Did I lost?

Did I lost?

Attached: poquemon.png (1366x768, 850K)

Other urls found in this thread:


i hate so much about this dekstop

>Not setting up your electronics in English regardless of where you're from
está por allá, pinche negro.

Attached: aid6166178-v4-728px-Cure-Frequent-Dog-Vomiting-Step-1.jpg (728x546, 56K)

how's musicbee compare to foobar?

Is this a subtle desktop thread or what

Attached: Screenshot_151.png (1365x767, 2.25M)

>Is this a subtle desktop thread or what
no it's a subtle poorfag thread.

Attached: monitor 1 desk.jpg (1916x1080, 277K)

bloated mess

Attached: desk.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

you should read your notifications

im a fucking wackjob

Attached: dd1218e7f28372221969b3a9a5c1b33f.jpg (1216x676, 554K)

I found something nice for the portait monitor, but not for the main one.

Attached: LZN8Pqw.jpg (3120x1920, 396K)

Did you both just buy a computer or something? There's no excuse for default walls.

>small ass screen
>didn't remove the searchbat to have more space in the taskbar


I reinstalled windows a couple months ago and didn't get to changing the background since then. It needs to be dark and minimalistic and I'm tired of all my old ones.

enter hyrule castle from the front gate

>suppress @everyone and @here
wow hard

do you need help finding a desktop because boy do I have a board on this very website just for you

post walls then

Hey m8 that hurts, not as much as every game I want to try looking like fucking shit on my monitor, but it still hurts

how do I have a wallpaper?

Attached: file.png (2944x1080, 46K)

>double past tense
South American ESL retard

>not having a cycle of 30+ wallpapers that change every 3 seconds

Attached: desk.jpg (1920x1080, 617K)

user it's a laptop and yes op is a faggot

If only there was anything good there

Honestly need to get rid of these programs I don't use. But I'm scared I might want to use them in a week or something

Attached: 2019-07-26_02-08-48.jpg (1920x1080, 573K)

>Toolbar on the bottom

Zoomers, faggot, or retard detected

Okay, retard


Attached: 2019-07-26.png (1920x1080, 2.46M)

>using ds4w when steam has built-in ds4 support with way deeper options

>user it's a laptop

Toolbars on the side are nice but takes too much space
On the top is autistic

yes, zelda can't jump

>photos scattered wherever the fuck
thank goodness I'm not the only one. I tend to dualbox browsers and when I search for a picture I need for a reaction image or for a quick edit, I drag and drop the image from the browser to my desktop. It ends up messy but I clean it up whenever a thread like this comes around. Also just pick one of your .png anime whores on the right side of your screen, put it on a pastel background and call it a day. better than win10 default

Attached: 1524750799382.jpg (800x733, 27K)

what do these red dots mean?

not him but do you actually want walls? I can quickly make an album

Attached: Ayup.jpg (300x300, 20K)

I assume objects unable to be saved to Google Drive due to insufficient space

>pizza tower
Is that game already out?
Fuck I forgot that existed

post it

Your biggest mistake was playing the awful GBA port of ALTTP

I actually do. Look at the left wall in , I would love something similarly muted and unintrusive for the main 1080p desktop.

I hate high resolution wallpapers. On my Windows 98 and XP era computers I always have such nice wallpapers, mostly old SGI promotional renders for games.

Attached: Desktop.png (1920x1080, 18K)

that's one of the first demos. I quite enjoyed it. Looking forward to the full game whenever that drops
>implying patreon games ever finish

aight boys, gimmie a moment

Attached: cool.gif (100x100, 9K)

>Fucking CCLeaner
>VisualBoy Advance

I'm mad

top is retarded and side looks dumb if you have two monitors

Attached: PrMXl2B[1].jpg (2560x1440, 291K)

> Not making toolbar disappear when not in use thereby illuminating the need to move it

I never realised side toolbars looked this dumb

Cant do bottom because my third monitor is a Cintiq and its below this one.

Your desktop SUCKS, OP.

perro caca

whatcha doin

I keep my desktop organized also I disabled wallpaper engine so you can see my true wallpaper

Attached: Knipsel.png (1680x1050, 2.46M)

Attached: 6A5C78D8-C539-4FD5-A153-5D77F951D1C8.jpg (1920x1080, 247K)

Tranny computer.

Powershell stinks, you look like a dumbass for dedicating a fourth of your real estate to it

>Battle Fantasy 3
That reminds me that I should actually play that game, was gifted it years ago. Don't even remember who gifted it to me anymore.

Eventually hentai so i can live the neet life.

Attached: G8quGZm[1].png (1920x1080, 444K)

album of walls. I dunno if imgur is the best for dropping these so tell me if they come out shitty and I'll put them on mega


I also own a Tomoko Daki, the center pic is OC

Attached: WP.png (3840x1080, 2.81M)

Attached: I think I may be depressed, or really lazy, who fucking knows.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

When are you going to end it all?

soon, probably

>not autohiding the taskbar

this is my desktop

Attached: sneed.jpg (1920x1080, 625K)

Why the hell do you store all your images on your desktop? Like holy shit

Attached: oh fuck.gif (250x242, 6K)

I also have an unsorted reaction images folder, I just haven't dumped all the shit on my desktop into it for a few months.

now make a wallpaper like this where tomoko is happy. I'm sure it will improve your mood

Attached: DxsDvLJVsAI6Jg1.jpg (838x1076, 151K)

fuckin spic


Attached: brush-test.png (840x534, 346K)

>has a Todd Howard but doesn't hide a Waldo in all of that

follow up

Attached: brush-test.png (837x540, 357K)

Attached: Spongebob n.png (579x645, 772K)

I use DS4 for games that I pirate

>files overlapping each other
>porn scattered all over the place
>that resolution
>possibly windows vista?

Attached: 1560267090930.gif (297x348, 2.94M)

>Playing Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg

Attached: 1558382388800.png (399x300, 152K)

there is over 500 files stacked on that top left corner user

Fine. I'm aware that there are some really old/obscure games, because fuck you.

Attached: desktop.png (1920x1080, 3.4M)


are you proud of this?

one day
i dont have as much motivation as i did when i made that pic back when i was in highschool

post something you want to be muted, that's an easy fix

Attached: desktopcat.png (1920x1080, 1.22M)

So what's the best gba port, user? i was planing to play some metroid

You can still use steam for that.

toolbars on the bottom have been the standard since fucking forever, the only zoomer here is you

BASED wallpaper, but jesus christ, user. Make some folders.

I can do it myself, that's how I got the left one.

Carry on then.

Seems standard fare to me.

>visible artifacts

Where did you start modelling? Do I just go through with Blender?

I haven't changed my background in 20 years. I had to make this image manually though because I don't like how Windows 8 does tiling. Also my desktop has like 60 unorganized icons because I know the location of them all by muscle memory.

Attached: Blue Rivets.png (1920x1080, 5K)

it's a shitty meme wallpaper, the artifacts are your problem?

there is literally two boards for this

put it on autohide, retard

>im still too young and retarded to change my computer past the default

the menagerie of demons in the background do a surprisingly good job of complementing the menagerie of icons on the desktop
you should still clean it up though

for next time

I started with zbrush, just found a full tutorial series that covered the basics and hit the ground running.

I'll try that. Cheers

I don't even remember why i made this wallpaper it's been so long.

Attached: desk.png (1366x768, 1.44M)

Based waifu taste

The fuck is that autohotkey for?

Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

whats wrong with ccleaner

Attached: 1562983561556.jpg (906x936, 849K)

The Up arrow of my laptop is broken and i'm too lazy to fix, so i just use Right Shift instead.

i should probably clean this shit up but i really can't be bothered

Attached: 1535580412654.png (1920x1080, 3.11M)

I see

I'm gonna do this too

Attached: epin.jpg (1920x1080, 346K)

Based and red pilled

I couldn't create a worthy game if my life depended on it, but DAMN is it fun to throw it on from time to time and just make random cities/world maps.

it's so harsh why would you do that? isn't blue scientifically bad for your eyes or something as well, like blue light fucks with us in some way


>Being this personally offended that no one uses the same gay layout as you

Autistic, Asperger or both?

What's wrong with all of those?

Attached: .(.jpg (236x236, 8K)

post wallpaper?

I really like how you organized that, user

if you don't have a double-monitor setup with zero icons and auto-hide taskbar and a folder with thousands of wallpapers to automatically rotate through as the day goes on... are you even living?

Attached: desktop.jpg (3840x1081, 992K)

75% of what it does is useless and the rest can be done with window's own apps

>default bad custom good
Do you also walk around on your hands? Fuckin' aspie

Agreed. Why have desktop icons when folders exist?

Attached: desktop.png (3840x1080, 3.44M)

>that's a nice wallpaper on the righ-
got me

>all these win10 normalfags
jesus this board is pathetic

Why? I can understand the last 2 but are the first two really that awful?

Attached: 155189171518.gif (480x264, 1.54M)


There's nothing wrong with VBA and VLC retard.

>not bspwm
>not even fucking bash
go unironically kys

>he doesn't know


Attached: 1416030695718.png (1728x960, 391K)

Attached: Why did this turn into a desktop thread.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

Clutter is for fags


Attached: 1543547245094.jpg (1680x1050, 316K)

If you're making DMG porn you have to keep me in the loop.

KEK I had this exact wallpaper but this is like 1/8th of the image LMAO

Didn't know this.. Uninstalled.
thanks user

Didn't clean edition

Attached: Desuktop.jpg (1360x768, 898K)

>League of Legends

Attached: stop.gif (480x358, 1.16M)


>I moved my toolbar, therefor I am special and any other person unlike me is a faggot
Autist, special snowflake and underage

at least use snes9x 1.53 or something

Yeah, I know that I have like 4 folders named like that, but actually there's just random shit inside and I'm too lazy to change it.

mega comfy now post the wallpaper

There you go my guy

hold up. Yea Forums is being autistic

lol how you take upside down screenshot?


There you go. Too autistic to compress it.

Attached: 1563828128052.png (586x578, 37K)

Mix of fiance's games and my own

Attached: desktop.png (2291x644, 2.6M)

thanks based user

Attached: 1557915624749.jpg (654x655, 21K)

post background

Move Perseus mandate into the bin

>game concept

let's hear your idea nerd

>recycling bin on desktop

Attached: Untitled.png (249x250, 74K)

sauce me up chef

oh boy a desktop thread

Attached: oh.png (1919x1079, 1.73M)

Huh, that's a kid's game
I used to play it too

154 replies and nobody answer op

Manga is both singular and plural

IIRC he can still go to the warp on Death Mountain and proceed from there.

what shit snes emulator is Visual Boy?

Why would anyone not use their native language?

t. brainlet

To learn more languages, idiot.

T. Trilingual

Always all english everything related to tech.

Share that wall user

Why does your desktop look familar to me? from another thread I seen on here before

My taskbar doesn't hide when I tell it to

Because generally translations sucks, most tech related terms come from English to begin with, and its easier to troubleshoot the international version than the translated one

>mfw a screenshot of my desktop is too big file size


>actually using your desktop
Shig The Digger.

Attached: desk.jpg (3840x1078, 842K)

>he still didn't post anything