Any games where your favourite party memeber just fucking dies and you can do nothing to save them?
Any games where your favourite party memeber just fucking dies and you can do nothing to save them?
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
wait what happened to sad panda? is it under maintenance? i just got back from camping
hes dead jim
It's dead, the trannies killed it.
there's a really obscure one called FF7.
RIP Tellah
It's truly the end
It's going out for some cigarettes. It'll be back soon.
The Usurper should work. this game breaks its own fucking rules.
wait did it really died damn guess i took too long to make my account i even had a lot of links saved on my computer what a shame
this actually makes me particularly upset
I recognize that flower from somewhere
imagine living in a fucking EU country
fuck you shitposting niggers made me look
dilate tranny
Jojo parts 6 and 7
Persona 3
>xe doesn't know
Resident Evil 4.
He knew a good bar
Ugh, I just woke up to this.
You fucking subhuman EOP can't even imagine what's really lost. All those full tankoubon scans of various comics, old doujins, artbook etc.
I'm getting tired of downloading all this shit in a hurry. I bet most of my stuff isn't even that niche and someone already got them covered.
what the fuck does this even have to do with my post?
>fucking massive fraction of shit doesn't have a torrent
>links to missing whole torrent files instead of magnets/hashes
>plain text hashes not on every page
all volatile sites should have plain text hashes of all their content
they always make it so hard to mirror
Fucking this, a lot of that rare shit I don't even know if I could find on share or perfect dark anymore. But the only thing everyone cares about is the shitty porn.
Ex in maybe two hours. Eh in about six months
>It's an americans ruin the fun for everyone episode.
I hate this plot, it is so overused with their sensitive shit.
Nah it's the fucking Netherlands bruh, the trannies just want credit for something.
good riddance. Fuck compulsive masturbators
have sex
God, I can probably grab non-loli artbooks down the line, but there's not enough time. Fucking bullshit. Really, Belgium? REALLY? A DRAWING IS EQUAL TO THE REAL THING?
it's in hospice right now, you're gonna walk out thinking you'll see it tomorrow but it will be dead soon after you leave
Final Fantasy V
Treasure that look, since it's likely going to be the last one.
This is no fun at all. i'm trying make fun of dutch faggots but they're all to busy downloading stuff.
Persona 3
Legend of Dragoon
Grandia II
The loli/shota porn is main priority because it will be the first thing to go, retard. Anything on e-hentai will have months to be saved.
Europa delenda est
Yes. Americans. Fuck Americans and fuck Trump.
Why the fuck would I want to save that shit? People like you ruined it for everyone else
Enjoy that look. Cherish it.
>barreling towards the image limit, -200 left
>no way to reset because despite being a member for some 8 years, I don't have enough to do that
>still have ~100 galleries I wanted to save
>goes to the fucking Moon
>doubles down against drawings while covering up child rape gangs
It was the Dutch who put it all into motion based retard
so which literal pedo entity is projecting onto drawings this time?
All of the site is still there, just as it was yesterday? way to overreact, retards
oh look, another centralized sekrit club went belly up.
Serves you fags right.
The site is being taken down from a DMCA from the Trump Administration
fucking Daiz did it again
The Dutch, by extension of the European Union
how long until Yea Forums goes belly up
well, which is it?
Does anyone have any sauce to the bullshit flying around, or is this just more rumor mongering?
What secret club, WHAT SECRET CLUB, anybody could join it
i wish Yea Forums had a retard filtering gate like sadpanda had
all those art-books I won't be able to save hurt me.
While I appreciate that you are also sad about sad panda, this isn't video games so fuck off and die, OP
>living on glories from 50 years ago
Oh no.
the day cant come soon enough
Go on their forums and find out retards
It's the eurofags fault this time.
Just put this in OP next time.
I don't see the relevance
Yea Forums isn't a sekrit club
this seems like bait, but why would sadpanda of all places start giving a shit, looked at it a few seconds ago and nothing has changed
How are you guys having this much trouble backing up a single picture of a panda?
You should try it some time.
Oh, wait.
this is Yea Forums culture
Instead of crying about it, can someone just make a torrent of all the content?
It already has. This place is just a tourist location for Reddit and Twitter now.
Loli and shota re protected as free speech in the USA
It's a sekrit club for those 18 and older :^)
Definitely not
Yea Forums has always had underage on it
Sure dude, let me make a torrent out of 700k fucking galleries
Coming right up!
Fuck, how much longer do I have to back up as much as I can?
>just make a torrent of over ten year's worth of comics and galleries, some containing thousands of images
wow you're so smart user I can't believe nobody thought of that
No it isn't
>Literally discovers and founds America
>Squanders the chance given by higher beings to shitpost any chance they get
You're right, it's pretty good.
>Netherlands now treats drawings at actual CP
>Trolls report sad panda for having CP (probably that fakku retard)
>Sadpanda servers are in netherlands
>Goverment DMCAs server owner and gives ultimatum
its not really that hard to figure out user
Yeah sure let me throw together a quick torrent for all 12 years of gallery uploads in the last few hours the site with all the content is still up
Its 50tb.
post a link when you're done dude
y cant move server
European nannystate worship is getting out of hand.
>find the soul calibur artbooks on there
Use this, it can download entire galleries* at full resolution they were uploaded at
*Uses up the gay ass 5000 images/day limit, but as long as it will be up for a while you're gold
Based af as fuck. Please share the link with me as well.
Download them right now fag
Wait is the whole site getting wiped or just the loli content? Why do loli fags gotta ruin it for the rest of us?
Yeah, surely this is an impossible task that couldn't be automated.
Fucking hell, kids these days.
Reminder to PLEASE backup those viyda art books.
Currently seeding the tree english versions of the Valkyria Chronicles 1-3 books. Grab them while they're hot.
Imagine being this delusional
Not this one, but music seems appropriate here.
That's it, image limit hit. All I can do now is hope the site remains up for (a lot more) hours than they were saying.
I can't believe I forgot about the image limit until it was beyond too late, I could have used what I had to reset when it was around half, giving me 2k more images.
>as long as it will be up for a while
user, I...
even sadpanda ex, that'd be the true loss
Post favorite tags.
The owner has had enough and wants out. Same way we lost Moot.
>Only accomplishment is birthing a child that will go on to do much better things
Yeah, everyone sure does love and remember Gandhi's mom, uh...
Not in all states I think?
of course it was the Dutch
get off my website faggit
exh exclusive tags like loli/shota/incest are at the top of the kill list.
non-panda e will still be up for a few more months
Don't we have a few months until EVERYTHING is gone? I thought only the loli shit would be taken down in a few hours.
It went up to retire at your uncles farm. Sometimes websites get tired and just need some time to rest.
All of it is getting purged and supposedly ehentai 6 months later although people will most likely be able to grab that shit within that time.
Legend of Dragoon
The server host doesn't want to deal with the government's bullshit every time someone uploads small titties or digs up an untagged loli image 300 pictures deep into a 7 year old gallery
>a disgusting porn site is getting removed
A small defeat for the Jews, also fuck exhentai for stealing my hath and giving everyone free filters
Japanese high school girls are under the age of 18, thus illegal under any law that includes anime drawings. Good luck trying to stay compliant with that.
just a scrape of the site would have been fine if all content was in individual torrents and plain hashes were displayed
content with seeded, existing torrents should not be backed up
>Party member could save themself
>They just don't
>cant post my "why is the dog sad" bait for free yous anymore
Never learned how to get past the panda so i dont care
Furrafinity is better anyways, only niggers liked exhentai
Is there any Firefox addons that'll let me just download all this shit without saving individual images for hours on end? My favorites go back years and hardly any of them are torrented anymore.
Nothing is official right now, but most likely the data servers and backups are gonna be confiscated
The owner itself said that sadpanda runs on a loss so finding another host would be expensive
>Dad died in January suddenly while I was in training
>Mother hid it from me until I was ordering up a class shirt and was calling home to doublecheck his size
>Get home and two months later my best dog, who made me love dogs gets a stroke and I have to carry his half-alive ass into the vet covered in his piss and shit
>Have to put him down
>Entire time my step brother is dragging his heels because Dad was stupid and didn't leave a will
>Don't even get to bury his ashes or see the urn before I have to go to my next command
>Having trouble getting through the next step of training
>Now this
I know I'm blogging.
But I just want a break. Can I have a God damn break finally?
>Kiwiniggers took sadpanda
they already took butterfree bro, when will they be put to the sword?
1. The server is located in the Netherlands which has recently outlawed loli.
2. The owner has been operating at a loss for years. Something like 50k~ USD annual
Posted it earlier
> ehentai is still up
what's the problem?
Daily reminder that allowing non-Americans to regulate the internet was a mistake
Things will get better user. Don't forget that.
see you probably won't be able to get them all. Choose wisely
download every artbook, every guide, anything!
oh that's great just fucking great man now what the fuck we are supposed to do that's some pretty shit now man that's it man game over GAME OVER
Glad you could make it Uther.
I spent the whole night downloading pictures. I should have been more careful and backing up when I could.
My internet experience will never be the same, Sad Panda had so much stuff and was so great to use.
ehentai is gone in 6 months user
It was bound to happen one day. Hopefully we don't have to wait long for a new site where people can upload everything they saved.
Did they disable GP so everyone can just download whatever?
>2. The owner has been operating at a loss for years. Something like 50k~ USD annual
nani the fuck how the shit, does he just wrack up debt?
Your dad probably killed himself cause his loser son jerks off to Japanese porn drawings
I don't even care about saving my favorites anymore. It doesn't matter anymore knowing there is stuff on the site that I'll never be able to enjoy.
Fuck the Dutch. I cheered for Ajax, you niggers.
is there actually anything official from people about the sites going down forever?
>The owner has been operating at a loss for years. Something like 50k~ USD annual
where was a ponyfag getting the money for that?
female: pantyhose.
The eternal euro strikes again
because they don't give a shit anymore
keep releasing C02
we'll flood the wood shoe wearing jew
Sponsors all pulled their advertisement support
i can't believe that trump did this bros... we elected him and he does this to us...
this is our holocaust bros.. and trump is our hitler...
Please tell me there is SOMEWHERE with a coordinated effort to archive this shit, because I doubt even a quarter of this shit has torrents, or are even seeded for that matter.
>shit is still being uploaded
for what purpose?
>Europe bad
>Israel's lap dog good
Fuck porn and fuck America
Unrelated to this tragedy but I hate when these mentally ill faggots take a pop culture character and draw them saying pro-degenerate shit for twitter checkmarks. Fuck these monkeys.
I never got in
>want to download a doujin
>no torrents
>The archiver assigned to this archive is temporarily unavailable.
I'm fucked.
What the fuck are you talking about? What the fuck are you bitching about? I can still access the non-loli/shota stuff on ex for now.
stay strong, user
I'm rooting for you
>Archiving over 2 million pages of content
Not enough time user. Never enough time
Gender bender, yuri, loli, mindbreak, mind control, rape, body modification, beastiality
>Israel's lap dog good
>When Euros created Israel
>+female: leg lock
>+female: kissing
>+female: impregnation
>+female: crying
Got six months to save it all page by page
I am pissed this is happening right before C96.
Get the script for Tampermonkey user
>509 error when I try to look at any image on exhentai
>downloader is still downloading
How much time do I have left bros?
I heard some guys at /ic/ are saving most, check Yea Forums and /h/ as well, god speed user.
/m/ is currently going nuts trying to save all mecha art books.
Kiwiniggers continuously reported Sadpanda to the Dutch authorities
get /g/ on the case
surely one of them can make a script!
Why not just save every pic individually?
They would not know.
Kill yourself bootlicker.
Why the fuck is the new fad to shit on anons talking about their lives?
I'm sorry for your losses user and hope youre doing alright.
Is there any way to get around this stupid image limit
That's why I am asking if some coordinated group is archiving this shit. The hentai will always be there, but I doubt most people will archive the magazines and artbooks. I'm willing to do my part, even if I fuck over my data cap.
That has less to do with that and more to do with a recent case about someone getting busted for it, and now the owner just has given up since he doesn't want to do another move for the domain.
Fucking sheep shagging poofters
Turns out I already had an outdated version of this installed so I just updated it but I'm not seeing any difference to the page.
You can save a lot of dosh by not having a family and a good paying job.
I too hope this is an elaborate ruse.
They're not even the fucking same, you idiot
There has never been an actual ontopic thread that started with "any games". Prove me wrong.
female: futanari
>never asked how to get on sadpanda because I didn't wanna be spoonfed
>figured if I lurked long enough I'd figure it out
>years go by
>never do
man I fucked up
With each passing day I believe more strongly that America and Japan are the only civilized countries on Earth.
If not civilized, at least sane.
If not sane, at least salvageable.
Imagine unironically using bootlicker as a negative term. I see it as something to be proud to be, and to have pride in.
The mental gymnastics it takes to call porn of Velma Dinkley child porn is just astounding.
It's like if the minimize the avenues of attraction people can have to other things, they think people will be forced to be attracted to them.
fucking retard
between donating to a relief fund for one of the best things to happen to one of the worst animation studios on earth, and then having actually ever visited sadpanda site, you have absolutely guaranteed to god himself that you deserve the judgement passing you straight to hell for eternity.
Eat shit, suck cocks, and enjoy your final damnation, you slimy robotic motherfuckers.
Literally impossible. Nobody is interesting in hosting the full collection, but even if they did, nobody has the bandwidth to host the dicking Sadpanda took every day.
Save what you can, because a lot of this shit is going to be gone forever in a few hours.
Did you try removing the script and reinstalling it?
everyone says lurk moar, I'm the only user that did
you know what, scratch that, I'm happy your dogshit website is going down
>all the /ss/ stuff
one week.
3 to 4 hours
>Secret Club
>Anybody could join and only the dumbest possible people are filtered out
What's so secret about it?
The site works for me.. dunno what this big meme is.. soo..... not vidya...
Like three at best, hurry the fuck up.
Any games about being on topic?
Yep totally the same guy
sour grapes, cope, etc
What a great doujin. Wish there were more like it.
f:yuri f:females only
Panda is going down in a few hours. E-hentai in a few months.
I'm glad the panda dies with integrity, at the very least
>Meme license
>Shut down one of the best hentai sites
m:shotacon m:father
Tried it just now and yeah nothing out of the ordinary, I vaguely remember there would be a blue or red archive link somewhere below the cover image but nothing like that now.
You're already too late for that, all the ones that have a shota or loli tag are gone.
>all those Tatsumaki doujins gone just because they use it to describe body type
>that Leopard doujin was the first thing purged
There is no god.
Federal court argues in favor that depictions in fiction does not equate to reality, so even if you were tried in state court you can argue to move it into federal court.
>splatoon 9 pages of results
>splatoon loli 8 pages of results
Houston, we have a problem
>stopped backing up favorites 3 years ago
>this fucking happens
first day on Yea Forums?
>mfw I don't have enough space to save the stuff I like nor enough points to download them
Might as well watch the last moments of this site before it dies.
>tfw downloading every Comic Lo I can find
>tfw hoping my ISP doesn't notice the gigabytes of data I'm using right now
>3 fucking hours until the killswitch
you seriously couldn't find out?
christ you must be a fucking retard
>Misc: Time Stop
>Female: Mind Break
>Female: Mind Fuck
I'm just downloading what I have bookmarked. Better to have it around than forgetting it or having to beg for a download when I want to bring it up again.
They're all teenagers though, the show is pretty damn clear about it. The episodes literally end with them being called "Meddling Kids"
yuri is gay
e-hentai still works, so good thing I'm vanilla fag I guess?
Is Nana the Twitch emoji?
>They're all teenagers though
>Loses against rice farmers
for the next six months at least
yes, and?
There's only one time stop based CG set that's totally worth it.
Quads for Truth
that is all.
get some taste nigger
>loses to Wheat farmers
>loses to rice farmers
Wait what the hell is this thread talking about Dutch people? I live in the second biggest city here and I have never seen a single homosexual
So when is it closing? I just been hearing "a couple hours" forever now. Feels like this
Is this the last hour? second to last hour?
Yeah the rice farmers that beat the Europeans and have been beating the Chinese for over 2000 years
>tfw just torrented that and the hide and seek doujin
the first shit I saw when I made it past the panda
Wait, so is it just the loli and shota that's getting purged?
>All my torrent get to 30-50% and then stall
We've got about 2 hours.
Are there any artbooks or very high quality loli/shota that needs getting picked up?
I already might not be able to download my entire list so far, but I want to do as much as I can.
I learned about this with about 4 hours left, and we're getting critical on time.
Is this confirmed for ehentai anywhere?
>Only one
I disagree
>tfw hoping my ISP doesn't notice the gigabytes of data I'm using right now
why would they care? unless you have a data cap they don't give a fuck.
Are you retarded? Read.
The servers and admin are dutch, and due to a new Dutch law that makes lolishit equal to CP he has to close it all down
Look in the mirror sometime.
Personally, I see this as a positive. I spend too much time masturbating. Its probably a good thing if my options for porn get worse.
>cumbrains crying about losing access to their degenerate wank material
I'm laughing so hard at you now
First KyoAni burns down and then this
Best month ever
What about Hitomi.La?
>download gallery with 20 images
>image limit: 400/5000
what the fuck
wtf is going on. I'm currently reading through the thread but can somebody write a summary for me?
ah shit that's right
>mother hid father's death from you
I guess that may have been a good idea while you were away and couldn't go home, but fuck if it doesn't sound rough. Take care user
>my Henreader bookmarks aren't opening
Here's all the info. Was compiled a couple hours ago on /h/ from a mod letting people know as soon as he did.
>wait what happened to sad panda?
incest too