The best nu-far cry game

The best nu-far cry game.

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Isn't saying much

it definitely has the best soundtrack, especially the hope county choir versions of the songs

Fuck off kike. I hate those bullshit games.

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i like primal the best because of the animal taming

Far cry 3
>Wacky epic cool villain (for 1/5 of the game)
Blood dragon
>Reddit. Disqualified
Far cry 4
>Literally nothing
>Literally less than nothing
Far cry 5
>No towers
>Less open world tedium
>Better less linear missions
>Best soundtrack
>Good villains wirh good ending

Why does Yea Forums stick “nu-“ in front of every recent sequel’s name?

Definitely. Great setting and soundtrack. People only hate it because it's the same shit for tbe third time in a row, but it's the best version of it

What does “Reddit” even mean?

Nu? it means cucked faggot nigger kike propaganda jerk off material for commie pinkos

Things i don't like = Reddit

reddit is a leftist jew operation at this point

rage 2 is the best nu far cry game. the superpowers alone make it better even though it stole the formula blow for blow

Generally refers to anything popular is "nerd" culture. So blood dragon fits very well because it's 80s themed and ironic

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too random
le funny badger attack gets old quick, or constant airplane or helicopter attacks
otherwise great location and shooting, I still don't get why they can't make more guns, selection is lacking more handguns

4 is the best nu-far cry. It's a game with actual choices.

rage 2 shooting feel is amazing
but world is worse than far cry, it's just too empty, not enough motivations to look around

and setting is the most interesting one at least for me
also it's a parody, they wrote it funny enough

I enjoyed it because Hope County reminded me of my small town but it was hardly perfect. My biggest issue with it was the stupid zombie drugs being used to handwave lazy writing. In county where everyone and their mom seems to have a doomsday shelter, a survivalist cult shouldn't have issues gaining a following legitimately, especially not when its leaders are supposed to be extremely charismatic and with the outside world quickly going to hell on top of that. The endings were also absolute shit, I dunno why Ubi seems to have a fetish for creating unsatisfying endgame scenarios where none of your accomplishments mattered, but it's fucking stupid and makes me not want to play their games. In retrospect seems like a halfassed setup to enable them to cash in on the post-apoc meme and recycle resources at the same time.

at least the soundtrack was baller and the gameplay was pretty fun, hopefully they keep improving with 6.

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Haven't played 5 but everything from 3 on is the same game.

Yeah, but 5 doesn't have towers or 6 hour hunting cutscenes or pointless crafting.

So it's the same game: now with fewer features!

>Pointless time wasters that contribute nothing

So this... Is the power..... Of nu-v....... woah

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I'll take towers or hunting over 18 gorillion Africans respawning every time you pass a checkpoint followed by 20 seconds of turning a wrench after every encounter tbqh.

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>been hoping to try this but for like 10 bucks
>can never seem to find a sale