Would Yea Forums improve significantly if all Smash content was contained in a separate board ala /vp/?

Would Yea Forums improve significantly if all Smash content was contained in a separate board ala /vp/?

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Probably not, but I want it anyway.

honestly i dont really know. smash threads are kinda fun just to see what people are bitching about, but its annoying to see the same doomfags and stevefags bitching about whos gonna get in, knowing that realisticaly neither of them are gonna get in

uh, no, retard. going back to being retarded they ain't payin you to post.

no obviously it's just something shitposters spout because their retarded threads get pushed off the catalog by even dumber smash autism

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The worst of Smash shit honestly comes from rosterfaggotry. Anybody who says otherwise is a subhuman rosterfag themselves. All the garbage leak threads come down to the fact Nintendo and companies in general believe more people will buy the pass by keeping everyone in the dark. In reality, they're just inciting autism.

If I get to kill it like I did the general, yes

No. How many times do we have to go through with this for you to learn that containment boards do little, if anything at all.

you're gonna have to endure rosterfaggotry until the last DLC drops. a week after that all smashthreads will be gone until smash 6

Those retards literally have a general on /vg/ already. Pokemon can have its own board because it's an entire franchise with plenty to discuss. I enjoy playing smash occasionally but goddamn are their constant roster threads terrible. I wish the dlc was over already.

Smash threads would be better off, but Yea Forums is unsalvageable.

Smash is a huge crossover game, discussion would bleed into other threads no matter what

btw smash isn't a fighting game

Considering the extreme autism from Stevefags and Reimufags, yes.

A handful of shitposters/spammers does not qualify for a new board

but it will give us a good reason to ban them

What do you consider the major problem with Yea Forums to be if you think making a smash-only board would fix it?
I mean, I wouldn't complain if it happened, but it's the e-celeb/twitter shit that needs its own board more than anything else.

Unlikely, considering the Netflix method of releasing everything at once leads to much less watercooler talk over time vs a series that has an episode each week. Just because you can’t handle waiting for info doesn’t mean it isn’t the best for Nintendo

How do you think “containment” works? They will spam Smash shit here regardless of whether or not a Smash board is implemented, just like Pokefags have done. Also there is no banning them. Your “solutions” aren’t solutions at all basically.

This. An e-celeb/internet culture board would be very much welcome.

No. You want to know why? Because the shitposters would just move onto something else to spam and be aggravating about.

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No. /vg/ and /vp/ should get deleted while bump limit is raised here.

This. Just look at fucking /pol/ and Yea Forums content on Yea Forums. There is no escape, only a decent reduction at best.

True, but it's still better than nothing.

all ultimate tards should die

Smash autists don't fucking care about the game the only time they aren't jerking off over two DLC slots daily they're just saying the same shit about the online. I doubt most of them even have a fucking switch

Reminds me of the people pushing for a /Nintendo/ board when literally all that’s gonna happen is Sony shitters will shit up that board to the point why did they even bother
>Wow 1 decent thread 55 anal vore ones

If Yea Forums actually had anything to do with video games the entire board would be deleted and told to go to /vg/

but user, Yea Forums IS Yea Forums

Anyone wanna net play Project+?

Doubt it, after the last dlc is released you’ll have to deal with cutfagging/rebootfagging/Smash 6 speculation threads. Isn’t that what happened after all of smash 4 dlc was released?

What is the goal of "moving a topic".
What exactly are expecting, or desiring of the catalog? It's almost like Yea Forums is trying to make it so that there is so little to discuss that offtopic threads become inevitable, to eliminate their bordem of discussing videogames.

/vp/ and /mlp/ work great because of moderation actively doing their job .

Smash threads will stop the instant the final character is revealed, same as 4. Only major tournaments will get threads

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/mlp/ works because the autistic fanbase agreed with it. Rather than have an endless autistic "culture war" over it, they got their board and agreed to not shit up other boards with their cancer.
Of course shitposters did it anyway, but the genuine autists kept their word.
/vp/ wasn't a negotiation or spawned out of something as big as pony invasion, it was more or less Yea Forums getting upset that the status quo was fucked by too many HG/SS threads and bitching to moot about it.

All it does is cause good pokemon threads to get nuked for no good reason while /vp/ is actually nothing but bored furfaggots.

Yea Forums splinter boards aren't solutions to problems, because the problems aren't real. It's literally Yea Forums being so fucking bored out of their god damn mind that anything repetitive that isn't funny causes them immense displeasure. Might as well make any fotm thread a new board because that's all Yea Forums does now.

>/vp/ is actually nothing but bored furfaggots
so basically every adult that still plays pokemon

>It's literally Yea Forums being so fucking bored out of their god damn mind that anything repetitive that isn't funny causes them immense displeasure.
The solution is to give PC its own board and let Yea Forums rot with its console faggotry. I'd rather have a slow board that discusses actual good video games than a board that moves at the speed of light that does nothing but literally jerk off to jrpgs and nintendo characters. There is plenty of interesting discussion to be had, the problem is that the quality of what is being discussed on Yea Forums is so low that it cannot exist alongside it without being pushed into the archive within minutes. Actual discussion cannot compete with memes and tits. This is why Smash needs to go away, but Smash is only a symptom of a bigger problem.

That or just make Yea Forums a red board with zero moderation for a month and let God sort it out.

Really, even cutfags and rebootfags will fuck off?

I don't think so user. For like 3 months after they'll be "This is your final roster. Say something nice about them" threads non-stop. And threads of why a dlc character is shit and why another literalwho should've gotten in. Or threads about newcomers for the next smash. And as always, threads about "mains" where they rant about a specific character because they got beaten in online by someone using it. This game was a fucking mistake and they should be limited to a single thread like when neogaf happened or told to fuck off to their general. Instead jannies delete actual fucking threads because they disagree with them. There's no fucking winning with smashfags.

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/VS/ - Fighting Games

smash is hardly as big as pokemon

/vp/ didn't save the board. /vg/ didn't save the board. /vr/ didn't save the board. My answer is no.

no because then the snoynigs would overflow. smashtard threads and snoy threads are a yin and yang and keep the balance of one another in check.

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This. You can't just make a Smash board since discussion about Mario or Zelda on Yea Forums will still inevitably turn into Smash.

no Yea Forums just loves it boogey men