Good god

Good god

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Other urls found in this thread:

hnnf ugh ngggg yeah oh hnng hnggfff

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Attached: 1449712849794.jpg (600x1043, 82K)

Don't use my wife to shitpost with. Thanks.




What doujin quick before panda dead

so wacky and quirky haha, bazinga

could fit my dick and balls between this ayy lmaos eyes

>long hair Naoto
oh fuck muh dick

Attached: 1545449262301.jpg (1800x1440, 1.68M)

so perfect

Attached: 1547508800187.jpg (1280x686, 195K)

It's an official manga.

So Yu was a footchad all along?


Gross dyke. Make way for a real woman.

Attached: 1556598995115.jpg (800x1317, 627K)

>used goods

It's not good. It was officially licensed but has sense been retconed.
No one really translated or scanned it. So it's nearly impossible to find. The only noteworthy thing that stuck around from it was a page where you see naoto's titties full on.

>real woman

You mean loose slut?

That's from some spin-off novels that aren't Canon anymore or something

I love Fuuka!

Attached: Fuuka Glasses.jpg (1200x675, 84K)

And she loves you!


Attached: 1556597691819.jpg (1029x1200, 611K)

Rise loves Fuuka!

Attached: Fuuka and Rise.jpg (480x528, 29K)

I still wondering how the hell she hides her breasts especially when she wearing summer school uniform

>Full on
I need this page.

I wish that was true

Rise considers Fuuka good friend, and would never disrespectfully touch her without her consent!

Attached: Fuuka's Bedroom Eyes.jpg (1920x1080, 149K)

Ace bandage.

You wanna toss your hot dog down a hallway, be my fucking guest

It probably isn't as nice as what you may be imagining in your head.

don't fight lads

2 is better than one

Attached: 1564035056645.png (800x481, 342K)

Link me Naoto fanfics.

Any video clip on romance part in P4G anime ? All girls except Marie of course. I dont want to watch entire P4G anime

Attached: 15310371120514.jpg (1280x1021, 1.3M)

thank god those things aren't canon,
Mitsuru's are sadly probably the same with the way they stick out here though

Attached: 1549826183514.png (600x343, 270K)

What part is it you dislike exactly?

the nipples are just 2 spheres sticking out

Naoto is kinky!

Attached: 1525585293333.jpg (960x1086, 371K)

>Only on Vita™
I hate this timeline. Golden will be forgotten in time if this keeps up.

>he didn't buy a vita tv for dirt cheap a couple years back

>He didn't buy a Pstv to experience best girl the way she was meant to be

Attached: 1506394472704.jpg (288x320, 41K)

based tranny

>Only Implied

Official art of titbeast Naoto or I riot

and Fuuka loves BBC

Well P4G full Naoto romance playthrough in youtube exist so no need to buy PSTV/Vita.

The bad thing is Eng dub though, but i can just mute it

Attached: naoto.0.0.jpg (1400x1400, 259K)

>Likes Naoto
Kill yourself faggot

I wish theres a virgin makoto vs chad yu meme

Look at this dork

Attached: MS1.webm (640x360, 2.09M)

>before panda dead
too soon

Posting the version that won't get me vacation'd.

Attached: ab5bad4f2d37f50c0ad9831b23269514[1].png (516x684, 236K)

But it's literally the other way around, and no one calls him Makoto.

Man for fuck sake someone please save all Persona 3/4/5 Doujins and Official arts


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>real woman
>literal roastie
have sex

Attached: 30301349_p0.jpg (525x700, 555K)

Why are short haired girls so perfect, bros?

link to sauce, iqdb doesn't give me shit


the only good choice

Thank you very much

I don't know, Fuuka is perfect regardless of what hair she has though!

Attached: Fuuka Lean.jpg (728x1080, 126K)

It's the Detective Naoto LN. Decanonized, but shows her naked tits and was official shortly after P4's release.

Attached: 1536109245782.png (1085x746, 255K)


Attached: 0bd.jpg (500x700, 43K)

Why did they make it nonofficial

Kek. thanks user

Attached: a312faaef189c046e2fd320893469ea5.jpg (850x1182, 493K)

It was meant to be a continuation of P4 but since Atlus made Arena and Arena contradicted it, the LN was declared non-canon.

Attached: 1479619210486.png (480x640, 163K)

>P3 gets a continuation in Trinity soul
>Its bad and gets non-canonized
>P4 gets a continuation in Detective Naoto
>Its bad and gets non-canonized
Lets see if they do it again for 5


Attached: 1558298368866.png (1200x1600, 1.07M)

>Want to try Persona 4 Arena/Ultimax
>No fucking japanese voices in US version
Goddamn why Atlus is so fucking dumb goddammit. I cant play japanese games set in japanese culture with english voices dammit

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Then how did you play P4 in the first place, smooth brain.

Attached: c12e523db8652aecba6d31a531ad01b8.jpg (886x1267, 445K)

Why are pictures of the reject girls being posted in a Noot thread? Begone, yurishitter.

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>play detective of steam city
>pretend that the protag is actually naoto

Short Tomboys >>>>> the rest

It was garbage, and also of all things plagiarized a character from Kara no Kyoukai

Attached: Touko Aoizaki.png (600x885, 488K)


Attached: 02122.jpg (666x1000, 344K)

>reject girlS
chie and naoto are consistently top on polls

Naoto btfo's every other main P4 girl at their own game.
-Shorter, bigger tomboy than Chie.
-Shyer, more proper and polite than Yukiko
-Sweeter, more in-love with senpai than Rise.
How can other girls LITERALLY compete?

Attached: 1512389072926.jpg (740x906, 97K)

Well then Chie and Naoto should kiss

Why Aoizaki?

Also good taste for liking Knk

Did her mom drink while she was pregnant? She is ugly as fuck

If you're asking why they ripped off Touko, I have absolutely no clue. If you're asking why I spelled it that way, it's because the character in the novel's name was literally Touko Aoi. That was how little the author cared.

Then go make a Chie thread. This is Naoto territory.

Attached: 5a63d8e05989bf5faf44f7627a138f0a.png (278x285, 69K)

At least Chie and Yukiko are proper girls and not trannies

Attached: 1533099669846.jpg (1208x2048, 166K)

Undub version exists.

How can they be proper girls if they're in a sexual lesbian relationship with each other

Im going to fucking defend Chie with my life regardless of what thread.


I would like to insert my tongue into Rise Kujikawa's anus. That is all.


Attached: 39772.png (225x350, 111K)

She ugly

Wow was the writer Chinese? That sounds like something a chinese person would do.

Your wife sucks and has a shitty gameplay gimmick.

It's just some innocent skinship between friends

Attached: P4 Euphoria.gif (500x289, 1.31M)

Hey Kanji, I'd be honored if you'd be the best man at my wedding.

Attached: 748578452785.jpg (600x833, 290K)

It stops being skinship when tongue goes into vagooo. Those goddamn lesbos are doing gay things together and need to be stopped.

Attached: 1562516457817.png (480x360, 151K)

Get bent!!!


Attached: Capture.jpg (1139x600, 89K)

More for me then.

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I think Naoto is the only reverse trap character done right.

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Spending winter vacation with Naoto!

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Poor little Nootoo

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I would like those thighs on my face, please.

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Do you think she has breathing problems?

Attached: 1514986712698.jpg (800x500, 130K)

I wish there were romance scenes of the 4 main girls in P4 and P4G anime

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Fuuka is not ugly in any sense of the word!

Attached: Festival Fun with Fuuka.png (863x2898, 3.88M)

In real life, Naoto probably looks and acts like one of those SJW tumblrina dykes.
Real life is shit user. We knew it already.

Attached: 1551913984508.gif (404x347, 1003K)

Naoto is far too much of a professional and far too cynical to act like that.

Attached: __shirogane_naoto_persona_and_persona_4_drawn_by_kknoe__fac3f3d2a7292b1c6555a1d25125934c.jpg (512x512, 186K)

>real woman
>posts shadow

IRL Naoto would reject everyone ITT

>Miss "Logic and evidence" Detective Prince
>acting like retards that put feeling first
If anything she would be the first to mock them

Attached: 1525133603021.jpg (440x453, 60K)

I disagree. Naoto's whole personality when you date her is one of near dependence because you broke through her icy facade and were the first to touche her heart. She'd love a literal pile of crap if it did that.

Attached: when-someone-you-trust-finally-touches-you-and-you-D6c8e1d872cee63899aa8cab0f509c6c1[1].jpg (1920x3701, 785K)

No one in this thread has the academics, charm, or guts to be attractive to Naoto
Hell, I bet none of you even know enough Japanese to even break the language barrier

Chie butt

Attached: 004.jpg (1066x1491, 584K)

>She'd love a literal pile of crap if it did that.
That explain some things

Attached: 1505998902548~02.jpg (982x458, 78K)

Assuming you have to be 18 to post on this site, everyone in here has at least graduated highschool and probably has more knowledge than Naoto does. At the same time, you can bet that a lot of them would be suicidally confident if it meant being able to score with a reverse-trap.
As for charm, Naoto's already autistic and Yu's options in game were equally as spergy, I'm sure someone could match her.

Goddamn, Naoto's pussy runs like a faucet. She got it all over that dudes face!


Attached: JIpVbDU.jpg (1617x781, 156K)

You're assuming Naoto stopped learning after High school

Naoto VA sub or dub ?

I only have high school to base her knowledge level on.

Depends on which voice.
For English, base game and Golden is the most loving and calm, but in no way passes for a boy. Her anime voice can pull off the boy disguise more, but she's also the VA for The Major in gits and it's sorta distracting. No one remembers or talks about her Q voice actor.
As for Jap, Romi Park's voice sounds like nails being driven into my ears, so I'm the wrong guy to ask.

Trash taste mate

why does everyone bully fuukafag

Because it's easy.

I prefer Jap voice. Although rare as fuck, her girlish voice are absolutely worth it in Jap. Her boyish voice didnt bother me.
Rise made my ear bleed though.

Attached: 1540258598456.png (628x1086, 739K)

what is this

The anime.

She's cute, but she's a little too Hot Topic for me.

vanilla or golden ?

Vanilla, last episode I think.

Attached: __shirogane_naoto_persona_and_persona_4_drawn_by_shino_comic_penguin_club__c4beb50de9ceec6a5f8bd772e (593x900, 206K)

Attached: 1519898716303.jpg (1000x606, 143K)

Is there a way I don't have to have a shit handheld to play Golden?

Yes, play Vanilla on PCSX2 and watch golden only cutscenes on youtube. Skip all Marie scenes.

PStv on Amazon. Hope you like spending money. Only cucks skip all the new stuff.

I hope you saved all persona 4 offcial arts and doujins, user. because sadpanda is 100% dead

Attached: kokomade.jpg (1920x1080, 161K)

Attached: Why.gif (480x279, 1001K)

what the hell? what happened?
At least e-h still works

Most of the P4 doujins blew.

Attached: 1537146471453.jpg (750x400, 151K)

Theres 1 good Naoto doujins though

its dead jim

I love Nao-chan~!

Panda didnt even have the Naoto doujins that came out over the last few years
fuck em

stop posting useless shit and go to aco

Go suck dicks.

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Based Fuukabro

This dyke is so fucking ugly
Literally the worst girl of P4 by far, you are all full on faggots.

surprise japan knows how to do better trans characters then western devs


there's that word again

>How to spot a casual in one word

Shes 10000% girl from the beginning user. Kanji and Chie are the ones who suspect her.

did she actually have a real gun? I cant remember

Yeah, she was deputized and legally able to carry a gun because of her family.

even better,

Would Naoto make a good mom?

Attached: 1531273207053.jpg (1280x960, 1.09M)


Nobody likes Naoto. She’s literally the weird ugly girl nobody likes in Persoma 4 and irl too.

Lies. I love her, she is my wife.

Attached: 1536363674459.jpg (2956x3076, 738K)


user... i..

Shes literally the best girl in Persona 4

Attached: 1447535506607.jpg (1024x1024, 412K)

How can she be the best girl when she doesn't wear spats

Attached: b7fc8c740e6bab0e617bdf32a20b8936.jpg (1375x2048, 423K)

>seriously can't choose between Chie and Naoto
>don't want to pick both because it means breaking the heart of at least one of them
>alternate between the two on playthroughs (made a beeline for Chie in my first one, went with Naoto for the second)
>still feel bad
P4 is one of the few games that make me want an official OT3 route.

Attached: 6ee1626710b8abb72f4dee11f72eb153[1].jpg (550x583, 115K)

wish I could have witnessed how they played "gynaecologist"

i seriously recommend having sex

>Smallest playable character
>Her persona is even smaller

Attached: 1530069113100.jpg (878x1024, 118K)

Attached: 078.jpg (1280x1840, 300K)

if you look at this and you think "she's not worth my time" you need to get the fuck off my board right now.

Attached: 1555752075892.png (500x500, 400K)

but Naoto obviously wanted to be a boy though


Attached: 1564050381285.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

Attached: .pgn.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)

Chie - Yukiko - Rise - Naoto
Marry - Fuck - Kill - Befriend
Make your choice.

>yet official art when she isn't reverse trapping mostly doesn't denote this

P4G undub has been out for like 2 years user.

is that you major kusanagi

I know, but still no one uploaded the full undub gameplay cutscenes in youtube.

She's "stacked" by Persona girl standards, which are actually pretty reasonable and not generic anime titty monsters. It's telling that the closest things to titty monsters in Persona are Kanami (who canonically had a titjob) and a single image of Mitsuru in a skintight "battle suit" from a third party game. It's the same thing with Ann.

Naoto - Rise - Yukiko - Chie

How it should be.

At least Rise is surprised when she look at Naoto check up charts.

Naoto - Rise - Yukiko - Chie

Naoto - Yukiko - Rise - Chie
Fuck that slut

Most boring and worst Persona character.

But you've clearly opted to kill Rise and not fuck her

Im doing this in real life
except the feet part

Naoto was a pretty weak character gameplay wise, her abilities were messy and felt like they didnt mesh well

Vanilla, yeah you might have a point she was supposed to be jack of all trades
Golden she's downright broken alongside Bronji

He trying to cuck me dammit

No you're trying to cuck him, don't be a faglord and steal your bros' girls.

I never tried gold, always something ive been meaning to get around to playing. Does her character change at all?

That works too

Why did you chose the exact words to hurt me

Attached: 1529541423249.jpg (143x250, 5K)


Kanji has confused feelings about everything as a result of his upbringing, but while he rightfully thinks Naoto is cute as hell, he thinks of her as a friend and not someone he wants a romantic relationship with.

Kunaboto, pretty sure he has a gallery on the panda

Attached: f799247c1441c98f34613f54ea52189d~01.jpg (832x425, 56K)

kill yourself, you pathetic loser

Not anymore lol


user, sad panda died a couple of hours ago.

touching without consent is a compliment.

>ywn never open a detective agency with your loving wife Naoto and solve crimes around the world
why are we still here? just to suffer?

Attached: 123.jpg (480x360, 31K)

shut i kanji, we all know you banging Rise all day all over the house makes the most sense, she's a big ho and you've got pent up man issues, it's a match made in heaven.

they bicker like a married couple that have lots of hatesex at the end of the day

>tfw you never experiencing a fulfilling high school life like this guy
My life is so boring goddammit

Attached: wesfgvws.jpg (620x508, 51K)

Dont worry. People who peak in high school have sad lives.
You still have a brighter future. You can still be better.

thought that was the P3 protag at first and I was upset

Nice "girl" you got lmao

You played not naotos game right?

Attached: 6377795.png (616x353, 454K)

Im surprised SEGA and Atlus didnt sue this

>Screen goes black
>You can smell her handmade chocolate...

Too bad shes a shit character.


Attached: 197b804ad5fbd20249dcfe642761a030.jpg (752x1062, 501K)

hang yourself

I love my wife Naoto!

Attached: 1562739513293.png (596x600, 346K)


Okay but where/how did she get a gun?
No one ever brings it up in game. She just has a real gun.

I went for Naoto because I liked her hat.

>be """super detective"""
>makes a plan to capture the killer
>fucks it up so fucking hard
>Couldnt even fucking bother to set up a camera
The bitch was retarded.

Attached: 1548606430915.gif (248x248, 55K)

Her doujin was pretty great

what? i have the ps3 version and i could choose between english or japanese for both text and voices.


No it's not!

Attached: My Angel Fuuka.png (902x511, 332K)

>She's "stacked" by Persona girl standards, which are actually pretty reasonable and not generic anime titty monsters. It's telling that the closest things to titty monsters in Persona are Kanami (who canonically had a titjob) and a single image of Mitsuru in a skintight "battle suit" from a third party game. It's the same thing with Ann.
Can you source the canon titjob? I can't belive Atlus would do that.

I don't remember it every being explained at any point in the game either, if I had to guess it belonged to her late parents and she keeps it hidden from everyone but the IT. There's no way it was issued to her if they don't even want her working their cases half the time and remove her from the investigation, also the fact she's just the civilian. If her voice and disguise are enough to fool everyone then she can hide a weapon.

Arena has Jap voices.
Ultimax is stuck with the dub for story, nip only for combat. There's an undub method but looks more effort than it's worth.

Attached: el123_01.png (281x214, 9K)

I dont have a pic but i can tell you its in persona 4 dancing's story mode. she mentions it in one of the early chapters.

Go to youtube and look for it then lazy faggot

why dont you do it fuckface?

Only during the actual battling
Cutscenes are in English

Standalone Arena, not the version compiled into Ultimax.

Attached: el013_01.png (103x255, 7K)

>not the version compiled into Ultimax.
wtf why would atlus remove that feature in an update game

God im sick of anime girls flooding this board.

no one cares faggot lmao

Attached: 1561341670666.gif (480x266, 1.04M)

official p4 power levels

Attached: memes.jpg (1120x1360, 348K)

The real tiny brain part of this image is placing Marie that low

Attached: 1560175067012.jpg (426x405, 62K)

that's a nope from me

>marry rise
>fuck yukikio
>befriend and then fuck chie
>kill naoto

>sega invented tomboy girl detective with blue/dark hair and hat

Attached: Kino_no_Tabi_volume_1_cover.jpg (266x375, 23K)

Does anyone have the gif of naoto sweating and opening her shirt to cool down, then getting all flustered?

the real tiny brain part of this image is not placing Marie lower

I don't even know what this is from

Attached: 1560787087888.gif (557x310, 3.54M)


Thanks bud

So if Yu starts dating Naoto, where does that leave Kanji and Rise?

Together. Makes perfect sense if you actually take character development into account instead of judging by their initial impressions.

>Together. Makes perfect sense if you actually take character development into account instead of judging by their initial impressions.
Is this fanfiction?

I want to engage in sexual congress with Naoto Shirogane.

As part of the Short Haired Committee of Improving Women, you are denied on Article 72.4-8. Have a nice day user.

sign.. im so fucking lonely

Quick! post Naoto with a party hat!

Every hat is a party hat if you're brave enough.

then do something about it.

this is too good
except the feet

no thanks, real life women are vile creatures

okay incel


You can avoid most of it if you git gud and don't get defeated by any gangster and if you avoid doing lewd stuff. The game doesn't require you to get NTR'd and rape'd or turned into a prostitute to continue the game, if anything doing too much of those things locks the game's story out.

Do you even get NTR'd?
Closest scene I even remember is the dude with the yandere he wants to break off from and you end up fucking him

Sorry bud, but i'm going to get that sweet Naoto puss if it means my life.

Attached: 1559019144285.png (1280x720, 942K)

I'm pretty sure I've seen that lady poop


If you keep it up lad I will ban you from short haired women period. My word is law as Committee Leader.

I'm really surprised people went for Naoto in P4.
When I played for the first time, I was maxing the team first and made an early decision for who to pair Yu with and went with Chie. She was much more endearing than Yukiko, who came off as a selfish retard even after finishing her social link.
Chie had a very 'girl-next-door' kind of charm with her tomboyish mannerisms and plain appearance, and her upbeat, determined attitude felt like something Yu could use to grow more as a protagonist.
By the time Naoto even showed up, I was thinking he'd be Kanji's friend since they had interacted without Yu's help. When Naoto turned out to be a girl, which I did not see coming even in the dungeon up to the boss fight, I thought she might actually cure Kanji of the gay. Sadly, once Kanji finds out she's a girl, he doubles down on the awkwardness, and I doubt that Naoto would really initiate things between them herself.
While Yu and Chie experienced personal growth together as well as with the team, I feel that Naoto's role would be more of just a team member like Yosuke and Rise. They each gain experience and understanding as they work with Yu, but are more of supportive friends to him and go their separate ways afterwards.
She is cute, but seems too detached at first to really be a good match for Yu, who as the protagonist, is already also detached from everything initially. They are simply too far apart.

The way I see it, she closely resembles Mitsuru from P3. Her dedication to a path in life led her away from a normal social life. Naturally, in the game you correct this a bit as you do their social link and they become integral parts of the team, but this doesn't change that they are still very much driven to fulfill their original goals, which puts them further from Makoto and Yu.
They are attractive characters, Mitsuru moreso in the conventional sense, but they do not seem to fit with the protagonist beyond a friendly/supportive role.

That's because Persona has very clear tropes in which who is the "canon" pairings, ie: The Lovers.

Even then Naoto isn't detached in any way, she's someone struggling with entering into a career that is male dominant and doesn't want women, so she tries to change her persona and 'gender' in order to fit in and it causes her massive insecurity and issues when in reality she's actually pretty shy and reserved and feminine, with some tomboy qualities, basically the tomboy princess. Yu is a self-insert for the most part, he's generally how you perceive yourself at least to some degree. Kanji doubles down solely because she is a girl, it gets rid of his insecurities that he may have been gay/bisexual in the first place, of course he'd double down after finding that out.

The point is the characters grow to love themselves and act how they truly should act without fear of judgment, everyone is ultimately detached in some way from reality because of this.

Its called fear user. Women who are career oriented push others away to protect themselves and those around them. To provide for siblings or parents and trying to prove they can do things on their own, pride and fear are dangerous territories. They're still people underneath it all, view them as yourself, where pride and fear of asking a girl out when you were a pre-teen for instance scared the hell out of you so you may have avoided it.

Same situation, it just persists into their adulthood. Its easily overcome by being around people though, Naoto fixes this slowly as time goes on.

>That's because Persona has very clear tropes in which who is the "canon" pairings, ie: Aeon.

any fucking day of the week


Lone user tosses hot dog down hallway after several men already tossed their hot dogs down hallway. Hotel Waitress welcomes with open arms. More news at 11!

‘Normous Noot

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