Good night Yea Forums
Good night Yea Forums
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Do NOT turn the skeleton off. I repeat, DO -NOT- TURN THE SKELETON OFF.
Fuck off vendettafag, stop harassing me
There's no reason for this
Oh you caught it this time!
You're making the assumption that you're fucking epic for posting this, but you're actually not, you're not really proving anything either
Imagine being such a failure literally all your free time revolves around trying to antagonize someone for not liking a show that a lot of people don't like either. And even then, you still fail at it.
You try SO HARD to harass people, and you do nothing but make yourself look pathetic.
And you are desperate to pretend to you're "epic", and it just makes you even more pathetic.
You see kids, THIS is what we call "projecting"
You just REFUSE to accept the reality of how you making yourself look pathetic prevents you from from being or even looking superior to anyone.
When's the last time you didn't fall asleep and wake up being consumed with the idea you are going to try and harass people by antagonizing someone like this?
w-what happens if I turn it off
All you care about is antagonization and harassment. You refuse to actually address any of the posts that prove you wrong, because LITERALLY all you have in your life is this, so anything that goes against what you do you see as a threat to your life.
The problem is with you. And how you are consumed with trying to harass people.
I wonder if you genuinely believe you're convincing anyone that you're actually superior to your target. Because you sure as hell aren't tricking anyone.
Pretty sure you're just too invested at this point to give up. And again, this is all you have in your life, so you can't let it go.
for you
>Pretty sure you're just too invested at this point to give up. And again, this is all you have in your life, so you can't let it go.
Oh the irony
If your behaviour is what should be considered normal, then a lot more people on here would be acting the way you do. But they don't. They generally want to stay out of shit like this.
I'd like to slice your fucking face off
And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough (5 1/2 minutes), it turns into a Spike pepe.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, EZGif, etc. it can show both frames immediately.
Boo hoo, somebody posted something you don't like
Well, guess what, you mentally ill Canadian shitposter?
Life's a bitch and then you die. Either grow a pair and deal with it like the rest of us, or drink a tasty cup of bleach, faglord
The best part is how (You) actually thinks you're superior because you spend literally YEARS trying to harass and attack people.
You think that making yourself look bad makes you better. That's how deluded and desperate you are.
Why can't you just fuck off
dab on em!
night fren
>6 years ago
>people are still mad about miniature cartoon horses
And in that timeframe, you faggots still can't act like normal people to the point where people don't hate your guts. Imagine being this developmentally stunted.
Lee you're the only one bumping this thread, it'd die off if you stopped posting.
wait doesn't that image contradict what you're doing?
The guy who wrote that is saying why should anybody care if somebody watches a children's show cause they like it, to let them do their own thing
I'd hate to imagine what society would be like if you consider yourself a model of human behaviour.
My point still stands.
it doesn't
why do you bother replying if you're not going to respond to what he said
Why would a person have a lamp on both sides of their television like that
You first shill
Cause he’s trolling he posts OP all the time
>My point still stands.
Yes, your point about how you're literally the only one making himself a fool by continuing to shitpost nonstop about a dumb horse show you dislike.
I'll just pour my cup into your eyes and force your own cup into your mouth.
I think the faggot got ejected from a convention and was sulking in his hotel room.
because they're based
plz die shill
you forgot to sauce my posts, nigger
fuck off
Great thread
Execute yourself shill
(remove the first period)
We know it's you samefagging, vendettafag.
Schizophrenia is a pretty serious thing my dude
fuck off