>game has "inspired by *memegame*" in its description
>game is named like a toy or a board game, i.e "Don't feed the hippos!", "Pedro IS you", "Scare your friends"
>game is named after the "intellectual" premise and/or conclusion of the dev, i.e: "Life is stupid", "Tyrone was a thief", "The promise was broken"
>game is named like a book or a movie. "The incredible adventures of Captain Fart", "The day the jannie got a job", "user and the dildo of the dragons"
Game has "inspired by *memegame*" in its description
>tfw you fight a charge character
Was it autism?
It was Sôy-fu.
it really was
>not to-fu
>Inspired by "memegame"
>Named like a toy/board game
Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning
>Intellectual premise
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG
>Named like a book
Fight Nights at Freddy's
>game has a title
yeah fuck that shit
the fucking windup still gets me
>game is named anything but adjectivenoun
Adjective Noun and Adjectivenoun are the only acceptable video game titles
>Kick so strong it bends space and time
>Tongue out
>That stance before
Absolute kino
As much as I hate liberals, I must admit that conservatives are fucking annoying cunts.
What's your argument against abortion?
>my argument is Jesus
Oh wow very compelling.
No one cares
>you're killing children
>muh think about teh whamenz
>now excuse me while I assault one
Do you really want to have this conversation right now?
Fetuses aren't children
>What's your argument against abortion?
it promotes a degenerate culture that you hate in liberals. you should be anti-abortion, but you aren't because you're a godless hypocrite
Making shit up isnt an argument
>my arguement is that fetuses aren't children
lol fucking libtards, everytime.
Denying facts and science isn't an argument either
>yes user would you like to see my collection of negroid skulls
>what racism? science isn't racist :^)
this guy is chad as fuck, he also ran away after accidentally kicking this woman, presumably to go train some more
Nice strawman argument, brainlet.
Honestly I hold mostly liberal (by definition, not by political affiliation) views, but abortion is the one thing I don't think I could ever get behind
Like, in the ideal world we are working towards, would we ever need abortion? Obviously not. And I think we can all agree that killing fetuses is at least SOMEWHAT wrong. So why legalize it to make things easier in the meantime?
If we just make contraceptives and morning after pills widely and freely available, when would abortion ever reasonably be justified, beyond life-threatening circumstances or quality-of-life destroying medical conditions? Under which circumstances, a doctor should be obligated to terminate the pregnancy. No one should ever have the "choice" to abort a fetus.
As much as I hate conservatives, I must admit that liberals are fucking annoying cunts.
What's your argument in favor of abortion?
>it's like,my choice
Oh wow very compelling.
>science has never been used to forward an agenda
I am against it. It just pisses me off that the most vocal people that are against it just point to the bible and call it a day.
his little charge up makes me laugh every time. it's like he's telegraphing his kick like a punch-out character telegraphs their punches.
probably cause the bible is the foundation of western culture and morals. Morals being the things that guide us, while the logic creates the morals for others to follow.
its like pointing to any philosphy.
What you're doing sounds rather petty desu.
Open season on cuckservative women, my white friend
Yes, OP knew what he was doing when he picked that image.
Honestly at what point are sex cells babies? Like right as soon as the sperm touches the egg? I mean surely we dont consider sperm human... right?
>Yea Forums - video games
Personally would say the moment it reacts to any stimulus. If something doesn't want to die, you shouldn't kill it.
If you make abortion illegal won't people just try to kill the baby themselves and potentially injure themselves in the process? If someone doesn't want to carry a child or give birth I don't think you should be allowed to force them to do so unless it's past a certain point. Ideally every pregnancy would be planned and every baby would be wanted but I don't see that ever being the case.
Where did he hit her? In the face?
Fuck off faggot im participating in the thread
Doesnt sperm respond to stimulus?
>I posted about abortion because I think the söyboy was justified in kicking a woman for being pro-life
You're mentally ill. Dilate, have sex and seethe. Yikes.
I hate fucking religion and don't believe in God.... and I still fucking think killing babies is wrong. Fucking people who kill babies for any reason other than birth defects or rape is a fucking disgusting monster.
IMO it's an individual life as soon as the zygote is created, but it's only once it implants on the uterine wall that it is dependant on the mother and removal is immoral
Any categorization post-fertilization is entirely arbitrary and no one will ever agree upon such a standard
I agree with your assessment, but I would urge you to forgo eating meat in order to be morally consistent
You eat meat AND kill unborn children, you are subhuman
I wish i could get paid to perform abortions
>If you make abortion illegal won't people just try to kill the baby themselves and potentially injure themselves in the process?
>if we make something illegal, people will break the law if they want to do this, they might hurt themselves
>If you make abortion illegal won't people just try to kill the baby themselves and potentially injure themselves in the process?
And making heroin illegal means people are going to be shooting up with dirty reused needles
Do you legalize it just so people don't do that?
>if someone doesn't want to take care of a kid they should just be able to kill it whenever, it's just a cluster of cells
Fetuses aren't children though
The question is at what point the cells are another human who's rights you can't infringe, and the answer is the attosecond after conception.
Don't want the responsibility of having a baby? Don't be a slut and don't have sex, whore.
What's the argument against postnatal abortion? Children are a net drain on society. They don't contribute to the system and only consume. Why are we denying women an important choice because of some arbitrary status of having been "born". They are still parasites, just outside of the body. Women should have the choice abort their children after birth. The only argument against this is misogyny.
jesus christ, did you manage to move those goalposts by yourself?
>all these faggots itt crying about abortion
Lmao like who fucking cares seriously? Sounds like a roasty issue to me
I forget where he actually hits her but he was trying to kick her phone out of her hand. you can hear him trying to say he was aiming for it before he buggers off knowing he's about to be arrested for assaulting someone.
Pfft doing drugs is way worse then killing babies to avoid responsibility... Why would you think any different friendo?
you cant create morals from logic. the morals that guide western society are axioms that have to be accepted and cant be logically derived. im not disagreeing with your view of the world im just pointing out that the morals dont come from logic, but from axiomatic presuppositions about the world that everyone just collectively chooses to accept because it creates a lot of good
>Doesnt sperm respond to stimulus?
good point. Guess technically speaking it would be respiration then.
Reply to every other post itt then as well cuck
>it's like,my choice
i mean, there are a shitload more reasons than this. Are you even interested in hearing them?
>my argument is Jesus
One of the worst straw men I've ever heard. Take your hormone meds.
i still think its incredibly bizarre that you are on the website where people root for mass shooters but somehow whenever you post something anti-abortion you get tons of replies with people trying to claim they value human life
>Creating an analogy is moving goalposts
I'm just recontextualizing the issue at hand
Learn what your shitty buzzwords actually mean sometime
Whatever you want to call, it all that matters is that it can suffer
Lmao imagine being this user. Why would you even come into this thread?
Argument for abortion is basically if I can't see the baby it doesn't exist yet therfore it's OK to kill it
Are you saying that nigger's brains aren't visibly underdeveloped in the prefrontal cortex?
There are so many birth control methods abortion should be obsolete.
And kicked her in the head .. that's assault. If she hit him that little faggot would be screaming up a storm
If it bothers normies then it's popular I guess.
>you cant create morals from logic.
The definition of racism was just defined within the last century. Due to the reason that racism has no basis in logic and lead to genocide of races. Thus it racism is considered immoral, and it is moral to not be racist.
In fact most morals are simply learned.
Children are some of the most immoral creatures on the planet. Once they learn consequences they become moral.
Morals are definitely logic based.
Elaborate on the "point" you're trying to make. This is already funny, but I think there's more laughs to be had at your expense.
How is eating meat not morally consistent with my post?
I was thinking more in line with people advocating for making drugs legal so people are more inclined to seek help because otherwise they would be too scared to on account of potentially getting in trouble so they never get the help they need.
Yes. Making drugs illegal is a form of mind control the government imposes on the people. Going on drugs is a choice and there should be systems that allow people to get off drugs as well. If people want to overdose and kill themselves that's just natural selection.
Its because a good portion of the faggots on this sites entire belief system is based on "triggering the liberals epic style"
It can't suffer if it isn't even conscious.
>I mean,
Stop eating onions meal replacements.
at least op's post was video game related, all you retards should fuck right off to Yea Forums if you want to talk about random off topic dogshit
>I was thinking more in line with people advocating for making drugs legal so people are more inclined to seek help because otherwise they would be too scared to on account of potentially getting in trouble so they never get the help they need.
thats why the war on drugs has been down played to a slap on the wrist with drugs.
Heroine for instance isn't legal, but they hand out needles for it.
A fetus isn't a kid. Nobody said anything about killing kids. Calling a fetus a child is feels over reals, the same way people call a fetus a "bundle of cells" which is dishonest in the other direction.
Are all the anti abortion faggots itt also strict vegans? I mean if you are against the suffering of living things....
Well, yeah, it is. The problem is kekistani men keep putting their two cents in about it
Science says it is conscious.
>all of Yea Forums is one person
>i mean
Unironically have sex
racism, slavery, women not voting being bad, and basically all progress we've seen socially in the past decade is an extension of the basic christian axiom that every human being is divine and important. this is an axiom that cant be derived logically. you can make logical arguments for why murderers and serial killers should just be killed at the earliest possible opportunity we get, but because of christianity and its fundamental axioms we have developed a society where even those people get to go through the system and to be punished accordingly. in fact, a lot of the pushing for that progress came from christian priests, the push for no more slavery being the most obvious one
This. It’s not right to deny women of such a choice.
they would become a children though.
Loved this fucking movie so much, probably only Tarantino stuff i wouldn't call over rated bullshit.
Suck the jannies cocks harder user. Maybe someday you too can clean this site up for free.
>against the suffering of living things
No they're against the ritual slaughter of children in the name of convenience.
Republicans only care about abortion because they want to control women.
They will give you the bullshit about "think of the children" while they oppose maternity leave, snap benefits, insurance, early childhood education, living wages and countless other programs that help children. All wrapped in the lie of "muh magic sky man" and some kind of 1950's ideology.
Meanwhile they take millions from billionaires who are only concerned about themselves and getting more money..
Its all a fucking sham.
I would be willing to extend an olive branch to women on the abortion thing if they allowed men equal right to absolve themselves of the child and not have to pay for or claim it.
Imagine letting this thing kick you and doing nothing about it. Why are the right wing so pathetic?
Children are innocent and human. That's more than I'll ever be able to say about muslims.
It's the opposite really
People on the left claim to care about all kinds of life, people on the right only claim to care about human life.
I may be a Christian with a religious basis for all my beliefs but trust me I got backups too. And on the topic of abortion, I think that the idiot parents who got themselves into the situation of a pregnancy should own up to their decision to have flippant unprotected sex and live with the consequences of that mistake. Abortions only further encourage irresponsible behavior in a society that already balks at the word "responsible".
>But the rapes!
Rape pregnancies are implicitly omitted from this, stop using them as a shield. Only 5% of all rapes end in pregnancies anyway.
>But the health of the mother!
No one has ever argued that abortion shouldn't be considered if the life of the mother is in danger. Typically though, a c-section is sufficient.
And by the way, how come when it comes to abortion it's "her body her choice" but the man gets no say in whether or not he wants the child? Yet if the man is the one in the relationship who doesn't want a kid, and the woman has it anyway, he has to pay child support out of his ass the rest of his life and has a social stigma attached to him.
But you are okay with the ritual slaughter of other living creatures in the name of filling your fat gullet?
I can't do that because I don't know what poster you are. Were defending abortion, or attacking it?
Give me a solid definition of "conscious" that proves it can't suffer. A bug can suffer, if you pull their legs off they will writhe in pain, suffering is near universal and easy to evolve, most animals can suffer just as much as a person.
This is copypasta, but I just realize the true reason why women support abortion because it allows them to fuck without any responsibility without any consequences. Forcing responsibility and consequences on them will be the first step to make society sane again.
And liberals are trying to control video games, anime, media in general, you know, the shit 99% of us ACTUALLY care about?
>you can make logical arguments for why murderers and serial killers should just be killed at the earliest possible opportunity we get
See now I worried you just lack morals. Because reformation works. If you know someone is going to become a mass murderer, you instead reform them to be a functioning member of society.
In fact its not even that, its like killing baby hitler. He didn't do anything. Morally speaking its wrong, but its also logically wrong because the precedent set would be insane.
Fetuses, much like babies and most animals, have no moral standing. There's nothing wrong with killing them.
Women are weaker than men, what do you expect?
>game is named like it's a game
I would be if I reasonably could maintain a vegan lifestyle. I admit it's somewhat hypocritical.
I do think it's a small step-up, however small, that the animals in question suffered in service of other life, and were not haphazardly created and destroyed at the whims of humans.
This. We must make also postnatal abortion legal and easily accessible.
what are you talking about? im talking about known murderers and serial killers, not people who might become one. are you retarded?
>I don't know what poster you are
The one that you said was not morally consistent you stupid faggot.
Great start, I'm already laughing.
yes because they're not human.
Are you not okay with slaughtering living plants to feed yourself?
Or do you only care about animals because they look cuddly?
I have this firm belief that if you eat a fetus at just the right moment it will give you eternal life.
If that kick actually landed her skull would have shattered
>hey there, fellow centrists
when you said earliest I assumed this was some hypothetical about pre-crime.
but whats the point of killing someone after the crime. All you do is incentivize criminals to keep committing crime and never turn themselves in. If the punishment is death its pretty much an ultimatum.
And thats ignoring that we could potentially reform them.
What if I oppose abortion but support all the things you mentioned?
Define "moral standing"
You're morally inconsistent because a fetus is no more developed than even a fish, let alone a bird or a mammal. You can't really defend being against killing it but okay with the mass killing of animals unless you're religous.
Women are the niggers of gender and they need to be controlled.
imagine kicking women and then blaming the political party they affiliate with
Then I know that you like lying about your preferences on the internet to look "edgy" and get people to reply to (you)
Fish don't have the DNA of homo sapiens, fetuses do.
>but whats the point of killing someone after the crime
are you fucking dumb or what? thats the natural state of a human being. if someone kills rapes and kills your daughter you fucking murder them out of hatred and revenge. thats how people work naturally. they dont do that in our society because we have built a good society based on good axioms. the point is that those axioms arent natural logical conclusions of being a human being. the natural logical conclusion of having your daughter raped and murdered is killing the murderer, not letting strangers handle him and having him potentially getting away free with his crime
>Let me tell you what would be really convenient to me for you to believe
Are all pro abortion faggots itt also in favor of killing liberal trannies? I mean if you are in favor of killing anything that inconveniences us...
you were a fetus once, it's a shame you made it through tho
As much as a goalpost move this was, yes you unironically do legalize heroin to stop people from killing themselves from heroin
It worked in Switzerland
what is public school
what are state funded orphanages
what are free meal programs
There are people who literally grow up as objects of the state.
This isnt a based post so please remove this picture
Banning rape is women trying to control men.
They will give you bullshit about "THATS HORRIBLE" while they oppose loli, android waifus, hot titty girls in video games, and masturbating in public and countless other stress relief that help men. All warpped up in the lie of "Muh feminism" and some kind of 1970's ideology
Meanwhile they take millions from Soros who is only concerned in rotting the country from the core
its all a fucking sham
"Blacks aren't people"
So you're entire world view is based around whether something has homo sapien DNA? A corpse has homo sapien DNA, your blood and jizz have homo sapien DNA, should those be protected too?
>if someone kills rapes and kills your daughter you fucking murder them out of hatred and revenge.
thats quite illogical of you. The deed is already done.
Are you volunteering? Keep in mind I'm strongly anti-abortion so you WILL have that baby, no excuses.
Fetus literally means "child (offspring)."
They ever catch this guy?
>won't people just try to kill the baby themselves and potentially injure themselves in the process
I don't see the problem with roasties mutilating their insides.
If the babies going to die anyway the mother deserves to feel the consequences herself instead of having some indian doctor cut the baby up with the chainsaw and wonder why he needs to see a psychiatrist 3 times a week
Romania made abortion illegal 50 years ago, it didn't work out so well for them.
ok dude
i know he got fired from his job. not sure about whether or not he was convicted though.
>a goalpost move
Analogies are not goalpost moves
Why does no one understand what that term means
That was under the commie government right?
>caring about the third world
No, they just gave him probation, because almost nothing is criminal if you're attacking the Right.
>game has "inspired by *memegame*" in its description
LoL Auto-Chess
>game is named like a toy or a board game
Don't Starve
>game is named after the "intellectual" premise
That Dragon Cancer
>game is named like a book or a movie
The Stanley Parable
also, roundhouse kick guy was based, fuck christcucks who attempt to force their moral jurisdiction of a philosophical gray area onto others and create more poor families
Yeah, it also a pretty christian government at the time too.
>you are not pro-life because you don't want to have money stolen from you that will to go towards government programs that forcefully replaced community funded schools and shelters.
Those are the ones I hate and screams that you have no fucking vision.
I thought so. It was called "national communism" right?