The only mmr that matters

The only mmr that matters

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600 here. When I got my first card nobody told me that it literally takes away points if you max if out, EVEN if you pay it off in time.

Good goy

>Credit score actually measuring how good you are at paying shit off and not what a good goy you are by paying (((interest)))
See what happens when you pay off your loan or your utilization falls to 0% because you pay your credit card balance off early. Your opinion of the system will change rapidly.

673, I got into massive credit card debt because of my parents making me pay for stuff with my credit cards so it dropped like a motherfucker.

same, I thought I would be good if i just paid it all off in time but apparantly that still sinks your score into the absolute gutter. Kikes omitted that detail

>good goy score
lol now post your bank balance. I bet your in bronze.

>accumulate loads of debt to pay it off for good goy points so you can accumulate greater debt for more good goy points

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>have everyone play into this system so you can force house prices and college prices through the roof because its now expected that you will take out a loan due to them being easily avalible
>laugh your way to the bank
>realise you are the bank

>loaning money for any reason

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Wait what is that true.

What's the real limit then?

>mfw just got my first credit card

Any tips on increasing the score? What are some hidden ways it can drop?

I fucking love these threads. Americans being completely retarded and defending it is always hilarious.

>Any tips on increasing the score?
Suck circumcised cock
>What are some hidden ways it can drop?
by not doing the former

>What are some hidden ways it can drop?
Questioning the holocaust

mmr is just a number

>Don’t make big purchases you can’t afford to pay
>Try not to go over 50% of your credit
>make timely payments, no late payments
Avoid opening too many credit cards in a short time frame

I’d like to reiterate, make your payments on time.

>gets lowered simply by checking it
what did kikes mean by this

>defending it
Mind showing a single case of this, you illiterate and obsessed mong?

Holy shit, i fucked up my green text. That’s what i get for phone posting.

keep it at 30% usage
then just keep grindin it there

Do Europeans let their overlords tax them for 50%?

Is it okay if I pay the minimum every month?

have fun paying double what you would pay otherwise
just buy things you normally would with cash with credit
and then pay it all off every month

Is that true? I just checked it.


I got my first credit card with a $500 limit. I once put $60 on it, and paid it of THE NEXT DAY, and my credit score when down by fucking 18 because it was detected I had a balance on the card for less than 24 hours.

That's a myth, my credit score was in the 800's when I didn't use it at all and only made student loan payments etc. It started dropping once I actually started using my credit card regularly. Pay your balance early and use little of it like others have said.

>tfw no credit score because shut-in NEET without credit card
It's a shitty lifestyle but at least I don't have to worry about that.

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I only did it to get a good credit score then stopped using it. It's in the 820s right now so I'm pretty good.

How long did you have the card for? I want to do this too because banks are more likely to give you free money for stupid shit.

1 year.

Doesnt the score go down if you dont use it or it gets deactivated for non-use?

Mine is 780

I literally just pay on time and that’s it

>tfw 660 cause car troubles forced me to almost max my card out and now its stuck there until new job

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Sounds like you bought a lemon.

Read the thread, you fucking imbecile
Exactly what I mean

What happened to your car.

20-30% of your limit. No, I'm not kidding

>Read the thread
>Quotes a single post that was made after mine
You really are a fucking retard. Any others, dipshit, or can I just safely write you off as yet another windowlicker that thinks far more highly of himself than he's worth?

i bought the car almost 5 years ago and its startin to show its age
the main problems that fucked me were loose belts, rusting front brakes and corroded muffler

3 months and the loan'll be paid off though; then i can start thinking electric

Waiting for you to show proof you fucking cocksucking kike faggot

Is that the chinese social points?

It's not a myth, kike. My score dropped when I paid my loan off early and dropped again when my utilization hit 0% because I was paying my card balance early. I've never made a late payment in my life and I wasn't opening new accounts.

what if you don't have a credit card?

Then you're not a very good goy.

It hasn't been like that for a while, now it'll only go down for "hard" inquiries which is basically when someone like a bank or a car dealer checks your score history. Even then its only slightly.

Idk Ive learned a lot about how shit is done in other countries from this site. Some stuff I think we do better, other stuff I think we do inexplicably worse. Credit scores is one thing I prefer having over Europe's looser way of handling things.

so when the jew finally takes over will they kill me first?

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Use between 1-10% of limit for maximum gains. Pay it off each month unless you want to pay 2X% interest. If you want to pay early, call the issuer and ask when they report to Credit Bureaus and make sure you have a balance for that date so your utilization doesn't fall to 0%. Don't open too many credit cards, not only will the inquiries hurt in short term, but that's more to keep track of in the long term because closing accounts tends to lower the overall age of your credit history as well as credit limit if it's a card. The lowered average age will cause your score to drop dramatically and the drop in your limit can raise your utilization to places you don't want it.

TL;DR: Find one solid credit card and use only that, pay by the due date in full but not extremely early, and stay under 10% of your limit. Don't take out loans you don't need.

Yes, sorry you had to find out this way.

797 here. How do I get into the 800 club so I can get insurance discounts?

they already took over you're safe
for now

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can i borrow your credit card score whenever they do routine checks bro?
come on you know i'd do the same for you

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I make $120K per year and have never had a reason to participate in this stupid game.

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>Credit score above 700
>Always pay my bills on time, always pay back loans, never have a problem, despite only barely making above minimum wage
>Sudden hospital visit. Animal bite. Stayed a week in intensive care
>Ten thousand fucking dollars.
>Get sent to collections, despite agreement for deference
>Bills and rent short because I missed a full week of work
>Went from excellent credit to shit credit over the course of a month, literally through no fault of my own

God I love my country

Same except likely far worse if your credit score is still that high. My credit cart was $12,000, what was yours?

>Still nothing
That's what I thought. Maybe you should head back to /int/ if you want to get your dick sucked for saying retarded shit, so long as you mention how much "murica sux" while doing so.

i an american have come to defend this
it's ok

>What are some hidden ways it can drop?
There are literally two posts about this right above you.

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You got bit by a fucking animal, dude. That's almost certainly your fault.
Not saying credit companies should be saying 'damn this dude got bit by a animal, fuck him ever getting a house' but still.

>americans have to get a credit card to buy $50 worth of groceries and earn good boy points so they can get a mortgage

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i could've sworn i put enough drugs in the dogs kibble for them to not wake up while i stick my dick in their mouth turns out pitbulls need way more than the usual dog

Credit score doesn't really matter for me, not like I'll ever afford a home in CA.

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Why not move?

Literally entire family, friend and career network is in CA so pretty leap. Also not big on living in the middle of nowhere to start the fuck over.

Sure but it's cheaper

It's fine, regardless of where I move, I'll just retire the good old fashioned American way. Bankrupt in debt because of a minor illness.

What a fucking joke man. Took me years to unfuck myself. I thought if you paid off your balance on time, in full, not minimum, you were good. What a Jewish joke

Fun fact, all these credit score checks they offer with credit cards and banks now hit your score as well if you check too often, fun times.

Damn i didn't know you had your life all thought out already my bad bro

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And kindly fuck off, kike cocksucker.

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>tfw I filed for bankruptcy and I dont even want to check my score anymore

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Nothing is more free than the sweet release of death

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750 reporting. only use a credit card for stuff you know you can afford, set it to autopay full balance at the end of the month. no interest charges, high credit score, ezpz. in fact, i've been so good about it that discover card keeps upping my limit, i think i'm at like 10k right now.

Overall a good thing. But it's a real pain sometimes to not have one.

More JIDF inbound.

as fucked as it sounds sometimes that warm embrace of death sounds all too alluring

>keep a good standing since college
>Never really use more than 1 grand maybe
>pay off on time
>started with 250 limit
>card offers me 25k limit now

fucking why? I'm never going to put that much on a credit card.

>parents died early
>got fully paid for house
>literally have no reason to build a credit score
>only buy stuff when I have money to do so


I just use it like my debit card and pay it off every night when I get home.

Mine is apparently in the gutter since my parents browbeat me into taking out loans for school and told me they'd help me pay them but it turns out they never did so now I'm just fucked.

Trying to hook you in

what a bunch of cocks.
Just leave the country like those people who got their degrees and bounced to Europe

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I'm going to stick with this whole no credit card thing sure it'll be a real pain sometimes but overall man overall

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>Land of the free

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>have always paid card off entirely in full each month


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what's the point in living anymore?

>credit score 650

I want to be at least 750. This shit is depressing.

>790 credit score
>gf score is probably in the gutter due to debt and shit

Pretty sure if we get married my overall score will turn to crap

Had 2 late payments when my ass was neet and my shit is at 715

Imagine going into debt

Trying to get you to spend more than you can afford so they can finally collect interest. My card limit got bumped up to 1/4 of what I make yearly because I pay as soon as I get the chance even though I never asked. For some reason my score dropped a ton too, but now it's going up again even though nothing has changed.

This i couldn't imagine living a life where i constantly owed money honestly

Here we see a classic case of beta bucks in display. a good little goyim abiding cuck gets with a used up whore spending all her money on Sephora and he's gonna put a ring on it too. How beautiful!

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>over $800,000 medical debt
>dying and in poverty

I need to leave this country cause I rolled into an American life with diseases I can't control and they want me to pay for them? Someone convince me to kill myself right now I know I won't do it on my own

It's true, I've changed absolutely nothing in terms of usage and it fluctuates for whatever reason. This shit is so arbitrary, I got worried when it dropped to 770ish for literally nothing then shot back up. Again for no reason.

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>thinking this effects anyone outside of the people who absolutely should not be entrusted with paying back a mortgage
>also, your country's GDP

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How are they suppose to charge you more if you're not paying late?

Please don't do that buddy sure it's not looking too bright for you but you'll resolve all your problems at some point maybe not tonight but at some point

Its fine user. It only controls every large financial decision you'll ever make, you don't need to know how it works.

The point is, despite never having a missed payment, my score is as you can see, sub shit tier.

Banks are there to make money just like every single business out there. They make money off of interest and late payments. Credit score is LITERALLY good goy points. Pay the absolute minimum? Point for you. Late payment? Penalty! With added interest! On your records for 10 years! What? You want a loan to pay for home? OY VEY! You forgot to make a payment that one time 9 years ago! Best I can do is 5k with a 90% interest rate.

Here is how to win the game, 30% limit, pay about 3 or 5 days ahead at their ATM with cash to blue balling them to think you just might forget that payment. Always have a balance with them. Suddenly stop using it. They up your limit. Use them again, rinse and repeat. Bad credit? Secured card. Good credit? Keep balance with them, less than 30%. Don't want your card anymore? Don't cancel it, store it in a safety box and let them close it for you in due to inactivity.

Shit I wish mine was 800 before the drop. Mine went from about 700 to fucking 640 since I had just started building credit recently. I even went and checked one of my free reports because I thought maybe I'd been an ID theft victim. But no, everything was fine. My utilizaiton was the same, no late payments, no new accounts, no closed accounts. I don't understand this system at all.

Paying off car loan, student loans, and pay off credit card bills in full. Using less than 10% credit utilization. No mortgage, down payment on a house is too much where I live unless I live at a place where my commute will go from 45 min to 2 hours to work.

Score moves around between 750-800. What makes it fluctuates if I have the same consistant spending and no demerits?

>good goy points

I'm American.
I think that Credit Score is fucking stupid and evil.
It's anti-freedom and against the founding principles of America.

I think that loans and promissory payments should be judged on a case-by-case basis on character and relationship.

Honestly the score should be based on paying on time and nothing else. Literally nothing else matters.

I wish someone told me this. I thought if you always paid it off in full, that was it, good credit score, no interest, you're paying it off right ? Nope. Despite always paying it all off in full, I just now barely got to 600 after for no fucking reason starting off in 300 territory when I first got the card.

The goy variable fluctuates

>Haven't used my card in months
>last big purchase was laptop 2 years ago
>782 score

This shit is so fucking stupid and it ruins peoples lives. I didn't even want a card and I refuse to use it but I'll flex the number when I need to. Sucks when they ask for history or other cards though because I don't have shit to show

nah, there should be no credit score.
The creditor should check into your background, debts, assets, salary, and potential earnings for hard facts.
Then the creditor should make a value judgement based on you.

>pay about 3 or 5 days ahead at their ATM with cash to blue balling them to think you just might forget that payment.
5 days before montjly statmene ryou mean?

>live with parents at 27
>dropped out of college twice
>nearly killed myself, maxed out 20k line of credit and left it for months, never even had a phone plan in my name three years ago
>got a shitty part time job
>paid off debt
>got a visa
>signed up for cheap phone plan
>raised visa limit from 1k to 2500
>only real expenses are fast food and phone bills, savings building up
>never carry a balance
>778 credit score
>still seriously consider retreating from society, living off savings/debt for a few years and then checking out once every couple weeks
Ehh, however this bullshit works it's clearly not a very good prediction of profitability
I still have a student account so the bank doesn't even get a yearly fee

>only ever held summer jobs and an internship
>keep getting denied from obtaining any credit cards

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Just apply for a $500 one. They want to get people who can't pay the cards off. But better yet, don't get a credit card. They're the most Jewish thing that exists.

You'd be surprised, I learned things when I managed my own finances and helped with the family as well. When I went to a trade school, they would have a special program that teaches people about credit score since many people were in debt or just had bad credit. I believe some libraries have this program as well. It is non profit so if you have the opportunity, why not attend a few? You might know something already but may learn something new. For example. did you know that you can file your taxes yourself without the need for turbotax or a preparer? Right from the IRS website?

>5 days before montjly statmene ryou mean?
You okay user? Yes 5 days or less before the monthly statement. If you pay it off right away, you lose points, kind a like a video game, hold bomb for longer before it blows, the greater the reward. I recommend ATMs and print a reciept if you lose your spaghetti in front of a bank teller, otherwise if you are paranoid the machine will not give you a receipt, talk with a teller in front.

Is the only catch the small limit? I just want my online purchases to rack up to something free.

Have any friends user? Or a family member? They co-sign an agreement to help you build up your credit. Otherwise get a secured card, if you don't miss a single payment they go ahead and remove the limit on your card and you can pick up your 300 or 500 secure deposit you left. I recommend you get a credit card since there are things physical money can't buy. I keep throwing cash at the monitor and nothing happens.

What they might get you is intensely high interest rates but if you are constantly paying it off, you won't be effected. Check if the card has any associated fees, for such a low limit, I doubt it but you should still be sure.

Store credit cards tend to be the easiest to get.

How to get a great credit score without paying interest:
>Make early payments only to bring your balance below 10% of your limit, do this ASAP if you're at more than 30% of your limit
>Pay down to 0 only at the end of the billing period
>Actively check transactions once a week to make sure nothing fishy is happening
Yes, 30% is acceptable, but less than 10% is ideal. Early payments can hurt your score so don't pay unless you need to bring yourself into the

Yeah the limit is what holds you back. I accidentally did not know the 30% limit and maxed the card purchasing pc parts. Score did not go too low, was still 600 strong.

Also, remember anons, if you never make a late payment and suddenly it happens to you, the bank typically gives you an additional month on their end to pay up without impacting your score. Can't verify this info for people with rebuilding credit. Remember that it is always better to have shit credit than no credit at all.