Netherlands is erasing your favorite eroge out of existence. How fucked are you?

Netherlands is erasing your favorite eroge out of existence. How fucked are you?

Attached: day4.jpg (624x462, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread: gin!JxRmjIoD!EFYQAuv7LjUJe5RH1wL8ZAFpmGrZbasHguzc9Sgzgtc!whRWAAoB!V5Bm_qbxDeb1E5-zjM8OfguxVUSMucui3KEP4yQzLwQ!hgBQzSgK!wNPPgdXqlv6vIny70Sxj2g!ekNRhAKD!-68d8g7_GQDAlgiKGuD1OAUCyREBelphu22Cobc0oRg!VwxGSaoI!afpZvz-39wqNAulv4Of_Fg

I wish there was an option to ask if she could lay down why you lay your head on her tummy so you could hear her digest those snacks she was eating. Imagine the cute tummy noises.

Someone needs to go to war with the Netherlands so they have something better to do then fuck with us loser faggots.


next exhentai is going to be hosted in Finland.

Apparently the Netherlands pulled a retard move and now some hentai sites are being shut down

Fucking based chaderlands doing gods work.

Attached: 1563854548449.jpg (1000x750, 99K)

check BBC, Netherlands just declared war on the entire world

inb4 contrarians call suppressing freedom "based"

Pedos should face capital punishment by default.


yeah, but my non-h artbooks though

Pedos, Nazis, altrighters, Catholics (aka pedos), all should be lined up in front of a wall and shot.

>that scene when you are behind her while she is horny and doesnt wait for you to start

Freedom was a mistake anyway.

Otome function literally never EVER

Attached: 1558955217669.png (600x450, 243K)

all authoritarians and degenerates should be shot, this includes your stalinist antifa fuckbuddies

This but with Wojakposters instead.

>Mods sticky some garbage thread about some garbage eceleb's death
>Delete threads about the impending death of the best image databases we've had
Reminder, fuck jannies.

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now I understand why that faggot dev made all the girls old hags. He was scared of the Netherlands.


feels great being American, our freedom loving country straight up rejected the loli ban from the united nations while EUcucks embrace it

ATENTION Yea Forums, DOWLOAD ALL Yea Forums related stuff like artbooks from Sad Panda.
There some old and rare artbooks from vydia!
Most vydia related will be lost forever!

Attached: Rochina.jpg (266x189, 8K)

Jokes on you, I don't play eroge.


Attached: art_of_atari_001.jpg (2658x3056, 1.92M)

The Euro fears the Constitution.

jokes on the fucking dutch, I downloaded every good work on exhentai with the tags loli + deepthroat at lighting speed two hours ago.
still, fuck the fucking dutch, I hope they all drown.

Fuck it. Everybody should be shot.

How will Euros tell us we're afraid of sex now if they can't even handle a little cunny?

interested in sharing your curated collection?

Attached: 3x3.jpg (1080x1080, 396K)
Dracula XX aka the Castlevina ROndo of blood for snes guidebook

massively fucked

all the fucking Tenchi Muyo -if- stuff is getting deleted in the next couple hours

i'm glad the dutch are so eager to usher in the new puritan caliphate

Shit, I used my credits on a parasite eve artbook


>Only have enough credits for the resample archive

There is no time to waste. Download and or fap before it's gone for good.

Attached: loli chart 2.jpg (3600x3600, 3.93M)

It doesn't bother me at all because I'm not a disgusting incest loving pedophile like the average Yea Forums browser. Seriously what the fuck does this have to do with games

Attached: loli essential.jpg (800x1200, 305K)

oh son I will. once I sort everything out I'll share my collection to all. I have hand-picked and downloaded around 600 h-manga through the years. if I have something that gets lost today, I will upload it

art books nigger

Attached: 009_006.jpg (4224x6031, 2.45M)

If you wasn't such a cock loving casual you'd also know that Panda is a very good resource of vidya books be it guides, old magazines, and artbooks. I've been getting all kinds of artbooks and art related guide books from that place for fucking years.

while on the topic of artbooks, I miss when game manuals were practically mini artbooks

Attached: 1559596358033.jpg (1080x1080, 207K)
Most artbooks of Capcom form 90
Has even Star Gladiator and Warzard( Red Earth ).
Also there a shiton of n-h Doujins

>he can't read japanese
>he doesn't have an animebytes account

I think it's all bullshit, dutch law hasnt changed at all regarding this stuff and loli isnt regarded as CP unless it's like cropped images of rl girls on stuff.

ok, sure, but why upload those art books to sad panda of all places? I mean, sure it’s a big ass hosting service full of scans, but it’s meant for porn above all else. Why there?

Attached: 8A7FCE99-FEB3-4BD5-B0EE-91644DE508AF.gif (150x150, 2.19M)

good man. Where are you going to post it if I might ask?

Attached: lolicon checker.jpg (800x1024, 226K)

I can't care anymore. Let it all burn. Transience is all we have to look forward to. Death is our only option.

Because it was the best option. Where would you have uploaded them for a convenient gallery, a tagging system, and a quick speed, too?

>panda faga getting btfo

>euros can't handle a heatwave so they have to make everyone else miserable

Holy grail of happy loli

All the "free chad" sites just stole stuff from the Panda, user.

That still sounds like a plan doomed to failure from the start. It was just a matter of time before some absolute fucking retard came cracking down on the porn there, and now that it’s happening people are scrambling in panic. Optimally you’d have an alternative to sad panda with only SFW scans of forgotten media

N(igger)Hentaifags getting shot down after gloating hundreds of times today is the only good thing to come out of this

Reminder that Sad Panda also has over 5000 pages worth on non-porn content that will be lost forever when its gone

>Yuropoors can now go to jail over cartoons
Thank God I'm an American.


You're next, my friend.

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Rattle me bones

They didn't even have CGs. How fucking plebeian can you be to ignore those?

>it's okay to jack off to 2d children because they're fictional
I wonder what other kind of degeneracy you justify with such mental gymnastics

Nigger at this point someone has backed up all this shit, and if they havent after you guys made the biggest ducking deal about it in the last few hours it will be backed up in the 6 months it has left. People making a big deal about all the Non H garbage that barely anyone gave a fuck about before now are fucking cunts. You have 6 fucking months. All the lolicon/incest stuff has less than 6 hours.

Killing people in videogames

Wrong country.


Attached: art_of_atari_123.jpg (2672x3056, 2.02M)

Go fuck yourself. Billy Herrington was a treasure and deserved a sticky.

Attached: fucker.jpg (1920x1080, 77K)

anything you guys want me to download? I've downloaded all the shit I need already

Attached: 2spookspourmoi.png (500x424, 26K)

see thing

Kidnapping my neighbors in the sims
Totally normal right?

>6 months
more like less than an hour

Attached: art_of_atari_126.jpg (2672x3056, 2.89M)

t. burger

We should invent guns that fires both ways so that we can just get this done with.

He's talking about nigger Etika

Who gives a shit about loli stuff. It wasnt even in my top 10 most searched tags

pretty sure he's talking about the short-lived sticky Yea Forums had for some nintenegro who jumped off a bridge

anything in nipple_expansion not including futa or dick nipples. It’s such a damn forgotten tag and it’ll be LOST

>people are still uploading new stuff every minute
is it raining?

Degenerates should al die along with their petty site.

Good riddance.

>pretending to be retarded

He is talking about the nintendofag user...

Have video games made you a deranged murderer?

Its not mental gymnastics also reminder that it's okay to jack off to pictures with real children in them because they're also just pixels

They don't know.
Only we know.

Attached: art_of_atari_184.jpg (2672x3056, 1.73M)

Does anyone have a link? Couldn't find it on the website.

Attached: 1129823923_preview_Fnaf_1_teaser_freddy (2).png (417x467, 228K)

>killing people in vidya
>skinning animals in Assassins Creed and RDR
>drunk driving, drug smuggling and prostitutes in GTA
>child violence in Bully
>beastiality in THPS
That's not even including other mediums like movies.

Why do you hate fun? I thought you were cool


im gonna go outside and get me a cunny now
you fags asked for this

I already got all of my favorite stuff though.

I do, but I won't spoonfeed. Lurk more.

I meant more along the lines of vidya magazines or artbooks but I feel shitty saying that

>a tripfag

Attached: art_of_atari_075.jpg (2659x3056, 2.04M)


Porn is not fun.

Any books tagged with loli or shota. They're gonna end up being collateral damage.

that’s ok user, it’s an understandable position to take.

Doom turned me into a school shooter

Sadpanda should just move servers to Austria, but looks like they are fucking retarded.

Just migrate to nhentai.

Attached: art_of_atari_215.jpg (2672x3056, 1.74M)

this was on ex? seriously?
>tfw cant even check because error 503

>haha I'm gonna go into threads for something I don't care about and shitpost endlessly despite the fact that Yea Forums has been about anime/manga, including hentai, since day one, and that site being older than I am and holding more value than I will ever amount to in my life while RP'ing as le based chad
>Do I fit in yet? Do I?
Epic, simply epic

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>just migrate to the website that just scrapes from exhentai
great idea, einstein

Attached: art_of_atari_158.jpg (2672x3056, 2.58M)

i have no more time to spare, i also would like to download your collection later user

nhentai gets all their content by stealing from sad panda.


Attached: art_of_atari_168.jpg (2672x3056, 2.24M)

The tag system is shit

No, but maybe it made violence more normal to me, desensitized me to it, lead me to believe it was "cool" or "badass". Everything is a slippery slope, but while everyone has a bit of violence in them, only degenerates get sexually aroused by kids

Why can't they leave us at least out dreams and drawings? I hate politicians so damn much

Attached: art_of_atari_206.jpg (3596x2048, 3.6M)

>exhentaifags can't even save entire site because of the autistic rules

Attached: 1564121988690.png (618x732, 817K)

You don’t happen to own a house made out of candy?

Nah we should just launch all the nukes in the world. Fire one at Yellowstone for extra damage

It's nothing personal, goy. Just business.

shooting someone in a video game is different from shooting someone in real life because they're completely different fucking things
same with that other shit, it's not the same

people have been saying "under 6 hours" for the last 8 hours


Nice try protestcuck.

>of the autistic rules

Attached: art_of_atari_204.jpg (2672x3056, 2.83M)

yeah but this time it's for real!

wow good job you figured it out genius

First day on Yea Forums, huh?
It's called an image dump, fuckwad.

Attached: art_of_atari_125.jpg (2672x3056, 2.99M)

download limit and reddit karma shit

Ask me how I know that you're an election tourist.

I commend your non-discriminatory attitude, user. Very inclusive

>divert all attention toward drawn porn so you could continue diddling kids behind the curtains

Whats the bottom middle? The hair is cool.

As a /k/ommando, I approve of this plan

Attached: art_of_atari_161.jpg (2672x3056, 1.92M)

Have you save any artbooks with lolis or shotas? They don't deserve to die because of the hentai.

Violent video games and drawings of child porn should be mandatory courses in middle and high school to teach our youth the healthy difference between fiction and reality

>art of atari
>super sentai monsters
>inspector gadget

You guys might want to check this out. I might update it at the end of the year since it's as relevant as ever.

Skinny glutton Pac-man is the creepiest shit. Also, how the hell did he make that bite mark? Dude's got stereotypical Chinese buck teeth like in extreme propaganda.

Literally who

>tfw 1/4 Dutch
I'm so ashamed

i certainly will not check bbc, disgusting!

Reminder to all moralfags that your shitty arguments about banning drawings would also be grounds for banning violence in other media


1. EOPs are subhuman.
2. I have around ~2TB of my favorite eroge securely archived on an encrypted harddrive, along with the relevant artbooks etc. Turns out it was a good idea to do this.
3. The real loss from Ex are the rare old artbook, full magazine scans, doujins from old Comikets etc.

I like the surrealist art of old games

Attached: 102317-frogger-pc-booter-front-cover.jpg (800x1086, 236K)

I will firebomb the servers just to make you pedo weebs cry

why does the guy who shills his anime loli maid OC constantly have a problem with hentai? what's the disconnect here

There's a couple of decent ones, but none of them are on Yea Forums

Only the etrian odyssey ones. Ran out of credits downloading other artbooks

Attached: capcom003.jpg (2000x2560, 574K)

Wtf does eroge have to do with exhentai? That's all on nyaa.

here's another frog

Attached: art_of_atari_153.jpg (2672x3056, 2.1M)

kill em all 1986

The past few years have really sent this site down the shitter

OP is a tard that meant HCG galleries. I'm saying I don't need those cause I have the actual games.

Why this site hasn't implemented a kana captcha yet is beyond me.

This is the best Atelier game.

Attached: atelier.png (649x515, 818K)

Please tell me people are saving all the milf incest doujins.

I don't even know why it was a ex only thing considering half of mainstream porn vid sites are sister/aunt/mom/granny fucking now

>cumbrains on suicide watch
Porn and hentai are nwo plots to stop you having sex.

>open google translate
>draw the kanji in the little pen box
wow so hard

Can't believe how cucked Europe is. Are they shooting down only loli stuff or all hentai?

Attached: e46.png (540x397, 238K)

I think it's all an overreaction, theres literally no law thats been passed within years that involves lolishit. The dude probably just got mass flagged like a bunch of other loli sites have been getting hit

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I spent the better part of the day grabbing all the shit tagged with loli under my favorite fetishes even if it's stuff I don't like personally, it's in the seedbox now, rip EH

Luckily redditors and resetgenders don't even have the brain capacity to do that

Nothing deserves to die, not even the degenerate pedoshit
I've shat on you pedofags and shiteating retards for years but I never asked for this

When are they gonna make a new Darkstalkers, anyway?

All, because its subjective what is obscene.

nice try pedoweeb, burn in hell.

Straight shota is underage boys. I have saved a lot of agata who was my fav so I am good. People will save really popular artists like jingrock

it's capcom
so fucking never

Attached: capcom118.jpg (2000x2677, 836K)

Everything is going down. It's unironically the end of an era


Only ehentai.

Attached: capcom055.jpg (2000x2632, 719K)

European apathy for government overreach is honestly disgusting.


Okay so let me get this straight... Europe is banning all anime/manga?

Attached: 95456148.png (726x590, 49K)

Well then, fuck you.

Not now.
Soon though probably.

End of an era.

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nah, the only "plot" stopping that is us all being fat, short, and ugly

Only one country for now, not surprising, the dutch were always a cucked country.

You first, tripfaggot.

>Yea Forums rejoice sadnpanda death for epic contrarian points'
>or unironically facebook/discord points
Pull the plug. Kill Yea Forums already

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Likely, i think manga and anime sites will be made not available anymore, i have all of Slayers at least.

Crazy to think that this was going to be a racing game at first. Even the comment in the lower-right there talks about how the original concept for the game got scrapped.

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I say this with total honesty that if I could have selected between Panda and Yea Forums, I would vote Yea Forums to be deleted every single time.

>because of the autistic rules
What's it like having a room temperature IQ?

That is pretty crazy.

Attached: Parsite_Eve_Newtype_100_Colletion_021.jpg (2660x3456, 3.9M)

It's just newfags and discord/reddit actual boogeymen.

No question, I'd just get my image board fix from one of the 12 or 13 other English image boards on the net.

>lived long enough to see moot leave Yea Forums
>lived long enough to see nyaa go down
>lived long enough to see sadpanda go down

Attached: 1385542329013.jpg (120x125, 3K)

>Rarely fap
>Never used sadpanda
>Thought it was just porn
>Just kinda ping pong around different sites that are easier to access
>Find out about how it's actually super high quality stuff with convenient stuff and a big ass catalog
>Cool non-porn stuff like Magazines, artbooks and scans of comics and doujins
>Watching a huge chunk of the site as a whole band together to preserve it
>Won't get to see the good shit, just see the sunset

Attached: 1519500191starscreamandcybertronjpg.jpg (333x271, 24K)

i just dont care anymore

Attached: 1520411101499.gif (245x184, 1.32M)

You should be on the not underage boards like /m/ where everyone is freaking out and working together.

Unfortunately we're only focusing on priceless /m/ artbooks so we're counting on everyone else to focus on the fap stuff or Yea Forums artbooks that aren't /m/

Aren't most, if not all, listings on sadpanda available in torrent form? Do they offer an archive of all the magnet links for each listing to spread around before they get fucked?

>mommy he said mean things!
>Yea Forums is dead
go save your porn collec-
>*download limit reached*

you're going good work son, godspeed.

bookmarking the page

And it only gets worse as you get older. This is why I started to hoard shit years ago, writing was on the wall and it's happening just like I thought. Don't hesitate and download everything you're interested in.

Attached: IMG_142.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

The chinks are pitching in too, maybe some nips as well. Through dick, unity.

>he doesn't know

I hope you live enough to see hiro fucking die

Can't he move the server to asia or smth?

Actually, it's a lot less than you think. People are burning through "credits" trying to save everything.

This site is one big target for copyright strike in asia. And
>not censored

judging from how he's deleting all this shit with virtually no warning there's got to be something going on

>*download limit reached*



Attached: angry anime girl.jpg (573x349, 43K)

>Aren't most, if not all, listings on sadpanda available in torrent form?
Pretty much the opposite

The chips are down, but always remember anons...

Attached: 1269085856469.jpg (365x375, 41K)

Can't find shit on this.
And I live in the Netherlands
I'm beginning to suspect this is all a hoax.

Well yeah. I Godzilla threads are pretty chill. But it's /m/.
I think /ic/ will save all artbooks. So they're safe

I'm not him but I would sure as fuck like to know the way to bypass this stupid image limit because I never did anything to get more credits and now I need like 5k more than what I have to continue.

Huh, didn't realize that was the case. Such a damn shame to see it go down, fucking end of an era

>Go to America, (((Fakku)))'d
>Go to Asia, copyrighted
He should've hosted the servers in sudamerica or some other place that gives no fucks.

someone get
it's a huge megaman zero artbook

i currently have downloaded
two MGS artbooks
Sky gunner artbook
saga frontier
and pen drawings from the guy who did serial experiments lain

I mainly just go through doujins and manga but I'd estimate it's about 60% torrented or something like that. I assume the figures are lower for CG etc.

New stuff is usually torrented but old stuff isn't.

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Brazil is our last resort

Patrician policy

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I'd like to request the aid of anyone with access to ex still in the final hour.
Would anyone please check if they have the artbooks for Ever Oasis, Persona Q2, Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker, any 7th Dragon ones, and if the Ecco the Dolphin comic was ever uploaded?
Asked about the alliance alive earlier and apparently it wasn't scanned.

Attached: dragonsprev.jpg (700x400, 89K)

Are they banning SFW anime too? Holy shit fuck Europe.

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>being upset over a pornsite


Just use a VPN or go onto any of the threads on any of the boards that aren't as shitty as Yea Forums (any board) and someone will give you credits if you ask.

guess why he only says 12 hours

>caring about eroge

Attached: PANIC.png (1600x900, 1.67M)


No you won't. You can't even leave your chair without the assistance of a crane, actual compensating pedo tranny.

theres nothing, us dutchfags have dug around and it's not about any laws. It's all pointing to retards mass flagging the host

Mariel is a huge SJW, that's all you need o know.

Attached: mariel the sjw.png (1405x155, 11K)

It's not account based? Son of a bitch, all I had to do was put on my VPN. I've been sitting here for 2 hours doing nothing.

Attached: 1552329445891.jpg (649x416, 51K) the site even going down then

There haven't been any new laws, somebody kept reporting the ISP with an existing law.

I think is from Lee's Animal Ears Hot Springs

It's alright.

probably, ATF(loli forum) host in netherlands also got mass falseflagged and Im not sure if ATF closed the site themselves or the host did

Attached: Half_Life_2_Raising_The_Bar_Official_Guide_and_Artbook_00017(1).jpg (1239x1667, 1.14M)

Anime characters = underage
Underage = lolis
School = lolis
School uniform = lolis
This is how those retarded laws works. They exist but not being enforced. But remember they can enforce them if they want.

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Why are there that many dedicated loli artists in Japan?

>first ATF
>now sadpanda
Nigel Powers was right all along.

So it's all a hoax, then?
Remember when Yea Forums was the source of ebin hoaxes?

im sorry mutt but outside of the third world country called US of Muttistan people actually hold a basic level of health and are able to move without mobility scooters.

Because it's their thing. And it's not illegal

Seems like he maybe got a final ultimatum to remove all the offending content by tomorrow or get shut down. I can't see why else he wouldn't give people proper warning otherwise. Even if it was just a week people could have been able to archive it all.

Attached: 1523124238598.jpg (1222x2845, 2.39M)

Supply and demand obviously. That's not even a remotely complete list either.

I guess we'll know in a couple hours but I don't think its a hoax. I think he's just fed up and doesn't want to have to move the servers again.

I can’t believe Roshi is underage!

Site is experiencing 503s, if that counts towards anything.

>only 10GB saved before this
I'm so ashamed not being able to contribute more

probably not a hoax, but people think it's due to some laws when it's just some losers that have been mass falseflagging a lot of loli stuff.

that just means it has too much site traffic

Loli isn't even illegal here

Why are you blaming whole europe and not just dutch?

>some losers that have been mass falseflagging a lot of loli stuff.

I'm just downloading the Etrian Odyssey artbooks. I really can't do anything else, I just hope the server will move to a different country because shutting down sadpanda is just plain criminal.

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Hey, speak for yourself fag, I ain't no manlet

Contribute to... what? we're not talking about the preservation of historic art pieces. You're just a degenerate who has a private folder of 10 GB of 2d kiddie porn, don't think too high of yourself.

3D has been upping the ante in their one-sided war against 2D. What can we do to prevent further causalities on our beloved anime girls?

>check for artificial academy 2 stuff on a whim
>there's actually cards on ex-hentai

I know, but when you falseflag something you generally lie and say they have real cp and shit. Now have 100s of emails and hosts usually cave fast.

you, however, are an outlier
i bet you didn't even do military service lol

My favorite eroge is Sengoku Rance and they can't take it away from me, I have a DRM free download on a USB stick niggers. Plus, no loli hentai.

Why are blaming whole Europe and not just Dutch? Because in here Finland they are not banning loli stuff.

Attached: 1318639745001.jpg (445x299, 39K)

>How fucked are you?
they will keep the darkskin tag though

Attached: 1402347912807.jpg (3666x2144, 1.82M)

Shit maybe I'll pour one out for the panda and replay this video game tonight


These 3 I didn't have time to save and I keep getting fucking 'archive is busy' messages. If someone can provide a mega for those I can finally go to sleep.

Nit falling for insepid bullshit like this is a good start.


Here's some food for thought. On top of artistic freedoms, one of the reasons the US supreme court took such a distinction was to avoid an easy way to basically attack doctors and med students by claiming they'd be pedophiles for owning medical books containing anatomical illustrations.

So if you really wanted to watch the Netherlands fuck itself over, you could always exploit such a loophole by reporting doctors and med students.

>mu-soft haven't released anything in more than a decade anyway
i hate nu-weebs so fucking much, i'm glad we're going back to the underground

But it is only one country though. Don't put Finland in the same place as Dutch.


These should be available on e-hentai, right? If so, you have 6 months.

Ask the /h/ thread, some guy was trying to save them there as well

tj -3124

The same reason Europeans blame all Americans for California. It's shitposting.

historic art pieces are in fact not as important or remotely as hard to come by as 10GB of loli porn
neck yourself reddit

I was that guy.
There was just too much user. I couldn't save everything in time...

It's worldwide event. Censorship everywhere. Internet control etc.

I'm sorry user. All I could get was the capcom one and the parasite eve one.

>exh keeps banning you
>mirrors fucking save the "YOUR IP HAS BEEN BANNED FOR 59 MINUTES" page

Attached: 1527500181596.jpg (700x744, 72K)

It will probably end up only being the most rabid supporters of the UN.

Waking up tomorrow to the news of rampant real world sexual assaults because an escapist outlet got shut down. They got what's coming for them.

Remember... that we once fapped.

Attached: Remember.jpg (1920x1080, 329K)

Lost Life is a good, if short, spiritual successor.

I tried to tell about what the new articles (already approved) can do the internet

>excucks will defend this

I can't save gin
I hope it is safe

>hdoujindownloader keeps spitting me out with 509 errors despite using VPN to reset my image limit

It stickied in proper board, which is /h/.
Is this the first time something ever stickied there?

This but unironically

Literally what the Euros are

Attached: 1564117274553.png (896x1024, 604K)

>be burgerlander
>"uhh, wheres netherlands?"
>google it

Oh fuck. better download Unteralterbach

Attached: 1562446762254.png (834x1080, 61K)

>king of the netherworld
>literally got cucked by a place called netherlands

>Exhentai died before boogie

I hope the rest of the world follows Netherland's example.

I am so out of the loop, what's happening?

Sad panda still loads for me.

Attached: kpRSfZs.jpg (850x901, 188K)

so why are they closing if there's nothing illegal
they can't just close a website with no evidence

It's short because it's being worked on slowly, dev already said he plans to add three new scenes by next year.

not for long


Attached: downhill.jpg (399x464, 52K)

>everyone's panicking, rushing to download everything
>traffic so high it's causing 503 errors
>this makes idiots think the site is going down
hearty kek

fuck pedos

>you lived long enough to witness the death of sadpanda
I didn't think it would be this soon....

All The Fallen went down earlier this year

>won't see their posts
>still replied to it

Attached: image2.png (606x718, 953K)

You did exactly as much as you could, no need to apologize for that.

LAH is still up at least

All of those preservatives are what keep him going.

That cover is far too accurate.

Attached: minecraft megaman cover.jpg (1000x1092, 998K)

>fuck pedos
That’s pretty gay user

And thank god for that, it's the last place left to get the only mods that make Skyrim playable (loli mods)

I'm currently saving
I'll check those out in a little bit

What's LAH?
Not snitch, trust me.

looks like I can only download
for you user I'm sorry. Would you like me to put the two i have into a megaupload? One of them isn't in your links. It's the castlevania one I have in my other post

Sure, pedo.

Bless you user. Bless you.

I just want everyone to know I'm having a hearty laugh at Yea Forums's expense.

1 hour remains

Attached: 1546118565727.png (400x400, 152K)

>into that shit
>ended up modding skyrim to play as a titty monster instead
It just works better with my mutilation mods

You dont need to be hosting illegal stuff for hosts to drop you, they can cancel you over anything. It happens all the time

I currently have both and the 1997 art collection called something along the lines of 'Dracula - X Artwork'. But I would love if you included

Can you not access the others or do you just not have enough credits?

News sources for this?

I can also download actually (which I am in the process of). The last one just has a huge filesize and it's telling me that it's a bad idea to download it. I'l try anyway

How are you downloading these?

wtf... isn't that the guy who organized the christchurch shooting..? why do u have that image saved... creep...

Attached: file.png (1600x2050, 623K)

there's a tampermonkey script that let's me download shit but I just ran out of allowances so I'm getting a vpn to see if I can download the rest. Gimme a sec. If the thread 404's I'll just spam threads with the mega link looking for you

>next year
By then it will be too late

some e-hentai admin said it was legislative changes
why would they be lying

Why would it be too late? The dev isn't in the netherlands

I appreciate that immensely. If possible the link is top priority for me as there's a lot of redundant work in the other stuff but very little CV1 artwork.

That might be looking a gift horse in the mouth though, so you do you and I'll be very grateful for whatever you do manage to save.

oh I guess it's tied to account and not IP? I'll just have to wait. I have stuck at like page 58 and I'm out of pages

>so I'm getting a vpn to see if I can download the rest
Nah, pageviews which those scripts use should be tied to your user account unfortunately

>7th Dragon

Attached: 7thdragonsadcrown.jpg (712x750, 86K)

I'm literally falling asleep on my feet so I don't think I'll be able to wait for you. If you could provide a Mega with what you currently have and then update/add to it when you download the rest, I'll keep the tab open and then [hopefully] grab everything when I wake up?

They aren't
t. just downloaded 10 gigs of non-torrent galleries using PIA

>literally every day politicians rape kids
>lol no you can't look at drawings

I'm glad the climate is fucked, at least then these parasites will finally die

Attached: xFAX8.gif (167x200, 1.54M)

The EO artbooks are all up on megas in the /vg/ general's pastebin, except for the Museum one so snag that one for sure

because there hasnt been a single dutch law passed regarding loli for years or any incoming

Sure gimme a sec

Oh fuck what am I doing then!JxRmjIoD!EFYQAuv7LjUJe5RH1wL8ZAFpmGrZbasHguzc9Sgzgtc!whRWAAoB!V5Bm_qbxDeb1E5-zjM8OfguxVUSMucui3KEP4yQzLwQ

what the fuck, wait, what's happening?

>implying the climate is actually fucked and its not another bureaucrats scheme to extract more taxes
this world is completely fucked and the only winning move is not to play

Attached: 1552301502423.jpg (250x247, 4K)

>e-hentai 503 error
>sad panda even though I was in just yesterday wont load any galleries

nhentai wont load any galleries

At least it all goes out with a server overload bang

Attached: B8FWjktIgAAFgOu.png (500x377, 242K)

fuck what am I doing I'm sorry HERE is the folder!hgBQzSgK!wNPPgdXqlv6vIny70Sxj2g

Sad panda is being deleted.

Thank you very much. I'm off for the night, I'll scrounge together a Mega or something of the stuff I managed to save tomorrow. I'm sure there will be a bunch of share threads if this isn't a prank.

Who here /downloading all their favorites/?

Qbittorent has like 4 times pic related queued up

Attached: porn.png (1246x717, 116K)

I already grabbed everything on my favorites. I feel bad for the lads who aren't gonna find out about this until later.

I've got over 10k so I only bothered with stuff that hasn't been/won't get mirrored like CG sets.

does it affect other sites too?

Attached: no brightness.png (574x633, 30K)

>Won't get to see the good shit, just see the sunset
this actually, i didnt know they were that big, if only i knew i would have give a shit back then

I don't need to backup anything cuz I know you cucks will do it for me.

Attached: IMG_20190121_151220.jpg (1417x2000, 459K)

It's happening, user, look at how every year we break new temperature records. Certain parts of the world are nearing temperatures that are lethal in 6 hours. The people running away from the equator will destabilize the shit out of everything, and that's only the beginning.

Attached: everything_is_fine.jpg (675x465, 73K)

No, but it will have a ripple effect.

Temperature records are breaking every single day, what else is new?

There's hundreds of terabytes user. We may not get it all on such short notice.

how much time is left before its gone

You guys are freaks. Sitting there, in the silence of your house, fapping in secret to the depraved fictional stuff on the internet. Why can't you be normal like the rest of us in the society, and openly molest and rape real children instead?

That kind of goes both ways, we had record breaking cold temperatures in the midwest literally yesterday.

He's talking about ha ha funny black man reaction man

France just hit the highest temperature record since they started having records...back in 1500. Similar records are breaking everywhere. Maybe if people were freaking out about it we'd actually have a chance, but it's far too late now.

What existing law?

I did the same thing. I liked playing as a loli but the belly node scaling looks weird on a loli character when you're pregnant/bloated with cum so I rerolled as a shortstack with child bearing hips and massive tits instead.

Most of the stuff exclusive to ex, some ~70GB of shit, I'll probably either wait for someone to write a program or figure out a way to mass download everything else off of e- since it'll stick around for a few months longer

Attached: Untitled.png (881x782, 105K)

>thinks because a global need creates an industry to meet it, it’s a global conspiracy and that all scientists are blatantly lying

How’s schizophrenia treating you

Indefinite, it's all false.

If you use any site for doujins, excluding Fakku, youre fucked, because odds are they just scrape off of SadPanda


Attached: really fucking sad remi.png (502x373, 196K)

Yes user congrats on learning how climate change works literally decades after it's been explained to you ten trillion times


Based and pillitician

Bill Cosby?

I just saved the stuff I absolutely want and cant find anywhere else

I've been using that site daily for years, I dont know what I'm going to do without it

don't let the jews to fear monger you.
temperatures fluctuated through all human history,solar minimums and maximums.
yes we definitely fuck with the earth but global war eh sorry climate change is a hoax.

let me guess you never researched any "conspiracy theory" because its for looneis and the host of your favorite talkshow laughed at them.
bluepilled normie trash like you is the biggest reason our world looks like shit.

FINALLY! I'm finished downloading all the lolidoujins in my backlog and archived everything else that's not on e-hentai.

Attached: More porn than I know what to do with.jpg (3520x959, 1.01M)

Hope I've done this right, here's the 3 art books you wanted:!ekNRhAKD!-68d8g7_GQDAlgiKGuD1OAUCyREBelphu22Cobc0oRg

Can someone save Front Mission?

I kinda want to back up everything, but I'm scared this is a scheme to get us to actually download sadpandas

Watch the kike puppet backtrack
>i-it's not global warming... it's climate change!

They will always find a way to make you think the world's ending.

>he thinks breaking a record in 500 years is something to be worried about.

For how old the planet is, this amount of time is wholly insignificant. The record could have been way higher 10k years earlier. or 100k years, or a million years earlier. We're looking at a tiny fraction of a percent of the timeline.

Global warming is a meme created to fund competition for the oil/gas industry and milk taxpayer dollars for it too(literally none of the green energy shit could survive without subsidies).

Attached: 1561004068804.png (751x1024, 560K)

I need 10k to reset my page counter pls
PoopButtington or am I supposed to put my actual login name I don't know how this works

no, Bill Cosby was ha ha funny rapist man.



Attached: 1525923304024m.jpg (1024x681, 42K)

I won't argue, there's no point in you believing in climate change or not, because it's way past the point where we as simple people can do anything about it. The best way to go forwards now is in ignorance.

Attached: 1351672626258.jpg (440x485, 20K)

No you fucking idiot, the way forward is channeling inner hippies and getting mad about climate protests
We need everyone to protest out the fucking ass

and this is all due to Netherlands legislation changing?
or is it EU wide?

desu i was never quite sure if 2D loli is legal here

You won't be able to mobilize enough people. Everyone is being kept distracted from the real issues through infighting. You can see it happening even in this thread.

Yes, because every other site just rips their content from sad panda. This is the end of free good illustrated porn on the Internet.

I think it's one of those laws that's purposefully ambiguous so they can do whatever they want with it

Fuck it man, I'm just gonna get a new fetish, being a lolicon is way to hard nowadays.

Attached: tfw.png (636x726, 145K)

Its not a netherlands law change, there hasnt been one recently
The owner literally has not said anything and just logged off, the only reason we even know about it is because a staff member posted on /h/
The best guess is someone sent enough complaints about muh cp to the Dutch government for them to send them a removal letter

Rent free

goodnight sweet prince

Attached: kokomade.jpg (1920x1080, 161K)



Now we need this to tackle the SJWs in the West

It's gone


Attached: WAIT.png (1202x438, 513K)

Its gone

Attached: 1563560293695.jpg (512x512, 15K)

>tfw got all of my favorites

Attached: 1557369195053.jpg (720x686, 50K)


even if climate change is real and man-made, closing nuclear power plants, making 1st worlders buy smaller cars or other austerity measures for developed nations won't cut it
climate change is a blackpill because if it's real, the only way to do something about it is by culling Earth's human population, most specifically the developing world because they have the biggest current (and even bigger projected) impact


this, but unironically

>it's really gone

Attached: exhentai 0.jpg (534x934, 217K)

This, China has 4x the population of U.S and gives ZERO fucks about pollution

The only answer is to genocide the insects, but that won't happen so.

Yeah, blackpill it is.

Attached: 1563425299421.png (231x98, 10K)

>at work and couldn't even access my favorites to save their names
well fuck my ass

The world just got a little bit worse

It doesn't hurt yet
But i feel empty

Attached: 1550625544818.png (707x1000, 496K)

A little?

>muh can't split 50tb in multiple torrents
What a fucking faggot.

You mean Liberals like yourself, bitch?

Your favorites are still up.

But the galleries are gone.

Out of respect for the site I will now make it my mission to make sure I pirate more and if I do buy something, the people who made it won't see the money.

welp it's fucking gone now. Luckily you can still access the artbooks

This is the end
Big guy

It's time

Attached: 1000.jpg (1000x563, 46K)

The poo in looers are even worse

>tfw all I saved were old vidya artbooks like all the Rockman and Street Fighter and /ss/
I tried, anons. This incident made me learn to hoard fucking everything. I should've bought TBs of harddrives and SSDs but I'm a fucking retard for not saving anything.

Attached: 1564128955288.png (997x781, 426K)


Oh shit for real? I guess only sadpanda went down? Maybe I should have went for /ss/ doujins then

>Billy Herrington is dead
>Chris-Chan is dying
>Anime is dying
>internet anonymity is dying
>Flash is dying
>sadpanda is dying
>Yea Forums is dying
fuck, I'm actually tearing up. This feels like the death of the internet. Exhentai is one of the few holdouts from that old pre-2010 wild west era of the internet and now it's gone.

>managed to save my favorite lolis and a couple of entire sets of loli anthologies

here's hoping they get another server up soon

Attached: 1564113624165.jpg (432x432, 63K)

RIP sadpanda.
>and /ss/
Did you manage to get the Ponpharse stuff?

Yes, the real culprits are huge industries that won't change any time soon.

That's why this is such a terrible situation to be in. You can't reduce your emissions drastically because your neighbour won't give a shit and just gain an economical advantage over you. We're racing eachother straight off a blown out bridge.

I think the population cull will happen anyway. If the price of food doubles, a lot of people will starve. But the price of food will jump way farther than double. The problem then is somehow surviving the aftershocks rippling through society. A shitton of starving people in the cities does not bode well for anyone not filthy rich in a bunker.

Invasion of the Netherlands fucking when?

I've been telling you assholes for years to do that. It's your own fault for not heeding the warning. DO NOT make that mistake again because this WILL keep happening until nothing is left.


>all the people waking up tomorrow wondering where the sad panda went

Attached: better days.jpg (720x695, 61K)

shit how will I know now which stuff to import from mandarake? their previews are like 3 random ass pages

Attached: 1564030614394.jpg (267x406, 39K)

Attached: 1560027699237.jpg (600x601, 26K)


Attached: 212342353462356.gif (305x320, 980K)

>Flash is dying

Attached: 1495966931557.gif (200x179, 2.45M)

>e-hentai will continue until 2020
>ex is dead, degenerates btfo

>Chris-Chan is dying

> ̶s̶a̶d̶p̶a̶n̶d̶a̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶d̶y̶i̶n̶g̶

violence IS normal, don't let the peace of modern life fool you. for 99.9% of human existence it was an every day occurrence.

>Scanlator only used sadpanda as their main site
>people too lazy to hoard anymore
>new scanlators now gone because they never create their own site
>new scanlations are gone because they never been uploaded to other site
>scrapes used shitty resize version that fit for 720p monitor.

Attached: 1201731411124.jpg (480x305, 26K)

yeah buddy I managed to get all the castlevania artbooks! Just switch the es to a e- and hopefully it'll redirect you to the mirror on eh

mega link incoming I know you aren't the one that wanted the artbooks but I figured I'd post about it anyway

I also have several virtual-on artbooks as well as MGS, Last Story, Queens blade, sky gunner, and saga frontier if anyone wants them

This. The Dutch were the original freedom fighters of the West, no way this kind of shit would happen here.
Neuk de Spanjolen en neuk de Engelsen

why not firebomb something actually shitty, like google or facebook or fakku

Sad that panda had to die. Hopefully next big hentai doujin hosting site will utilize some advanced decentralization technology to prevent the same thing from happening.


No, I got Tanishi, Agata and Jitsuma and my shit internet speed didn't help to download everything else.

>implying people from the nertherlands are white

Chris Chan is literally going off the deep end and believes that CWCville is a real alternate universe that's merging with ours. He'll be either dead or institutionalized soon

Cry some moar, amerifat

Attached: 1553420076796.png (434x245, 177K)

fuck that shit then
i don't care for CP but stuff like this seriously pisses me off
the whole point of law is to set clear boundaries so people can always know the consequences of their actions
if it doesn't work like that, it's just a tool for harassing

sex is more normal than violence

>yeah buddy I managed to get all the castlevania artbooks!
You are a man among men.
I did want them, but if they are safe then we still have time. I need to save the dengeki playstation magazines, some interesting tidbits would be lost if anything happened to it

Attached: 1490720529941.jpg (1920x1080, 259K)

Reminder that posts like are puppet shills being paid to spread psuedoscientific misinformation so that you never want to question corporate/government actions against your best interests. Dont be a mindless drone. You can still do some good in this world before it all goes to hell

Both the ATF admin and Tenboro said they got shut down by recent legislative changes in the Netherlands. ATF has gone completely dark, but here's Tenboro's post.


If there is a retarded credits system, why not just remove it now if the site's going down anyway? Or just give everyone a billion credits.

thanks Yea Forums, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have had enough time to make a backup

Attached: y5h0yuxwjn431.jpg (680x698, 37K)

Why should I bother when chinks and poos are going to keep on polluting just as much as they are now?

Don't worry user, Nibiru will kill us all before global warming does.

Anyone have an archive of Uno Makoto's Fantia gallery from exhen?

>a fucking meme
>treasure and deserved a sticky

Fucking neck yourself

>I only backed up 2 galleries
fuck, I wasn't ready

well shit son everyone can have them!hgBQzSgK!wNPPgdXqlv6vIny70Sxj2g

feel free to peruse the other shit:!VwxGSaoI!afpZvz-39wqNAulv4Of_Fg

Because they have a backup plan and are hiding their ace. For now they will just play along law until everything will be ready to resurrect from ashes.


>tfw was in the middle of saving a doujin that had no torrent when it died

I kept refreshing the page wondering why no one was giving me credits until I decided to fuck around in the hentaiverse game and now I feel like a fool I still got to download everything though

>normie doesn't know about the gachi meme

Attached: PepeLaugh.jpg (800x450, 40K)

I wish the end would be that fast

No, this end I'll see coming from a long way away, and after some time I'll probably have to painfully decide every day if I want to exit bag or not.

Attached: 1350062359251.gif (752x752, 58K)

I should do something like this. I have 100GB of exclusively loli manga/doujins in zip files. I used to have 1.5TB worth, but my ex microwaved the drives when I broke up with her last year.


they are both normal.

Next time you find a cunnyposter remember that is because of people like him that the whole site is down.

de brice of breedom :DDDD

Was there just no time to migrate to servers in a different country?
I just don't understand why both ATF and sadpanda had to go down so suddenly.

Actually it's because of Europeans.

Have we established a place to reupload yet or am I just holding onto all this shit for now

Remember that cunnyposters are true fighters for freedom of expression and are a light in this world of darkness.

it's times like these that i'm sad i'm not yet a millionaire

>Blaming the lolifags and not shitty lawmakers

Attached: 1523232842428.png (1045x918, 1.5M)

Fucking Yuros, always ruining everything

>host pedoshit on the site
>complain when autorities take notice
Are you retarded?

Attached: 1559898249412.jpg (337x404, 43K)

Netherlands is actually based and redpilled.

I didn't manage to get the entire top row, but I got the rest.

Attached: confused.jpg (300x354, 19K)

Authorities changed the laws dipshit. Thoughtcrime wasn't illegal until recently because real pedos need to distract people from all the sand niggers raping children.

>Hey everyone let's talk about what's going on with X
>>Huh X? What's going on with X?
>Ugh I'm not gonna spoonfeed you! Google it yourself!
Your the one who brought it up. Giving some fucking context to shut YOU are talking about isn't spoonfeeding it's normal discussion.

lines of ink on paper aren't illegal retard

Dammit, I didn't finish getting my tomboy doujins saved, I will never forgive the Dutch for this crime against humanity

>Openly jerks off depictions of childrens

traitors go first

check and see if the links work on e-?

This is what you all deserve for not telling me how to get past the panda.

Attached: 8896523767.png (195x261, 112K)

>he thinks they wont come for him next

I hate pedoshit as much as the next guy and have been shitting on lolicons for their shit taste for years but it shouldn't be considered actual CP

Muh slippery slope is fucking real. And 99% of japanese porn features teenagers and it's only a matter of time before they're illegal too

Literally 5 minutes of googling would have told you

we need him

Attached: mrcunny.png (954x502, 306K)

no, that was this guy

Attached: shooter.jpg (1435x1192, 83K)

It should though. Netherlands did the right thing and it's a step forward into making pedophilia straight up illegal.

Attached: Screenshot_20190726-092913_Chrome.jpg (1070x416, 114K)

Literal thought crimes
I can't wait for this blessed dystopia you want

>Openly plays video games about shooting and killing with guns
Oh wait, you actually went and shot up a school. Never mind.

it's a drawing my dude.

Even then, the entire website shouldn't be nuked anyway. There's way too much SFW ultra niche stuff that's only there and some will inevitably be lost forever

>shit taste
i think you mean godly taste

Attached: 1559860886026.png (747x1200, 570K)

I didn't use the site much but goddamn do I hate being a euro. Do something about the actual grooming gangs and child rapists you keep importing into the country first.


Attached: Those we left behind.jpg (821x291, 67K)

>he only posts on Yea Forums
>he has literally zero social interaction outside of Yea Forums
>he'll kill himself in the next five years

>as much as the next guy
You don't have to virtue signal on Yea Forums. It's a different website from your home.

there's always nhentai, bro

Sad that you actually fell for it. Enjoy letting pedos get away with raping actual children because you let them placate you by outlawing thoughtcrimes that have been proven to do the opposite of what you believe they do

>implying normies go look up loli and shota.

>Do something about the actual grooming gangs and child rapists
You think they actually care about that?
They fucking join in

I wouldn't hesitate to delete Yea Forums in that scenario. Fuck this place.

Lurk more newfag.

i knew a turbo normie that was into toddler shit

They were all lined up. But instead I went for saving the loli doujins. GOD DAMNIT.
At the very least I took precautions six months ago and was archiving a lot of shit.

Well whole country thinks you're a criminal.

Yeah. Gonna buy some hard drives and fill them with anime, movies, manga, isos,etc

Nobody falls for this ruse childfucker

that doesn't stop the fact that it's just a drawing. a drawing that hurts nobody.

>whole country
Like 10 people user. 10-20 people are making this shit up and normal people don't care enough to stop or complain about it.

Nobody does, the laws were passed to distract people from real pedophilia that the lawmakers are going to continue ignoring.

I bet it was Fakku that reported them

Reminder that the people most vehemently opposed to loli are actual child rapists

Good man. Don't skip a thing.

>Enjoy letting pedos get away with raping actual children
Just what they want.




Attached: Untitled.jpg (1842x791, 610K)

You faggots harping on loli lovers. You attack them then they attack teenagers, then they attack attack rape, then they attack prostitution, then they attack gang bangs etc.

It's a vicious cycle and you faggots that hate cunny will eat your words.

>saw hongfire die
>saw bakabt die
>saw nyaa die
>seeing exhentai die
Getting old sucks

Pedos are a minority here faggot.

Boorus are next. Better start archiving.

You say that like it applies to the anti-loli brigade. They're all cucks so their porn won't get touched by (((them)))

Also to deflect and virtue signal while they groom and rape children themselves. Bonus points if they hate the gays but get busted lusting over little boys.

Do you have any idea where "here" is?

At least we still have Tsumino. All the cunny we could ever want, and it's not based in a country run by cucks.

Attached: where.jpg (480x342, 40K)

Its not going to end with loli I already see tons of faggots on social media that think "16 year old" drawings with massive tits are pedophilia

fuck, you made me remember blackcats
Best gaming tracker that ever lived

Attached: e99385327986aa3763375e7f321b81bd_400x400.png (400x400, 215K)

>be married 30 yr old man
>married a woman with a loli body
>think children are disgusting
>love my loli porn
>it's just fucking drawings for fuck sake

This shit really pisses me off. Saved all my favorites. It seems nhentai is just fine. Been using mostly nhentai for years now instead because exhentai is garbage

How soon is nhentai going to be hit?

Don't forget emuparadise. It was so convinient. Fuck everything.

Immediately, considering nhentai took everything they have from exhentai.

My URL doesn't say resetera, unlike yours.

Exhentai garbage?
Never got to use it, mind explaining how it worked?
From what i've heard, it was great

Unless they're in netherlands they're fine.
Hell they could possibly move the servers anyway.

>pedo minority

It was. People are just trying to cope and pretend it wasn't the best place on the internet to jerk off and see artbooks if you're an uber nerd

I'm already seeing faggots flip flopping to put young or young-looking characters under that blanket in DoA communities

How the fuck did you manage that? Age and nationality?

I meant they won't be getting much in the way of new content outside of the safe vanilla stuff unless they start allowing user uploads.

Sorry I keep posting this but I want to make sure people get the links and I don't know what the fuck else to do.
Castlevania art:!hgBQzSgK!wNPPgdXqlv6vIny70Sxj2g

Here's art for other shit:!VwxGSaoI!afpZvz-39wqNAulv4Of_Fg

castlevania bro I hope when you wake up your link still works. I'll monitor other threads tomorrow I guess and post around.

Attached: (can't wake up).png (614x604, 159K)

nhentai is also hosted in the netherlands

She is 28 now and from Finland. She kept the nice loli body. Met her when she was 20 years old back in America. She looks like Marie from DOA except smaller and a smaller chin.

Attached: 1564132670320.png (1820x1000, 386K)


yeah something's definitely fucky

You're a lucky bastard. I'm happy for you.
>mfw live in asia
>people have to really try to reach my chin
>most of them look like chubby goblins
one day I'll find a petite someone

Search your favourites on e-hentai without anything in the search bar. Search each category for the /ss/ stuff you remember reading then search them up on alternative sites like nhentai.

You won't be able to access them but you will be able to see the artist, title and thumbnail.

It slightly pisses me off that she can eat all the junk food she wants and never gains a pound. I'm getting fatter and fatter every year now as my metabolism is shot. It's literally going to look like I'm a horny old fat man that fucks a child soon.

>user is the fat faceless old man from generic hentai doujins

What host did they use? I can contact and ask them myself

I'm in the same situation. I'm quickly turning into a fat balding doujin protagonist and everyone says I look older than I should, while my literal shut-in little sister who lazes around inside all day is all slender and flawless. It's not fair

Why must the dutch ruin everything?
Michael de Ruyter would be ashamed!