Steam profile thread

steam profile thread

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imagine being doomed from birth

>steam profile cringe thread

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The more I look at it the angrier I get

they have trannies in utah?

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Yeah they all live in Salt Lake

>you have 1 group in common

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>You have 1 group in common
So which is it?

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lolidestroyers retard

>a-anime isn't cri-

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posting some real fuckin cringe

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Why are you level 400+ with no background, showcases, etc

>not posting your real steam profile
man up, faggots

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most backgrounds are garbage and this would be the only showcase i would use

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Why are Steamcels so cringy?

>meme game showcase
>stupid quote in description that 14 year old girls squirt for
>new vegas
if you were team corgi you'd reek of hard reddit normie

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But most of ours are probably boring as fuck. What's the point? It's not like a desktop thread where you can exchange wallpapers and laugh at some guy's million icons scattered randomly all over the place while talking shit about people using Chrome or a shitty antivirus.

That's still a dope showcase, but no, there are very good backgrounds out there, you just need to look a bit

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why did you blur out your twilight sparkle my little pony profile picture.

I want old profiles back

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>either boring as fuck or if you put in effort, attentionwhoring
its a lose lose situation, might as well find someone elses shit

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Jesus christ that’s ugly as shut

>5'1 95 lbs
you are 3 inches shorter than me and still weigh more.


anime wins

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It's always computer science with these sissies

Because there's no point in putting effort into a Steam profile.

imagine being this pathetic

So is this where furfags and anime trap niggers come together to find erp buddies? I swear to god I haven't seen a steam friends thread that didn't end in flirting with fucking spoiler text.

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didn't wanna upset people ;)

>Because there's no point in putting effort into a Steam profile.
It's fun
It gets attention from people that inspect your profile
It's practical for trading

where muh oldfags at??

Attached: oogepooge.jpg (328x206, 36K)

you're right, user
now i've improved it

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Right, so no point since none of those affect actually playing video games.

half that was a good game

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That's exactly what this thread is and what these threads have been since at very least 2013. Just get some popcorn and laugh at the pathetic gay furfag weeb parade who get their erp friends from fucking Yea Forums

That's not an Xfire profile.

Checked. You aren't allowed to play Siege ever again.

being upset by MLP seems like a bygone era. i can't remember the last time i saw a post anywhere on the internet unironically triggered by it.

Yeah well global rule 15 is still a thing so It has to be done

Yeah, people these days just silently file people with brony avatars into the "autistic retard who should be ignored" mental category- much like what you do when you run into people with furry avatars

Why do you even bother with Steam

doesn't trading make you money which can help you buy more video games?

Because physical PC games are a thing of the past, and GoG's selection of modern games used to be virtually non-existent and is generally still pretty poor.


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>Yea Forums group

>doesn't trading make you money which can help you buy more video games?
Gotta trade smart and have some patience but it's totally possible
Games like CSGO and PUBG that have lootboxes can be sold, which will not only win your money back, but also make profit eventually

Why are there /d/ fetish groups on Steam?
Why would you ever willingly want to display that you are into vore, futa, etc?

How did I know this was a tranny profile even before I read it


why would you want to even make it obvious you're from Yea Forums by joining some Yea Forums related group or using Yea Forums memes? Yea Forums mentality should stay on Yea Forums.

>Trannies in my straya

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The real move is to join a /d/ guild in an MMO. Good times in .

Because you are supposed to laugh it off and say that you're only in it ironically. You know, since being genuine is against internet law.

The reason is because a lot of people from here are as socially inept as they meme about and can only make friends with people that share their Yea Forums mentality that is okay with obscenities and fetish porn. It's a little depressing but as long as they're happy I guess. I think it's also why furries are perverted to shit

The group thing is silly, but it can be kinda fun playing multiple games with someone and finding out you both go here over the course of random bullshitting.

>Because you are supposed to laugh it off and say that you're only in it ironically
You don't go to incredibly specific fetish groups "ironically"
Even if that's true, it goes to show how demented your sense of humor is.

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How dare you mislink to me. I don't want your (you). Take it back this instant.

How did I fuck that up oh shit
Point stands I guess
But finding out you share a cesspool is pretty uncommon so it's cool, but man, actively using it to search for others from here is weird mane

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>finding out you share a cesspool is pretty uncommon so it's cool, but man, actively using it to search for others from here is weird mane

I would join a loli farting group if such a thing existed. i have enough content on my hardrive to fill it up with character but it would probably only attract 3 other users.

He seems like a nice guy

>loli farting group
This is the type of shit that is okay to join. Because no one would actually believe you're into this stupid shit

How did you pronounce Xfire?
Crossfire or ecksfire?
i was the latter

Same. Did people actually pronounce it as "crossfire"?

>tfw I joined the 100%OJ Yea Forums group.
Should I be ashamed?

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Actually, as an amendment to what I've said, the groups for specific games make sense assuming they actually fucking play the game and don't just fall into dramaville. It's the vague
>look at me, I go to Yea Forums xD
groups that people should be ashamed of.