But is it an arena shooter?

But is it an arena shooter?

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yes it just plays differently

It has a few elements in common with an arena shooter, but is far from being similar.

No, it's my whacking material.

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It's a Halo clone

Yes, just not a classic type of arena shooter.

its a sluggish recharging shields shooter.

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Looks like my manager at work lol

>regenerating health
>arena shooter

>equal spawns
>weapons on the map
>symmetrical maps
>not an arena shooter

But everyone has shields and spawns with the same weapon

Doesn’t matter. Regenerating health isn’t arena shooter.

No, and if you think so you're a retard.

Halo is an arena shooter. Deal with it, sweetie. When you're long gone, nobody will remember Quake.

its kinda the bridge between an arena shooter and a tactical FPS.

You can play it like an arena shooter depending on the gametype setting and circumstances. Or you can go nearly full on seige or battlefield like in BTB games or certain objectives.

health doesnt regen, shields do. health is a pickup

Shield is just another name for regenerating health, and there are no health pickups in Halo 3.

People who call any of the Halo games an arena shooter don't know what an arena shooter is.

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i only played 1 so i did not know that. i guess only 1 is then

>Eliteposters in every halo thread for the last five years
Humanity was a mistake.

Reach and ODST use health packs too. The latter lacks pvp though.

the first halo game is an arena shooter if you stretch that definition to the max, definitely not the sequels

>space furries
Why are degenerates so histrionic?

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Depends on how you want to define "Arena Shooter".
I'd argue that, usefully, it describes a shooter in which balance is based solely on the arena. Traits such as:
>ideally symmetrical map layout and spawns
No side spawns with an advantage/disadvantage in terms of map layout and pickup proximity
>even starts/same model
No load-outs, character classes (hitbox difference), perks, or other variables between the players.
>closed environment
no kill streaks/death streaks that make one player more powerful or disrupt the sandbox

Basically, the highest expression of skill should be within player mechanics and map control.

Regenerating health isn't a bad thing. I don't understand why Yea Forums thinks it's a form of skill to hunt for a white pack with a cross on it anytime they get knicked by a bullet. Regen health means that every encounter between players is more likely to start on even footing in terms of how much damage they can take, making Halo more inherently skill based.

Regenerating health is at its worst in coverbased shooters. I think it's pretty mild in Halo.

git gud lol

Elitefags made me hate Elites.

regenerating health is shit for multiplayer games, it removes the resource management mechanic and encourages unga bunga shit

>Regen health means that every encounter between players is more likely to start on even footing in terms of how much damage they can take, making Halo more inherently skill based.
dumb halofag, this is exactly the reason why it's less skill based. You aren't rewarded for going through an encounter as efficiently as possible. The worst plays equal the best as long as you don't die

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It's Vien, WHACK HIM!

Resource management is a single minor skill. Still important in Halo are:

>Map Control/Spawn Control

I don't see why taking out the resource management inherently makes them game overall less 'skilled'.

No gays.
10 years.
I hope it improves your aim in game.

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reduced by aim assist

reduced by slowing it down

>map control/spawn control
reduced due to lack of health pick ups
