Take a Look in the Mirror, and what do you see?

Take a Look in the Mirror, and what do you see?
Do you see it clearer, or are you decieved?

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mc hasnt meant shit since botw

in what you believe
Cause I'm only human
after all
I'm only human
after all

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don't put the blame on me
don't put the blame on me

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Bioware magic


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If this game maintained a 70, I wonder what it would take to get to a 50. Same with .


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Yes. Buy more copies of Anthem fellow gamerTM


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I never understood why people/marketers are hyping shit games on Yea Forums. I knew after the first few trailers that Anthem is going to be mediocre.
I guess I'm better at pattern recognition than most.


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oooooooh don't put your blame o-on meeeeeee

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OP is on a roll




This one makes me sad. I still play 3 and 4 from time to time. I haven't seen a company hate their own audience this much save for Disney Wars.

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so we can all agree that this is by far the worst generation

>so we can all agree that this is by far the worst generation
2 and 5 were still worse.
2 literally almost killed videogames and you would have to be a massive nostalgia smoking manchild if you actually think the early 3D era wasnt a steaming pile of ass that has aged like complete garbage. Even when it was new, the ratio of good to bad games was like 1 to 80. For every Metal Gear Solid OOT there were a million Sonic Rs and Suoerman 64s.

These games are all shit but I'm getting a lot of stuff I like as well. Most of it is from other countries though. Western games are pretty shit for the most part.

I would add gen 1 to that as well if we are just talking about consoles.
If we are talking about gaming in general then obviously gen 1 is high tier because that's when it was actually a socially cool thing to be good at vidya in public.


Gen 5 is trash. The Saturn may have ironically been the best system to own and that required some serious moonspeak to get into the better games.
N64 has only like 3 actually good games and the PSX is a mountain of forgettable JRPG shovelware trash

there is no way gen 5 was worse than this. were you even alive then?

worst purchase i ever made. decided to get it to test my new pc but this game is so aggressively unfun i havent touched it since

If you thought it ever meant shit this entire decade to begin with, then you're part of the problem

I'm a 29 year old boomer, son.
I was dazzled when I first played Glover also. But take off the nostalgia goggles and it was pretty shit. Gen 4 has aged better.


Was Agony really this fucking bad? I remember liking the look of it and hearing a few bad things but didn't know it shit the bed this hard. Hopefully Scorn ends up being a decent game, It's somewhat similar in theme with their hellish fleshy landscapes but I think Scorn overall looks better aesthetically.

Had no idea there was a 2


It's a shit hide and seek game

no sane person is going to say gen 4 is worse than gen 5 so what you're saying is moot point. Gen 4 is the peak of the Sprite era. It gives gen 6 a run for it's money. The comparison was gen 5 to gen 8.
You're right that gen 5 is very overrated and has aged like milk, but gen 8 is still pretty shit. I think it's about even and I may give the edge to 5 just because at the end of the day do you really see more than 5 games this gen becoming "classics"?

A decade of quality gamin to look back on fondly.

you cant bring in how well a generation aged. the point is to compare them by what they brought to the table at the time. gen 5 brought mainstream 3d graphics and spawned a ton of great franchises.

Knack is kino.

>you cant bring in how well a generation aged. the point is to compare them by what they brought to the table at the time
The ultimate test of any game is the test of time.
A good game is good when it came out AND today.

if we're talking innovation then sure.
if we're talking video games then no.
So I'll give you half a point.

in that case gen 4 and gen 7 are the only ones that produced games that still hold up today. and by ten years from now people will probably think gen 7 aged like shit

Crackdown 3 was already release?

There is surely some shit from 6 that is still worth going through.
Otherwise yeah you're kind of correct.

it did age like shit

>gen 4 and 7
surely that 7 is supposed to be a 6?

just watch him be one of those people that thinks halo 3 is better than 1 and 2 because he played fat kid and duck hunt at a friends house when he was 10

I completely agree with this. I grew up with the SNES and PS1. I always hated most 3D games in the PS1 and N64 days. I never understood the appeal of shit like Golden Eye for example. Everyone talked about how good it was then and even today. Played it at a friends house and hated it. I borrowed a few shooters from friends on PS1 and even a few 3D actions games and man they were so hit or miss, they were either decent and serviceable or fucking atrocious. Even when I was 7-10 years old I fucking hated those games man. They felt like shit and they will always feel like shit. I didn't play a single console FPS/TPS until the PS2 era and didn't start playing them heavily until shit like PS3 and eventually just migrating over to PC for the first time in my life never going back. I still think shooters and 3D games are overall are fine on PS2 and beyond but I simply found a superior control scheme for most of them, not that the games "aged poorly". I really wish PS1 stuck to 2D and they didn't dabble in 3D gaming until the PS2.

spot on

but I suppose that early testing phase for 3D was necessary so the good stuff could come later.

I still would have preferred the PS2 being the 3D testing phase, I feel like that rough spot would have been better overall.

It was different for me.

I actually liked shooters, like Golden Eye, Turok Doom64, Duke, but after that, I completely fell out of FPS, if you don't count Metroid Prime series. It might have had to do with the CoD craze, and it's trappings that other developers mommicked from then on was just not appealing to me.

To me, pre-6th gen games are fucking unplayable and look awful.
However, to me, 6th is the best console generation to date

The only good console shooters I've ever played are the original Halo game and the first two metroid primes.
Used to think Goldeneye was good. It's shit, even on PC.
Used to think Republic commando was good. It isn't. It's extremely dated and the squad controls are not like you remember them.
Used to think Halo 2 was a worthy successor. It isn't. Too linear and it's blatantly just unfinished.
Oh and on the subject of Halo, I'm referring to campaign. Lol at FPS mp on console.

Thoughts on Prime 3?

Is Knack 2 actually good or is it a Dunkey inflated user score?

>Thoughts on Prime 3?
way way way way waaaaay too streamlined
I appreciate them trying to mix up the formula a bit after Prime 2 felt like a super safe retread, but that game at least still felt rewarding to play enough of the time. Corruption is just so forgettable. It's not even "bad", but it's nothing worthy of recommendation imo.

gen 6 has aged worse than you kids remember
It's still better than 5, but a lot of the mechanics have been abandoned for a reason.

>gen 6 has aged worse than you kids remember
All gens age. At the end of the day most games don't stand up to the test of time.
Gen 6 has a lot of games once regarded as staples that are not just meh or worse, yes, but it still has more quality than 7 and 8 will 10 years from now.
What the fuck are people going to talk about from this gen in a decade? Don't say bloodborne or BOTW. Those alright games that only get brought up for console war shilling points.

lol, I had no idea crackdown 3 even came out.