Shit Game General

So I finally played this game. What the fuck were they thinking?

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It's miles better than the first game and one of the greatest games of the last decade.

Find. A. Single. Flaw.

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>Wide open spaces
>Over reliance on guns
>Horrible story, and over emphasis on story

No. Just no.

Thats not even the game I posted. 1 is actually good. Are you new at this reading thing?

It's pretty short.

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Loved the first one and was thinking about getting this on the next sale, is it bad??

>Wide open spaces
>Over reliance on guns
These I attribute to different playstyles and don’t necessarily think are bad. I did prefer wolf, tiger, or mantis mask in 1 and doing melees, but I still enjoyed the shoot em up style in 2
>Horrible story, and over emphasis on story
This is true

i liked the concept of alex & ash and using a ranged and melee attack at the same time, but in the end i found it easier and more efficient to just to use melee only.
but the maps were complete and utter shit. its never fun getting killed by something you can't see off screen.

OP here, I would just try it and be ready to refund it within about an hour and a half if you don't like it. It's not the worst game ever, but after playing 1, and immediately jumping into two, it just doesn't feel right.

When there's no Hotline Miami 3 to redeem 2's faillures

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Epilogue out of nowhere and useless because it isn’t canon. The ending is still awesome tho

Objectively wrong

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wrong number is not an awful game on its own, but it deviates from the first in terms of gameplay.
i enjoyed it, but not as much as the first

I think the gameplay is just definitely emphasizing the parts of 1 I liked the least. Also, I just can't get over how much I dislike the story. I get that the creators are edge lords and wanted to subvert some expectations, but the story is just flat out bad, with clunky dialogue. And if played in the actual order the story happens in, it offers literally nothing. Just straight forward boring shit. The only reason the plot is out of order is so that you keep asking questions, not because it HAD to be told that way for any real reason.

Playing HM1 was like playing a 2D Drive simulator. Playing HM2 right after is like throwing up in your mouth a little bit after a steak dinner. I loved HM1, and went STRAIGHT into HM2. What a fucking disappointment. The devs were so arrogant that this was good, that they wrapped the series after this shit heap.

>First game is Lynchian surrealism kino
>Second game removes all the mystery and explicitly explains everything
What the FUCK were they thinking?

No, you just don't use melee 90% of the time like in the first game by just busting into a room and mashing one button. Also the peek mechanic is a much more fundamental part of the game and needs to be used frequently. Don't just walk into long lines of sight without peeking dumbass.

>what the FUCK were they thinking?

I don't know. I just wish I had bought this on release so I could shit on it with the majority of Yea Forums. I'm so fucking disappointed.

>Gunplay is the weakest part of HM1
>Lets now over emphasize it in the sequel without fixing any of the issues.

Get fucked.

Crossover please

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the way the difficulty spike is terrible, most of the levels are just quickscoping enemies from one side of the screen while maneuvering through buildings made of glass,
they should keep focus on physical combat, that was the best part of the first one

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Won't happen. Devs killed the series with a nuke. How the fuck does an assassination of both nations leaders lead to a full scale nuclear war by the way? When clearly it was by some rogue elements? This plot is just retarded.

>the hawaii level in the power plant

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I kind of loved the story, but the gameplay was really flawed: the open-level design doesn't work with the mechanics of HM.
At least the OST was fantastic, baka.

1's OST > 2's OST

The events of the story happen during the cold war, we're lucky no nukes were dropped irl

>Be a reporter
>Trying to get a story
>Guard denies you entry to building
>Immediately punch his brains to pulp because we all love the violence and this is a really grim dark story man

Technically it's AFTER the Cold War. Russians won. And according to the story the Russians pretty much ran the US. Which makes it even more illogical that they would nuke them.

both games share obvious flaws, if not with level design, then with things like game engine and characters/AI not doing what they're supposed to
1 and 2 are equally good/bad all things considered and most people are just nitpicking what they didn't like about either game and that's okay

2 > 1 tho lmao *dabs*
Miami Disco best track tho

>Run into the building trying to get some help and gets attacked by ruskies
>instead of asking the taxi driver to make a call

it relies way too much on guns and not much room for experimentation. there's levels that straight up kill you when you turn a corner because you couldn't see or tell there was guns off screen. also i don't think the music was as good as the first. Story is interesting at least and for a few bucks on sale id say go for it, just be prepared

It's shit like this that makes me feel like HM1 was just a fluke.

Not quite, HM1 is fine by itself. For better or worse, they tried to get out of their comfort zone in 2, hence the problems
I have a particular hatred for dead ahead for sodomizing me for 5 hours in hard mode

I feel it's pretty objectively worse compared to 1 tho user.

>Those off screen deaths

Yeah. Maybe. I feel it just rubs me wrong that they killed the entire series on this entry. IMO I would have preferred to not get a sequel to the way they ended it.

>off screen deaths
>dead ahead
>beard's last level
>the bank robbery
>the sewer level
Am I missing anything?

>Over reliance on guns
>Dude, why can't I just spam melee and beat the entire level anymore!
>This isn't fair
Hotline 1 is extremely easy in all honesty, people who dislike 2 are literally just brainlets who hate having to think about the way they approach a level.

the only people that dislike hotline miami 2 are
>I suck ass at video games,so the game SUCKS
the story,characters and music are all better in HM2


>trying for A+ deathwish

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Special mention to demolition
>level start in hard mode
>a samurai, a fatass and 3 mooks
>Gotta kill the mooks, blast the fatass, then get a melee and kill the samurai before he cuts your head off
What the fuck was that level?

Oh no, you Mena you can't just blindly run down a hallway and expect to not get shot at? What a tragedy. It's almost like they're intentionally limiting your senses because it's kind of bullshit that your character can see through walls

Shit opinions general?

Its also bullshit that the entire hallway is literally no man's land with no cover and enemies who can shoot you before they even fucking see you

>Tfw gotten a 99 combo deathwish in less than 5 minutes
Because it made me ROCK FUCKING HARD. All the rng worked in my favor in the best possible ways. God, that was a rush.

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They wanted to put an definitive end to the series.

user you suck ass at video games yes,that however doesn't mean that objectively,the gameplay of HM2 sucks

Well, the OP is definitely a shit opinion. I guess you're right

It's a HALLWAY , yes there is no cover in a hallway.
>It's bullshit that enemies can react so fast to you
It's also bullshit that you can see through walls to anticipate the enemy. I really have no problem with the additional challenge of needing to figure out where an enemy with a set pattern might be based on timing and memory alone instead of needing to rely on what are basically wall hax to see them.

Thing is, you can can do the same

Whatever faggot. HM2 is shit. You dont magically lose your intact virginity for dealing with shitty mechanics. Don't act like you accomplished anything by playing a shit game.

Correct opinion.

Don't your combo reset between scene because of the phone animation?

pfahahaha so you admit you suck ass at the game
case closed,you're just an assblasted faggot that made some shitty thread out of pure seethe because you suck dick at vidya,absolute state of (You)

Wait no, that wasnt death wish that was dead ahead. Always get those two mixed up

A-am I on Yea Forums right now?

Not gonna lie, Padro is the coolest character in HM 2. Any other game where I can beat up criminals as a hard boiled detective?

Yeah no, I was thinking of Dead Ahead. I did S rank Death Wish after awhile. Similar names that I always get mixed up.

You just need to stick to a consistent course and make sure to abuse the special abilities of the fans as much as you can.

HM2 was a shitter filter. Git gud, faggy OP

No, you.

>It's bullshit that enemies can react so fast to you
>Being this fucking retarded
Enemies offscreen can and will snipe you. That is fucking bullshit

Your opinion on HM2 matters only if you got s-ranks on every single level both on normal and hard.

shit ost, poorly designed twin stick shooter, relies on repetition and memorization not on skill mastery, mask balance is a joke.

But i already did, finished the game twice on both difficulties

>entire enemy roster outside field of view
>sometimes even outside of extended field of view when holding shift

Nice game design, powerplant.

>the amount of mad cuz bad in this thread
Damn, i didn't know hotline miami 2 was THAT based

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Actually based user
S Ranking Hardmode was simultaneously extremely satisfying and highly frustrating

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Hotline Miami 1:
>Better melee opportunities
>Better floor designs
>Better sense of mystery

Hotline Miami 2:
>Better OST
>Better variety of characters
>Better gunplay, but at the cost of worse melee opportunities
>Bad map design, have to look around in corners cautiously for window snipers every other level

Gunplay is not the weakest part you moron. Melee is the weakest part because it's very shallow and it's also a bit inconsistent with the hitboxes when used up close. The sequel expands the gameplay so much that the first game feels like a glorified tutorial.

>shit ost
>twin stick
Consolefags have the worst fucking taste.

Did anyone think the controls sucked? It felt like they changed it and I couldn't stand it.

>shit ost
Excuse me but can you shut the fuck up please

oh dear user, you've exposed yourself as a console pleb.


2015 was prime m'lady time

kys rave kids. Get better taste in music, get better taste in games.

get better gaming skills

If you did not S rank every level on both games your opinion literally does not matter
I had a much better blast of adrenaline trying to full combo HM2 than 1 by far


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>Around begins to play

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I also love it when black men fuck my wife.

Seriously, I am not memeing here or trying to be a dick when I say this: git gud.

Reuses stage tracks often

You can not get a 99 combo in dead ahead faggot you can get 90 in normal and 95 in hard mode. I know I did both, god what a fucking nightmare.

I did, and I fucking love it.

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Yea Forums dickrided this game hard a few years ago. It's well made but I hate how masturbatory it is. It's piss easy and it showers you with fireworks and cutesy noises. It never feels like you earn anything. I guess a modern game journalist would enjoy it.

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>twin stick

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>shit ost

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I only know what I'm thinking right now, and it's that you should kill yourself

>shit ost
guaranteed (You)s

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