Host when?
Risk of Rain 2
Why don't you host, you double malachite?
Im taking a shit
I haven't played RoR2, but am I the only one who thought it looked like he was riding a sideways blonde-haired robot bimbo in this image?
can i watch
Why would you care if someone is hosting then? You wouldn't be able to join.
Im done taking a shit
Next time
So what's your excuse for not hosting now?
Im hacking in lunar coins
10 man host where u at, I need to go fast again
I want to one shot malachites again
>they come back begging for more
i one shot your mom last night (with my penis)
My mom has a penis
Reminder that Artificer is FAT
Only her thighs
Based and thigh pilled
Not anymore. She got beach body ready for Scorched Acres.
How do i convince my friends playing on easy sucks and 4 hour long runs arent fun when there's no challenge behind them.
Or am i just surrounded by autists?
Is there a mod or console command that lets you increase lobby size for an otherwise vanilla experience? As in without that permadeath mod
Just play monsoon with /v your friends are fags
Testing out a new balance. Ten man Risky 2. CTRL+alt+~, connect
>Bigger Bazaar
>Permanent Mountain Shrine stack of 1
>Anyone can join at any time
>Beginning at stage 25, enemies will inherit items as a hell run to our deaths
You mean for increased spawns and such?
You're surrounded by autists. I usually obliterate myself 80 or so minutes into a monsoon run.
I mean simply allowing for more players in a lobby, everything else vanilla. I think there was a pastebin posted here before the update that included a mod
Its good to know I dont hate actual fun yet.
After about the 3 hour mark the game just turns into a colorful slideshow with the engineer annihilating everything while he zooms around the map at 3000% speed feeding them upgrades.
Forgot to mention the only classes they'll play are engi and merc.
im coming in like 30 mins
I wish I could last that long. I usually pop at the first cum scene if i find the right doujin.
I'l be hosting for a few hours.
Second loop.
Fourth loop
Kanna when
Wiped. Open.
Thanks for hosting these, 10 man guy. Played last night and had a wonderful time
Np. It's a huge help when people join so that I can find the right balance akon to Yea Forums RoR1 rules.
Is there a mod that let's you host 5+ player lobbies without the other players having the mod? Wanted to do 5+with my normie friends tonight but I couldnt figure it out. Already have Bepin and rar21 or whatever they're called installed and working
Probably should ask , they run ten man lobbies you join via ip but only they need mods
I want to get into Artificers car!
I did some research and I'm guessing the way this guy is able to do that is because he's hosting his own server
If not though I'd love to know
>Is there a mod that let's you host 5+ player lobbies without the other players having the mod?
I hope you were never under the impression that you needed to download anything to join the ten man servers.
Forward your ports, first. Go to the console of RoR2 and type
>sv_maxplayers x
X being however many you want. Then type
>host 1
Go to google and type
>What's my IP
copy/paste it to your mates. Tell them to type
>connect [your ip]
You don't need Bepinex or R2API to host this way.
Any advice for using the plant bro? Haven't played since before scorched acres and just unlocked him a couple hours ago and he seems pretty fun but I'm always worried that I'm bringing myself too low or that I'll fail dodging with the knockback skill
Try to use his R only when you can net three enemies together. Hold M1 as you tap M2 to rapid fire M1. Use SHIFT to knock enemies off of cliffs, into your flower. Also use it for quick escape.
Makes sense, thanks for the advice