Just tell me if I'm supposed to hate this game or not
from what i've seen at least in this one you can actually play it as a shooter and not some crappy pseudo tarantino movie
lol it plays like a life is strange with suffocating amount of cutscence breaking up the stale gameplay
>aggressively okay
does one or both of the girls have a love interest thats a minority? I'll be shocked if the answer is no.
Not enough lines about killing Nazis
if IGN gave a game Yea Forums collectively loved a 6.5 theyd be dismissing them....but when the shoes on the other foot suddenly they give a damn....crazy world we live in...
>when the shoes on the other foot
wouldn't putting your left shoe on the right foot or only having 1 shoe just be uncomfortable?
but you play as white people
>not wearing additional shoe on your limbdick
if IGN gave it a 6.5 then its probably like a 5 or less
Why do you care more about the story of a video game than the fact that governments are cracking down on BDS? Maybe because in many cases said governments are run by politicians/parties that you support.
(((White People)))
So like every Wolfenstein reboot game?
ok why are you off your meds this time
Do /pol/tards hate this game or something? If so then I'll buy it.
Yes goyim spend all your hard earned fun money on our new product
Jews are white people
redpilled on the new wolfenstein games aka walking and holding fire simulators
No, they're not. They're barely even human.
jews are alien rat white people
that's where that 50% difference comes in and why most of them look fuckin ugly
Danny from Game Grumps isn't human?
>Castle Wolfenstein - Kill Nazis
>Beyond Castle Wolfenstein - Kill Nazis
>Wolfenstein 3D - Kill Nazis
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Kill Nazis
>Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Kill Nazis
>Wolfenstein - Kill Nazis though time
>Wolfenstein: The New Order - Killing Nazis?!?!
>Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - WHATS WRONG WITH BEING A WHITE PERSON!
That doesn't exactly matter, they operate as their "own people" which isn't beneficial to anyone who isn't them. An Anglo and a kraut could hold a greater level of oneness than a jew and any given european.
>Old Nazis
>New Nazis
>"WE HATE NIGGERS AND WOMEN, WE EXIST TO DO NOTHING BUT KILL JEWS, YOU GOTTA SAVE YOUR GREATEST ALLIES RIGHT? Also, we like controlled boarders and homogenius societies :^)"
When will people realize that America fought WWII for the sensibilities of the Anglosphere. The offense of the nazis believing they were the master race came from Germans claiming they were superior to ango-saxons, not because whites were claiming they were superior to jews and blacks. Because the men who fought in that war very likely believed in such things.
So when you take a game and retool the conflict with the nazis to pertain to a modern era where your great great grandfather would likely be considered no different than the enemy, it's cringey. The World War, at least at the face value of those who fought in it, was not some struggle for a modern progressivist vision of a multi-cultural society free of hate, but these games pretend like it was.
Over time, Nazis went from being extant villains to "GOD FUCKING DAMN KILL KILL KILL THESE FUKCIGN NAZI FUCKS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" and at the same time the definition of Nazi changed from "members/underlings of the German National Socialist party during the events of world war two" to "anyone I disagree with"
America was selling to the highest bidder for weapons friend, they only joined because japan stupidly attacked pearl harbour
I hate nazis because they haven't killed enough am*ricans and *nglos
Fast-forward 200 years.
>jews are asian
i think thats just for the first 30 minutes
I thought the genocide on white race would be successful, but holy shit what a day for white people!
I'm talking about the reason for America as a people, not actual geopolitical reasons. The point was, no one was going "oh yeah we hate the germans because they didn't want minority groups in their country, so lets kick their ass".
But that's the modern retelling of it.
Pearl harbor wasn't done just because japan was stupid. The only way Japan was going to be able to continue the war was by taking oil reserves in the south east asia, which would have gotten the US involved anyway. Attacking pearl harbor was a strategic decision to give the japanese enough time to secure those resources.
Jews are not human.
>extremely tribalist
>have large noses
>some very high iqs
They're neanderthals.
>agressively okay
that means the gameplay is shit
The game is shit but if they say so they don't get a bonus check from the developer.
>aggressively ok
they keep doing it
they keep making up shit
how old are you
This, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Just say "it's meh" or exceedingly dull.
>All Nazis = hive-mind monsters
Though they fought under the flag, there were many, if not majority, who were just normal people fighting for axis because they had no choice. So all this jerking off to killing nazis is pretty fucking ridiculous to me.
Cant only people who own the game rate it? Why would anyone buy this shit
>wolfenstein gets a good grade
>wolfenstein sequel gets a bad grade
So if people and reviewers don't like it, does it mean we have to like it to be contrarian? We can't just agree with the majority, right?
>bowl is buzz lightyear colored.
Yeah but if you can't be a teenage lesbian then what's the point?
It means that this game is underrated and KINO, obviously.
>Castle Wolfenstein - Kill Nazis
>Beyond Castle Wolfenstein - Kill Nazis
>Wolfenstein 3D - Kill Nazis
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Kill Nazis
>Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Kill Nazis
>Wolfenstein - Kill Nazis though time
>Wolfenstein: The New Order - Killing Nazis
>Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - DUDE COMMUNISM IS FUCKING EPIC
>wtf why are we losing money? it's the fucking white people that buy these games that are to blame!
you got a reply out of me, so good work
why are you defending an obvious garbage game ?
Even the bible says Jews aren't whites, and that's saying a lot.
Who gives a shit about westoid games
Lol most modern technology, medicine, weapons programs for the military, and NASA came from the national socialists when the American government captured the remaining Germans.
Leftists should stop using the internet too.
for anyone that tried it did they improve on weapons, level design and enemy ai from the previous game?
>agressively okay
What the fuck does it even mean?
Schroedingers nose
Probably like every console shooter, in which the individual elements are fine, it has one or two standout features, but the pacing is ultimately just listless and sucks the life out of it.
It means exactly what it says, a game that is the caricature of what an okay game would be. Everything about it is just ok and you are reminded of that at all times. Kind of like I am Setsuna
Think eating a pizza in a nice restaurant, then eating a freezer pizza. There is nothing really wrong with the latter pizza, might even taste good, but it is so bland compared to the great pizza you had earlier that it is aggressively medium tier and you notice it.
>it's in our contract that we can't flat-out call it bad
It's a 3/10 game but IGN isn't allowed to give a score lower than 6
wolfenstein gets good reviews
>it must be the zionists!
wolfenstein gets bad reviews
>also the zionists!
I'm confused
pretty much
>Kind of like I am Setsuna
i never ended up finishing that game for exactly that reason
did it get any better towards the end do you know?
Wolfenstein gets butchered, Doom was a little better but nothing like the originals, fucking Quake turns into Overwatch. Fuck
White people that consider themselves not white, that practice a religion that holds people of other religions to be subhuman, and that specifically despise "other" white people with a burning passion. Cool "white" "people," you genestealing kike.
>fellow white people
They love interest for each other.
but the FACT (not a brainlet hypothetical) that they gave it to a game they were supposed to praise, just shows how bad it must be. get it now?...
so the holocaust was actually a "white genocide"?
>America faught for the anglosphere
America didn't fight until they were attacked by japan, and even then Hitler declared war on them first. and even then if America had never joined the Nazis had already lost because they invaded russia which was an unwinnable battle at the offset. Kill yourself.
Why does this game hurt your feelings so much? Literally no one else cares. Also america and Israel are now eachother's greatest ally thanks to /yourguy/ so Your evil jew joke doesn't work. You need to calm down. Try having sex.