League of Legends vs Dota 2, which game is better?

League of Legends vs Dota 2, which game is better?

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Both are fucking amazing. Play both.

play them and find out you retard

neither is better

league is faster paced and easier to learn
dota 2 is slower and requires more skill

Dota 2

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Why do faggot dotards spend so much time thinking and posting about League of Legends?

They're constantly seething because even though their game is better in every single way, it's not as popular in the number of players or in twitch viewers

its the same with Yea Forums and reddit


It's different with Yea Forums and reddit because redditors constantly come to Yea Forums to post garbage and steal memes and screencap greentext

League players will say it‘s dota
Dota players will say it‘s league
League watchers will say it‘s league
Dota watchers will say it‘s dota
The real answer is WC3 dota

what's the problem?

league of legends
dota 2 is just clunky

Both games are free and run on a toaster, it's all about preferences really. League is more about mastering mechanics (kiting, orbwalking, skill-shots, predictions) and Dota it's about decision making and critifal thinking.

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HotS was better than either of them, shame Blizzard gave up on it.

No it wasn't retard, kill yourself for having such a massively retarded opinion
I'll make sure to floss on your grave




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Pick your poison
Dota is without a doubt the better game, but it takes a lot of investment for that to really shine

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>League is more about mastering mechanics (kiting, orbwalking, skill-shots, predictions) and Dota it's about decision making and critifal thinking.
Meanwhile Dota's mechanical skill requirement is still far higher than LoL's

Ah yes the game that's mysteriously unpopular when it's better in every single way

It really wasn't, it was so fucking dumbed down from the formula that it barely qualifies as anything more than a shitty mobile game for normalfags and it's beyond me how anyone here defends it

I really tried to give Dota 2 a shot but the turn speed makes everything so sluggish

same, its just too slow and floaty
even the projectiles are slow as fuck

not really

I played a lot of HotS so I'm not sure why you're linking a video to me, especially one that seems to have been from five years ago. Anyway, I don't care about "the formula" (whatever that means) or how dumbed down it supposedly was. It was fun, fast, and accepted that these are team-oriented games. It had its low points like the warrior meta or the OW heroes that never felt like they belonged in the game but it was nowhere near as boring as the other games.

You fucking niggers keep making this thread, comparing it a thousand times wont change thr result, DOTA2 is superior in everyway except of player accessibility GET OVER IT LeagueBabies


>and accepted that these are team-oriented games
It took emphasis away from the team element as much as possible though. It was only "team oriented" in the way tug of war is.

hots is great but has too little room for playmaking
you depends too much on your team because of team-wide level system
if one of your teammate decides to be shit and dont soak a lane you'll be at a disadvantage and you can't outlevel the enemy unless your team is better
it gets boring fast because of this


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>implying dota player gives a fuck about muh views on twitch
go back reddit and re sub on twitch kid.
the communitys who loves to watch other e cleb play games are mostly children.


>that BKB usage
fucking 3k trash

spics will argue

imagine actually having taste this bad

Imagine sleeping on a great game because you listen to Yea Forums memes

>dota 2 all heroes unlocked
>league pay to unlock heroes or grind, never have the new OP champs when they get released

Hots is an abomination.

I played it during its entire life because I have friends who liked it, it sucked ass and that's exactly why it died

It's still alive user

>all heroes level up at the same time
>no items

xp communism

you're actually still coming in here and repeating this shit?
do you play games?

>streamlines unnecessary shit out of the game
>"but I want that unnecessary garbage even though it doesn't add anything!"

Dotards don't play anything, not even their shitty dead game
They just spend all day posting on Yea Forums about how great Dota is

>items that give your hero new abilities are unnecessary

big yikes


>he missed the train

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Think about it like this
LoL roasties got so mad about DotA people posting the "Bulldog watches LoL grandfinal" video, that they reported it to riot, who then had the video removed

there's really not much else that needs discussion

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>leaguebabs think memedog is remotely relevant
No one gives a shit what that washed up sentient twitch chat says. All he's good for is containing the 10k retards that are addictes to twitch memes.

>When a 5 year old video still stomps out any possibility of a fair chance at LoL-lite

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>heroes are so weak they need items to supplement them
HUGE yikes

Keep saying it

he's completely right though

>I posted a picture of a no-name Dota player and a Dunkey video, that'll teach you

Imagine have so little as a defense against the actual content and points of the video, you resort to ad hominems in a vain effort to remove the accuracy of the statements

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>play on lowest settings
>"woah this game looks like shit"

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Barely, Blizzard officially announced that it's on life support and they axed its comp scene

Imagine treating a Dunkey video as gospel
"Dunkey is bad at this game so that means the game is bad" is literally your argument here

Both are casual retard bait games

league's lowest settings look good
why can't hots?

The fact that you think that's the argument, just reinforces the "nothing has changed in 5 years" overarching statement

Bulldog is a fucking moron. He managed to fuck up TWO times getting to TI. He defended kuku then that blew up in his face. He can't go 5 minutes without sperging out and shouting twitch memes. He has a hero puddle. Even fucking loda is going to TI9 while memedog will just stream it from his hovel.


>The fact that you think that's the argument, just reinforces the "nothing has changed in 5 years" overarching statement
But the game has changed a lot in 5 years
The thing that hasn't changed is you, posting the same video over and over for 5 years

Perfect description of dotards, yes

because it has prettier "painted" map textures and doesnt use the shitty starcraft 2 engine

>doubling down on ad hominems
Cool, does that somehow make his commentary on the grandfinal of a LoL tournament any less true

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good job proving my point

>friend that is obsessed with dota recommends me to watch pro games
>some fag pauses every 5 minutes because they need their mom to get them a new mouse
>same few heroes picked nearly every game
>matches can take over an hour even though the winning team has been steadily in the lead since minute 5

I guess it makes sense now that this shit only exists literally because people were too bad at RTS games

This sucked major dick before but the kikes at Riot are more generous with the freebies for new players now. And you can easily save up for the newest champions if you actually play the game.

so HotS just looks like shit
alright thanks

>giving a flying fuck what he thinks
Make sure to subscribe to his channel you fucking nigger

Look at how the LoLbabbies squeal user, it's scarcely worth an effort anymore. You give them more mechanics, they call it unnecessary, you give them a better map and more juking positions, they call it confusing. you give them videos that have 1 or 2 very pronounced points, they resort to name calling and dismissal

Hell, even these threads serve no purpose apart from league babbies a chance to do something in between their dead game's matches

it looks good when not playing on low settings
the starcraft 2 engine lightning is ass when playing on low settings

you spelled dota wrong
in dota you wait for a match longer than you actually play

The fact that you can't tell the difference between him stating a fact with information provided, versus an opinion that will always have a bias, just makes me glad you are on the LoL side of the fence

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Imagine spending 10 years impotently yelling "LoLbabbies" while Dota 2 isn't even the best MOBA on Steam

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As someone whos played both at high levels theyrr both good. Theres room for two mobas.

Unfortunately people love to be tribal and pick a side so theres no way to have an actual discussion because both sides refuse to budge on their opinions - i believe its because they have invested hundreds and hundreds of hours in their choice of moba so they cant fathom invalidating it by conceding even a little to the other side

>you have to be a leaguebaby to hate memedog


Only if you're like 9k mmr, which i highly doubt you are.

it's a very popular reactionary image

>2 seconds apart

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Personal preference. League is better if you prefer fast reflex-based action. Dota if you prefer more slower strategy-based action.

no, but only braindead retards can't distinguish facts from opinions
braindead retards also love the most simple and straightforward approach to anything, aka LoL
So it's deductive reasoning

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In the current day dota is better
League used to be but after 2014 it all went downhill with the map update

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new yorick is cool tho

Dota was always better

Fuck off you dumb nigger, don't you dare call that bargain bin nasus Yorick.

>Dota was always better
Preference is subjective, no need to waste time trying to assert superiority to reaffirm your belief's.
LoL isn't even the same game anymore, its certainly no longer a game worth playing.
Basically what happened to world of Warcraft is what happened to league.

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literal retard

>Pre 7.0
Dota 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> League

Dota 2 >>> League

>Modern Day (7.22)
Dota 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> League

Pre 7.00: Dota
Post 7.00: League
That is a fact

I will never understand
The kind of casualization and shit that happened in 7.0 is still absolutely fucking nowhere near the level of it that's in LoL and continues to get worse with every update

You cannot play modern Dota and think this. 7.22 is one of the game's peaks, as someone who's been playing since 2006.

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t. someone who stopped playing at base 7.00 and can't comprehend the fact that things that were wrong with 7.00 have been fixed since then

they're both horrendous

here's my unowned hero list for dota:

Lol is not a BadDota anymore but Dota after 7.00 IS BadLol
Basically some time ago (i have no fucking idea i wasn't following it until current year) LoL found it's niche and playstyle while Icefrog decided that Dota, the game that had a decade+ core should be more like it's competitors LoL and HotS, so he added and changed a lot of unnecessary shit
Oh hey dotard, the game is faster now! You don't need to go to the fountain, you have a moonwe... i mean shrine! Now EVERYONE scales, even mages! Ypu don't ever fall off! Supports get so much gold just by existing! Heroes are getting homogenised! Fan favorite heroes are not gping to get nerfed because they sell skins! By the way skins are breaking the visual consistency of the game! Etc etc etc
If only Icefrog would instead copy actually meaningful things from LoL like good UI

7.00 was just Icefrog upending the teatable because the 6.88 meta was near perfectly balanced. His whole life is balancing the game so he just fucks everything up when he gets bored.

>Minus respawn time talents
>Shrines in the base

Those were particularly awful, but that's something I can respect about Icefrog. He's not afraid to try something completely stupid and then simply remove it if it doesn't turn out for the better. Many developers do stupid shit then try and justify it instead of fixing it/removing it.

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>Oh hey dotard, the game is faster now! You don't need to go to the fountain, you have a moonwe... i mean shrine! Now EVERYONE scales, even mages! Ypu don't ever fall off! Supports get so much gold just by existing! Heroes are getting homogenised! Fan favorite heroes are not gping to get nerfed because they sell skins!
Literally all of this is wrong

I forgot the "recall" button being implemented for TP but it's a good thing
I just wish there was an option to autobuy tp when you are on base

I play DotA as my main game because I like it more but I play league once in a while for a quick game. The games feel completely different so it's fun to try it out once in a while.
Heroes of the Storm was complete and utter garbage though. League at least has some fun heroes to play but playing HotS felt like trying to cut through butter with white bread.

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This reads like a League player desperately trying to downplay Dota by randomly shouting 7.00 changes.

The game is 'faster' only for supports, who were absolute fucking garbage tier beforehand. Now it's actually possible to get more than just brown boots and wards as a position 5, while the curve for a core is still mostly the same. Even then, most games as a support you're still poverty tier. It's just now if you have a nice start you can actually do shit in the lategame that can really mess up the enemy cores.
Shrines have a fucking 5 minute cooldown and are really only used a handful of times in a game. Going back to base is still the main method of refreshing your hero.
>Fan favorite heroes not getting nerfed because they sell skins!
Ember just got a massive nerf in the latest patch, right after getting an Immortal item
>Heroes are getting homogenised!

The only thing you're even partially right on are the skins. Most of them are fine but shit like Bird Necromancer overstep some lines for me.

This pretty much. Even the ranked system is a copy of league now. What's the point in dota ranked anymore when I can just play league and more people will recognize my skill.

>A non name Dota Player
>Fucking Puppey
See now i know you're memeing, that's the god damn President of Estonia

a common mistake Dotards make. LoL was always and still is the better game.

Le brown boots stick support wasn't a thing since the 2014 or something, i played mostly pos 5 yet very rarely had matches like this
Now supports are just swimming in gold and having FREE XP just from the talents

All Dota players are no-namers

fucking based

you obviously never played pre 7.00. You'll never know what it was like you piece of shit. No old dota2 fags would say this you lying piece of shit.

>entire position is fucking worthless and barely uses one of the main functions of the game
>working as intended
I'll never understand dotards.

That's rich, coming from spot 55

>milking money from Pcbros and still not even as well-known as even minor-league LoL players, let alone guys like Doublelift

League players get most of their money from salaries. Faker is earning 5 mil a year lol.


Even bang average players like Impact is earning more than 1 mil/year. That site is so meaningless.

>this much cope
i bet you think the TI money is charity too

>i bet you think the TI money is charity too
No, it's a gambling pot, lol

What do you mean charity? It's made up of Dota 2 player's buying passes right? That's cool and all but it doesn't change the fact that LoL players still make more from salaries alone.

is there any information for this type of pay grade? all teams in Dota, CSGO, Paladins, OW and on all get salaries, but the earnings are what make it stand out.
it's the repeated ability to get top positions, thus top pay

the only thing i like about 25 hours of dota 2 is ability draft. The only thing i like about thousands of hours on League is Aram and URF.

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I've played all three to different degrees (HOTS DOTA LEAGUE)

League- My Main MOBA. High diamond atm, the game is fun but is fucking horrendous. The balance team is horrible. Champ designs are getting dumber and dumber. They've removed a ton of skill from the game to make it easier to pick up (which imo it already was really easy to start learning).

Dota 2 - Barely have played this. But I absolutely believe it's superior in almost every single way. It's amazingly complex, but so complex I'm too intimidated to really learn it. I've tried several times but there's just so much to fucking learn. I don't know if I want to learn another MOBA that's way more complex than a game I've been playing for years. Every game feels more fun than I've had with league in season though.

HOTS - Holy shit this game was fucking awful. Anyone who actually liked this game besides just casually playing it with friends and fucking around is a retard.

For Dota 2 salaries are very small. Almost all of your income is going to come from events. Especially placing high at TI. There are very few organisations that pay six figures.
In League almost all of your money is going to come from salaries. Like Faker who was 55th on that site. He's won more tournaments than anyone, yet he's still only gotten 1.2 mil in prize money. However as mentioned above, he's earning 5 mil/year.
To draw a parallel. Team Liquid is one of those few orgs that pay six figures in Dota 2. In LoL they pay seven figures.

I can't really speak about CSGO, I don't know how it works there. In Overwatch the salaries are 50k minimum, but I think the average is around 100-150k. So better than Dota 2 salaries, but they obviously don't have the same event prize pools.

dota is just lame.
at least u can duo queue with e-girls on laegue as your support while you play draven and commit jihad on the enemy botlane.

What am I looking at here?

Noxian Jesus dunking scrubs

Neither, both are shit

well you're a low IQ retard imo. aram and urf is for morons.

you know what they say about opinions. Too bad yours is especially shit.

Oh I forgot to touch on the Chinese LoL league. The money there is insane. You're actually getting paid like a top tier athlete in a top tier sport (football/soccer, basketball, baseball). But you can't take that money out of China, and no Western player is likely to play there either, so you can probably exclude them.

Dota 2. Period.

Depends on your age actually.
Over 18 > Dota 2.
Under 18 > League.

League of Legends is a fundamentally shit game. Dunno about DotA but I like HotS.

I live innawoods have have shitty rural LTE internet.
for me, LoL plays without any issue, dota spikes and lags.

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What's the driving force to win a top tier tourney if your pay goes unchanged and everyone, from #1 to shoestring bottom, all get a fat check?

Aside from glory, you will naturally be able to negotiate a higher contract based on your performances. Especially if you perform well at a big tournament.

sounds somewhat appealling, but i've seen what "momma company" does to players, i need only see Overwatch's first 2 seasons on OWL

Hots, because it's now finally free from that esports meme shit.
And it also has best ass

I think there's definitely some truth to that. For example Korea has for almost all of LoL history(up until last year actually) been on top. However the salary there has been really shit compared to other regions. So back in 2014 China bought up as many Korean players as they could. Some went to North America as well.
We're talking World Championship winning players here. I'd say around maybe 70% of them just dropped off the face of the earth. It was clear that a lot of them just went for the cheque and had no will to compete any longer.
The ones who actually became good were mostly young players who hadn't won as much.


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Can't wait to see the day when this fatass pendragon traitor dies from heart disease

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Dota - Dead
LoL - Alive

Best moba coming through
fuck epic
fuck fortnite

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League is falling apart. They're going wild on ads. Big sign. DotA will always be sustained as long as Steam is a thing. Valve is smarter than Riot it's just a fact.

based morello dabbing on the autistic dotard

it had actual graphics

>League is falling apart
lol no

There are more League of Legends ranked players in Brazil alone than the entire Dota 2 playerbase.

Seeking players = Lacking players

oh hey I made this one
I still wish I put a "for no reason" after "killed her parents" because the lore did not give a reason

I enjoy Dunkey but this video just shows he went in wanting to shit on the game and didn't bother to even try to learn it.

>stopped sharing player numbers
>started buying ads
You are wrong, sorry

You're seriously stupid.

nice outdated meme

>advertising means you aren't attracting enough customers
By this logic Coke, McDonalds, and Walmart are all about to go under because they run ads like crazy right?

>nice outdated meme
yeah that's probably because it was made like 9 years ago retard

If Coke, McDonalds, and Walmart hadn't been advertising for the past 8 years and suddenly started, then yeah, it would mean that
Nobody can be this stupid

everything in your pic is outdated, like most of the other ones you posted to try defending your shit game

>Assblasted lolbabbies thinking anyone's making an argument with these and not just dumping them out of 2012 moba shitfling thread nostalgia
Imagine being this stupid
All these images are outdated and I'm not the one dumping them

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The ranked numbers are public. The game is growing almost everywhere still.

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Character design in league is absolute garbage and generic.
League hasn't nearly as much changed over the year than DotA. The amount of cope lmao. You got to be a retarded shill not to know. I've only met mouthbreather defending them this hard. Smart people just admit they don't want to commit into a way harder game to handle or leave their friends.

they're shitting out reworks for older champions every 2 patches but yeah it hasn't changed

The game died with 7.00

>The game died with 7.00
Everything that was wrong with 7.00 had been fixed since then
Stop with this shit, try actually playing the game again

I kinda agree with this. I've been playing Turbo in Dota 2 recently and I'm enjoying it way more because you CAN'T stall out matches where you're stomping hard. Towers have so little HP that you'll win in 15 minutes or less. I can't stand normal matches anymore where we'll be losing so hard with no chance of comeback, yet the match still lingers on for 40 minutes or more because the enemy team refuses to finish the game.

>green orc, red orc and violet orc is not generic

League has better waifus so it wins

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Dota for gameplay, LoL for cute kemoshotas

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>generic dollar store """"hot anime girl""""
>good waifu

If it ain't broke don't fix it

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DotA, because it lets me pretend there's actually a good Warcraft moba on the market.

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>posts a casual baby game for retards


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Fizz is cute

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Superiority complex

Havent played dota 2 yet,
By in terms of lol there are 3 hobbies you can have related with League
1. Playing Solo q ranking
2.Following Solo q ladder

>league introduces quality of life improvements
>dota2 removes them and calls it "high skill cap gameplay"
>people fucking eat it up
Imagine if someone complained that starcraft 2 lets you control more than 12 units at a time, or that what made CRPGs good was that their controls were clunky. Oh wait, people do both of those things because ever since the invention of progress there have been people tripping over themselves to argue why "it was better before".

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and yet old gangplank still had a billion times more character than any dotard hero

I only play normal draft

>League introduces
Removing the ability to micro or even see other units isn't quality

+ half that in wc3, the last few patches are some of the best

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I don't understand dotards, none of their heroes are original they're literally just copy pasted warcraft 3 mobs
Broodmother in particular (from that pic) was a giant spider mob that even had the exact same name


As someone who hasn't played Dota in a long time, and who loved the older versions, is it still worth getting back into? I never liked the talents, wells, or the atrocious comeback gold changes. Was that stuff ever balanced out?

I'm willing to give the new changes a try if they are in a good state.

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Comeback gold is pretty swingy but nothing compared to 6.83 days, shrines only exist outside of base and only serve as mid saves, counter initation points and rosh contesting tps. All the death cooldown talents got removed.

It's probably the best it's been since the gold rework though.

In what way does the faster of the two games "remove" the ability to micro? The only thing I can think of you might be talking about is creepy denying, which nobody actually enjoys.

Fizz is very cute.

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after going through this thread and seeing the constant asshurt from dota players, im gonna have to say league

I come to this thread to laugh at dotards
t. exdotard

You never played dota lol. If you did i guess you arent that good of a player. Removing creep denies would be like eliminating wave dashing from melee, rocket jumping from tf2 it adds depth i dont expect you to understand when the most important thing discussed in lol generals are k-pop skins

absolutely based and blizzardpilled.

Lol micro is sometimes meant to manage all your units. You need to lurk a bit more or play other games desu

LoL isnt really faster paced really. It is in the first 20 minutes of the game for sure. But dota with blink dagger is much more mechanically demanding


gnar is cute too!

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Why yes, I played DOTA 2. how can you tell?

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7.21 was the best patch I've ever played, 7.22 is one of the worst. The new aghanims upgrades makes it obvious icefrog no longer works at Valve.

because you look like a russian


ability draft is the only fun mode i'd never play a moba where I can't draft my abilities

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What happened in 7.00?

dota changed, like it did countless times before, lots of the changes were arguably bad and uninspired but it was pretty much balanced out by 7.07, right now (7.22) dota is the best it's ever been

when i type dota in lol it gets censored
but when i type lol in dota my hero laughs
that should tell you enough

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you didn't switch nasal goo to ur q and fatal bonds to your w. Shows you're a fucking shitter

This meme was never true

which part?

"Dota" is not censored in LoL

dota has infinite times more strategic depth not only in drafting but also in actions during the game, because of it's hero and item variance
league is way more shallow, but more action paced and places a bigger focus on reaction times and mechanical skill

so really it boils down to what tickles you fancy
this post is fact anything else is wrong
>t. 5k hours dota, maybe 100 league

>STILL playing mobas
Why are you doing this to yourself

>kiting and orbwalking in LoL
Is this some bad joke?

it's censored in SEA


What? ADCs are super reliant on kiting?


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>Dota after 7.00 IS BadLol
I don't agree with that. It's gone to shit for sure, but not in a way that makes it a bad version of LoL (and I still don't think it's nearly as bad as LoL is)

>He's not afraid to try something completely stupid and then simply remove it if it doesn't turn out for the better.
Nothing Icefrog has ever said makes him out to be the kind of retard who uses the live client as a testing bed for shitty ideas.

Valve devs on the other hand...

Morello knew his shit. As soon as he left the balance was fucked to hell.

Both are good games, but both also have the absolute worst kind of communities that expect you to have intimate knowledge of the game from your very first match and will flame the fuck out of you if you do not perform well.

A new player needs to go in with the attitude that he is going to get shit on constantly (both in gameplay and verbally) and just not give a shit. LoL is arguably the worse game in this regard since it actively empowers people to tell Uncle Riot on you and how you picked "outside the meta" and get your account temporarily suspended.

neither, they're both equally shit

>DotA will always be sustained as long as Steam is a thing.
Just like Artifact right?

Saying a third of the issues introduced in 7.00 were fixed is more than generous, and this is not taking into account the issues that were introduced afterwards (and yeah some other changes were interesting and potentially good, but they are relatively minor). The core design problems were almost untouched and in some instances, worsened.

>Imagine if someone complained that starcraft 2 lets you control more than 12 units at a time
One of the reasons Brood War is far better, even for new players. But surely you already knew that, right?

Yeah and acting like it requires mechanical skill when you control one unit and there are no turn rates is comical.

yeah, If riot stops paying them salary nobody's gonna play this shitty game

Cool. You should go ahead and show the world how easy it is then. Top the rankings and get picked up by a team. Easy money right?

Reminder the RTS genre fucking died because Blizzard sucks and killed it with their incompetence, and not because Dota/League made mobas popular
Can't wait for (You)s from retarded blizzdrones

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And dota professionals wouldn't drop the game were it not for the tournament earnings?

You realise it's not Riot directly paying them right? It's the orgs themselves.

>the absolute worst kind of communities that expect you to have intimate knowledge of the game from your very first match
That's not true in my experience. When I started out I first played in a party with players who weren't new, and soon after I played solo. When I played solo, I'm pretty sure I was matched with other new players, and when I played with a party we were matched with more experienced players, which is sensical. One time, I played on a smurf and noticed that I was matched with other smurfs (and AFAIK the game has a good smurf detection system). This leads me to suspect that what you say is generally false.

>and there are no turn rates
And how does that make it easier? You have to be much faster. Everything in dota is so slow, you have a lot of time to react.

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Ironically enough, Valve are funding like 90% of the Dota 2 pro players' earning through tournament money since the Dota 2 salaries are relatively low. Riot aren't hosting nearly as many tournaments to be more than a tiny fraction of a LoL pro's earnings.

How young are you boy?


>My anecdotal experience overwrites the sentiment that the general populace has of the genre

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Please try coming up with a more original argument. You're especially stupid because I never claimed anything about the game's skill level as a whole, so congrats on being deserving of a gold star of the 1940s kind.

But you said it requires no mechanical skills? Are you saying you're so bad you have literally no mechanics whatsoever? You play Dota bro! You should be able to crush League with a blindfold on!

>No turn rates
>Can click on enemy, instantly fire off an attack and then instantly continue moving

>Turn rates
>Click on enemy, turning takes a moment, then you fire off the attack and then you have to turn again to continue moving

Gee, I wonder how the latter could take more forethought and execution to not fuck up!

No one's going to care if you do something pants on head retarded in a normal game. If you're going to pick Teemo support and sit mid just draining exp all game(something that's obviously fucking retarded) in high elo, people have a right to be mad, because you're intentionally ruining your team's chances of coming out with a victory.

Dota fags sperg way way harder about playing "outside the meta" in my experience, in League I've never really had anyone ever mention it

No, you dense motherfucker. My experience leads me to suspect that newbies are matched with newbies unless they're partied up with experienced players, and that they rarely get matched with smurfs.

Also you and the ten other loud retards crying about peruvians don't represent the sentiment of the general populace, and sentiments are not necessarily grounded in truth even if they are shared by numerous people. This is some pretty basic shit and it saddens me to realize you'll be allowed to vote in a few years.

That's what all of the Dota nobodies did.

Attached: dota and lol.jpg (1595x1800, 768K)

Why aren't more Dota nobodies doing it? Instead of earning next to no money, they could become God-tier League players and earn enough money to comfortably retire for life. Are Dotards just inherently dumb?

Retard, can you even read? I have said absolutely nothing about the mechanical skill required to play LoL.


Do you realize no turn rates are the sole reason there are no melee carries in lol?

Nigger please, it is pretty much common knowledge at this point that MOBA communities house the most toxic motherfuckers in the industry. Trying to claim that that is not true because you did not encounter any is placing far more weight on your personal experience than the experiences of literally hundreds of thousands of people which, in its own way, is really fucking vain.

It is true that new players are matched with new(ish) players, but that does not guarantee those players are not assholes that will not berate you for making a mistake.

Same reason you don't become a rich YouTuber even tho it's so easy.

imagine being such a retard that you think everyone has the same hotkeys holy shit im embarassed for you

Because it's not easy? How many famous youtubers are there? 400? 500? 1000? How many people do you think have failed at becoming youtube famous?

no, the game is just so boring nobody who knows how to play a better one actually wants to play it for a living
and getting a decent placement at TI, something you can fluke into even if you're dogshit has you set until next year

This keeps being brought up but no one ever explains what carry means in this circumstance. I'm assuming it's something arbitrary.

carry means the kid who cries for the first 15 minutes so he can win the game in the last 15 minutes.

If you become God-tier you can earn more in a yearly salary, than you would've if you won TI every single year. Especially if you're Chinese.

Yes, but TI is one tournament, user.
All you have to do is fluke your way through qualifiers and there's always one really easy one (EU this year).

>dumbed down no-turn-rate

It's a core mechanic and some heroes even work around it, like Batrider with sticky napalm. Being unable to turn around fast is something that you always have to consider.

>What is muscle memory of playing a hero.

Doesn't matter what hotkeys he plays with, its about consistency with abilities with hotkeys. Imagine playing AM with blink on q would feel like a different hero

for the first two games with your new binds, yes.

I don't think you realise how insane these salaries are. Top Chinese pros earn more in a YEAR than what Kuroky and Miracle have earned in their entire careers COMBINED. Literally 1 year of LoL and you're set for life. They'd have to be retarded to gamble with Dota instead. Like actually retarded.

Then why would you not make it easier for yourself when playing ability draft, unless your a retard who hasnt built up muscle memory

based and skillshotpilled

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But in this example you do utilize muscle memory, because the entire point of the build is to use Goo like you would use Quill Spray, putting the Fatal Bonds on the Exort hotkey is obviously correct as well as if you look at the exort ability of various heroes, you will find a trend that it is often something you use only rarely with a relatively long cooldown or it is passive.

I do agree with him. The only thing that is worse is Night Stalker. It wasan amazing rush to play him back in 6.8X and not know whether you snowball hard from the 4 min mark or not.

I don't think you realize the burden of playing a game you don't want to play every day for 14 hours straight.

If those soulless chinks can suffer league for that long, that consistently congratulations, but a real human can't really do that.

Everything being a skillshot is neat on paper, but even the slightest latency makes playing ranged physical carries an uphill battle.

That doens't make it that much harder. Kiting in general isn't that good on dota. Where in league you have to kite well, otherwise they will close the gap and kill you easily. Also in dota they don't have that many skillshots, it's mostly point and click, if your are a good player you can dodge most of it in league.

If you're that good you don't need that much practice. The current best support in the world was injured for like 4 months, didn't play a single game, came back, styled on everyone and won the tournament. If Dota players are as good as you say they are, they should easily be able to replicate that.

The point is that you do need that much practice, because it is most likely mandated by the contract in some form, if you consider Korean Starcraft, which is something of a model for how players approach esports, especially in Asia.
You have to play your games. And if you play something you don't like you're not winning big even if you are good at it. And if you're not winning, you're not getting paid.

I have and honestly pre-7.00 had many flaws and ONE major positive point that was negated by the memeback patches.
Dota used to be really snowbally and really, really 1 vs 5-y. You could both win by snowballing hard, but also by simply ricing hard. The game was simple to understand and easy to play.
Dota today is a different game, both because people got better, but also because the actual way you win the game is far more abstract than "kill everyone and that's game"

And honestly modern dota is far more interesting to play, precisely because it requires you to play with discipline and to use your brain. It is also far better and nearly every modern hero, except one, is interesting and well-designed.

>Kiting in general isn't that good on dota
m8 if you are against a Sven (the most popular carry at the moment and objectively one of the best cores in the game) you better pray that you can kite him through bkb or you're fucking done.

Absolute fucking bullshit. TheShy(a Korean World Champion on a Chinese team) would famously fuck around and play 4fun game modes instead of actually practicing and playing ranked.

>If you're that good you don't need that much practice
The only reason why you are that good is because you have that practice. If you stop even for a day it's very noticeable at the highest level of play.

He's still playing the dogshit game, no?

play ability based hunters and/or git gud

Both games have auto attacks that are guaranteed to land (some phasing abilities notwithstanding), and auto attacking is what you do most when kiting.

Also, you claim that without turn rates you have to kite well or your opponent will catch up to you. Did you consider that that goes double for turn rates because your opponent is bee-lining to you while you have to stop and turn twice every time you attack?

DotA 2

>So the LoL chinks are earning more than $2M per year just being on a salary?

I highly doubt playing garbage game modes that doesn't actually help you practice counts as "playing the game" if it was somehow forced in the contract. Ridiculous argument.

But that shouldn't be a big deal since Dota players are inherently so much better that even nobodies could come in and clap the very best League players at their own game right?

I can perform moderately well with ranged carries, but it is a bit frustrating that I have to compensate for latency with each and every attack while the enemy Bakasura just jumps in and holds LMB.

They earn way more than that. 2 mil is NA money. The top Chinese players earn like 10 mil or more.

>m8 if you are against a Sven (the most popular carry at the moment and objectively one of the best cores in the game) you better pray that you can kite him through bkb or you're fucking done
Of course knowing how to kite is always good. But in dota they will always catch up faster and you you lose a lot of dps because turn rates make it that much slower. In league you also don't have bkb and blademail to help you. You can flash but so will they, and they will probably have dashes too, wich aren't that common in dota.

>tfw sweat like crazy even when playing unranked league
>barely play it because I need to take a shower whenever I do

how do I gitgud at both? Friends will only play league but I like the feel for dota2 but suck ass at both. Is sudoku the only option for me at this point?

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Just fucking look up some guides or some shit


Okay, kids.
Time to tell you the truth: Dota is the best competitive video game.
It's also much harder than any Dota-clones.

Attached: DOTAGOD.png (405x85, 6K)

Why is Dota so beautiful??

All hail Dota. All hail Icefrog.

Heroes designed to be weak in the early game and reward you with godlike unkillability if you and your team managed to protect them till the end.

how do we genocide the middle east?

>But in dota they will always catch up faster and you you lose a lot of dps because turn rates make it that much slower
again, if you do not kite a hero like sven or ursa through their bkb you just lose

So Yasuo, Master Yi and Tryndamere then

set ur antivirus to gamer mode

it that was all it took to raze everything east of Constantinople to the ground I'd have done it a long time ago.

based 6kbro

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zed, talon and rengar can literally instakill a ranged carry

its still slow and boring
I don't care if its harder or whatever, I have nothing to prove, I play games to have fun


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why are you so mad that I prefer league?

Leage memes are absolute dogshit

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>requires you to play with discipline and to use your brain
I got to admit, you almost had me