2019... I am... forgotten

2019... I am... forgotten.

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Other urls found in this thread:


what is happening?

Bunch of retarded tulip farmers ruined some more of the internet.


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dark times
exhentai going away due to new netherland laws
go check out the /h/ sticky

Like the Panda, you're about to go extinct.

pedos getting btfo

Dutch government cracking down on loli taking down hentai servers and admin gave up trying to backup

everything will be gone in a few hours less than 6hrs now

Euroniggers ruining everything like usual.

no wonder shovel knight is only an assist trophy

The Dutch outlawed loli images.

cant they just go offline, move to another server location and go online again?

The Lolicaust

Hopefully someone will pick it up. Tenboro says he'd provide files and help if someone wants to rehost the site

just host it in america then, retard

Sure, but the admin said "fuck it."

Pedos are seething.

I thought it was the UN doing shit again?

nhentai is superior anyway
who cares

>cunnyposters ruining porn yet again
Fucking niggers

>currently downloading all my favorites that have torrents and scraping the rest
It's gonna be alright bros we're gonna get through this

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Fresh from Yea Forums

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There is simply not enough time to back up and move, some desperate furries and autist would have covered the cost but it would have taken at least a week or more to move.

user there are only 4 hours now

A shit website finally getting axed.

That never happened user, is just ((((cunnyfags)))) lies

nhentai gets their stuff from exhentai. all bot hentai websites do.

I always thought it would be the religious right that destroyed porn not the left. M. Knight shymalan wrote this timeline apparently.

b-b-but my epic sad panda maymay!!!

fresh from a retarded hueposter.

I am a little sad we are losing a way to weed out newfags

i used this as an opportunity to trim the fat and cultivate what i actually liked, got everything i wanted

panda is being shoaed

>Retard who can't get past the panda doesn't realise that all his site's shit is taken from the panda


Is g.e hentai gone too?

What's the thing that allows me to download all of the text information of my favorites?


I used this to download what I could... And spent every single last one of my GPs to do so.... I even got banned for an hour for downloading too fast.
I've come to accept that I won't be able to save everything.

Attached: [Anime-Keep]_Mahoujin_Guruguru_-_03[C6FE4664].avi_snapshot_13.27_[2017.04.08_10.44.12].png (640x480, 268K)

This is so fucked up. I feel personally insulted.

I'm gone for a few hours to play horror vidya and come back to find you assholes killed the panda? you fuckers are terrible.

>not the left
you haven't been paying attention for the past 10 years

everything you ever known is gone in 6hrs

within 6 months.

like cum in the rain


Fuck off, all of the popular porn (even the loli) is just going to move to another site.
What's going to be lost forever is a lot of quality non-h artwork that people won't care to archive.

It's pretty good at scrapping shit off of sadpanda and somehow still missing a ton of shit, I'll admit.

Real life was actually the most horrifying after all

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Wish it were user

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Just spent the last 7 hours downloading my entire collection without any breaks (downloaded 55Gb worth of stuff) and just finished rite now, ask me anything

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This is only the beginning. Thank god pic related got delayed.

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I'm retarded and this doesn't work for me please help

Finally up jesus
Almost all of Bobobo's stuff from exhentai
might be some doubles in there, did not bother to check
im missing Can Do Porn but you can download that on your own time
enjoy anons

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Favoutite tag and artist?

Hagbros, we won

Someone give me a list of Yea Forums artbooks to download I'm running out of stuff to think of and we don't have much time.

Me getting this 5

Can't he relocate servers and find a successor?


dumb pedo waifufaggot spammers getting what they deserve

He's hemorrhaging money after losing all his sponsors. Not worth it anymore


I have but im damn near 50. I have gone from watching religious organizations and republicans trying and failing to tear down the porn industry and fighting sexualization and revealing clothing on TV to watching the feminists and democrats successfully tearing down the porn industry and successfully stopping sexualization of movies and covering up women on TV. It is fucking surreal. Real life is weird.

do you really think it was healthy to have access to unlimited pornography? consider this a blessing.

vagrant story

you need grasemonkey/tampermonkey
says so in the instructions

Attached: [Anon]_Getter_Robo_Armageddon_01_[x264][EB80F95D].mkv_snapshot_14.53_[2017.09.09_15.15.24].jpg (720x480, 161K)

prolly just maint. and Yea Forums just making insane connections to some sjw characters on twitter

Gihren's Greed books


They said they're not interested, although if someone else is interested they said they'll send them the stuff to start it up

>multiple boards worth of butthurt over a cartoon porn archive

Lmaoing at you degenerates rn

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holy fuck it literally just happened. as I was typing a post saying it was starting to feel like a bunch of BS.

fuck the females and faggots who did this.

>wanting to read illya's garbage


fuck health and FUCK YOU

nhentai literally gets all of their stuff from the panda.

I can’t access it, I get error 503.

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yeah I have it senpai the download links still says I have insufficient funds

this is a late aprils fool joke, right?

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This is a blessing in disguise to you all. See this as a sign and stop jacking off to little children. I don't care if they're not real and it's a "healthy" way for you to release your urges. It's not cool to jack off to children.

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>he doesn't know
That's the real joke.


Absolutely hilarious how none of this will matter in the years to come.
>Oi we did it lads, we saved the children from seeing mind destroying pornography on the internet!
>Meanwhile everyones kid has a 1 and 5 chance of getting groomed by some Paki gang if they step outside.
Clown world.

don't use tpb for your fagposts

>Time Till Death: ???

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You do realize nhentai is dead without sadpanda?

Cunnybros... If I don't get my dailydose I.. I don't know what I'll do..

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Sad Panda? more like Dead Panda. Chads use Hentai2Read

>user... I...
fuck off lame poster
don't use children as your fapbait, retard

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You're a fucking retard.
Loli is only a tiny part of the shit that is getting purged.
Fucking idiots like you are why it's so fucking easy to pass bad legislation.

'think of the children!'

Oh. Yeah. You're clicking on the new archive downloads that's shown below the crap?
I've been on sad panda for awhile so...

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>tfw I just knew about the situation
>Can't even enter my username because it always results 503 error
Anons, I'm crying. All these artbooks and rare doujins I didn't save. First Comic Koh purge by jewcob and now this. Where will I check my hentai now? Everyone takes torrents from sanpanda thesedays. I just hope an alternative like Mangadex happen

i literally only ever had 3 doujins on that site that attracted me there and i'd long since downloaded them, it's been years and nobody ever put up anything new so fuck it

I mean 99% of all uploads were just reuploads anyway. However I did receive the html files and some games through mail conversations on the forums that were nowhere else uploaded. Thank you guys for sharing. RIP old friend.

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Guess I will go back to Pixiv
Such a shame...

Mochi for the loli

U-hi for the shota
and I stuck mostly to those two tags


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Probably rape a real kid. Some people fap to loli so they don't go further, take away the loli and what do they have left?

why not?

Vanilla doujins of girls with big beautiful breasts are also going to be destroyed you retard. Where the fuck am I going to find Ultrawoman rape doujins now?

Attached: Ultrafucked.jpg (531x390, 78K)

not video games
fuck off

Maybe start buying your degenerate porn you fucking pleb

Once again, can anyone cite a source? The law? A news article? A ruling? Anything?

Absolutely based, virgins btfo

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Nothing is healthy. whatever you eat, do, or watch is doing nothing but bringing you another minute closer to death. Your life is so short it in the grand scheme of things it never happens. The only goal in life that means anything is trying to have as many orgasms as possible in the nanosecond you are alive.

anons you got less than 3hrs hurry up TICK TOCK

You either have to upload shit or play that browser game to get more download credits.

>that pic
I know you have great taste

No. YOU'RE THE FUCKING RETARD. The cool rare art collections and shit that's gonna go I can feel you guys on, but I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE CUNNY AND THAT'S WHAT 90% OF YOU FUCKS CARE ABOUT!

Fucking based Lunafag

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>just barely finished downloading all of my favourites before going to work
What a disaster.


>implying this won't come to America eventually

I can't even log in anymore. I figured I'd reset my chrome to see if that would change anything and I'm getting the 503 wall. So I'll check if I ever get back in. Thanks user

>too lazy to go download my favorites
>will surely try to find them on a whim later and be unable to find them and complain a lot
I'll deserve it for being lazy

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the forums have been disabled along with new registrations. can't post images so here

But I still have unlimited access to porn, that's not what's being lost here.

They wouldn't have been in that situation if it weren't for anime in the first place. Good riddance


i have 14k favorites

its over

>not even real
I lol’d
Did your parents also told you to not play violent games because they will make you physcopath?

Just fap to 3d

I just wanted to fap to cunny.. I didnt mean to hurt anyone...

Tell me to how to bypass 503

>forgot to pay attention to the image view limit like a dumbass
>capped out and will take hours to bring it back down to where I can pay this useless currency to reset it.
Should have removed that stupid limit if the site's going down the shitter.

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whos the artist

We've had to endure much you and I, but within the week there will be OLD MEN running the world.

welp there goes the site that has satisfied my urges for over a decade. I guess I'll just switch to raping actual high schoolers. thanks netherlands.


you're rad!
oh god we're all going to die
503 wall goes away with a quick refresh.

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This was always the inevitability of having all this content in one centralized place. I wish I had saved more of it but there's just too much to try and download with so little time, I'm accepting entropy.

And that's the shit that's going to get reuploaded and shared you fucking moron.

It doesn’t look like 2D...

How will all the pedo faggots and degenerate porn addicts ever recover now?

>All these unironic newfags ironically shitposting
Why couldn't those Eurocucks have taken Yea Forums instead?

>tfw redundantly backed up all of my favorites locally on my drives since 2008
I'm so glad to be on the spectrum

>nobody mentions non-h material on sadpanda
>literally nobody ever
>until it's about to die at which point people claim it's the lamentable loss of a precious treasure
fooling nobody retards

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/m/ is doing a massive rush to make a mega and other archives of the /m/ shit thank fuck since I lost what I had saved on my old rig.

>dunno where to check team koinka or Nakamura Regura releases anymore

This is a disaster. This happened so fast anons, I am forever bummed about this

Ask /pol/

>saved what I think are all my biggest favorites
>know for a fact I'll remember some obscure doujin I want to jack it to in a week

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Oh, so I’m basically permanently blocked out? That’s cool I guess...

The AoC in Netherlands is probably the same as most of Europe.

My parents told me not to associate with fucking depraved wackos like you. Seek help.
So stop making thread again and thread again and thread again about it. Those of you who truly care get the message by now.

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It's over.





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Where do all the translation groupes from ex go to? Do they just move onto nhentai?

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA get fucked niggers

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Check /m/ user. They are desperately trying to save non-h material

/h/ are frantically downloading every non-h material on there.


Hey there are some nice art books uploaded. Also those ecchi card collection galleries were hot too.

>nobody mentions non-h material on sadpanda
Artbooks get linked all of the fucking time on Yea Forums you dipshit.