Why does Yea Forums hate trophies so much?
Why does Yea Forums hate trophies so much?
>dude race the lap backwards
>dude stare at this man for 10 minutes lmao
Its worthless e-points for autistic people
I don't, I hate mouthbreathers that equate autistically completing checklists with skill.
I don't. I like to 100% shit before I move on the the next game.
it kills creativity of self imposed challenge runs and turns video games into menial chores.
It's pointless artifical prolongation of a game or in case with some games, trophies are just to show off that you completed everything in a game (gravity rush for instance just requires you to beat everything in a game to get a platinum)
Scores were a thing long before that, trophies are just nowadays equivalent of a score. I don't hate it really, just find it pointless for me and i don't know anyone irl who actually cares for trophies and achievements in games. I just told friends that i've beaten cuphead and they are like good for you, man.
I think trophies and achievements started to ruin games for me. I started choosing games by their trophies and focusing on them, instead of having fun. I haven't given a fuck about them in so long (especially since I moved away from the PS4 and onto PC/Switch gaming) and I'm enjoying games a lot more.
All the power to trophy hunters and people that get more value out of chasing them, but they're just not for me anymore.
I was already a completionist before trophies but they have made it worse. Most of the time I end up looking at them before starting a gamr just so that I dont miss any.
>Why does Yea Forums hate trophies so much?
you mean achievements?
There's more incentive to get them now because you can earn money from the points you receive for getting them. But the things they make you do are really pointless. I thought the feature would lead to developers putting more fun easter eggs in their games.
Depends very much on the dev.
I like the concept but the execution is poor more often than not
They killed off all the fun cheat codes.
but what if those checklists require skill to complete?
It does but to be honest, not a lot of them bother with easter eggs. It’s standard in GTA and then some games are more self referential with previous games. But so many devs are way too serious about content in their games. Ironically enough that’s until it comes to the trophies themselves and the ridiculous things they make you do.
Completing a few items on them usually do, but not the whole thing. Most of it is just shit like
>free money for earning trophies promotion is done in november
When they cut off the sign-up eligibility last year I should have known but damn.
They are bad at videogames
And there's the first one.
90% of platinum trophies are just about getting 100% in a game or beating it on the hardest difficulty. You should have a few plats just playing casually
it's never cool rewarding shit. it's always just "turn the game on" "beat the first level" "beat the second level" "beat the [you get the point] level" "beat this one enemy 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times" "ditto with this enemy" "unlock everything in-game" and "unlock the rest of the achievements."
I used to like it but then I realized how much time I was wasting on tasks that were not fun.
90% of the achievements should be from beating the game
10% should be fun little extras
100% should be offline
I like trophies. I like to 100% games before moving on to something else.
>I hate mouthbreathers that equate autistically completing checklists with skill
I see you haven't played Rabi-ribi.
>Didn't get RDR2 platinum before the RDO trophies came online
>I'll now have to pay to use my internet if I want to platinum
don't you have irl friends that pay for psnplus?
just gameshare off them.
I'm a trophy hunter actually.
They're usually used by devs to track how long people play their games, so much of the achievements are "Complete level 1, complete level 2, etc."
In addition, most of the achievements are just boring, grindy or require an insane amount of time. For example, I don't believe many people have completed all of EU4 achievements legitimately, because it just takes way too much time to actually do most of them.