Someone convinced me to buy this infuriating game

This game actually seems like it comes close to being something enjoyable, except for its main character.

Seriously, what the fuck? Mae's parents did everything they could to guarantee her a better life and she just threw it all away on a dime and refused to tell them why for at least several days (I haven't finished the game), and acts like her parents have no right to know why she's wasting all the time, money, and effort that they put into giving her the best life they could.

On top of that she seems to just be an emotional drain to everyone around her. She's self centered, frequently an asshole, and on the occasions she tries to be nice she fucks up spectacularly.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Her childish behavior is obviously just her coping with the shit that's gone wrong in her life, and that's okay in cathartic bursts but at this point she's just taking advantage of everyone around her. She's not even trying. Her excuse is "I didn't ask to be born" well tough fuckin luck.

The only reason she can be as carefree as she appears to be is that her parents are giving her food and housing for free. She doesn't have to do anything. She just sits there and leeches off them while focusing each day on wandering around and trying to hang out with friends like she's still in highschool.

Perhaps I'd like her more if they didn't put Bea and even Gregg right there for contrast.
Look at Gregg too. He manages to keep his positivity and some of his more childlike tendencies while working every single day, because he has a dream and he wants to get there. He and Angus are doing their best, working their asses off to get where they want to be.
And how does Mae react upon learning her friends actually give a shit, and are actually trying in life to get where they want?
That's all she has to say. She learns they are getting close to achieving their dream and her only response is "oh" because they'll be moving away, and the world circles around her in her mind, so instead of focusing on the success of her friend she's dwelling on only on how it affects her.

Upon learning that Bea's life sucks, what does she say?
"If I were you I'd-"
fuck off Mae. You aren't her. You're in no place to tell people with actual lives what to do you fucking NEET.
Bea understands the situation perfectly, as she said they live "different worlds"

(cont. again)

Mae seems to live in one where necessities are guaranteed without effort, one where if you don't like something you just run away from it and avoid it, and one where responsibilities don't exist because she didn't ask for them.

How the hell am I supposed to enjoy playing as this piece of shit? I swear if she doesn't get better I don't think I can finish it.

This game gets 2real4me sometimes. Wait till u get to Bea's college party

pirate it

It isnt entirely her fault. She has mental issues. Dissasociation I think.

It's almost like she's a character or something.

I agree that it actually is really good at portraying certain types of people and situations, its just if I wanted to see people like Mae I'd go outside. I'd rather play as the characters in a bad situation who are actually trying to dig themselves out of it.

It's because this game was made by terrible people who don't really understand why they're terrible.

thank you for putting my dissatisfaction with her character in words

best part of the game was some pretty ok scenery even if it was simple

yeah, but not one I want to play as. Playing as an NEET who is used to everything being given to her and refuses to improve isn't really fun.
Her entire situation would be completely fine by me if she was at least trying to make her life better.

She actually is a good character from a writing perspective and I've met people like her and know people I fear will end up like her. She'd be fine as a character that you met and talked to. I strongly dislike her as the character you have to play as, though.

I actually like the art as well, and honestly I have no bones to pick with any other aspect of the game. The rest of it is either good or pretty great, and I think I would love it if it was centered around Bea or Gregg.

Gonna spoil this for OP's sake.
At the end of the game all of Mae's issues are placed on the lolspooky being that lives at the the bottom of the town's abandoned mine and you're just supposed to forgive a character you've watched be a destructive shithead for the last several hours on the spot.
Also the developers are obnoxious cunts who look down on middle America and the dumb blue collars that live there for not being progressive enough for their tastes.

The game is pretty good at having you along for the ride with a mentally disturbed character but completely fumbles at the end and tries to shift blame thus cheapening the entire experience.

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Please elaborate


It's just a phase. You would have a point if she had been like that for a long time, but the plot takes place within a few days after dropping out. Her parents are cool and understand that she may need a bit of time to even be able to talk about whatever is going on with her.

Am I supposed to think that all the people working their asses off trying to get themselves and their children into a better life are all wrong/misguided? Is that the moral? Working hard is overrated, shit should just be given to you? Fucking hell.

I'm fine with people having different political viewpoints, like how Mae, Bea, and others tend to have a less than favorable view on the current capitalist system. Whatever. Thats fine. But making it seem like said blue collar workers are in the wrong for accepting reality and trying to do their best to make it better is disgusting.

Thats why I hope she shows any form of improvement. If she begins to try to be better that changes everything. Watching someone go from depressed and directionless to depressed and directionless isn't much of a character arc.

ah, thanks

It kinda comes off that way.
At the very least they want you to think that what Mae has done isn't wrong or that she's not actually responsible for it.

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She's not even going to admit she fucked up, much less actually try to do better? Wow.

I haven't played it yet but I kinda dislike it from what I've heard because of the meme that you should live in big citys.

That's the only takeaway I can find from this game.
It's like the developers wanted to depict middle america as shitty and backwards but they completely failed to do that and even excused it by the end.
Like Greg and the bear guy say that people have treated them poorly for being gay and they want to leave town but when you ask them what happened they just shrug and say "people give us weird looks." or some other non example.

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I'm not really sure what place they're trying to depict. I'm from a flyover state with no actual major city in it and its not really an accurate representation of life here at all. The only thing to complain about is I wish there were more things to do.

So you don't like it because the main character isn't relatable to you? Sorry you couldn't self-insert I guess.

i want to fuck a baby into mae

Gregg and angus won’t last together tho

>Someone convinced me to buy this infuriating game
how lol
hey since you're so dumb gimme $5 wise guy

i love the artstyle and the ost fucking slaps, but god damn this game sucks

i want to cum on beas ass though

I thought it was nice.

My favorite bit was the party where Bea runs off because Mae is just acting with her usual level of silliness. And it's not treated like "oh all these people are so pretentious look at Mae being a rebel by being genuine," it's just Bea being self-conscious like most people are around that age. Everyone stands around after she leaves like "huh. wonder what that was about." and doesn't do that standard "ew what a weirdo, anyway let's get back to being cooool people" shit.

Also I like the waking up music.

>Blablabla time and money.
Haven't played the game - but in regard to what you weite about - SO WHAT? They own her now? They are in the write to tell her her every next move? The are in the right to use her as a tool whenever they please?
See, there is a reason a human being, a free human being, is the whole proprietor of his body, and that reason is, said human being VOLUNTARILY maintains his own body and might damn well not, not to mention more drastic measures. A free human being is, among other, free to "MIS"use his body any damn way he fancies (including somatic depression, hunger strikes, self-mutilation, s, going postal, etc.). Claiming ownership over something that can, any given day just, figuratively speaking, burst up in flames just by itself, without any way to prevent that, is absurd.

So, whatever her parents did provide her, they don't own a pinch of her future. Next. If they count on her as part of their retirement plan, they are fucking better to cooperate and to help her stand up on her own her own way, should she ask for reasonanle help. That is in their own interest, since, well, good luck forcing THEIR retirement plans on a self-consciously free human being.

tl;dr: Fuck off.

Geez you have tons of daddy issues

>Mae's parents did everything they could for her but in the end, Mae was too fucked up to make any good use of it
Wow, it's almost like not everyone that comes from decent homes grows up to be the next world renown genius. Not everyone is meant for higher learning, and some people can't handle the immense pressure that reality can give them at times. It's almost like just because you can't relate to it, someone else couldn't.

The dreams and the music were the ONLY good part of this game

The characters is the least of its problems. It's just not engaging in any way. Boring textbox simulator full of nonsensical dialog

I'm thinking it's the degenerate petulance about otherwise relateable suffering.
That's assuming people playing haven't seen and been through worse, and are just pissed off that this supposed step away from reality is just into a shittier, more petulant reality.


I agree that she's a hard character to like but then, she is literally mentally ill. Other characters do call her out on her behaviour and she does change over the course of the game

> story-based walking simulator that's so far left that Gone Home pales in comparison
> despite this, Yea Forums is actually torn on the game, and threads are full of thoughtful discussion instead of shitposting

Game deserves a medal for that alone. Not being a soiboi goes a long way.

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t. a fucking teenage leech
I don't give a shit if this is bait, there's no fucking way a self serving adult could sympathize with Mae, I feel like a ton of the game's problems could've been fixed if they had just made he and her friends like 15-17 or some shit because that's what she acts like.

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Pretty much why the story falls flat halfway through and why the main character is an insufferable cunt but hey what did ya expect from tumblr levels of writing

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Mate, all the parents want is for her to tell them why she dropped out (I do believe she owes them an explanation, since she agreed to have them pay for her college, thats on her.) They continually try to help her and keep asking if she's okay, and house and feed her asking absolutely nothing in return except for that explanation. Mae pays them back by saying they're a family of failures and insulting her parents and their livelihoods. They never try to tell her what to do. It's obvious you never played the game, next time make sure you know anything about the subject matter.

tl;dr: Don't talk about shit you know nothing about. I'd say buy the game but I don't want the developer getting more money.

Bea is one of the only characters in this game that get screen time that I still like.
I want to impregnateher.

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>Yea Forums is actually torn on the game
We're not torn on the game, the general consensus here is that it's fucking objective dogshit from a gameplay and story standpoint but the reasons why are a little more complex than it being a non-game queer simulator like Gone Home was.

Jokes on you I only looked at it because I'm a furry.
And It's made by furries dumber than me and I hate it.

I think just the simple act of making her the protagonist would've made the game decent, not saying that from a waifufag standpoint, she's objectively the most interesting and rounded character in the game.

It fumbles it's main themes right on the finish line and fails to make the main character sympathetic when that seemed like the whole point of the game.

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The fact she wasn't able to become a genius and dropped out wasn't the point of mentioning that, the point was that she refused to tell her parents why she was throwing all that away and when asked proceeded to insult them and call them failures. That's why I'm angry at her about that situation. Then there's also everything else.

Honestly I agree.

>buy sjw game
>expect plot not to be retarded


I also agree.

its so fucking unfair that Bea got That flash when Mae is way hotter

I just pirated it it, I can say I enjoyed the experience on the hole while I was doing it, probably because I liked someone of the things about the gameplay world and some of the characters, but I was le down by the ending and looking back I'm annoyed and angry because it was a pretty big fuck up and waste of what the game had going for it, honestly if it took a whole other angle and just stuck with furfag angst shit or some horror plot thing it might have been good but overall the way it turned out was just not good and exactly what I expected from the people making it

If I had bought it, especially at the insane standard asking price, I would be fuming at at bad I'd been scammed

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The one by TheBoogie?
Face it, Bea is best girl.
Mae could've had an extra scene tho.

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Luckily I had a gift card sitting around and I was bored, but I'm still angry I used essentially free money on it.

>20 dollars for a game that disparages the average person

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That one was relatable. I was an idiot first time binge drinking.

>This is what commies want.

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I'm from a fly-over county, most people just do drugs. In fact, opiates are tearing apart families worse than anything else. Immigration is also a factor in the morale of basically everyone I've grown up with going to shit.

Embrace the benevolent rule of your enlightened intelligista furlords.

When I drink heavily I just end up saying what I genuinely think about a given subject while I let my friends know I love them.
Unfortunately I'm not a filthy commie so people get upset at what I really think.
It sucks being stuck in commiefornia.

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"I know about mental health bro I took a course once" the game

Bea was the most relatable character in the game

>Make an entire game that seems to be hinting at some reason the main character is acting like a moron and can't seem to talk to other people.
>Near the end just blame eldritch spooky boi for everything.
>This is supposed to convince people blue collars are wrong when they get annoyed at progressives preaching down to them.

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Yeah Mae is a cunt
But I did enjoy the game despite being a walking simulator
It could’ve used more gamey mini games

Damn straight.

As a dude who spent his high school years being a beard still to this day especially blue collar America people hate fags and will tell you to repent sinner.

I wanted more hate more realistic depictions of causal hate.

I would’ve had Greg work at a hair salon and have all the woman absolute love him yet everyone man in town on the topic of Greg is “Dirty fag don’t touch me”

The bear dude doesn’t mention Greg is his boyfriend and will actively deny being gay

I would’ve preferred to play as Bea
She’s an infinitely better character

>babbys first game with a protag thats supposed to be seen as a piece of shit, but subtly

This I hate with a burning passion
You don’t know the feeling of a hard days work you wanna be socialist

There’s far more wrong with your side and ideas than a man working hard and wanting the best for his family

100% true.

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Thanks for saving me 15 bucks or whatever.

No way, it's very obvious to anyone who can think about it for more than 10 seconds.

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>that's the fucking ending
glad I never bought this holy shit.
Why couldn't they have an ending where Mae acknowledges her weaknesses and strives to become a better person not just for her friends but for herself?

You're quite welcome.
If you want a furry game to play try The Crown of Leaves, it's $5 and seems like it's not written by retards.
I have not played it though.

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This game became such a painful blur once I got halfway through the game.
The only thing I remember from the game anymore is the weird reveal that Mae became such a master gamer that she practically killed someone with a bat and after that reveal I basically lost all motivation to complete the game because I thought it was so absurd

that minigame on the computer that you could play was fun though

The computer minigame is actually a better game than the main attraction.
Even though it's kinda buggy.
Check out for the real final sticking point people have with this game.

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Fuck the writers for not confirming that she's autistic.

It would've made much more sense.

She would have to be severely autistic to explain her actions.
Like punching holes in walls and being nonverbal autistic.
She's just an asshole who knows what she's doing and damn the consequences.

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Move anywhere West of Nevada and you'll never have that problem again. Millennials are a meme.

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I know you mean east and that's the plan my man.

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to be fair blue collar workers are often quite bigoted

I gave the game every single chance to be mean to any of the main 4 and at best it answered with complete indifference and in a lot of cases the townsfolk were completely sympathetic to Mae and her pals.
So either this game has no guts and won't actually talk shit or the writers are so think skinned they think not being pandered to is being mean.

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>the average person hates gays, niggers and kikes and votes for bigotry
>"hey, why does everyone talk shit about people like me?"

lynchings were common when it was still legal

The game is commenting on modern day blue collar middle America.
NO ONE in that area has ever lynched a single person and if they ever did it's the best kept secret in town.

My point is NitW does not make any kind of case for small towns with declining industries being bad other than them being poor as shit.

No one even so much as berates the main cast of two gays a dyke and a goth.

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well if you can get arrested if you do anything more severe than give weird looks, well then people will just give weird looks. maybe you haven't been in a social setting where people barely tolerate your presence and spread malicious rumors

Mae is not just a character. She is one of the worst characters ever created in the last 10 years. Awful. She has every awful quality a person could have and then some. The worst part is, the game goes to incredible lengths to justify her as being fine the way she is. You don't even get a chance to root for her because the game tries to convince you that shes ok, its actually the small town hicks that are the worst.

depression simulator

Maybe you've never stopped being a faggot for more than 5 seconds.

Weird looks could mean anything especially when you don't tell anyone in town you're dating and they find out you're gay when they see you fondling your big bear boyfriend on the street.

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So whats the tl;dr plot of this game? some faggy cat named Mae comes back from college because she's an autistic cunt, then something about the town killing people because fuck the middle class?

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No shit, mate! It's not like I STARTED my message with a statement about not having played the game, you know. Oh wait, it totally is.

Now, as to the content of your message, I frankly fail to see why she would owe them any explanation, moreover, I fail to see any significance to the question of why other than possible use of information thus received for future manipulations. What MATTERS is a question of what Mae, herself, CURRENTLY INTENDS to do. Do they ask her THAT question as repeatedly as they, as you state, ask her the WHY question? Answering the question of why could actually give them the tools to start stating what she SHOULD INTEND to do, suggesting she is a dumbfuck incapable of thinking for herself, and that they always know better and should do all the high-level thinking and plan her life for her. By not amswering the why, she, being incapable to tell them off properly, could just prevent them from recapturing the initiative and another angle of attack in form of "Here is what we agteed Mae should do from this point onward". Whether this is the actual case with the game, I have no idea, due to, as I have already pointed, not having played it.

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seriously, just go back abd stuck to reddit. don't post here anymore.

I have a better suggestion, how about you stop being a bigot for more than 5 seconds.

So the game made you feel something and now you hate it

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It barely has any plot. You just hang out with your virtual friends the whole game and that's it

Impossible. Since your definition of biggot is being indifferent regarding people different than you and expressing surprise for a moment when you learn something new an important about an acquaintance and them taking it as you're homophobic.

Face it, most people in America are just trying to get by and they don't have the time or energy to give a shit about every single stranger they pass on the street.

That doesn't make them bigots.

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Those were the words I was looking for. I felt really let down by the ending. It sucked because imo the atmosphere build-up was fantastic and it just fell right flat on it's face at the end, kinda like the veil of reality slowly being torn away only for someone to go like "boo scared u lol" at the end.

Wish ya could play as Casey
>Either become chad hobo nomad if you escape via train
>Or some lovecraft cultists sacrifices you

The game made me feel like I was occasionally guiding a complete idiot who made all the wrong choices with little to no reasoning who by the end of everything never even has a chance to make her own decisions or talk to another character in a meaningful way.

I certainly didn't enjoy it when it ended up meaning nothing.

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strangely enough they have time for trivial shit like NASCAR

Are you saying you don't want to drive a car at 200MPH at least once?

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>who made all the wrong choices with little to no reasoning
I didn't finish the game, but for what I could play it was more like "made all the wrong choices because they were the wrong choices"

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Have you seen Hot Fuzz?
It's basically that but instead of police, it's a cat with too much free time

All this emotional outburst is you empathising with Mae, the game want you to see her like that because she sees herself like that.

>That image

I will now buy your game.

>Lizard lady is the best part of the game.
Unsurprising. Least I save $15.

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Its representative of poorer parts of Appalasia that somehow mutated into being considered as the standard non-coastal culture. It's like they watched Beverly Hillbillies and thought that was the only culture between Manhattin and LA.

Sounds like the typical cringy game made by people with dyed hair and gender studies master that browse tumblr. Will avoid, thanks.

Reminds me of a friend from high school who dropped out of college and just withers away while leeching off his parents. Glad I avoided this game, playing as a character like that would just be painful.

>>NO ONE in that area has ever lynched a single person and if they ever did it's the best kept secret in town.

That's the plot of the game and it's ending though. The only difference is they're doing it to appease some maybe-fake eldritxh horror and sacrificing immigrants, foreigners, and kids that don't fall in line

I believe the mistake many people make is thinking a technically acceptable character has to be likeable in a way or the other. A character with a shitty attitude doesn't necessarily mean they're badly written, if that's what you're getting at (especially in NITW where the other characters call her out on her bullshit, meaning that the writers are aware she's kind of a cunt).
Personally, Mae's struggles speak to a lot of people, me included, so it'd be hypocritical of me to criticize her since I share some of her flaws. She's young and stupid, I'm young and stupid, I can't deny it

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I think a lot of anons gloss over that the game actively says what Mae's doing is self destructive and awful, and things don't change for her until she admits she has severe issues.

Yeah, I suppose just because a MC is unlikeable it doesn’t make it objectively bad. But from a subjective perspective I find it unappealing to play an unlikeable character unless they have some redeeming characteristics. This is especially true if the character isn’t punished for their poor behavior and may even be praised for it.


>from a subjective perspective I find it unappealing to play an unlikeable character unless they have some redeeming characteristics
Completely understandable

>This is especially true if the character isn’t punished for their poor behavior and may even be praised for it.
Are you saying that in general or are you implying that's what happens in the gaym?

In general. Never played this game so I wouldn’t know how they handle it.

Blame self insert fags and thin skins

>This is especially true if the character isn’t punished for their poor behavior and may even be praised for it.
Tbf Mae is punished, even if for a large % of the game she doesn't realize it. (And that part of the games message is that she *should* be punished more but lucky for her her Grandpa was important)

I see. Well if you do end up playing this game know that you'll be doing mundane stuff for 90% of the game, mostly talking to people. Shit gets pretty real at times. Some anons accuse the writing of being SJWy but personally I was never bothered by the very few political stances included, so much so that I don't even remember any (but then again I ain't played this game in years).

The ending is the game's worst offender really, as it really grinds against what the game had been about up to that moment. SPOILERS AHEAD Felt kind of out of place and it would have worked much, MUCH better if it turned out to actually all be just in Mae's head, considering she's actually mentally ill

I wouldn't even call the writing SJW but left-leaning at worst, not that you should care since this game ain't about politics. So ignore these OBSESSED anons and see for yourself

I was in the exact same situation when I burnt out of college, but I didn't lie to my parents about it so they could burn money on a futile cause. I got a job the moment I dropped out because I would have felt guilty leeching off of them. Because I felt bad about dashing their hopes. Because I still cared about them, which is how people in healthy relationships act

> I frankly fail to see why she would owe them any explanation, moreover

When someone loans or gives you a large amount of money to fix your life, they're trusting you to spend it as explained. And not to exploit a personal relationship to cajole money to support things they otherwise wouldn't pay for. If a friend says they need money for surgery and you discover they spent the money on a new television, do you continue to trust this friend?

Her parents want to know why she dropped out in case the reason is something external and solvable. Like a stalker or criminal incident threatening her safety.

I mean, ok, in the ending the whole BOOMERS BAD argument is kinda dumb but that's it really. Alright I'm done now

Honestly, it seems like if there was a character development where she realized what a terrible person she was throughout the game, ending on a note of striving to better herself, I think you'd probably like it. The fact that the MC is this, desu, quite relatable character to a shitton of people on Yea Forums is neat - I think a game centered around trying to better yourself and get the motivation to do better while the game does it best to completely push you down would be a really strong message and neat. It's just a shame that it wasn't the focus of the game.

Although, from another post, it seems like the devs want you to sympathize with her and think she did nothing wrong.

The whole "UGH BLUE COLLAR WORKERS" bullshit is one of the most infuriating mindsets to have to see from people like this game's developers.

Ugh. Like. Ugh. My parents like ugh. Don’t get me, you know? Ugh. I’m such human trash. Ugh. Don’t they know I’m gay? Ugh. They just like don’t get it. Ugh. Fuck old people. Ugh.
>repeat for 8 hours until the credits roll

You forgot UGH TACOS

I bet you liked Korra, faggot.

I put cups on my ears haha aren’t I do randomz XD, also I’m such a big gay boy and I luvz my big gay bear bf uwu. Also fuck old people.

>But making it seem like said blue collar workers are in the wrong for accepting reality and trying to do their best to make it better is disgusting.

They literally killed people to keep their generic shithole town afloat.

>In fact, opiates are tearing apart families worse than anything else. Immigration is also a factor in the morale of basically everyone I've grown up with going to shit.

Nope, immigration is a non-factor for people in the Midwest. Have fun begging Trump and Goldman Sachs for jobs.

>the average nigger also hates kikes and gays
>the average kike also hates niggers and gays
>every "bigot" is portrayed as a white hillbilly


The average person supports LGBT rights, marijuana legislation, the Green new deal, a higher minimum wage and a public medicare option. It's just that useless states like Oklahoma get two senators and extra power in elections so the average person is ruled by a minority.

Actually Black and Jewish Americans vote for anti-bigotry politicians in every single election while low-education Whites and rural Whites can't love bigots enough.

I've said it in every nitw thread i've seen that this "game" is full of problems with the worst offender being the shitty writing, to pirate it rather than buying this overpriced trash and i'm not the only user who said that so of you didn't listen that's your problem.


If you get to decide which politicians are bigoted based on a personal definition, then you'll also get to decide which people are in support of bigoted politicians.

I'm not really interested in your personal definitions, though.

It is a mix of lack of real experience while wanting to sell a fantasy version and fear of depiction = support.

This game is selling wut if you were a quirky moody 20-something girl. That appeals to a group of beardy goon men the same as wut if you were a quirky Japanese school girl does to others. On the face of it I don't hate that, but they really don't take that much advantage of the setting and for such a small world the few characters who even do get fleshed out are very shallow. Everything has to be steeped in 10 layers of irony, with at best little nods that we should totally be more honest and improve after the game is done.

But then you mix in that these types worry about anything they do possibly being seen as support. If you have a character who is racist, and then any positive traits that is a huge problem. So you either can't depicted the bad, only depicted a mild version or have incredibly 1 note characters.

>expecting garbage Portland hipster SJWs to be able to write meaningful and understandable human beings instead of just random tumblr furbait shit or ripping off garbage Canadian hipster SJW scott pilgrim shit

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There are different parents. There are those who just exploit. With a friendly a caring smile.

The problem is you need to be a good writer to pull that off. Mae's actions at best get her a slap on the wrist, her pointless rebellion is usually just dumb stuff off to the side. Not really hurting people but wasting time for the most part. Her actions don't push people away as much as they go UGH again then just keep hanging out. In comparison to a group who feeds people to a monster cause they are racist she is a saint.

Ultimately you don't really get much introspection or an interesting character study. She did shit cause of a spooky monster and that she is just kind of an ass. The whole game is characters going okay this is fun sometimes, but you do it too much so we'll wait for you to grow up. In the game she never does, at the end she goes okay I guess I will. You don't learn more about what makes people like this tick.

>Mae's struggles speak to a lot of people, me included,
And this is what they wanted to target. Not people who want a good character. but those who go wow I totally see myself in this very generic character with generic problems. You might as well go watch some shitty soap opera.

>With friendly and caring smiles
plastered to their faces. "Put youself in our shoes (because we are incapable of putting ourselves in yours or simply choose not to)", they seem to be trying to say "and you will (have to) agree with us". "Ah, if only you have seen everything we had (and forget everything you've seen that we haven't, including us from the outside perspective), we really wish just (what we consider) the best for you". Truly heartwrenching, indeed.

>Blame self insert fags and thin skins
>Personally, Mae's struggles speak to a lot of people, me included, so it'd be hypocritical of me to criticize her since I share some of her flaws. She's young and stupid, I'm young and stupid, I can't deny it
lmao, this game is built for self insert fags

In other words, there are people who are genuinely good at exploiting other people's emotions. That is all I am currently trying to say.

Yeah, I agree, the gay sex scene between Angus and Gregg was really too much. They really didn't have to go into that much detail with it.

>but those who go wow I totally see myself in this very generic character with generic problems
This. I don't think this game is hated because "the character is a dickhead". Despite popular opinion on here I think most people can enjoy media starring a character they hate. People dislike this game because it's mediocre and the fan base is full of people who worship it since they see themselves in the main character.

The game is just too heavy with the appeal to the whole "I'm trash lol!" crowd. It can be deprecating but completely lacks substance when doing so. The characters wallow in being shits, know they are shits, talk about how they are shits and then we don't get a chance to walk these characters through actually changing. It is all so superficial and surface level. These characters aren't the worst people ever, just kind of dick bags that you'd get tired of after a while. If it was actually a character study that could work, but like the other guy said
> so it'd be hypocritical of me to criticize her since I share some of her flaws
the audience doesn't want that

the game is shit, but y'all act like the US and all it's citizens are a normal country with normal people

fuck the US and fuck you americans

Man, this game really got into some people skin

>not American
>uses y'all
commit stop living

Exactly. I don't know if it was intentional by the dev or if they're just that kind of person, but these people despise being told to change. They think that they can't change, which may be true, but any kind of deeper analysis other than "I'm a trash person" makes them uncomfortable. It seems tailor made to be deep enough to seem introspective, but shallow enough to not turn these people off.

New poster who has played the game myself - I think I'll use this post as my last impression on a game I've finished about several years ago. Would've been far better WITHOUT the supernatural elements, and instead tried to be AN ACTUAL study of character. Particularly, it should've studied those that would relate to Mae herself. Her character would've been far more personal if she was some hurting artist's self-insert and Mae's issues stemmed from things that aren't so supernatural - that she otherwise would blame the rest of her shitty life on without realizing responsibility. The game could've been a journey through paranoia that shows how one's addled mind could be subconsciously complacent with the ruination of self and others, with the endings either having Mae take or leave the chance to better herself and benefit others.

Goddamn. Just like "Life is Strange", they relied on shoddy supernatural storytelling as a crutch for direction.

I hardly even care about whether or not Mae could "change for the better". "Die Anywhere Else" could be her swan-song if she kills herself for all I care - at least ANY semblance of regard for responsibility would be better than some divine write-off "spooky demon god" thing that made her do a bad thing or so. Fuck.
If only this game could've been more like "Requiem for a Dream" but with teen furries...

Tends to happen with indie games with a rabid fanbase who proselytizes online. Even the ones that are legitimately good games still has it happen.

i just like to say y'all and how it sounds when you speak it
i'm not a fucking idiot burger amerifat

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Not even a fraction as bigoted as patronizibg politicals.
"I hate niggers cause they're aggressive, clannish and criminal and I can't afford to move away from them." is a lot less offensive than "oh you poor marginalized P O C I know what's best for you and yours, even though my only interaction with you is from half-white wiggers from the other end of a fast-food counter."
Upper middle class whites should be shut the fuck up.

the racism is a methaphoric representation of what is really happening in America

You know, I actually enjoyed the game, but something always stuck out to me about the MC that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I think you may be right about how little the character actually grows or has any sort of arc through the game. Sure the climax and unraveling after do give some semblance of a new perspective, but you never get the impression that the MC appreciates what a great set of friends and family they’re surrounded with, they just laugh about how much of a failure and a garbage person they are. Imagine having that shallow of a personality that you can’t take enjoyment in your community, nor the others who clearly love and support you. Perhaps the game was a very subtle comment on mental illness, but I doubt anyone on the team was cognizant enough to even have the thought. They just wanted to make a game to listen to Austin Wintory and Chainsmokers albums to as they wistfully look out the window as they’re “thingken bout life”

>the audience doesn't want that
Is there anything that you two (or someone) could recommend that at least has people taking a good look in the mirror and seeing what they've done?
Most NitW "fans" that persist in giving the game credit without being spent for its flaws, would fear the game if Mae was more responsible for her actions.

if people weren't actively keeping away black people from social gatherings and the job market, we wouldn't have problems like we have now

The problems that black people face stem from people like you treating them unfairly.

Member a fag who wanted to make a dating sim based on this game?

I'd buy it ironically

>this is what gender studies dropouts want you to believe

>got a job the moment you dropped out
must be nice to be able to get one that quickly

Why wouldn’t I hate mental illness and crime?

It's made for SJWs to self insert

How does one “keep black people away”? Asking for a friend who has a farm and can’t seem to get rid of his nigger infestation

by throwing racists like you to the wolves

Trump sure did get all the votes from homos, jews and black people.

>I hate criminals and mental illness
>damn do I love my president

...did you just come here to project onto a game you've never even played?

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Because he wasn't bigoted in their favor. Get a president that's all "fuck whitey" and you'll see those demographics flood in with their support.

The choice isn't between a bigot and a non-bigot, it's choosing who the leaders are bigoted against. That's how nations that are "diverse" act like and it's the reason why they're all shitholes with no social cohesion.

Welcome to sub-Saharan politics, my American friend. You're here forever.

people have legitimate reasons to be bitter towards white people

I don't really give a fuck how you excuse some groups having an in-group bias while you think others shouldn't. You'll still end up nothing but a shitty corrupt state in the end where democracy literally cannot exist.

You think first generation Afghani immigrants mostly vote democrat because of their progressive ideals? You delusional retard. LMAO!

Strange, no one brought up a president but you...projection is a dangerous drug, my brainlet pal.

muslims at least have a decent religion

I’m racist because I see that dark skins are 50% of the crime? When they found out rats were carrying the bubonic plague, and targeted rats to be wiped out, was that bigoted of them? Why do you only want non-criminals to be killed? Seems like an odd way to lead a country to prosperity :redditthink:

you'd hate your president more than blacks and gay people if you really were concerned about mental illness and criminal behaviour

Imagine hating someone that doesn’t affect your daily life in the slightest unless you let them live in your head tent free. Good luck with that mental illness!

yeah, let's pretend it's just not corrupt cops and white people that have an in group preference, shall we?

Every time I BTFO some zoomie they come back with this "lel I was just trolling all along XD" meme response.

You lost the argument. Seethe harder.

what have gays and black people ever done to you?

My muslim friends are respectful upstanding citizens, unlike the people from the rural community I grew up in where most people were religious, racist, and retarded.

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“Anti-bigotry” aka bigotry against white men

Got a link for me please?

>My muslim friends
>unlike.... people were religious

Yes indeed. Now seethe harder, pretend troll zoomie.

>someone criticizes white men for the first time in history
>omg wtf is all this rampant bigotry?

This game is the overlap of two indie subgenres that I particularly despise: The 'we're gonna trick you into thinking this is gonna be a horror story but that's just a ploy to put asses on chairs' and 'man i really like Twin Peaks but i've never actually seen it'

So many garbage indies fall under those two categories. Gone Home. Firewatch. Life is Strange. And now this one

Christianity is a horrible religion and you know it.

I never played this game, I decided to read your posts because you sounded passionate enough. As it turns out, you've literally just described me.

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>whites don't want to be around nigs because they don't want to be assaulted
>calls for killing whites and people saying how the idea of all whites dying out makes them happy
>this isn't bigotry at all

Yeah, Mae is an absolute unlikable piece of shit, and number one reason with a bullet why I despised this game. Call me fucking old fashioned but I don't think the MC of a game should be somebody the player hates.

whatever you say you dimwitted racist


Night In The Woods is one of these games that you can only enjoy if you are in or have been very similar circumstances to the characters.

Personally, I don't relate.

Keep trying zoomie.

NITW is literally a walking sim, walking is 90% of the game
Why do you walk? to check in on friends and do their questline, you can't do every friend's questline in the same playthrough so somehow this is supposed to make it replayable, good luck doing all the walking necessary for each replay
mae has dream sequences which are more walking

the 10% of the game that is not walking is playing a pitifully easy dungeon game or a music rhythm game where you literally cannot fail and face no consequences for doing poorly except being teased about it

the characters are really the only draw of this game and only if they resonate with you, otherwise you will find them to be annoying stereotypes.

NITW should have been a movie/tv show, not a game

also if you want to play walking sims so badly go play what remains of edith finch, it's actually good and not remotely as repetitive as NITW. NITW is shitty furry bait and i'm saying this as a furry that pounded several out to bea on e621 (bea is bae). Play something else.

keep seething Christcuck, you know I'm right

Because acknowledging your flaws and working to become a better person is an alien concept to the liberal mind, where they are convinced that they're always in the right and never wrong.


all i know is that ur a fedora tipping virgin, mate

you're the one that is an alt right christcuck, lmao

>Her childish behavior is obviously just her coping with the shit that's gone wrong in her life, and that's okay in cathartic bursts but at this point she's just taking advantage of everyone around her. She's not even trying. Her excuse is "I didn't ask to be born" well tough fuckin luck.
>The only reason she can be as carefree as she appears to be is that her parents are giving her food and housing for free.
>Perhaps I'd like her more if they didn't put Bea and even Gregg right there for contrast.
Thats the point of the game though. Play through the entire game, especially Bea's story and Mae eventually admits this iirc. Mae is not supposed to be a "good" or particularly "likeable" protagonist, the point of her is that she wants to be treated like an adult but actually refuses to act like one, it is after all inspired by books like catcher in the rye. Its been a while since i played the game, but what you describe is the game's major theme, that everything in the world changes, even your childhood home, friends and hangouts and that we have to change with it, wether we like it or not, and that sure, the world is a scary and unforgiving place, but approaching the world with only this mindset, like Mae does, is far more harmful to you than the world itself. Quite on the contrary, i think that Mae's paradoxical character is one of the game's strengths.

You do get a journal entry in the epilogue where she mentions maybe shed like being a janitor. She also commits to explaining her situation to her parents over dinner. You could argue its unsatisfying because we dont actually see it but it would just be a retread of when she explained everything to her friends earlier.


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The game is 2good4u. Sorry it doesn't paint dying, bigoted rural America in a positive light.

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it has nothing to do with the game, people are just waking up and seeing Trump for what he is, just another Republian scam

this game almost had a good script and a cohesive theme but it needed like 12 more revisions, what was put into the game seems like a first draft nobody else reviewed

there are pieces of something decent but the execution completely fumbles and in the end it has zero idea what it wanted to say

Congrats you've just realized why every adult rolls their eyes at those teens that are so full of ANGST. Welcome to the adult world, where we laugh at the inanity of things like romeo and Juliet.

lets be real adding in the twist is what makes it a GAME instead of another Gone Home

I do agree it would make it a better ending

Like I said, it would've made more sense to label mae as autistic or high on the spectrum.

there is no lulspooky. Its all gas from the mines underneath town that fucks with the people's mental states and ultimately causes a cult to form. Mae's mental illness didn't start to get worse until the sinkhole opened up by her house

Well its ambiguous. The stalker did have actually supernatural powers, the ability to phase through solid objects.
The black goat is implied to be real and underneath the town.

I agree that its ambiguous. There's really enough room to interpret the game however you want. Honestly one of my least favorite aspects about the game. They give you enough room for the lul its just crazy gas theory, but then also enough for the black goat existing under the town. It's very unsatisfying

>ambiguous writing
The more I see this in indie titles - not just games - the more I feel like it’s becoming a crutch for amateur writers who can’t properly express concise themes and ideas

She’s projecting, she sees herself as a failure for having a mental break and dropping out of college


a man of taste

also bea is bae
so bae that I got the dragon 2 hole toy from dirtyinternet toys in custom colors styled after her

welcome to the world of real people

NitW might not have "good" characters but their flaws feel fucking real. Pouty young adults that give up on the world and take their parents for granted. That's real life man. Shit got too close for comfort sometimes and the extreme relatability of this shit is what kept me wanting to play it.

You're fucking delusional, no one in this game felt real nor did they feel relatable, they're all written the same and they're only relateable for faggots like you. Fuckinh kill yourself.

>only people like me are real
holy shit user, shut up

blue collars are not "bigoted", they're easily manipulated

Real bigotry is on the high ruling classes who spice up their bigotry so blue collars will swallow it all like it was candy

That's a bit of a cringey one, I'm afraid.

This game was not developed when Trump was President.

Nah retard, actually I didn't like it because it wasn't real enough, every character was written like the same tumblr penguin of d00m caricature, and the story was poorly paced as well.

Degenerate furry.
I have a dragon pussy, butthole and mouth from bad dragon, though uwu

Gotta be born before 9/11 to post here kiddo.


DIT's 2 hole dragon is so much better than BD's one

a perfect definition of socially inept left-leaning dropout who feels the world has robbed her a chance to live like an entitled king, cuz "muh inequality and everything is bad in this world, muh china minor worker slaves and corporate scum that doesn't pay taxes etc."
I mean the game has nailed what they've aimed to depict.

Post Mae

the problem is that white men gatekeep others from entering high positions, how else do you explain the lack of female and black representation in the workforce?

I enjoyed Mae a lot as a character, she made a lot of sense and I know people irl who act a lot like her. The cult was fucking great too. Then when the ending came around with the mysterious demon entity in the mines just fucking with people's minds, and it was just kind of a letdown

I would really like to see the same people do the same a game again but with a different set of characters and stories... Is that something we're likely to see? Is there a night in the woods 2 in the works?

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>make gay characters everywhere
>make protag gay
>don't make the one character who deserves to get her carpet munched gay

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>On top of that she seems to just be an emotional drain to everyone around her. She's self centered, frequently an asshole, and on the occasions she tries to be nice she fucks up spectacularly.

I think I know why someone recommended it to you lol

good, honestly bea being a lesbian would make her incredibly boring

The supernatural stuff is allegory, and the gas is there for mouthbreathers who need more handholding to understand it as a condemnation of the capitalist systems which abandon these communities to slowly die off in their wake of economic and ecological vampirism. The cult is people who think the system that created their shit situation will somehow save them.

>he doesn't want to have a threesome with Bae and Mae and force Bae to eat your cum out of Mae's cunt
it's like your a casual or something

nice to see that everyone in Yea Forums isn't a mouth breathing retard

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i completely agree, mae bogged down the entire game for me as a whole because of how much of an insufferable cunt she is. i get she's supposed to be a shitty person, but it's handled fucking awfully because she never tries to better herself or have any actual growth. the game constantly tells you she's a terrible person, but does mae actually come to terms with it and try to improve herself throughout the course of the game? no, instead there's a shitty twist that "oh she was right all along because of spooky eldritch gods!!" and you're expected to see her in the right all along and feel bad for her.
there's a lot of things i really liked about the game, i loved the art direction, atmosphere and music. bea was also great and the only well-written, genuinely relatable character. but mae, the majority of the other characters, and the awfully written "plot" hold it back so fucking much. not to mention the message of the game is super shitty

Was NITW made around when the whole Trump thing blew up?
They may be the cause.

I want to FUCK that deer chick that works in the video store

>she practically killed someone with a bat

And we're supposed to feel bad for her because she was disassociating.

>spoiled white kids: the game furry edition
no wonder I couldn't relate to these stupid problems when I pirated this shit. Caliphate soon.

It came out in 2015 right before the zonald blumpf shit started iirc

If the monster was real or not is irrelevant to the games themes.

must be nice being white and well off

>A character with a shitty attitude doesn't necessarily mean they're badly written
it doesn't, but mae is

It could have been if they could write worth a damn.

What you said is true, but you need a really skilled writer to pull it off. It doesn't work in this game, whereas it works in Evangelion.

I think the literal hoards of people who think EVA is about religion and waifus undercuts your claim.

Boss is legal immigrant from albania. He has hired 3 blacks and will never again since all three were lazy, uninspired, and heavy drug users. He also hires an open queen who caved under the lightest pressure of work leaving more work for others during a rush or even a modest steady hour. He has no problem hiring anyone else, especially south of the boarder because even if they are rude, short, and ugly, they still get to the job on time and keep the place clean

I think the developer wanted her to feel real as in similar to what many young people may end up being like not automatically a perfect likable self insert.

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Go to the last hour for the game to be ripped to shreds.

I didn't "get" the game, and chalked it up to not being the target demographic. I don't have anxiety issues, I'm not of the lolsorandum generation, and I'm not from a small town, so I just assumed it wasn't my cup of tea. Your criticism seems widely common though so there must be something to it

bea is for shapely rule34 a la afrometromizu or greasymojo

Nice blog post, didn't read it.

t. Grima Wormtongue

You don't speak for me you subhuman cunt, this game is great

sounds like your boss has a racism problem

I'm glad you spoiled it for me, after reading OP's posts and realizing how much it sounded like he was talking about myself I was interested in getting the game. Thanks for letting me know it fucks it all up in the end.

I always get the feeling the game's writing team had a fit between people who wanted to make an SOL growing up story with a millennial focus, a 2spooky horror story with cults, severed arms, and Lovecraft goats, and a political diatribe about how conservatives are ruining America and how ANTIFA is the way to go. There's practically seams between the different approaches to the story, and how you're supposed to play the game and not want to knock Jackie on (her) smug ass is beyond me.

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jackie wasn't that overbearing though and was chill with Mae until she fucked up, she makes like two lines about "le fuck the system" and then just dances. Sounds pretty all bark and no bite to me

Pirate it

If you like this game you aren't Yea Forums, go fuck yourself and your non-game.

>the straight character is best girl

what did they mean by this?

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can someone post the faces of the dev team ?
thats all that i need to know nowadays to decide wheather a game is trash or not.

>Nope, immigration is a non-factor for people in the Midwest.
t. Still living in 1990
Every single state is getting flooded with Mexicans and others. Fucking Minnesota has hundreds of thousands of SOMALIS.

Michigan is full of muzzies. If it wasn't for the blacks, we would be the first to accept Sharia law.

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How strange, I feel like this is both an idiotic way to see things and 100% correct.

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>you aren't Yea Forums
I hope you're just baiting. If you're not, take a reality check, because you have an innate urge so hard to belong somewhere, that you try to push it on others as well.

I liked the buildup and general slice of life feel of the game. It was really intriguing me when it came to cultists and shit, but failed to deliver hard. I didn't like the characters because I can't relate to them, but the story itself was nice mostly because of that. You don't always have to see everything through the same pair of glasses.

at least they're not white

they meant that the best thing in the world is to have a goth gator girl sit her fat ass on your face while sucking your cock


Mae never grew up while everyone else did. Congrats on homing in on one of the themes of the game.

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gregg never really grew up either

He was doing better with angus but is too impulsive to resist mae and her games. He is at least working towards a better life.

if you follow the storyline it gets pretty obvious that gregg will lose angus to someone else later and go back to being a bipolar manchild

he's basically mae's male equivalent in the game

He's got some major issues with his bipolar yeah, tough to say if they couldn't work through it but I think they can. Angus grew up with this and Gregg is slowly mellowing out, he knew what he was getting into when they started dating.

it's something that shouldn't be true but it is

>At the end of the game all of Mae's issues are placed on the lolspooky
>you're just supposed to forgive a character you've watched be a destructive shithead for the last several hours on the spot
>Also the developers are obnoxious cunts who look down on middle America and the dumb blue collars
wrong, wrong and wrong
You probably went into the game completely biased and skipped through it quickly, or have only skipped through it on youtube
The spook stuff wasn't the reason for all of her problems, only for worsening it when she came back to town, not that it matters because all the spooky shit is just a metaphor for a destructive system that gets fed by people who don't know another way out
You're supposed to forgive Mae, because over the course of the game she realizes that her leeching shitty ways are leeching and shitty and then at the end wants to get better.
And, what the fuck, if anything blue collar workers are shown to be the victims, the system is the one at fault

of course I'm not Yea Forums, you retard
go outside

You have the mindset of a literal child