Wants to destroy the globalists who want to erase all the world's cultures and subsume everyone into a single language...

>wants to destroy the globalists who want to erase all the world's cultures and subsume everyone into a single language and monoculture
>wants all the nations to prosper separately
How exactly did he do anything wrong again? He basically wanted the Dark Age ending from Deus Ex, which is the only sensible thing that anyone could want for the world.

Attached: latest[2].png (1100x1080, 1.09M)

Other urls found in this thread:


he didn't do anything

He had a plan!

He was going to unleash a deadly parasite onto the world. That's not a very nice thing to do.

The Axis Powers fought against the massively corrupt Philosophers, the underdogs of the century. Were they wrong to do that?

>the underdogs of the century
The literal rootless technocratic financial globalist shadow spy government elite? Hmm...

Oh no!
You can't introduce ambiguity into the actions of the Japanese and the Germans! World War 2 is sacred!

I think he was saying Axis powers were the underdogs compared to the philosophers.


He didn't.
It's just Kaz wanted revenge, and Venom is an anti-nuke pacificst.

>How exactly did he do anything wrong again?
He fucked over MSF. This isn't a story about who had the right ideology, it's about vengeance.

Skull face was the best part of this game because he felt like the only guy that was actually from the MGS series. His death was tragic.

>not being anti-nuke
yea enjoy living out the eventual apocalypse, buddy, given you even survive. Murphy’s law, buddy.

Even MGS acknowledges that MAD is the only reason we haven't had another World War.

>Venom is an anti-nuke pacificst.
Reminder that the whether the nuclear disarmament ending is canon or not is the player's choice.

He was Big Boss.

dude nukes are dangerous but there is literally no way for anyone to actually launch enough nukes to cause the apocalypse, if anything knocking most of the most populated cities off the map would do nothing but good for the world

>"Venom is an anti-nuke pacificst"
>He actually believed in that shitty copypasta which is 100% an entire misinterpretation plus a bunch of lies that some certain troll is trying to spread
Just how much of Yea Forums is brainlet? How much of Yea Forums is sheeple?
How much of Yea Forums is both?

Attached: discord-thinking-emoji-png.png (250x250, 39K)

you know actual real life 10 year olds use this website right

Of course, it's summer.

>globalists who want to erase all the world's cultures and subsume everyone into a single language and monoculture
>Globalism: the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis.
Nowhere does it talk about erasing culture. All it is is trading with everyone. Globalism is why you fags are obsessed with Japanese games.

It's always summer on Yea Forums.

Attached: summer.jpg (960x886, 63K)

Extranational cooperation will be essential to our prosperity and longevity as a species in the coming century

Quite frankly, culture and identity as some kind of romantic absolute will be a worthwhile sacrifice

it's always been summer my friend

Its been done before: china. See how well that turned out?

Attached: 1536466578337.jpg (288x252, 24K)

Attached: kaz1_face3_def_bsm.png (2048x2048, 3.28M)

Soon to be world super power. Turned out pretty well.

Nukes is the thing preventing the conflicts, actually. With them, international relations made a leap to a more logical, natural, biological level, something all living beings do and did for billions years - instead of infighting, just puff up, show how strong you are, discourage the opposition to actually fight, make them fall back. And everyone's happy, since it works both ways. Prior to nukes, men of power could easily send millions of men to their death, because why not, it's not like those are real people, it's just some names on the papers. Now, not so much, because any truly big conflict will kill the men of power too, and their families. They are in it now. And that's a good thing! :^)

>somehow develops different ears and slightly shorter, somewhat different hair

Attached: kaz1_face1_def_bsm.png (2048x2048, 3.94M)



No, globalism=NWO=one world government=boot, face, forever.

Nope, it just means you have access to anime instead of only marvel comics.


Attached: sna0_face3_def_bsm.png (2048x2048, 3.51M)

Shining Lights(?).

Attached: sna0_face3_d1_bsm.png (2048x2048, 3.51M)

Attached: sna2_face0_def_bsm.png (2048x2048, 2.93M)

Yes. Nationalism is currently eroding human civilization but it's "globalists" who need to be destroyed. Sure.

That's globalization retard.

>hair, including sideburns somehow changes slightly

Attached: sna2_face3_def_bsm.png (2048x2048, 2.96M)

That's globalization. Globalism is imposing American values in the rest of the world.
>You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels.

Yes. Humanism is currently eroding the Earth civilization, but it's "natural disasters" that need to be destroyed. Sure.

A wild know-it-all (or so he would like to think) teen appears. Absolutely le epic! :D Upvoted for speaking the truth!

>Nationalism is currently eroding human civilization
Reminder that without nationalism, nothing joins people of one country and you basically give birth to idpol.

Attached: Big Boss.gif (1200x1200, 1.92M)

Nationalism in its current form is just a type of idpol.

Holy fuck.
You act like they are completely different concepts...
Are you legit retards?

Globalization: the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.
Globalism: the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis.

One is about government planning and the other is about individual business (who all work off gov planning)

Reminder that the objective of globalism and neoliberalism in general is just a Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism.

Attached: 1563050957831.webm (604x340, 328K)

>english bad
>speaks english
lol based

>commit countless war crimes
>perpetrate a major genocide
>attempt to perform the largest ethnic cleansing in history by killing/enslaving an entire subcontinent
>get defended by mouthbreathers on Taiwanese basketweaving forums 70+ years later
Goebbels would be rubbing his hands with glee.

>All it is is trading with everyone

You can have global trade without globalism like the WTO. Globalism is basically a world government. When we get a world leader globalism will be established.

So, basically you just want people voting on how much they appeal to their race? You have to make people invested in something, and if it isn't nationalism, it will be their race.

Attached: 7ICR2RUIBVF3NCHJQ7RA7R5YO4[1].png (1920x1143, 2.36M)


Not really. Communism is for all to reap. Wherever we are going, only front seats will enjoy the ride and destination, everyone else not so much.

If you had a world government then there would be no foreign policy.

>texture autist is more tolerable than every other retard in this thread

Why do you think capitalists love UBI? Because in the future, humans will be replaced in the working force, but the system needs consumers.

dark age was literally the worst ending possible and only a luddite would think differently.

What does he want revenge for again?

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What is there left to talk about MGSV's gameplay?
Everyone knows its controls and structure by now.

I guess globalism is whatever any random NEET wants it to be.

Globalization: You import stuff from overseas.
Globalism: Overseas stuff is made to comply with American or Chinese morals.

You are really confused dude. Globalism is a political philosophy aiming to erase the nation state to create larger super states. Globalization is a completely different concept which is what you're talking about.

Listen retard, I'm using actual definitions. Not your fantasy land fox news propaganda.

As defined by who? Everyone knows what you're talking about when you use the word globalism. You're trying to deny common sense here.

Globalism in the modern, talk sense is just bringing all people together culturally (read: enforce modern american (((values))) on everyone while stripping them off of what little they had, then wonder why everyone hates you). Earth government etc. have little to do with that, that would be a whole other business. Globali(sm/zation) in the official sense is mostly about trade. But trade is like 90% of values of a perfectly average, sinless, noseless american denizen so it's basically the same thing.

Google the word.
This is where you say Google is run by the Jews and not to be trusted.

I know you're just gonna dismiss this but they should vote according to their class interest. The only reason people are more invested in stupid arbitrary shit like race, gender, sexual orientation or indeed nation of birth instead of class struggle is because the political establishment, even it's more liberal factions, want it that way.

>Globalism in the modern, talk sense is just bringing all people together culturally (read: enforce modern american (((values))) on everyone while stripping them off of what little they had, then wonder why everyone hates you).
So, basically what in the 60s was called globalization?
>Pasolini was angered by economic globalization and cultural domination of the North of Italy (around Milan) over other regions, especially the South. He felt this was accomplished through the power of television. A debate TV program recorded in 1971, where he denounced censorship, was not actually aired until the day following his murder in November 1975. In a PCI reform plan that he drew up in September and October 1975, among the desirable measures to be implemented, he cited the abolition of television.

That's the first time I hear of capitalists who love to give away free money. I think you are mistaking them for socialists. They fart loud but have no real say because they aren't really the ones who control the economy and thus everything else.

You're seriously letting a random tech company define words for you? Even if you just look on merriam-webster they connect it to imperialism and I doubt you would call them conspiracy theorists. You are simply being ridiculous if you want to suggest there aren't people trying to remove national borders.

Your global citizen bullshit brought the idpol, so it's the same thing tbqh.

>Andrew Yang

Ya I mean who uses google for information? WHAT A JOKE!!!1

What was he going to do with Sahelanthropus again?

I wish we would remove national borders. They literally don't exist and are just people playing pretend to feel safe.

Globalization: The world's economy becoming more interlinked due to technological improvements.
Globalism: A political philosophy where decision making and policy is moved from smaller national political bodies to international agencies and political bodies.
An example of globalization is the internet allowing an artist in Canada to do commission work for customers in America. An example of globalism is the Trans Pacific Partnership where international courts would have made decisions on copyright violations.

Yeah and trump built the wall and kicked out all the shitskins. Do you really want to bring up memes now? Politicians stay politicians, no matter if they are capitalist, communist, brapalist, who the fuck cares. Fuck them all and fuck the niggers.

Attached: national-borders-comic1[1].png (1000x1000, 239K)

>propagandist has file at the ready
To feel safe, like I said.

No he's using the commonly used defintion not some defintion only some random nobody on the internet uses

It was literally a "stonetoss national border" search at Google.

>StoneToss is a webcomic which contains messages critical of progressive politics and social justice activism while promoting ideas associated with the alt-right movement, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and white nationalism
Wow what a surprise.

Move to a favela in Brazil if borders are imaginary.

Damn, so much for that Google censorship.

The fucking dictionary connects globalism as a philosophy with imperialism.
Google doesn't get to define words, sorry. They aren't remotely qualified to do that.

Fuck off Pixy.

>a national policy of treating the whole world as a proper sphere for political influence
That is the definition. Imperialism is not part of the definition.

My point is that giving money to the people is necessary to keep the system moving forward once automatization becomes a reality.

Are you stupid? Can you read? What do you think "a sphere for political influence" means? It means exerting political influence over other nations which is quite literally imperialism.

IMPERIALISM as defined by Webster

1 : imperial government, authority, or system
2 : the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas

No "sphere of political influence"

Go back to school retard. Political influence != direct or indirect control of political or economic life. It means talking to other faggots all over the world and working with each other.

Attached: 45122222.jpg (211x229, 4K)

Good luck finding this video searching it on YouTube.

Literally globohomo gayplex.
Thanks America!

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-26 Donald Trump Jr on Twitter.png (640x438, 56K)

He was an asshole sadist that liked to torture and rape people.

Confirmed for knowing nothing of military, international economy, crime, not having done business in other countries, not lived in other countries, probably is monolingual english proud american goblino, in short - a worthless cumstain. Why you feel the need to voice your opinion?
How about you come to, say, some tiny russian city and live off 200 bucks a month all of which go to rent a roach-infested 1bedroom soviet apartment with all the things to do outside being drink and maybe hike a bit?
Or some east african shithole where you'll just get mugged and shot, that is if military won't just jail you indefinetily when they feel you up at a checkpoint that you passed going out for some food because you dont have documents or you look like free money (and you are)?
Fuck off nigger.

Isn't it funny how, in every single fucking MGS game, you end up killing people who have the same views and goals as you for silly reasons while the real players just get greater and greater control?

You are legitimately retarded, a truly low IQ individual. Political influence to you means equal discussion? Are you fucking with me? "Influence" means the power to effect something. "Political influence" means the power to effect politics. In this case they are referring to one country having the power to effect another country's politics.

He surely is a (((cosmopolitan))) (((bisexual)))1.
1: not literally.

So, no real arguments then, just smug one-liners?
I wonder who is behind this post.

confirmed scared.
I never said equal. Try harder fatboy.
Everything is jews. Scared senseless.

Attached: 16664242.jpg (2290x1322, 325K)

>Political influence is something other than influencing (in other words, controlling) politics

You posted a nigger so I could say get a load of this nigger, right?
You literally know nothing if you get lost in wording of 2 basic definitions.

Because he also wanted the world to enter what would have been another, even worse, cold war where there's barely any cross cultural communication and everyone has nukes pointed at each other.

I don't know why you think I respect Donald "We want more immigrants than ever" Trump.

>confirmed scared.
Scared of third world shitskins with sub-80 IQ coming to rape, steal and murder?
Yes. Normal, well adjusted people are scared of that. Fear plays a large role in survival.

>not even old enough to know who webster is

Look at you trying to dodge the issue like the little bitch you are. Let me spell it out for you dipshit. You don't even know what the word influence means. The understanding of the English language is that poor. Influence is "the ability to effect someone or something." Let me give you another term for having the ability to effect someone or something - POWER. Recognizing a "global sphere of political influence" in other words is to exert your power over politics globally.

The jews are legit scared right now. It's actually quite hilarious to hear them quiver and shake. Look at this jew get so scared.


I memory isn't too great, I don't remember that being his goal at all. Also why did he blow up MSF if that was his ultimate plan?

>video game heavily based on geopolitics, philosophy, socioeconomics, linguistics, anthropology, etc.

>"the ability to effect someone or something.
lol what a dumb baby definiton

: the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways : SWAY
2a : the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command
b : corrupt interference with authority for personal gain
3 : one that exerts influence
4 : an emanation of spiritual or moral force
5a : an ethereal fluid held to flow from the stars and to affect the actions of humans
b : an emanation of occult power held to derive from stars

Well I mean I sure hope you are a jew because the only other option in this case is being an empty brainwashed cocksleeve of them :^)
Or just a little boy spewing nonsense, which is usually the case.
How old are you? Where have you studied? What is your education? What is your field of work?

"The power" literally second word of the diarrhea you just shat out. Can't believe you even manage to wake up in the morning.

It's not very fun arguing with retarded nazis. Gonna play videogames. Enjoy spreading your easily falsifiable propaganda.

>the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas
Sounds like a sphere of political influence.
Are you just switching tactics to tactical nihilism in an effort to evade any real discussion?
Or are you legitimately retarded and not merely pretending?

>Globalism in the modern, talk sense is just bringing all people together culturally. Earth government etc. have little to do with that, that would be a whole other business. Globalism/globalization in the official sense is mostly about trade.

The term needs updating officially because globalism in the public sphere is used to largely describe world government. It's understandable why there's a clusterfuck of discussion if there's a bunch of people who don't use the modern definition but the thing is globalism has been used for years to describe world government so the definition needs updating.

>It's not very fun arguing with retarded nazis.
Keep being the shabbos goy of the neoliberal corporate ruling class. At least I will die knowing that the Woke Capital will destroy you once they finish with ya.

>easily falsifiable propaganda.
And yet, you can't prove any of it to be false.
Funny, isn't it? :^)

Haha yeah now that you said it it's so weird oh well gotta go watch Ass the movie again.

And this would be bad how? There hasn't been any significant cultural output from any country after the fall of the Berlin wall.

This thread in a nut shell
>Globalism is just nations becoming more interlinked economically
No that's globalization, a completely different thing
>Google says they're the same thing
The dictionary doesn't, it even connects globalism to imperialism
>but imperialism isn't in the definition
Actually the definition explicitly talks about exerting influence (power) over other nations political systems which is imperialist in nature
>exerting political influence over foreign nations just means being friends and holding hands :)))))

How do people this stupid even exist?

Am I expected to know of some nigger who lives/lived half a planet away from me and does not affect me and my reality in any way, shape or form until this moment? No.
Are you expected to know basic words of your presumably native language? Yes.
I'm nearing 30s and I'm getting tired of you newfags playing old. I know how fun that is, why, a decade and some more ago I was doing that myself.
But just know when to stop to not look like a complete retard nigger :^)

sounds better than the current situation, where cultural communication is entirely one way with the US exporting its cancer around the world and only the big countries and israel have nukes pointed at everyone else.

He isn't stupid, this is normal discussion to them. They know exactly what they're doing.
When backed into a corner, they resort to picking apart at the meaning of words and completely avoiding the actual discussion, even though they know damn well what you are talking about.
It's tactical nihilism.

This thread is just thinly veiled /pol/ bait anyways, it doesn't deserve good posts. How about some video games?


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>Just how much of Yea Forums is brainlet? How much of Yea Forums is sheeple?

Yea Forums is all sheep. That's the trick

Because people excel at different levels on average, it's impossible to have multicultural and relatively socialistic nation
If A performs vastly better than B, A will always carry B at their own detriment, which leads A to not want policies, that B would take advantage over A.
and that's okay, since B is just deadweight to A. Imagine that you have society capable of space travel and other is not even capable of farming arable land, put these two together and A is barely able to keep society together. Increase number of B and you'll see societal collapse

It will always come down to average of the ethnic race. I know most people who think race doesn't matter think IQ doesn't matter either, but IQ is indicator of how well individual performs, and if the societal IQ average drops by 5, you'll see vast decline in living standard for all, especially so in democracy

>bUt iQ iSn'T rEAl

>Globalism is a political philosophy aiming to erase the nation state
why even talk to americans anymore?

>wants to destroy the globalists who want to erase all the world's cultures and subsume everyone into a single language and monoculture
>wants all the nations to prosper separately
Kill all globohomos

Attached: IMG_1436.jpg (758x960, 68K)

He should've clarified western and European countries

implying the mere ending isn't the obvious choice.

The what now?