What is the best OS for vidya? Win7? 8.1? Spyware 10? or, dare I say it, Linux

What is the best OS for vidya? Win7? 8.1? Spyware 10? or, dare I say it, Linux

Attached: Windows1-10Logos.jpg (550x400, 39K)

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install gentoo

10 for video games AND all applications besides servers and ancient software. Any other answer is going to be from /g/ neckbeard losers or computer illiterates.

Windows 1995 had the best logo.

10 and a virtual machine program to run older versions of windows because some old games refuse to run on 10.

Cortana, please spy on me and be sure to give big daddy gov all my information. PRISM is here for my safety.

here's the computer illiterate reply, waiting on ganoo loonux reply.


8.1 until linux is the only option left

Windows 10 + DOSBox+Win3.1 + WinXPVM*.
*Not a real program, WXP stands for Windows XP and VM stands for Virtual Machine.

Windows 95 is great but I like XP

Arch is clearly the superior option. Gentoo is for autism.

Arch + VM of whatever windows works best with whatever game you want that doesn't work on Proton/wine

7, though 8.1 isnt terrible
just because """support""" for it ends, doesnt mean that every win7 pc is just going to cease to function

7 is so much better than 10. I use 7 at home and used 10 at work for years and it's always a relief to use 7

7 is still the best
10 is fine to also have just make sure you dual boot.
I'm not one of these people that has a phobia of 10 but you are genuinely retarded if it's your only OS

Linux isn't an operating system, it is in fact the name of the kernel. I think you may be referring to GNU Linux which comes in many varieties.

Most of these varieties are far superior to Windows. There are exceptions, for instance Arch, Debian, Gentoo, Mint, and Ubunto. All of which are inferior to even Windows 95.


I have no money for the professional version of Windows 10 which allows double boot

>I have no money for the professional version of Windows 10 which allows double boot
pls be bait


just use a seperate drive
install 7 on the seperate drive
Select which OS to start when you load bios

and the best GUI

Attached: windows 9x.jpg (640x480, 26K)

7 and to an extent 10, but 10 is too intrusive.

this is what I do.
I do 90% of my shit on 7 and only use 10 if it's absolutely required.

having to reboot your PC just to run a game, then reboot back after you're done sure sounds tedious enough for me to never want to do that, ever.

>having to reboot your PC just to run a game
Why would you do that?
Just use 7 for pretty much everything

1. that makes no sense
2. Why would you be rebooting all the time? Do you want to use 10? Do you also use fucking Google chrome or firefox???
3. imagine letting being too lazy to wait under 30 seconds be worth exposing all your browsing activity to multinational corporations for the rest of your life. I bet you take the elevator downstairs.

2019 is pretty much the year where it all just starts coming to the end, huh? Last full year of support for Windows 7, last full year of support for flash, sadpanda will be dead in a few more hours, Etika's dead, all us 80s born anons will no longer be in our 20s, several anime associated with KyoAni are probably dead. I guess it's time to renew...

But 7 is sloooooooow

Best post in thread.

Whatever OS you're using spies on you right now. And Cortana can be disabled.

if it makes you feel better, it's pretty normal to still do "young" things to about 33 these days.
It's degenerate but if your worry is getting old, you have an extension you can apply. If you're really weirded out, just lie about your age and say you're 27 or something.

Not that user but for the third thing privacy is dead anyways and you'll be required to sign up to a website to get things like a job

If you aren't interested in anything to do with microsoft store or xbox app, probably windows 10 LTSB

>worth exposing all your browsing activity to multinational corporations for the rest of your life.
you run a PC with IME or DMTF

He just means for things like browsing history and if you ever decide to torrent or watch porn.
Otherwise it's not that big of a deal.

>I am too lazy to shield myself so that means you are too!

You run a PC with IME or DMTF, you're exposed as can be, either to Israeltel or AMChina.

Its been so long, old friend.

Reinstalled 7 after having used 10 for some time. So goddamn refreshing not having to run a bazillion (potentially placebo) scripts just to have a stable framerate and no microstutter.

Tricking other people into getting 10 won't make you feel any better about getting tricked by Microsoft.

I don't even care if 10 is spyware or the perfect OS, I just hate the shitty metro theme

Pretty much

vista was overhated

do you have a smartphone?


Does your keyboard have a shift-key?

>missing the point so hard

XP for VNs, 7/8.1 for modern, 10 1903 for Ryzen optimisations.

windows 10 enterprise, use optimized offline to remove bloatware you don't want

My smartphone can't see what I do on my pc nor can it go through my files on it.

win7 is going to be dead in half a year

Purely for vidya and nothing else? Windows 10 64-bit. For legacy stuff, Windows XP 32-bit. I don't think this is even arguable.

Just like XP!

how can you even get a single license for that shit?

I love how these faggots have to dodge the question lmao

your smartphone could potentially track you and send someone your location info at all times
besides that I'm pretty sure that at least half of you anti10 fags use chrome, facebook etc

So might as well give them access to my files and the rest of my personal life?

MFw when Windows 7 fags still think that their pc is an inpenetrable vault, even more when Intel has back Doors designed straight in their hardware. Now go post on social media of your location and ten thousand pictures of how you stuffed your face with tacos

Windows 10. No contest. Windows 7 is becoming severely out dated and suitable only for "muh seven is safe and Bill Gates cannot see my futanari porn collection" fags

3.1 best logo
7 best OS

>moves the goalpost

Windows ME

no one is bothered to put effort into hacking XP since no one uses it, so its relatively safe.
going online with win7 after January 14 is just asking to be hacked

>no one is bothered to put effort into hacking XP since no one uses it

>mfw people post "mfw" without posting their face when

Attached: 1288472519931.jpg (200x210, 16K)

Is there a reason to use 10 over 7?

I always thought doing that was implicit. Though I guess explicitness is better when the statement isn't ubiquitous.

All versions of windows is Spyware.

Right now it's spyware 10 stripped of as much spyware as possible. Linux is quickly moving up the ranks though. A couple years and linux could easily be as good as win10 for gaming.

pls help me enable GPU passthrough for my VM


Users not using Windows 10 or other mainstream OSes trying to hide their data is exactly what gets you into the spy list

>mfw a moron tries to sound smart

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>A couple years and linux could easily be as good as win10 for gaming.
so not at all?


Attached: 1562097562137.png (206x245, 5K)

>hurr i dont understand english

Why wasn't there a Windows 9?

what's better then? win10 sucks but linux certainly isn't better for gaming YET

not sure what you're implying there frogman

I assume because people would confuse Windows 9 with the term Windows 9x

7 ate 9

Windows has been spyware at least since XP.
Remember "xp antispy"? "Good" old times, right?

The best OS currently available for end users is Linux.
t. using it myself for almost 7 years now

no one at this point would even come close to making that mistake, as the term Windows 9x is essentially jargon in the compatibility industry. It's probably just because Microsoft knows a large number of in house programmers for business clients did compatibility checks where they looked for "Windows 9*" in the version string. And just wouldn't run even though the release version was 6.4 or something

7>8.1>xp>98>vista>2000>95.1>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>more shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ce>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Maybe because Microsoft realized they would break the odd-even cycle with their next release (odd Windows = "good" Windows (e.g. 98, XP, 7) , even Windows = absolute crap (e.g. 95, Me, Vista, 8)).
With 10 being a fucking abortion of an OS, they fit that scheme again.

Marketing decided it was best to distance themselves from 8 as much as possible. And they're about to drop numbering altogether.

>install windows 7 or 8
>your CPU is not supported by this operative system, thank you for buying AMD
>install windows 10
>Feel like Playing Orcs Must Die 2
>game gets stuck in a infinite restart loop

i fucking hate windows.nothing in this galaxy can make me as mad as Windows does.It's 2019 and the only reasonable way to run software is to search and download it from the web, install it, cut the folder out from your SSD in C/ and move it to D/ on your HDD, remove the spyware it installed, have the software install a second updater that forever sits on your RAM like a cumstain sits on your bedside table and everytime you startup you gotta close the popup telling you worthless shit.
it's 2019 and opening a weird file with notepad still requires like 7 clicks and getting through 2 emergency warning.

meanwhile on Linux distributions it has been like a decade that all the software is downlaoded and updated from a single manager by simply clapping your hands.
If only all games were compatible with GNU/linux...

Not that version, though. That's post IE4 'Desktop Upgrade', which makes 95 a worse 98. Vanilla 95's GUI was genuinely decent, if lacking in options.

>not using LTSC


Anyone use the Steam OS?

All versions of Windows are spyware. Don't try to pretend that only Windows 10 spies.

Win 7 and 10 get same performance in vidya but I'm pretty sure older games work far more often on 7 than 10. Also if you don't update the spyware into 7 it might perform better, don't think it's been tested

imagine being this fucking retarded lmao

It's still a thing?

Why is the logo for 8 and 10 so fucking bad?

Quick to make

Seriously, package management is really the big selling point for Linux.
All that installation, configuration and updating bullshit is completely taken care of on the OS side of things.
The user doesn't really have to understand anything, and it's still safe and "just werks". Although it would certainly be better, if he did.


Attached: Approve3.png (640x480, 446K)

Thanks bill

I accept your concession.

Double nigger

>there are guys refused to use this
lol gayyy

Attached: win10touko.jpg (540x591, 94K)

DX9 is pretty basically emulated on 10

I prefer my women aged well

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>work far more often on 7 than 10
yes, 10 is literally mutating cancer and each new update will break something old (loads of late 90s-early 2000s games w/ niche audience filled w/ steam discussions on troubleshooting the game on 10

run any one of the open source KMS authentication server emulators and switch the licensing mode to KMS?

tick tock

Attached: 172 days remaining.jpg (1124x731, 140K)

lu meh minimalism trend in logo designs (flat, solid colors and simple shapes)

pretty sure the NSA's secret off switch for the IME built into the firmware still works

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Get chocolatey

PRISM backdoors go back to the Patriot Act, unless you're using XP you're being watched

>not knowing how to setup his hosts file and using O&O Shut Up Win10
Sharing is caring.

>he thinks that actually works

What should I do if I love windows 7 for everything but want to try out gears of war? Only game I care about from when I still played xbox in 2007. Should I try dual boot like some others said?

>Whatever OS you're using spies on you right now.
I doubt Linux spies on me.
> Cortana can be disabled.
but it wont stop spying.
>do you have a smartphone?
yes, and its running Linux rather than android for safety reasons (pmOS) and will change to Librem once its out. so whats your point?
because they wouldn't target what they already have.

>tfw we'll never get an os as comfy as xp again
>tfw each os release will get more and more shitty as user have privacy and more ads put into each release
50 years from now well be taking about computers like my dad talks about tv "back then there wasn't any ads installed on our computers"

Attached: 1563322754023.jpg (482x549, 57K)

Don't install W10 it is full of telemetry
-Sent from my Spydroid

yeah, lets just assume everyone saying this is using "Spydroid"

Attached: Librem.png (1120x510, 168K)

It's just Debian with Valve's extras, which is fucking stupid since Debian's packages are always outdated, if you want good experience with Linux gaming, you should unironically use Arch.
Maybe in decade or two when things stabilize Debian might be ok for gaming.

>i'm using an unreleased vaporware
At least pick something exist you fucking larping brainlet