Isn't reading fiction a better way to spend your time than playing videogames?

Isn't reading fiction a better way to spend your time than playing videogames?

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I rather imagine fan fiction

video games are fiction, user

how is one more valid than the other?


>implying Yea Forums has any idea what a good book is

It's best just to enjoy all forms of media. Excluding any is doing you no favors.

I do both, also

not really

Depends what you're on what you're reading and what you're playing.

Might as well be playing some David Cage game

ye lit thread here we cum

Attached: 220px-Portadaorlando.jpg (220x353, 30K)

your thread is shit OP
This is now a Penguin thread
post your creations

Attached: Cities_ Skylines.png (500x775, 307K)

Explain, in detail, how it is a better way to spend your time.

Attached: FTL.png (500x775, 755K)

I do both

Fuck off Yea Forums

Depends on the fiction. Why not do both?

Attached: friedrich-nietzsche-thus-spoke-zarathustra-bk.jpg (454x700, 165K)

Attached: Valiant Hearts_ The Great War.png (500x775, 787K)

what video game is this?

That's a good-ass book.

I'm not a pseud though

Woman is essentially unpeaceful, like the cat, however well she may have trained herself to present an appearance of peace.

Some PS4 exclusives may as well be a book.

obviously it is. anyone who denies this is just coping.

Attached: Age of Empires.png (500x775, 552K)

>I only read genre fiction

fuck off

Attached: Deus Ex.png (500x775, 423K)

How many books do you read a month, Yea Forums?