanted something with more replayability.
Damn, that's actually really neat.
Was it possible to leave the station shortly before the ending and fly up to the huge typhon?
I only just realized that the mule operator inventory is shared among all the escapees during a single simulation run. The game's just been set to easy mode.
In case you didn't notice, the final boss comes through some sort of a warp portal, it's not present in the game from the start.
That's why I was asking if you could still exit the station after it appears and check it out close up. Didn't bother to check when I still had the game installed
My bad, I had a brain fart and read your post as "shortly after the beginning" somehow. Anyway, I don't think you can, and the black tentacle mass just covers all the airlocks. Although... January warns you against scanning the Apex with your psychoscope, and I'm not sure if you can do that from inside the station.
>and even though the story was pretty boring
fuck you the
huntress boltcaster saga in hardware labs was fucking hilarious and one of the best storylines ever put in gaming
>find Danielle
>go outside and find that pool window
>she's not there
I mean the world building and storytelling within the station is phenomenal but the actual main story/quest is sort of boring.
Main quest is the end destination.
The side stories, exploration and visuals are the journey.
Entirety of hardware labs is fucking hysterical
nibbas wanting to fuck around and play with nerf rather than actually do any work just like real nerds stuck in a space aquarium would
Lazy assholes too lazy to design a light travel cup so they rig a scale to make a normal cup seem light
Gloo gun was not an actual project but just someone fucking around with random junk and they use it for jokes and making snowmen
Also mimics aren't scary, they are just a clever way to make you stop and observe the environment. They are a great enemy.
this was stupid. I got there and even clanked my wrench against the window once and nothing happened, so I was sure I needed to go there on the outside. After I couldn't find her there I finally looked up a guide
What did you expect it to be? Some sort of an epic drama with over 9000 characters and plot twists you can't possibly keep track of, like ASOIAF? The purpose of the simulation was to develop empathy in you, the typhon, that's why it has a lot of personal stories of the crew members, instead of one central plot focusing on typhon, or Transtar, or whatever.
"To Nicole, always and forever - Kevin"
She was cheating on Kevin
She was going to break it off with her lover, but he threatened to tell Kevin, Nicole killed her lover, and planned to get rid of his body with a recycler charge, but was attacked afterwards and turned into a Phantom
Where the fuck is Danielle? I go to the arboretum and she's not there at all? No spoilers please, this is my first playthrough.
If it was called Talos 1 or NueroShock the game would be hailed as a instant classic.
Also the person that did the soundtrack for Doom did it for this and I think Prey's soundtrack is alot better.
Did you find that guy in the Atmosphere Controls lobby bathroom? He had GLOO'd himself in by sealing off the door. His GLOO gun is still lying next to his body. He killed himself by firing it at his own face to suffocate.
Its neat seeing how many of the staff committed suicide and all the wild ways they did it.
Why are you even searching for her in the wrong place at this time, unless it's been spoiled for you already? That quest comes up during the main story progress, so you should know by then what, who and where to search for.
Yep. Mick Gordon was in on this one. I also believe that too. Soundtrack is very good and compliments the atmosphere of Talos 1 perfectly.
Maybe I'm retarded, but the quest marker for her is in (?) the arboretum. Guess I'll need to read the quest again.
this its the best system shock game so far with actual open world space station and actually interesting and creative enemies.
What quest marker? Anyway, it can't possibly be in Arboretum.
No I'm just a sub 70 IQ retard. I know what to do now.
>actually interesting and creative enemies
Ehhh, mimics are great. But phantoms and their recolors are not so much. Weavers in the base game are super annoying and so are Technopaths. I guess Poltergeist are cool too, when you meet one for the first time, but the novelty quickly wears off.
Still better than any enemy variety in any other systemshock esqe game, especially for the tone it's going for.
Better than ss2 enemies which are
>generic zombi
>generic zombi with gun
>small psi zombi
>big robbutt
>lmao turrutt
>literally can't remember any other enemies
Yeah I wasn't spoiled either, so when I went outside Talos 1 and actually flew out and saw what I was working with, It was just great.
I only know prey is great and like all games I am interested in I avoid all media and threads until I actually get it like a year later.
I wasted so much time trying to figure out how to open the IT supply closet, then eventually I googled it and it wasn't actually anything
They produced over 8000 neuromods on Talos1
That means over 8000 people were executed on the station
Neuromods are produced by harvesting the material from a mimic after it has killed a person
A mimic can potentially reproduce by splitting itself into four after it kills
If They didn't kill all the excess mimics after neuromod production they could have thousands of the little bastards frozen in storage
the secret closet in LG diagnostic was neat
long ass wait time and just a hint of whats happening if you're looking ta a right angle, reinforced by the emails about scales
>Neuromods are produced by harvesting the material from a mimic after it has killed a person
This was a very cool revelation when I got to the psychotronics labs.
Just got to the Technomancer thing to fix the lift. What do I do? The shit takes no damage even if I use EMP charges.
Well, when you compare it to a two decades old game, I guess you're right.
Oh yeah that was really neat, one of the best uses of the looking glass. Wish they had done more with the glass
Shoot at it until it dies
EMP "disables" it. Disabled enemies take double damage. You can also GLOO a flying enemy, and they take a shitton of damage when they fall, depending on the height. Also, Tehcno/Telepaths are quite weak to melee, so don't forget about that trusty wrench.
Consider the following: each neuromod requires 3 exotic material to produce, while each mimic drops 0.15. Each dead human produces 4 mimics, so it's 5 dead humans per neuromod.
Oh shit, really?
>he never tried it
I didn't understand the character's motivations at the end of the game. Using the prototype null-wave bomb is supposed to wipe out the Typhon, but January seems to think destroying the station will be more effective.
I just want to call you an idiot.
Sauce on this number?
Theres a nightclub on the station, called something like the Yellow Tulip. You find an audio recording of Alex celebrating them just passing the 8000 neuromod mark.
I have a memory of scanning Apex and taking damage or getting a game over on my first playthrough, but it might be a false memory. Because I recently played through the game again, and could focus on Apex to scan it.
I think it's mentioned in the recording of the speech Alex did before Danielle's song.
January is worried that any and all Typhon material- like the Neuromods in your brain, the "black eggs" the escaped prisoner was rambling about- could cause another outbreak. This is why the original plan is for you to also kys.
Speaking of which. Why do the volunteer shuttles "go dark"? Was that because of the typhon outbreak? Or was Transtar just executing them and dumping them in space or something?
i played the whole thing on release, and only now playing again. the game is just too fucking easy even on nightmare, theres no tension. also the Nightmare itself is actually a clown enemy thats incredibly easy to cheese.
Played Prey so much, and always find something new in threads that arent shitposted to death.
This time i learned i never used gloo gun on flying enemy. Feel like a retard.
so after a while you just feel like a janitor going room to room cleaning up the station.
>have to piece together her voice based on clippings of relationshit drama with her gay lover
>shes actually just still alive at the end of the plot thread
>can't summon her by banging on the window without going through the quest first on subsequent playthroughs
That was kinda disappointing, after the game lets you disable your tracking bracelet early, or write down certain codes that stay the same. Wish you could manually enter computer passwords too.
Seems to be a thing with Arkane, they always give you skills which make you overpowered. Also that elevator was really annoying, I'd be stuck in the canned walking animation while there are like four enemies attacking me. I really wonder what was up with that locked animation, it's just a doorway
Anyone else notice the similarities to Arx Fatalis in terms of general gameplay? Especially in comparison to Dark Messiah and Dishonored. I really hope they make more games like this. AF2 would be a dream come true.
I never managed to find my bracelet number till Dahl showed up. Also felt dissapointed when you disbale the recycle charge trap and the fake cook got heart attack or something
I would kill for Prey 2 or something like that, but its probably not happening since poor sales, Colantonio leaving, reviewers, players not getting it and playing it like run and shoot everything
increased stun damage plus sneak damage is all you need really. im actually not even using alien powers at all. makes me wonder why typhon are such a threat when im dabbing on them so hard.
A few tweaks and this could've easily been the best game of the decade for me.
Here's what could've been
>fully interconnected map (no loading screens between areas)
>fast travel is an option but only via the elevator which should only be accessible from the halfway point of the game
>allow phantoms to also perform mimicry
I also think that the operator bots that refill health, PSI, etc, make the game really easy, but this is a problem also found in the -shock games, which is why they're all pretty easy. They also should've gave each enemy type new abilities and attacks in higher difficulties. That way, you adapt and not use the same strategies you used to kill them at a lower difficulty, instead of receiving extra damage.
Also a cool thing I discovered was that the safe at the very beginning of the game has a code for a safe which was wiped off from the whiteboard. You can still find it there on the whiteboard by looking at Morgan's (your) message in the video where he talks to you in that same room.
I played it for a few hours and it was super boring
nah i went into it expecting Bioshock and what i got was Dishonored
just like dishonored, it's a game that is just bursting with potential, good ideas, and interesting concepts, but somehow manages to turn all of that into a complete slog where everything you do just seems like you're jumping through hoops. Prey just made me want to play Deus Ex Human Revolution and the most shocking thing is that DE:HR looks better and has a much more detailed environment and a Q/A team that actually did more than one lazy pass over the game
>players not getting it
this is pretty much why prey is a bad game, it has nothing to do with the technical execution of the gameplay, it has everything to do with the devs failing to account for players looking at the game through other perspectives but their own. they completely fucked up the introductory sequence with an absolutely retarded MGS2 style "your perception is a lie" subversion twist before the game even has a chance to set up expectations for them to subvert. unless the expectation they are trying to yank from you is that its a boring on rails game with a synthwave soundtrack?
the game has more tonal and directing problems than the star wars prequels
design (apart from the enemies) and worldbuilding is great, the rest if fairly meh
That's why I think an Arx Fatalis 2 is a better idea. It also feels like a way easier option than another Prey since the story is practically over in Prey. Arx just needs a new cave.
Also, it feels like people have been saying that important people are leaving all the time, but I unironically think that excluding Arx, their games have only improved (gameplay wise) with every new game that's released.
It's an underappreciated gem for sure.
Have to disagree. 90% of new games are so straightforward that you cant do shit only what game tells you to do. You have radioactive waste in your path and its not part of the objective (Ricky, we NEED you to get rid of these barrels or else! HURRY UP!). So how many player will throw recycler charge at them? Its not Preys design fault, its just modern games are designed to tell you everything dead clear so no one expects to try anything else
>cold war but less cold and jfk lived to be 120
i didnt really understand why all that was even necessary
To explain why there are corporate space stations in the near future. Remember: it's JFK's fault we faked the moon landing. If he hadn't died, we probably would have, I don't know, pretended to put a flag on the sun, or some shit.
Nothing about this shit is underappreciated you fucking faggot. You're one of these assholes posting webms about super cool kills in Dishonored too I bet, without mentioning that none of them are ever needed and you can breeze through the game without any effort.
>faked the moon landing
oh you
>faked the moon landings
you are aware we have landed man on the moon?
psh, you still believe in the moon?
I think he's just mortally wounded by that point.
I actually didn't think of using recycler on radioactive barrels until my 4th playthrough.
Thats a problem with a lot of open ended rpgs.
And nothing has broken the game balance harder than dragon tooth sword in og deus ex.
Wow im a fucking retard.
>it was all just a dream LOL
way to ruin an otherwise great game
And then there's THIS faggot
D E N U V O / 10
I never finished it, I really disliked the combat
How do you get mimic portal as the volunteer when you can't even hack or repair the machine?
By hacking and repairing with the other characters beforehand, ya dummy.
What's much more impressive than faking the moon landing is faking the 2.6 second laser signal from the faked moon mirror. There are telescopes with lasers that can fire a beam of light towards the location on the moon where they faked putting the mirror. Exactly 2.6 seconds later the light blinks back as if it's finished traveling the 1.3 light seconds back and forth from the laser to the mirror back to the telescope. Pretty impressive hoax to be able to make it seem like there's a light reflecting off the moon. Obviously we just constructed a web of trillions of LED's around the entire earth so from whatever location on Earth you shine light towards the moon there's a light blinking back to create an impression of someone having built a mirror there.
Worse yet, Denuvo which impacts the length of loading screens in a game where every loading has two consecutive loading screens.
You can just send a mirror with an unmanned probe, dumdum.
You're not entirely wrong but Prey suffers from the RE7 syndrome. Enemy types aren't bad but all of them are just black goo. System Shock games have functionally interesting enemies that are also distinct in their aesthetic. Also the creepy atmosphere of System Shock games is entirely absent from the clean, fancy and downright comfy station that is Talos1. But the worst aspect of Prey when it comes to atmosphere is that there is no omnipresent intimidating villain who watches you through every camera and toys with you like you're a labrat in a maze.
>distinct in their aesthetic
What about their gameplay functions though?
That's the entire point of the criticism. They have range of function just like in Prey, maybe not quite as much of it but they are not just black goo. 20% more functional distinction that sacrifices 100% of aesthetic distinction isn't a worthy sacrifice imo. If you think it is then you probably have no excuse not to play Quake on an oscilloscope because none of the graphics matter to you.
Ya but is Mooncrash good or is it really just worth like $4?
>>fully interconnected map (no loading screens between areas)
Impossible on current hardware.
The PC version's loading screens were fine. CryEngine games store level data as a giant XML table, which makes modding pleasantly easy, but also tends to be a little bit time consuming to load.
>But the worst aspect of Prey when it comes to atmosphere is that there is no omnipresent intimidating villain who watches you through every camera and toys with you like you're a labrat in a maze.
Except for a huge stretch of System Shock 2, you aren't supposed to know this is happening.
Are people really so underage that they don't understand that Prey's first twist is a really clever version of Deus Ex: Invisible War's?
imagine believing black tar blobs are interesting and creative enemies, you have to be a zoomer
I don't have the game saved on an SSD but neither are any of my other Arkane games. When assets are already in cache it takes 20-40 seconds to load the initial level and then the second loading screen takes 30 seconds to (I assume) populate the level with savegame appropriate changes. Dishonored 1 (Unreal 3) loads in two seconds and Dishonored 2 (idTech 5) loads in ten. Prey takes at least 60.
Yeah, imagine the disappointment when you assume something like that in Prey but it never emerges. There's even a room in the main lobby's security office with a chair and a corpse laid out just like Polito and when you approach it all you get is a mimic attack.
>Dishonored 1 (Unreal 3) loads in two seconds and Dishonored 2 (idTech 5) loads in ten.
Those games don't have literally hundreds to thousands of non-static props in each area. Prey is in a whole other class compared to Dishonored.
>Yeah, imagine the disappointment when you assume something like that in Prey but it never emerges. There's even a room in the main lobby's security office with a chair and a corpse laid out just like Polito and when you approach it all you get is a mimic attack.
The entire point of Prey is that you are under observation. Under TWO LEVELS of observation, in fact. The first is Morgan Yu being observed. The second is the Typhon that thinks it is Morgan Yu being observed. Like, that's the entire game.
It felt a bit overwhelming near the end when it was giving me a hundred sidequests all at once when I was just about ready to finish up.
>Those games don't have literally hundreds to thousands of non-static props in each area.
All Arkane games have a shitton of non-static props because that's one of the main aspects of immersive sims. You need to have stuff to interact with to create your own solutions. They don't have as many as Prey but there's still a lot. And if you take a game like Deus Ex Mankind Divided that one has just about as many dynamic objects as Prey and it doesn't load slow as fuck.
You might as well have fucking God observing Morgan and it wouldn't make a difference. It has no impact on what happens in the story.
Not enough enemy variety
they didn't put enough effort into combat, so it feels very lack luster
you see most of the station too fast
all in all a good effort, better than bioshit but no where near as good as Shock
>And if you take a game like Deus Ex Mankind Divided that one has just about as many dynamic objects as Prey and it doesn't load slow as fuck.
No it doesn't. Try playing Mankind Divided and picking up every single object and placing it in a giant pile. You'll soon discover that most entities in Mankind Divided are nailed to the ground.
>they didn't put enough effort into combat, so it feels very lack luster
Mankind Divided's complexity is super simplistic compared to Deus Ex 1 or even Invisible War.
Human Revolution/Mankind Divided literally had to put yellow outlines around the stuff you could interact with because they were so inconsistent about environmental interactivity. Very poor excuses for Deus Ex games overall.
If you genuinely think that Deus Ex 1's environmental interactivity is higher than MD's then your nostalgia goggles are augmented so deep they're inoperable.
makes sense to have no escape pods if they dont want ayliens to spread to earth but I guess kasma didnt get the memo
but I have no idea if the time of this whole outbreak sim was from time they had aliens on earth or not, im too lazy to read wiki
Deus Ex 1 has a staunchly utilitarian approach to world design. For example, you can read every single book you encounter. The game world is filled with objects that are designed to be picked up. Mankind Divided is stripped back. The visually busy nature of the game makes no distinction between what can be picked up and what inexplicably can't other than yellow outlines.
I like prey but system shock 1 and 2 have much better enemies
The atmosphere is really lackluster. The only creepy part of the entire game is the audiolog where Morgan describes his nightmare. That he looks up at the stars and can feel that there's something there in the black void between the stars staring back with hatred.
>Is mooncrash worth playing?
it's better than the main game in some respects.
you have to escape a moonbase with 7 difference characters, each with their own skill set, without any of them dying.
before you do that, you have to level up each character so they are strong enough, which is also fun.
so instead of having 1 character, like in the original game, you get to play around with 7 characters, and in a randomized environment with much tougher enemies.
>Mankind Divided
Everyone forgets about breach mode
Everyone should play breach mode, it is a lot of fun.
>7 difference characters
Is this a spoiler? Because I only counted 5.
That's some entry-level mental gymnastics you've got there. MD is filled with readable books, and the only reason why "in Deus Ex 1 you can read every book you encounter" is because there are barely any books anywhere as opposed to the newer games that actually have lots of stuff lying around. And yellow outlines? You mean the interaction prompt that only appears when you're in range to pick things up? You know, the box that appears in Deus Ex 1 in the exact same way?